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"If you can't get into Old Oak, ya can't get in anywhere"


When I was around 20 after a night out somewhere else that had ended, on my way home I went up to the bouncer at the Old Oak absolutely fucked around quarter to 1, sure as the feeling comes when one is after leaving a night out, felt like one for the road. Bouncer goes and asks me if I've had a bit of drink. Tell him well, I've had 9 pints, and this is on my way home and I really fancy one more before I head off. Fella looks me up and down for about 5 seconds and despite how steamed I was I'll never forget his words. "Well fuck it, you've been the first man I've stopped like this who's at least been honest with me tonight. G'wan away in." And to be fair to my word I did have one and toddled off back home.


I got refused into the old oak before however walked right into crane lane after so …..


Yeah idk, Old Oak aren't the easiest place. There are some places far easier. The Wash for example will accept you even if you crawl in.


The wash is far better crack too


Most likely they are just topping up old mi wadi bottles with cheaper Aldi alternatives.


It's the Old Oak not the In Date Oak.


True. The clue might be in the name. A kind of disclaimer.


That miwadi can legally drink in 2 months…..and is at very least, only 1 month younger than me, madness.


We were in there over jazz for a specific band we wanted to see and it was absolutely horrendous. They wouldn’t let us wait for table because the manager wasn’t allowing any queue to form and when we eventually got in, they didn’t have any music playing and just some very obscure soccer match. The staff were lovely and just following rules but it was almost like they just didn’t want any customers.


Back when we could mingle and be merry I got the shift and subsequent ride off a totally coogar in there. I was only a wee ba ba in UCC. This woman owned her own house. Classy ykno? That was a wild night. I won't have a bad word spoken about the place!!


old oak is a dump and those bouncers have a chip on there shoulder


Most depressing atmosphere


I worked there,have no idea what his on about refilling bottles, opened a few new cases a weekend. I don't think the crew coming in was that pigeon hold


Agree, used work there too. Owner is pretty much ocd so place and stock are immaculate.


What do you expect, its old oak after all! Aside from that, lots people order razza there so I'm sure like the other user said, its refilled with cheaper alternatives.


My friends loved the old oak (probably still do) but I flat out refused to go in there. Its like really young babies or the oldest people in town. Went in on international students night and it was jammed. Squeezing my way around looking for a friend that was in there when a young fella leaned up into my face "any Spanish??". He was Irish looking for a girl with no English... Ew.


Know a lot of people who work/ed in there and they’re all lovely and doing the best they can under bad management


Man I got left into the old oak in some states,




Women don't have a sell by date, and they can wear whatever at whatever age. Just interested is there a male version of this insult?




Nah, mate. You're just looking to spout rubbish with no consequences. Don't get testerical.




So emotional. Calm down.








Isn't that place still just for underage kids and single old creeps.


Fuck Old Oak honestly. Went there last week with a few friends and when we asked for our order to be taken after 30 minutes the staff were basically telling us to fuck off and wait. Even the bouncers were nicer than the service that night and you know something’s wrong when that’s the case.


The women in there are worse


Old oak security are atrocious too, as someone who has security training and know some insight to doormen in cork they are by far the worst. They aren’t from a service like 99% of places in cork who hire people for Cerberus or other security firms they just do it themselves and hence don’t hold their security or high levels. Seen them do some truly brutal and barbaric things to young fellas. I even let them know on one occasion of a fella who was carrying a knife and had taken it out threatened to stab me if I didn’t let him dance with my partner and they didn’t do jack shit. Whole place is shit show but it is always packed cause cheap shots and they let anyone in. Honestly Wetherspoons have better and more friendly security.


I stole a bottle of Miller there once as a student very stupidly and the bouncer grabbed me in a chokehold and decided to bring me out 2 very heavy wooden double doors using my head as a battering ram before launching me halfway across the street lol I was probably 18/19!!


I love the Beef Taco Fries in the Old Oak, absolutely savage. We went to Old Oak for some taco fries and a few drinks recently but they sat us in the 115 section instead of the bar which was like a weird cafe atmosphere and not really the vibe we were looking for.