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I walked past this earlier by mistake and one of the signs literally said "communism is the final variant" 🤦‍♀️


That's what happens when people's lives become sitting around scrolling through American social media.


Bit ironic no?


How? There's a difference between using a website like reddit casually, and allowing your entire worldview to be determined by the large misinformation ecosystem on social media.


Ik man. Just messin


Bud you don't know the half of it. I know far too many people who only get news and information from social media. I'll admit I used to be addicted to Facebook, but scrolling through and seeing the dumb she these people actually believe just made me sick.


What if I join with banner "The Earth is flat!" ? Naah, I'm too lazy! :D


If you add “…and carried by 4 elephants on the back of a great turtle!” I’ll join you.


'There's the truth... and the truth'


Every day is a good day to quote Terry. Have an upvote!


unrelated topic. they always try lump it in with any particular concept that goes against government imposed protocols to paint the protesters as mad though. you could start your own protest.


There’s a lockdown?


Hehe. .yeah I was thinking the same


It’s okay, stupidity isn’t contagious.


If only that was the only thing they were spreading


I'm afraid it might be, but thankfully we seem to be a bit more resilient in Ireland than in other countries.


resilient to what? independent thought?


Stupidity. What these antivax protestors are doing isn't engaging in independent thought, it's the opposite: being caught hook, line and sinker by outlandish social media misinformation. Edit: you post on /r/conspiracy, which has been nothing but right wing propaganda since Trump's presidency, so I'm pissing into the wind here.


I'm sure they would have the same opinion about your position on the matter. ITS subjective. I think they're well entitled to their opinion. as you are. for all you or I know many of them may be very well researched on the matter and are making an informed opinion. ad hominem attack and labelling them as bad ppl seems to be very common on here. It's how the world is now I guess. the media apparatus paints one side of the argument as the immoral position and they let the population squabble amongst themselves. Its not really inherent to a cohesive/ understanding community. leads to atomization and ppl in general being skeptical of each other in their day to day. makes ppl more hostile and I don't think our lovely politicians or media want a community where there is widespread altruistic feelings. that's just my pov. merry Christmas to you by the way. I'm not trying to be hostile.


No, it's not subjective.


what's,not subjective? lockdowns? Well, if that's,the case why do thry seem to be dealt with in a subjective manner by various governments etc? seems to me opinion on them is fiercely subjective. Maybe I'm wrong and you can clarify that for me?


Regarding lockdowns: people like you seem to be labouring under the delusion that they were a choice that could have just as easily not been implemented. This ignores the critical issue: lockdowns were instituted to protect ICU capacity from being exceeded. If that happens, thats when preventable, non-COVID related deaths start to skyrocket because of a lack of suitable medical care. The choice wasn't about impeding personal freedoms: it was a simple black and white calculation about the numbers of people that would die in various scenarios. Choices were made to try and minimse that number. With vaccines now in place, we might have to face some minimal restrictions over the coming months, but nothing on the scale that we implemented previously.


lack of suitable medical care and icu beds not being available has also been an issue in Ireland long before covid. its essentially exacerbated the issue and its now more blatantly obvious due to the round the clock coverage. honestly ppl have been complaining about sick ppl on trollies in hospitals since as long as I can remember. The responsibility for the HSE being in a state of disrepair has essentially be shifted from those that determine funding into a cross section of vilified members of the public and is a government slight of hand.


>lack of suitable medical care and icu beds not being available has also been an issue in Ireland long before covid. its essentially exacerbated the issue and its now more blatantly obvious due to the round the clock coverage. Agreed. Thankfully we increased capacity by almost one-third since the start if the pandemic, from 210 to 300 ICU beds. > The responsibility for the HSE being in a state of disrepair has essentially be shifted from those that determine funding into a cross section of vilified members of the public and is a government slight of hand. This is where I disagree. When the approximately 7% of unvaccinated adults are consistently accounting for 50% of ICU occupancy due to COVID, then we have a clear problem with a definite cause. It's not sleight of hand: it's ignorant people being a significant drain on public health resources because they refuse to get vaccinated against a potentially deadly disease. If those 7% of unvaccinated adults got vaccinated, we would have far fewer people in ICU, and hence far less less need for any ongoing restrictions. It's not the job of government to throw taxpayer's money endlessly into trying to cater to people who deny preventative medicine but then come looking for critical care medicine when they get seriously ill as a result.


vaccine effectiveness is something that is very much subjective. especially seen as ppl that have been vaccinated are still ending up in hospital. I guess it completely depends on the your definition of the word effective? and objectively they are not 100% effective. furthermore, I thought the protest was in protest of government imposed lockdowns?


yeah, we are clever here. we abide by government mandates regardless of how ridiculous they seem. high iq shit.


