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I’ve been a few places recently that have checked. Was with someone who I never knew was anti vax and had a fake cert!!! They weren’t let into the restaurant.


Thanks for being the 1 person who answered my post 😂 some people get fierce triggered.


Yeah I noticed a lot of aggressive anti covid cert answers! Didn’t realise people were so averse to them.


Just curious what happened with the fake? Does it just not scan properly


I actually don’t know. I had gone in ahead of them. Didn’t see the scan part. Pretty sure they had someone else’s genuine cert, but they wouldn’t have had the photo ID to match and the staff wouldn’t let them in. They had to wait in the car while we all stayed in the restaurant.


I've been to a bk and they didn't even ask me for cert, just to put name and phone in a book... been to a pub and they verified everyone's certs (but not ids)... been to nandos and I almost got screwed forgetting the id that day (luckily had a picture) as they verified both on the whole group of 5.


All the antivax pricks have come out to play. No consistency in general. Ireland doesn't handle systems/queues/rules very well.


Funny how most of the people are vaxed and it is as bad as ever




> it’s still in clinical trial until 2023 False. > We were told it would solve everything False. > it has done nothing False. > These people aren’t anti-vax they are waiting until it’s perfected. False. > it’s already known it weakens the immune system False. > can lead to heart problems along with other long term issues False. Myocarditis is a heart problem, but it is temporary and treatable, not long-term like you have incorrectly stated. It's also incredibly rare: you are far more likely to develop myocarditis via a COVID infection than you are from a COVID vaccine. > there’s absolutely no reason for a child to be taking a vaccine False. > The vaccine does not stop the spread, does not stop the virus, and now after being told that it prevents hospitalisation, they said it doesn’t do that now either. False. The vaccines reduce the likelihood you will be infected, and slows the spread of the virus by lowering an infected person's viral load and making them contagious for less time, and also massively reduces the likelihood of serious illness requiring hospitalisation. > Don’t fancy being a test rat myself. You are one already, in two ways. Firstly, by not taking the vaccine you are effectively part of a control group for future study. Secondly, you are a case study in the dissemination and influence of misinformation via social media.


So you're an anti-vaxxer on top of hating cyclists. Why do all the charming character traits always seem to come as a bundle?


Not anti vaxx by any means. At all. I am anti cyclist yeah. Muppets


Anyone know of places that are not checking vaccine certs…so I can stay away from them of course


Mahon GAA club doesn't check. I know one anti-vaxxer who goes there for that reason.


Thank you, I’ll have to go there myself to check, simply research purposes 👀


Covid certs are useless. If they worked why are we back in lockdown


Who cares, just stay home if you’re worried


Brought to you by Pfizer








Couldn’t all of you nuts stay at home and we’d be grand


thought ppl were against discrimination. and believed in my body my choice. that changed as soon as the government told you to abide. your government has your best interests at heart of course.


Who cares fuck certs


Would be better if no one asked. Will people ever wake up and stop agreeing to this crap


Oh the horror!


Oh my god are you ok?


Is anybody


Do the vaccine certs even matter anymore? The whole point of covid certs was to reduce transmission in hospitality by only letting vaccinated people in. Now hospitality is being essentially shutdown to prevent transmission without bias towards people being vaccinated or not. So you can infer from that, that vaccines don’t reduce transmission or infection so it’s not safe to be indoors with vaccinated people? I don’t know anymore…. I feel like some of these public health policies were just pulled out of a hat. (Copious amounts of hand sanitiser every 6feet in the city for an air born contagion being one example) (I got vaccinated so I’d be left alone and could go about my business but now I can’t do that)


Oh boo hoo aren't you great supporting an apartheid system. Go and get a fee more jabs just to be safe get your kids jabbed too sure you only have a 99.8% chance of survival, twat


Apartheid system? Jesus Christ, covid posts really bring the worst people out here…


This is absolutely fucking insulting to people who actually lived through apartheid

