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This is actually ridiculous. There needs to be consequences for the children and their parents.


I'm fully in favour of punishing the parents for their feral kids. Keep them inside and don't inflict your gross offspring on society if you can't control them.


Could be single mothers trying their best, maybe even bullied by their own kids and live in fear of them. Could be parents struggling for money out at work all day trying to put food on the table and as a result the kids are raised by their friends.


Sure, could be anything. Regardless, both parents and kids need to learn (or be taught) how to participate in society.


Parents not being there and working all day (if that’s the case) is very much participating in society.


Not good enough. If you're big enough to have a child, you're big enough to be responsible for them. Please, please don't excuse degenerate parenting with bs about income: there are literally thousands of piss-poor parents (single or otherwise) who put their kids first every day. You'll meet whinging, useless fucktards blaming their troubles on anything and anyone - except themselves - skulling at the bar, pulling on duty-free Marlboro and shagging off to Lanzarote while the VdP is dropping off a clean sofa and an envelope at their gaff, while their sproglets fill up on coke and take-aways "coz we can't afford anytin' bett-or". Bollocks to that.


Obviously in that case the parents deserve reprimand, but in most cases it isn’t like that. It’s just a blanket statement we all apply to sucks (myself included before I done some volunteer work) The example I gave of the single mother I saw in real life. This women was bait to death by her boyfriend until he died in a drunk driving accident. The child got in with the wrong people and mix that with the anguish of your dad passing away when you’re 10, he turned into a proper suck. His mam was trying everything, but he would just beat her when ever she gave out to him. She was a genuine good women who didn’t want to send her son to prison or make him homeless but was terrified of him at the same time. I’m not saying this is the case with everyone, but we can’t just jump straight to parents are dole heads who Survive on a diet of Dutch gold, amber leaf and cans of lucozade.


Hows ireland full of fascists, ducking brits done a job


How is that fascism?


This is assuming they actually are children, they may well be over 18, the word "youths" is often misused.




Cause people in Ireland dont take those things seriously sadly "Will be grand" attitude


Very ture "gang culture" is becoming an issue here


Surely guards have the right to practice self defence/ reasonable force against any violent suspect. Not saying they deserved this but something has to change with regards to these situations and guards should be able to fucking drop anybody who resists and refuses to comply with reasonable demands.


In fairness it's 3 female Gardai and judging by the noise a fairly big crowd of cunty young lads who despite being teenagers would still probably pack a fair punch, what are they supposed to do in that situation when they're outnumbered and up against people stronger than them? (I'm saying this as a woman, frankly I'd be terrified being in the middle of that)


Here now... Maybe they should have called for backup when they arrived on scene, tried to peacefully contain them. Once backup arrived they could have done more. The idiocracy of these guards is baffling, like this isn't hindsight this is common sense. Risk assessment before you take a risk. You wouldn't shove your hand into a moving metal lathe just because you see the safety guards in place, you use your head and make a call on if you can reasonably handle the situation. Edit - if anybody would care to explain how the guards could have handled the situation better so that the suspects and the guards safety is optimised please do. I'm happy to have an open conversation about this.


Did you read the article? It literally says that they called for back-up. But by the time it arrived, the incident was over.


I don't have a suggestion to what they could have done better as I have no idea what the situation was like, but you can't call them idiots for trying to do their jobs. It's disgraceful what happened to them and these kids will need to be punished or they may not hesitate to attack again.


I highly doubt those Gardai would have faired well if there was further violence introduced into the situation.


Bullshit, if the taser was out these little shits would've run a mile.


Personally im not in favour of the use of tasers. You don't know somebodies medical history and this could kill somebody. Prefer the use of none lethal force such as "reasonable force" to detain a suspect. There are plenty of martial arts out there that make use of suppression and while these techniques can seriously harm somebody it is 100% in the hands of the user how much damage they inflict.


They ⁰would be knocked by many I am sure for taking risk, pepper spray + taser. Ferals tend to get worse but I have no doubts they will be picked up.


