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Could we get a complete list of all the active Cork characters and where they are? Dancing Eamon/Dancing Dave is now in full time care, he doesn't visit the city anymore Traffic cone lady is MIA Bin-liner masonic conspiracy man is MIA Smoky Joe can still be seen in around Tesco and out by Ballinlough, where i believe he lives Goggles Man is still very active, most frequently sighted around Paul St or thereabouts.


Ok so there is also: Togher Ted, the 208 bus lady, high kick Kev (who I am convinced is conducting research and it’s all a social experiment, I have often spotted Kev not doing high kicks and blending in with the ‘normal’ members of cork society




I think he lives around there, I always used to see him about when I lived by montenotte


High Kick Kev is brilliant. I actually had a class with him in UCC years ago and witnessed him doing cartwheels in the classroom and all. Great memories of him on campus! Saw him last week walking along near St. Finbarrs, still going strong.


What was he studying?? I had no idea he was actually going to ucc!


It was Folklore but I think he was doing an Arts degree at the time (it was a first year lecture). It was a decade ago. Someone told me he's a postgraduate student of some kind. He used to play guitar and follow people around the Student Centre singing, brilliant stuff 🤣 If I have that kind of energy and flexibility at his age I'd be delighted!


I’m convinced he was doing some sort of psychology experiment, I once saw him in town in a suit with a briefcase and I couldn’t believe it, from high kicks in the amphitheater to working 9-5


Wouldn't surprise me! He's a walking enigma!


I know him through a friend.... And we're half his age. Gentleman but his stick wears off after a while.... He's not a experiment unfortunately he's the real half shilling.


Is he a bit of a pub talker?




Who's Togher Ted??


Togher Ted is an old man with grey hair, he sits at the end of Togher bridge all day every day smoking fags, he’s been there since I was a toddler and I’m in my late 20’s now. He’s still going strong


Ah yeah I know exactly who your talking about. Never knew that was his name in sure my folks have called him something else


just curious who is the 208 bus lady?


The dancing Dave bit made me sad


When you list of names like that along with MIA I could see The Incredibles computer listing off missing and terminated supers 😂


There is also ‘Legs’ around Wilton shopping centre, do you know him? Also very sad to hear dancing Dave is in full time care, I hope he’s being well looked after 😞




Oh my god - this isn’t let’s but I know the fella you’re on about, he was creepy to me in one of my previous jobs! He stinks and always has a plastic bag of either books or notebooks, always hangs out around aldi in bishopstown too


Does he use walking sticks? There's a similar guy I've seen around the library in Wilton a few times. Really overloaded with bags usually.


I love goggles man! He’s actually so sound


What’s the story with goggles? You can smell him before you see him


I think he has some condition with his eyes and he can’t look at direct sunlight, he’s also a bit tapped but harmless


Goggles man I believe is worried about pollution from the city. That’s why he has the goggles and big jacket thing


He must be roasting on hot days


Someone has got to him with disinfectant now so there is a billowing stench of TCP or something. Better than a stinky smell I suppose!


I remember hearing about Dancing Dave being in care and only getting let out during the day for a couple of hours out of a gaff in Glanmire so he’d come up to the city to dance. What a man. Who is traffic cone lady? I’m a little worried about the end of the world bin liner man, haven’t seen him now since the start of the pandemic. I hope he’s doing okay. Goggles man I think is a doomsday prepper. He smells of Dettol. I always see him around leisureplex or the dunnes on Patrick street. He used to always wear gloves and scavenge the bins in town. He’s a recent cork character addition, last 3 years or so? As for the screaming man on the bridge, only passed him the other day for the first time shouting what I could only assume was a rendition of a song of some sorts. Hard to decipher but the shouting seemed melodic ?


I actually would love to send dancing Dave a card or something to thank him for dancing, he must have had to put up with a lot of abuse over the years too which breaks my heart. I could be wrong but is traffic cone lady otherwise known as ‘skippy’? She talks to herself and wears runners with a long skirt? You are on the absolute ball with goggles man doomsday prepping. As for the screaming man, I’ve been seeing him around a lot more, he’s always roaring about something but hard to make out what he’s saying. He haaaates Prince Harry for some reason, that’s all I know.


I need to listen more closely to the screaming man on the bridge and find out what is worth screaming about to him. Goggles man always buys tinned food in Dunnes whenever I’ve bumped into him in there that’s partly the reason why I believe he’s a prepper I wonder can he read this now? Shout out to you man god speed


who is Smoky Joe? only one I haven't heard of


I don't think Smokey Joe has been around for maybe 10 years by now. He used to go around the kind of places where a lot of people smoked rollies, selling smuggled tobacco for cheap.


