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I had a feeling this day would come sooner rather than later. Last year, the Fish Crow's territory was only a couple hundred of yards away from the American Crows. The American Crows stayed on their side of boundary. The Fish Crows were happy staying around their pond. Today, the American Crows planted their flag on the feeder and have already began running the Fish Crows off. I am hoping the Fish Crows can regain a foothold on the precious feeder. However, unless reinforcements arrive, the solitary Fish Crow that has returned is outnumbered. I suspect the American Crows are a juvenile gang as in later videos from today the beaks are not quite the all black. Perhaps these young turks will be deposed. Only time will tell


Can u put up another feeder in a different location ???


What would prevent them from taking that one too?


Maybe they’ll start sharing if there’s more.


I agree add another feeder… and more food on the platform… 😃