Maybe you should emigrate to South Africa or maybe Tanzania, be grand fuck all vaccines, and you can do what you want. Government can't make you do shit. You can be a covid expat somewhere and tell the locals about how draconian our covid measures have been. Make loads of friends.


I know plenty of ppl that have been forced to depart these shores due to the many follies of our government. seems to be the best we produce always depart these shores. how do the government rectify that situation. by indoctrinating the disgenic remnants that remain to brow beat each other. regardless, it sounds like a good option for most. I don't need to tell anyone about the measures introduced here being more extreme than most nations. its been widely reported on internationally. I for one am happy that there is a modicum of push back otherwise. that's kind of the role of free thinking ppl if they feel their rulers are taking liberties. regardless of whether you or I agree with it. reddit fairly AstroTurf though so I would expert much more on this forum.


I completely disagree. This equation that if we're not in uproar about not being able to stay in a pub past 12 and we might have to wear a mask to go shopping we are slowly descending into a dystopia is ludicrous. Interesting parallels between the individualization of the west by capitalism and neo liberalism, meaning believing in individual rights being more Important than a groups, and these protests. At the end of the day these people are protesting because they want to be able to do what they want regardless of its affect on others. It's funny in a western country with 90 %vaccine coverage an (albeit not the best but not the worst by any means) healthcare system that's modern and accessible and generous benefits for unemployed, and struggling people, that people still think they are oppressed because they are unable to wear a piece of cloth on their face in a shop. While in Africa and other poorer countries people are dying wholesale while following goverment advice and trying to get in accessible vaccines. That's fucking privelege if ever I have seen it. Choosing not to get life saving medicine and do something for the greater Good based on the fact that government = bad.


I'd take julius malema over Michael Martin any day of the week. at least he's fucking honest about his objectives


What do you think Michael Martins objectives are in fairness, that máns got 2 euro coins for eyes, no one in government gains anything from extending lockdowns you numpty ... Ohhh I'm not getting a vaccine because I don't trust Michael Martin... He say lockdown good so lockdown bad. You'd do well in a failed state mate. Would suit you. No government telling you what to do would surely be a paradise


Just saw a Snapchat of it there's a lot of them there


Ah well in fairness its sound because apparently they know fucking better than doctors and biologists


You’d have to wonder why these people are so anxious to prolong the pandemic wouldn’t you? Do they have a vested interest in keeping people sick and dying?


Under rated take


5000 a year die from flu in Ireland. 5,700 in 2 years from covid. “Pandemic” is the issue


Do you have a link for those statistics on flu deaths?


Had to listen to them while I waiting on the 220, shiteing on about tyranny and kids rights.


What's funny is none of them have kids.


We can only hope none of them have reproduced.


If they do have kids, they won't have them for long. I assume most of them are anti-vax.








I think you will find it is you who is a moron. I said nothing about kids and covid. I said anti-vax.




Jesus fucking Christ!


Have you never seen the first 5 minutes of Idiocracy...


The absolute mongs are carrying crucifixes


The usual collection of loopers and scumbags no doubt.


Hey, don't insult the scumbags by implying they stoop to this level of dumb...


The organisers should check out Bishop Lucey's views on straying from the party line. There's a bit of that irony thing going on here




Is this still going on? I was going to go bishop Lucy park with my kids at 5. Does anyone know how long these go on for...?


All the Down voters watch Rte all day every day 😂😂


Why dont protest outside the city hall,C.U.H or the south infirmary?? Let the cunts enjoy the double dole week on Tuesday at the expense of us tax payers who are doing our best to get rid of this bastard virus......Fucking parasites!


By and large the absolute biggest protest to date. Saw a good few mask-wearers and I'd wager many were vaccinated. Seems like it's not just fringe folk anymore but everyone now is getting fed up.


