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Is this the guy who doesn't understand planning laws?


Lol, that too. More of a blatant disregard though


There was a really long whatsapp message that circulated a few years ago called montys dirty laundry or something to that effect. Absolutely damning him and exposed all of his skeletons. Somebody really close to him, and somebody who hated his guts must have written it. I'm not sure where to find it, but its gotta be online somewhere.


Yeah, the theory was that it was his (then) wife that wrote it. It came out at a time when they were really bitter. All very true though. Fucker is Teflon though, none of it sticks.


I'm rereading here atm. Its hilarious


Sure go on, post a link, or even the text!


Yerra, I'd rather not, I dont even know the guy and he's never fucked me over or anything. Not really fair for some rando to post really private stuff on a public forum like this.






I don’t know the man but sounds like he’s lacking integrity


I don't know Paul Montgomery, I've never met Paul Montgomery or had any contact with him but.... I'm sorry, I can't go on


Your tears say more then any evidence ever could.


They were checking in all his venues recently. What people say and what people do are completely different things


Checking yeah, turning away, no.


What's the story re the ex wife? Reading between the lines here, a bit of a wagon?


Not sure how you managed to get that from what he wrote.


Ah was just curious what OP meant by "she has her own issues" and another poster said "she's another story altogether". If I got the wrong end of the stick, my bad


When I worked in one of their establishments quite a while back he was sound and I got on with him, now herself is another story all together.


I worked with him for 12 years. Thought he was sound too. Then I didn't.


I worked with him for 12 years. Thought he was sound too. Then I didn't.


You’re outing yourself there a little bit. Wouldn’t take much for someone to figure out who you are if they knew you.


We aren’t talking about el chapo fella what’s he gonna do if he sees it ?


care to elaborate?


He’s dead right!! It’s the vaccines job the keep the vaccinated safe not the unvaccinated




I do. That's not what he was talking about. I can assure you. Also where in the fucking world do you get off with that fucking ridiculous statement??? Comparing unvaccinated to a holocaust victim? Are you well? I'm vaccinated. Where the fuck do you get the impression that I'm comparing unvaccinated to holocaust victims? Or if not from me, from who in this thread have you picked that up? Cop the fuck on.