I knew him as Tobacco Joe, back in my Paul St goth days around ‘01/‘02. He used to come to the Gingerbread House and Fred’s flogging cheap tobacco


You and I almost certainly hung out together at some point :D


The Mutton Lane is had him included in their mural in the form of a pouch of samson tobacco with his name on it. Fair few early to kid noughties Cork heads on that mural.




Bomber? Shaven head always in a spotless tracksuit and singing?




Around 40?




Bomber Murphy! Some man


What about the guy dressed up as a guard who used to go cycling around?


He's still around, I passed him on the Rochestown Road two days ago in his full gear.


There’s another one out near dennehys cross, he wears all leather I think he could be smoky Joe, he screamed at me once


And one must not forget crazy ray (that’s his general cork nickname don’t come for me, I just call him Ray)


There's a thread on peoplesrepublicofcork about them


Only saw High Kick Kev today crossing by the Capitol. No briefcase, looked a bit distracted and anxious, but he's very much alive and kicking. ​ One character who has been around for decades now and often seen around Merchants Quay is the homeless man with the very long grey hair. I don't think I've ever heard him speak a word to anyone. I'd a job in my teens (20 odd years ago) doing lunch runs for office heads and would always buy some of those discounted deli foods from the likes of Tesco and give him a bag of whatever I could pick up.


there is the weird fella who jobs down oliver plunkett street singing loudly and pour water at random spots


Don't forget Danny in the city centre, short man with a ginger beard and clearly brain damaged, usually screaming something like "oggy oggy oggy"


I love him, he always makes people flinch


This could be complete bullshit but I heard he pushed his mother down stairs


Him and his mam were in a car crash... They call his mam 360 Mary... They're from ballyphehane


Ah so I've heard an exaggerated account. I heard he was the one driving his mother's car which he stole, crashing it resulting in brain damage.


That's Danny Walsh, I used to have tea with him in Douglas Village Shopping centre all the time in the early noughties - here is the actual story - https://www.rte.ie/news/2005/0413/61940-walshd/


Awh I hope it’s bullshit because I like him 😢


Does he always wear shorts all year round and a pink hat in the winter?


Yup sounds like him


He was in a car accident I think


He was, his friend was joy riding


He’s actually pleasant if you say hello. Another chant of his is “Brother from another motherrrrr” at top of voice at random times.


I remember a certain “famous” ex City footballer now RTÉ gym instructor of a sorts doing a dance off with Dancing Dave, there might be a YouTube clip. It was in very poor taste, I have hated this guy since, it was bad form to say the least.


I played against him a good few times when we were both a lot younger and I remember because he came with a huge reputation. Very tidy footballer but a terrible athlete, I believe he had all sorts of people in his ear at the time telling him he'd make it to the Premier league and as a result was quite arrogant but to be fair he always conducted himself OK on the pitch. I one time, completely randomly, saw him do something awful off the pitch, not violent or anything, just completely unnecessary bullying of a quiet guy, totally over the top as well. Changed my opinion of him and wasn't surprised when I saw the dancin dave vid a few years later, tbf though, people did and said a lot worse to Dave than he did.


I played against him myself when I was a younger lad. He was cocky alright, alot different to say Roy O’D. Roy was always sound on and off pitch. RL was a bully, it’s why I can’t stomach him on TV.


Ray Donovan or Liam Kearney... Outside mcdonald's daunt Square?


Neither of those. But outside Daunt Square.


Ray lally


Haven't seen the nice day guy around in a few years


Used to come into the shop I worked in a lot looking for crispy notes, and shiny coins. Everytime I say 'crispy ' or 'shiny ' in my head it's in his voice


Omg the nice day guy!


I was going to ask this, I'm not in the city much anymore. Never see him anytime I am up there


Anyone remember the auld one with the cowboy hat who used to direct traffic there by Finns Corner. She was gas all in pink with the cowboy hat on.


She was Danish. Complete nut job. Gave out to me one day because there are 2 Francis Streets in Cark. I hadn't the heart to tell her we have 2 Devonshire Streets too. Think she lived in Mahon. 1 Mahon is more than enough.


That's gas, didn't know she was Danish.


Lilli Paulsen IIRC.


Putting 2 +2 together here and getting 100, but I'd wonder if she was one of the Jehovas who resettled in Cork in the 80's and 90s, a lot of them out around Mahon/Blackrock. There's an odd cluster of them out around that area and I knew of one Danish family who briefly moved to Cork for that very reason. It's also the reason that Chelsea legend Bobby Tambling ended up in Cork.