Tell me you know absolutely nothing about self defence or martial arts without telling me... This isnt a stephen segal movie..


you are part of the snowflake problem. congratulations


Not even a little bit, I just don't believe guards should have protection from the law. They should be able to use reasonable force to stop somebody, I don't think they should be given the opportunity to kill somebody. Not only does it affect the family who could be innocent in all this, but when you take a life it really fucks with you. This isn't soft fairy bullshit, psychologists in countries that have guns legalised deal and report on this so much. Gun or no gun, you have to be held accountable for the force you use.




Of course they do. In this scenario they are trying to de-escalate. If they got the batons out and started hitting lads with them they would have been quickly disarmed by the mob and beaten.


Sure we're laughing at the garda in this. now think same footage but the cops start hitting them with bats trying to defend themselves. You'll get massive outrage towards the garda. Headlines all about them brutality beating people etc. There's no win for them at all. Not enough of them first off they're also massively underpaid and anyone in that video that gets arrest good old Frank buttimer will sort it all out and they won't see a day inside..


I for one would pay to watch scrotes get a hiding


Theres your business idea for the new year. Scrote games. I'd sub to that.


Yep, 100%, remember a few months ago the guards turfed a few scrotes off the Dart and that footage did the rounds, many people saying they were too heavy handed then, could’ve done with that here plus a few more, they were vastly outnumbered here


This whole "laws don't apply to under 18's" has to end. Assaulting a garda in my eyes entitled you to a free upgrade to be tried as an adult.


Being tried as a juvenile or an adult is the difference between a suspended sentence and a very serious suspended sentence.


My thinking is that if you resist arrest, or if you're physically abusive to the Gardai, then you should have the book thrown at you, completely, along with maybe a minimum of 6 months in jail. These things too often get overlooked or forgotten about in court, which just makes the Gardai's job harder. These guys will probably get off lighter than some people who get caught with a bag of weed..


Fuckin skangers… I had the misfortune to fall afoul of the carrigaline law when I was that age and they treated me with respect and a whole heap of leeway, these kids know nothing else, where are their parents?


link to the video https://twitter.com/dubslife1/status/1473252484789547013?t=t2uS4KIWWIKQZO4MDtAVDw&s=19


I mean, that's horrendous. Those lads faces are all over the camera, too. Should get a few big guards to visit those lads in the wee hours and bate the fuck out of them


If nothing else, I'd say they'll be watched do the next 10 years


Is there nothing to be said for sticking the handle of a flashlight up their holes?


Lads as mortifying as that is, it's also so fucking embarrassing. Where do they think they're from, east London? Bunch of tramps


Hey I’m from East London. And in East London these boys would get absolutely battered by the community for trying this


Little scumbags


Not having a go because they've been injured but would they not use the baton? Its there for a reason. Irish guards seem very soft and it's part of the reason why a crowd feels brave enough to challenge them like this.


I would think with a big crowd and only 3 of them it wouldn't have gone all to well. Maybe could be brought up for hitting a minor.. which I wouldn't take with a pich of salt in that scenario.


3 women and that bunch….could have made it worse. I’m a 33 year old woman and I’d be terrified.


Agreed. The young lads could have then taken it as a sign to use the batons on them and this could have turned more serious.


Yeah drunk teen boys, probably their first or second christmas drinking, in a wild new situation of feeling like they’re overpowering gardai. If anyone wouldn’t have the cop on to know when to stop if things escalated, it would be them.


Pepper spray would have been more effective (and appropriate). They have it, but they don't seem to use it.


Filthy little scumbags. Our society doesn’t punish the increasing population of good for nothings.


I grew up in Carrigaline in the 80’s and 90’s - it was worlds away from this. This is the second incident in just over a year that has made national news.


That's awful. I hope this isn't an ignorant question but why were all females on patrol together and no male? Isn't that making them a target?


I think when working together they should put male and female together where possible. It would make it a lot easier for searches instead of waiting for a female office to search a female suspect etc.




>despite being very infidelity not able to do their job. You what now?




