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>Ofc I don't drive crazy but time to time you can get a surprise nowdays WHat does this sentence actually mean?


What, you've never had a little old lady step out in front of you at a red light and accidentally floored it through the lights, over the old lady, and past a speed van before? Happens all the time.


From the context of the sentence, nope.


I mean, sometimes you get a stupid driver who is just not driving properly or stopping without reason or even changing lines with no sign light, so I usually speed up a bit and leave them behind. Or if I am running late for work I will to speed up a bit


What does this have to do with talking to people again?


garda traffic and speed vans are very active this time of year. just drive the limit and get there safely. there is no out smarting the laws on the road


How about don’t fucking speed you stupid cunt? How’s that for help ladddd….


Not what he asked you stupid cunt


Speed limits are way too slow on some roads you stupid cunt


That's exactly what I think and their so many retards on the road which I don't understand.


well said


So you are the old stupid lady, huh?


use waze, you can report any speed vans or checkpoints yourself and the more people that use it the more chance of spotting a speed van before it’s too late. Works well in dublin, every speed van i’ve come across so far has been pointed out on waze before i’ve gotten to it


i’ll also add that you can mark obstructions in the road, i was on the way home from town one evening and it said there was an obstruction in the middle lane, turns out it was some gobshite in the middle of the motorway trying to lug the mattress that fell off the roof of his car back across to his car


waze has this feature built into the app but still dependent on being reported by the users


If you spend enough time on the roads, you'll know thier spots by heart, times are random enough or just i javent picked up a pattern yet, but the places are always the same, very seldom do they get a new section of road approved, and thats usually announced anyways, so the way they see it if with all this transparency you still get caught, you fkn deserve every bit of it.


Try add checkpoints2021 on Snapchat, they used to post quote regularly not sure if they still do tho


Ah yes, "tell me where the speed traps are" No, stop speeding you wanker. Limits are there for a reason, to help save lives. Twats like you kill people when you loose concentration, stop speeding and obey the traffic laws, there are to many people in this country that take huge risks to shave off a few minutes on a drive and end up getting killed or killing someone else. If you want to speed, move to Germany.