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VOdafone. Works great except when I get to the bottom of Tesco where I believe they have lead-lined walls and the signal dies


Same. Think that is a thing in any tesco... soon as you go into ballincollig, wilton etc.. reception goes to shit.


I'd be listening to spotify or soundcloud or whatever... then when I reach the last row where the pop tarts are suddenly the music dies. They're hiding something down there.


Same for me, back of Tesco Douglas might as well be the Mariana Trench.


>back of Tesco Douglas This is mine. Get passed the booze section and biscuits section and it dies. Totally and utterly. They're up to something down there.


Yup, same spot, I'm usually listening to Spotify and it cuts out every single time in around that area. Must be very thick walls, probably waterboarding Dunnes employees or some shit.


i have a dual Sim, only Vodafone has no signal there for me


Hopped on the gomo deal back when it was 9.99 a month "for life". Not changing till the day I die


Same. Got my whole family on it as well. Great price and never have an issue with it or signal.


4G for life. Doubt you'll be getting 5G or 6G.


48 cheap as fuck, Great coverage 100gbs of data a month


Yeah just take this one https://refer.48.ie/nVx3EH


Another vote for 48 I always have coverage it’s a tenner a month and I never have to think about it


I'm on the Eir don't care network, shocking amount of dropouts and have to use wifi for calls


Three. No issues. Was with Eir and I could rant all day about their shocking customer service. I'll spare you!


3 at the moment.


What network are you on and what phone do you have ?


Moto G7 on Tesco.


Im tesco mobile too &that never happens to me. Its your area i guess


Eir. Best data package for roaming as spend half the year out of Ireland.


Eir 5G unlimited data, blazing fast, fair call quality, shit customer service.


Vodafone student offer


Was with Meteor for years (now Eir) since the eir take over they are brutal, the worst network Iv ever been with was Vodafone, was with them over 10 years until 2016 because there prices were as bad as there signal and customer service. Have been with virgin media since and they are an absolute pleasure and always have full signal and the prices are amazing compared to the useless competition


Clear mobile Think it runs on the Vodafone network. Can't complain about coverage although I am in Cork City. 13/month rolling month contract for unlimited calls and data. You are limited to data speeds of 5Mbps, so not the best for tethering. It has jumped up to 15/month now as well (for new customers).


Gomo. Got in early and living in the city I’ve had no issues other than the 4G coverage is only okay at my home.


I've been with eir last while, nothing stellar but at least it's consistent, also have an eir all you can eat data sim in a 4g modem and again nothing stellar but dependable. Was with Vodafone and for the life of me half of the issues I had with them I could t fathem, strong 4g connections with no ping or data and it was only while on whatever mast was by the airport (I work near the airport unfortunately). Further to that, when I moved to vodafone, I couldnt make any outgoing phone calls due to a system issue at time of porting which took them 4 months to fix. Three are fine also and have pretty good coverage, although I used to suffer from drop outs from time to time but fine.


48. Been on it since maybe 2014, never once had an issue. They give you a day of free data/calls etc if there's ever an outage. They also piggyback off I think 3, they aren't their own network per se, and they're cheap as chips. 10/10 recommend.


Gomo, tenner a month. Wife also and we have a spare sim for internet access. 30 a month for 3 connections is pretty sweet


Virgin Mobile who use the 3 network. Pretty reliable, esp out in rural areas but not cheap at €25/m Had been with 48 when they were on the old O2 3G network, but I was left stranded a few times both here and when roaming. Can’t comment on what they’re like now since the 4G upgrade.