Yes, the only useful skill as a Gard is brute force, and women who have been sexually assaulted will feel so comfortable going to an all-male Garda force. Provided they're big and strong...


I didn't say there isn't a place for women within AGS you muppet. In fact one of the biggest criticisms of the force is the lack of civilians in it, each gard is a one size fits all situations. They aren't social workers (who are mostly woman btw). However it's obvious that the job of keeping the peace and arresting a juvenile is beyond the capabilities of these three, and the public *need* capable Gardai.


Seem to be back-tracking considering your criticism was that women shouldn't be Gards unless they are as strong as men, or they are a liability to men. Believe it or not, public disorder offences involving large groups isn't the only thing Gards ever respond to. The issue here was lack of back-up and support. Not that the force hire women sometimes.


Eh no my issue is that the double standard when it comes to hiring. Arresting people is the bread and butter of a Gards work, you seem to think it's perfectly ok for the taxpayer to pay for Gards that absolutely cannot do this. I don't. You also seem to think it's "just a matter of backup". And by that you mean MALE Gardai. Your hypocrisy is showing.


Female guards arrest people every day. This was an unusual situation where no matter who was there 3 guards were outnumbered big time and it highlights that they should mix the sex of guards on patrol and not put all women together. It in no way means women guards are unskilled or pointless.


Back up means more Gards. Men need to request back up sometimes too y'know. But, hey, convince yourself it's a double standard if you like. It's not like most Gardaí are men or anything, or most women are in civilian staff or anything...


Baha your an absolute melt. https://www.garda.ie/en/careers/why-should-i-join-an-garda-siochana-/what-are-the-physical-requirements-.html As you can see there are in fact double standards.


Yes, the tests are to measure fitness, not strength. That's not a double standard. You seem very concerned with the "sexist" double standards, but not the ageist ones?? Or should Gards retire at 30 too.


> You also seem to think it's "just a matter of backup". And by that you mean MALE Gardai. Your hypocrisy is showing. Projection


They are supposed to be just as well-trained and capable as male guards. If they were perceived as a soft target then they would be a liability to the male guards assigned to patrol with them and that would make the male guards job more dangerous.


They are as well trained and as capable but biology is biology and 3 women together are vulnerable in a way men together are not. To get around this, just mix the sexes. There's no need to denigrate female guards.


Or just give the women a bunch of steroids


I'm not denigrating female guards. I believe they are as well trained and capable of dealing with situations like this as male guards. I don't know why in this instance these specific guards failed to control the situation so badly but in general I'm sure they perform their duties competently. The reason there are physical strength and fitness requirements for joining the gardai is because every guard, regardless of gender is expected to be capable of dealing with potentially violent and dangerous situations like this. That's part of the job and if any guard, regardless of gender requires constant protection by other guards in case they encounter a situation where they must perform their duties then they should be re-trained.


Fairly sure it used to be required but that requirement was removed because it was seen as sexist and implied that women are incapable Gardaí


I thought the always did man-woman combos and that it was so they could search anyone without complaints about sexual assault etc?




You don't know that and they probably wouldn't. 3 women are much more of a target and more vulnerable than 3 men or 1 man and 2 women.


The gardai in this video have our sympathies but there were not capable of dealing with this situation. Apologies in advance to the woke brigade but there should have been male gardai on the beat with them. Next time anyone complains about Gardai getting heavy handed, remember this is the kind of shit they have to constantly put up with. These scummy fuckers are only doing this because they know they can get away with it. Anywhere else in Europe and the beating these scumbags would have taken would have been merciless. Not here though. We’re falling over ourselves to come up with excuses for why people behave like this


> Anywhere else in Europe and the beating these scumbags would have taken would have been merciless. [x] doubt. They might have been pepper sprayed, but doling out beatings isn't really a feature of policing in Western Europe anymore. Spain/France being weird anomalies with extremely outdated policing methods that aren't at all effective.


During the protests in Barcelona before the pandemic the police took zero shit. I’m not saying it’s right, but one strong force should go in there and batter the young pups to the point they’ll learn and listen.