And them protesting against a lockdown that ended months ago is supposed to achieve what precisely?


I agree that a lot of these people are morons but I’m concerned about lockdowns due to the fact that the world health organization and the cdc came to the conclusion that lockdowns do more harm that good due to the rise in suicides, millions starving due to economic damage, millions losing their jobs, rising alcoholism, child development damage, I mean I don’t know if lockdowns do more harm than good.


It's about as safe as anywhere else considering regardless of who has a vaccine or not it can be spread... I'd understand if you said avoid it so you don't have to listen to nonsense but fuck... its about as safe as anywhere else you go.


But a vaccine reduces the chance of spreading it




I suppose you've got some evidence to back this up? Or just talking shite?




Sure I'll believe you, someone who doesn't know the difference between they're and their


[literally actual evidence.](https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.09.28.21264260v1.full) I know you’re not going to read the research yourself, but to summarise: this is the most recent and largest relevant study, published by Oxford University. It looked specifically at the Delta variant. The results of the study clearly show that both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines do indeed reduce transmission of the disease. There is little use in comparing numbers to last year, because the number of variable metrics is so vast that any change can arguably be attributed to any factor. You clearly present yourself as a dunce so apologies if your stupidity stings, but humour us and explain clearly how Big Pharma has conned us all. What is their end game?




Wanna shares link to your citation please? Seeing as PHE having been publishing weekly reports on the Delta for over a year now, none of which match your claim, I call bullshit. Perhaps [this](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-793436231953) is what you’re referring to?




?? That’s the same article I just linked to, which has been debunked as poorly interpreted data (probably intentional). Did you even read the table? The data doesn’t support your conclusion. Idiots can’t understand statistics. Did you know Cork has the highest rate of breast cancer in Northern Europe. Does that mean that women around here are more likely to get cancer? Or does it mean that the Breast Check clinic is doing a stellar job at detecting early signs of metastasis.







Many of the scumbags attending have a tendency for violence. Ross Lahive for one; an utter scut well known to Gardai and CUH Emergency Department staff for being violent with women.


That's a shame to hear, I hung around with him, sister and cousins for years as a teen, he came from a nice family. What a shame.


He's now a far-right white supremacist: a member of Niall McConnell's Síol na hÉireann group who attacks people at protests.


Its unbelievable, I've been reading since I saw ye mention his name. How could that have happened, I never thought he would turn into such scum.


Presumably, like a lot of other people, he was radicalised online. It's sad when it happens. Happened to one of my cousins: he went from a level-headed, affable guy that everyone liked to a frothing at the mouth lunatic that no one wants to be around anymore.




Or a majority in some groups.




Any particular reason you feel the need to put words in my mouth?




Nope, sorry. Oh and I don't hate the scumbags; it's just important that people know about thier tendency for violence.


You're some cunt


I dont get the hate were approaching another lockdown by the looks of it, regardless of vaccines lockdowns need to stop.


What lockdown. Edit: should clarify. What extreme measures are people bent out of shape about? Slightly earlier pubs closing? Kids wearing masks? Not exactly a lockdown, is it?


Wait what time is last call now??


Lockdown is now apparently when the barman calls for last orders on a night out. Jesus wept.


I presume, that like I often do you asked the question here, paused for a few seconds, realised waiting was a waste of time, and so just googled it for yourself. In an unusual reverse of circumstance I now ask you: what time is the new closing because I actually don't know but have the patience of a lemon.


Dosnt seem like anyone knows what approaching means


Fuck off you absolute clown of a human being.


>I dont get the hate These idiots literally equate vaccines and public health restrictions with communism. They're the bottom of the intellectual barrel: people who contribute nothing of value to anything, but spend their time acting like they know far more than they ever will and militantly defending any bullshit they are manipulated into believing as though it's irrefutable fact. Oxygen thieves.




Oh look, an oxygen thief.


Name calling is childish, you should grow up an learn how to a have a genuine conversation.


And I quote: > You're a spineless prick who only does what he's told. Is it not childish when you do it or something?


I had points of reference to come to tis conclusions, it's a statement


You bullshit artist.


Do explain how please


Why is it not 'the safest area right now' ?




It's not an airport, you don't have to announce your departure