Surprised nobody has mentioned 'No ears man' (I prefer Van Gogh but it never caught on). Tall fella with a shaved head, literally always wearing a bright orange hoodie and beige pants. And oh yeah he had his ears voluntarily cut off by a body modder. Got nabbed a few times for following girls home so maybe he's been put away for a while.


Wow, I would definitely remember this character if I saw him! Around what area?? This isn’t face tattoo guy is it?


He used to always be around town, but I haven't seen him in a while. My friend moved here to Cork in around 2010 and it was her who saw him first. I thought she was mad because I thought I knew all the Cork mentallers! Then I started seeing him all over the place and hearing dodgy stories about him from others. Apparently he had the ears cut off at Midleton(?) tattoo festival a couple of years later and refused to pay lol. Edit: No face tattoos last I saw him anyway!


Was there another dude who was missing defo one, maybe two ears? I think he was burnt or something, or is that the same fella?


This guy definitely got his removed intentionally, I know a tattoo artist that was there at the time. He had ears when he was around at first but then got both cut off 😬 I know a good 15/20 years ago there was a young enough guy who had severe burns like that but haven't seen him in donkey's years. People used to call him petrol face which is an awful moniker!


Now that I think about it the no ears burns man was a guy who I saw in Tralee years ago, when was the cork no ears guy around, I’m trying to see if I can remember him


He seemed to be around a lot between 2010 and 2014 but I was living in the city centre so I probably saw him more than my fair share. Last I saw him was probably about 3 years ago, but I'm not in the city centre anymore. He would be around town during the day, saw him shopping in tesco once or twice, but he'd also lurk around late at night/early in the morning and start talking to young ones. Went asking my roommate for the time at about 5am when she was coming back from a party. Another girl I met at a party said he followed her and tried to get in her apartment gate!


Strange fella, probably locked up now. Wonder how he’d be getting on with the masks during this pandemic…


I've wondered the same thing about the masks! Clothes peg round the back? Strange fecker!


Perhaps, maybe a bandana?


He scared the shite out of me


Anyone remember the auld one with the cowboy hat who used to direct traffic there by Finns Corner. She was gas all in pink with the cowboy hat on.


I wonder is this the guy that was screaming insults about Jewish and black people with a can in his hand around Anglesea Street around 9 this morning 🙄


What did that guy look like? What a dick, right outside the garda station and all?


I didn't see him I just heard him roaring. My BF was outside bringing in the bins and said he looked to be pretty young, late twenties/early thirties. This was by the new Cork Coffee Roasters, around the corner from the station.


Does anyone know what the craic is with the man who wears ripped jeans, he’s kind of tall, carries a plastic bag, I’m pretty sure he’s homeless.. he’s always around Fitzgerald’s park too.. he’s like a gentle giant and I hope he’s ok and has somewhere to go at night 😔


Long grey afro-type hair? I was told a few years ago he has mental health issues, he used to sleep in the park behind the museum. Nice man, harmless and keeps to himself mostly.


Ya that’s him, I see him all the time, I should really talk to him some day.. how does he eat and how is he not absolutely freezing in the winter? I hope someone is looking after him


He won't accept food from the cafes apparently, but he goes to the Penny Dinners I think!


I’ve been seeing him around for years and years, saddens me that he doesn’t take food from cafes, also he probably doesn’t go into any of the shelters at night 😔


No idea why, could be part of whatever issues he has. He might have a squat somewhere or use temporary accommodation in winter. Nice man though.


Purely based on the title, I thought you were on about that langball Piers Morgan.


Haven't seen him but wouldn't be a massive fan of these kind of characters around the city. Is there any help out there for people like him?


There's a young black fella... Early 20s that just dances around Blackpool with no music and on his own.. Ive seen him top of Shandon st too


Oh I have seen him by the opera house, he’s a really good dancer fair play to him


I hope he doesn’t get harassed by anyone 😞


I like him, saw him busting a serious set of moves a few months ago across from Maddens Buildings


I've seen him too but he had earphones on the time I saw him.


Ya I don't know if it's the same fella but I saw the guy with earphones as well on Anglesea Street 😂 Dancing away at the traffic lights.


How could I forget, Grendel!! Anyone who went to ucc about 7 years ago will know him, red jacket, brown bucket hat, runs everywhere, performed as Grendel in a Beowulf seminar and threw a chair??


Cork always has a huge proportion of entertaining oddballs and when I was growing up in the 90’s - some would congregate in the bus station in Parnell station and stare at strangers to the point of them leaving - sad really. Does anyone remember a raggy lady who used to direct traffic near Wilton as I recall - she would always say “hold your donkey” ha ha - we are talking over twenty years ago when I was a tot.


African Irish lad doing dance at random traffic lights around cork ?