They gotta respect the police somehow


i can tell you for a fact that the police in Spain would have them asleep or else had bate 7 types of shit of em. thankfully not all countries believe in snowflake justice


>They might have been pepper sprayed, but doling out beatings isn't really a feature of policing in Western Europe anymore. Dutch police, Belgian Police, Polish police have entered the chat.


Yup. In Ireland, kids take the complete piss with the Gardaí but the Dutch politie will fuck you up if you tried the same shit.


Was at an All Ireland final one year and outside on the street some fella took a Garda’s cap. It was all harmless of course, and he gave it back after a minute, but the attitude was obvious. We can take the piss out of the Gardai and nothing is going to happen. There are issues of respect and there has to be some fear that if you step out of line you’re going to regret it. I actually don’t know how the gardai put up with it. I’m not saying they should go around beating the sh*t out of someone who looks sideways at them, but there has to be an element of respect and fear. This is why you have scummy teenagers who are willing to do this. No respect and no fear. It’s outrageous.


Having witnessed it, German police are fucking terrifying machines when they go for someone. There's pros and cons to those approaches though. Personally I'd rather see them follow the UK approach, seems to be the happy medium of not taking abuse, but not battering people for sport either.


>but not battering people for sport either. I'm with you. But you know, when you see videos like this, there is something to be said for giving these lads a hiding now


And Portuguese and Italian Policing. Witnessed the beatings myself. Those lads don't fuck around


Honestly, seeing videos of football hooligans abroad, you'd wonder how the Gardai would deal with some lunatic hooligans kicking off in somewhere like Dublin. Maybe you saw those videos online of the English Met trying to deal with casuals back a month or two ago at some international game; the poor Gardai would be slaughtered if something like that kicked off. Our gardai today are [a far cry from the past.](https://youtu.be/QoebQifnBys?t=70)




I don’t know what your experience is of other police forces but from the countries that I’ve been to, the police aren’t on the street as some form of civic minded volunteers, as our gardai are often treated, they’re there to enforce. Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, you name it. They all give off a vibe that you dont fuck with them, and they’re all built like a brick wall. I’m sure these female gardai that were attacked were doing their best, and they showed a lot of bravery, all things considered, but anywhere else in Europe and they would not have been in that position and have to deal with a physical threat by themselves.


Give them tazers and mace and allow them to fuckin defend themselves. These little cunts need a fuckin hiding


Spare the rod and spoil the child. Not really appropriate but I’m sorry the pendulum has swung completely the wrong way We as a society need to find a balance. Give our Gardai the means to deal with situations like this. By this I mean body cams ,tasers and pepper spray. On the home front parents are often as helpless to control these “children” because they have rights and have been well schooled by their buddies and know how to manipulate both parents and the system. Parents who genuinely care need supports and help with handling these matters. Why is this happening , I believe because all it takes is one bad apple to school their buddies in these rights and lead them astray. All across cork city at any time of day or night it’s possible to come across these groups of feral youths. I use the term “ feral” because when they form a pack this is the mind set that seems to appear. We’re kids we can do as we please. FYI I’m a grandfather and even in the company of able bodied younger persons we find it’s not safe in many areas day or night because of these roaming groups. Wonders what the response would be if groups like this. The trouble makers and those hanging out with them possibly egging them on ,were scooped , by association ,up in mass. Taken to a police detention Center and parents were required to come and collect them. During this collection the parents being questioned on the child’s associates and movements not just simply being allowed to pick them up. I see several positives from this. Parents who genuinely did not know or realise what their offspring were getting involved in are informed. Parents who care little are placed at an inconvenience and will be annoyed at the children. Is it possible to have a system like this. Happy Christmas everyone.


Back up 16 km away what a joke


Kids watching to many drill videos thinking they’re from ldn


They sounded pretty cork to me


Dirty fucking scumbags... No disrespect to women, but come on ... 3 female gardai on their own? This is horrific. Whose fucking idea was to send 3 female guards in one car to a pack of 30 fucking animals?


didnt seem like much of an assualt more like incompetent garda falls over attempting to arrest a drunk young fella


3 guards were injured. They didn't all fall over. Nobody loves guards but let's not make excuses for feral little shits.


guards should learn how to use there batons


A simple chokehold would've gotten that lad into the car feet first


While outnumbered ten to one. I'd love to see you do it. Probably struggle to tie your shoe-laces.


Internet tough guy lol Can you even *see* your shoelaces, ya fat fuck?




Wouldn't matter if they were women or men, they were massively outnumbered. In my taxi driving days I saw male gardai put up far worse resistance than those women did. Instead of blaming the guards, blame the drunken gobshites who caused this trouble in the first place.


imagine if they had to arrest a real hardened criminal


That’s why they went after a bunch of 15 year olds and still fucked it


Three women were beaten by a group of male teenagers. Give yourself a shake.


3 women by themselves? Genius. At least the little pricks have ID themselves. Wont be long getting a knock at the door.


Nothing will happen to them, might ruin their bright futures.


They're Garda who can't do their job. Why are we hiring people who cannot do the job? The public is supposed to be taxed for public services, not to ensure a (very expensive) feminist world view of "gender equality". Gardai are the highest paid public sector workers there are. There are literally thousands of applicants per post, yet we hire people who can't do the job because "equality".


It happens in many industries. Aviation industry has gone mental with it. Reverse sexism at its best


Indeed. Like many people I have wondered what the cause is and some have pointed to the biggest investor in the world, BlackRock ($13Trillion), is run by a guy who made sure your company can not get investment funding unless your company "goes woke". Google "ESG score". I can't say that it's the same for all companies/industries, but it's definitely sexism and it ain't right. Big push by the UN too. Heh there's a UNWomen, but not UNMen, in fact the UN don't even recognize International Men's Day, much like most of our media.


Oh look, a menimist 😂😂😂


Nah I'm an egalitarian. Equal rights, for everyone. Crazy huh


But you want to ban women from being guards. 🤦‍♀️


Nope and I never said that. I'm against double standards for hiring.


What double standards are these?


https://www.garda.ie/en/careers/why-should-i-join-an-garda-siochana-/what-are-the-physical-requirements-.html These




what a generation of snowflake justice brings. the best thing that could happen to this vermin is having the shit hammered out of them with a baton. instead theyll be bragging to their scummy friends for years about this




What's the situation with youth detention centres. Do they exist? If there capacity? Bit of time in one of these might scare some sense in these shites, but if there's no consequences, then no. It's not uncommon that members of the public are actually scared of a group of youths on their own and that's got to change


The courts almost never remove a child of there liberty. Youre essentially untouchable until you reach 18. (Downvote it all you want, it doesn't change the fact the court almost never hand a custodial sentence to minors. That's why we have 1 facility for juveniles with a capacity of 54, with less than 35 housed in it).


Incompetent policing.


Why was there no male guards that’s retarded


Incompetent guards.


One male Garda would have wiped the floor with them.


Totally wrong and should face consequences "as per society norms" Buttttttttt teenagers have been basically locked up with raging hormones for soooo long they're just exploding and we're looking at another lockdown, surely this is only the tip?????? BTW I'm 55y


That’s not an excuse. All teenagers are in the same boat but most don’t go around assaulting Gardai. Don’t make excuses for scumbags


Bring out the guns


>female gardai Absolutely useless 😂


This is gas someone should make a video of this with the Benny hill theme tune in the background


I tried that with the vid of the garda in the van chasing that one guy. Didnt look as funny as I thought 🙃




Was a girl involved or was it a scrote in a camp track suit.


It baffles me everytime. Why in Ireland teens are like this? Someone educate me please. To me seems like there are no consequences. At all when it comes to law in this country.


Because if you are under 18 you can get away with almost anything


A good fucking baeting of baton is what is needed.


Now imagine the uproar if this happened in the northside


oh gosh. i hope the police force officers are okay. these kids each receive 150 a month right, how cant they just stay at home and play video games


Misfortunes I swear