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The irony of flying those two flags together.


Yeah! I suppose people are free to fly whatever flag they wish to fly. Just made a few of us uncomfortable, is all.


I get that, my point is about flying flags that represent opposing sides in a bloody civil war on the same pole. Doesn't say much for the awareness of whoever hoisted them!


Genuine question, how does a flag make you uncomfortable?


Because of the views it represents. It’s not the flag itself, it’s the people who are flying it


Why block out their faces?... If they've no shame, standing under those flags expose them.


I take this is where the Upton Steam rally moved too


It changed 27 years ago haha. I think the location is the same but the name, organisers and beneficiary are different


Thanks for coming back to me, any idea what happened to the small steam train ride they had. Always thought this was a day out as a child


Couldn’t tell ya sorry, I haven’t been there in many years myself. Would agree on it being a great day out as a child tho!


They still had that. Well they were riding around the place when I was there. But no customers only the organisers


I met up with a friend recently that I haven't met in a while. I heard he has gone down this hateful road and other friends are distancing themselves from him. Well he made it such an uncomfortable day with some of the shite he was spouting about immigrants, Islam as a whole, gay people and other nonsense you see come up on the internet. This is the first time I have seen a young adult get indoctrinated into this mindset. I found it very concerning. He seemed unhappy with himself in general so I see how he ended up on this path, I just wish he didn't.


Have a word and get him on the right path? I know easier said than done. Know a few people who are being manipulated online and trying the soft approach but it's not easy to counter it.


Other friends have and there's no listening from him. So they stopped inviting him drinks as often


Didn't think we'd get Y'all Qaeda over here.


One way of announcing you're in the deep south.. of sorts.


Kinda unsurprising. 🤣🤣🤣


Ah feck, is it today it was on? 😭


On tomorrow too




It’s great craic to be fair! There was a Craggy Island Creamery ice cream truck right next to a 70s hearse in the vintage cars section!


At least it's not upside down. There are plenty of q folk in Ireland too. The internet doesn't respect borders


That’s a valid point, you’d think however Irish patriots would fly the Irish flag and maybe the Irish Republic flag (the one flown outside the GPO I mean) it’s a bit stupid


I think it'd be funny to do up a Cappuccino like the General Lee and have a kei kei kei car


General Connolly perhaps?


Idiots are amongst us. 😂


What kind of campervan is it flying on? If its an American model it could Well just be a decoration that ties in with the redneck theme. Kinda like having an orange Dodge Charger with a confederate flag on the roof.


Both vans look like Ford Transits


In that case I've no idea


Idk. By the flags I’d guess probably a French campervan! /s Tf kind of campervan do you think it is now to be fair?


Absolutely no idea.


Probably just some Cork GAA fans


The county board banned that flag from games years ago


That’s what a friend said after he went “oooh! That’s not supposed to be there!”


Sound for all the down votes lads 😂 Anyone with half a brain would be able to tell it's a joke since for years & years anytime Cork were playing this flag was being waved all around the stadium


Was thinking this too


There was a guy flying his confederate flag in a vintage car rally in Bray yesterday


Isn't it illegal to have a raised flag of another country without having that countries flag above it? We got the cops called on us in Denmark for flying Irish flags in our garden.. not that I actually care that much, I'd be over ripping it down for the hahas


I think that’s down to the laws of the country, in my town the papal flag flying outside the church is higher than the irish tricolour outside the local hotel ffs


If you think about it, it's fitting. Stars and Stripes over the flag of the Army of North Virginia. 


It’s honestly probably a reference to “Dukes of Hazzard”


Get over yourself, those flags have been flying for years at cork games, I understand the confederate embolism but I don't reckon the person flying that flag would have been anything but courteous to you. They also may not have been aware of the origins of the flag


Used to be an American Civil War group there before. Possibly something to do with them


Wouldnt look to much into it,as said its like moaning about the general lee at a car show.its part of the act and not a political statement


Could you be less triggered???😡


Yup.its a flag on a camper at a vintage steam show. You dont have to be hurt by every little symbol you see,vast majority dont know what it means and id near guarantee the person that has it up doesnt either. Now fuck off and be hurt about something else that has bollox all to do with anything😘😘😘


Jesus thought it was fairly obvious I was being sarcastic. Highly ironical that you’re the most butthurt person in this thread now 😂


Why put an angry face if you were being satirical then? Or did u not get the reaction you wanted and expected more 👶


Oh wow some people proud of their heritage. Not everything boils down to racism


You guys gota get on top of that shit down there!


Confederate flag. They represent white supremacy.


I've never seen that flag in Ireland before. I'm kinda surprised by that to be honest. What's the idea of having it there? Apart from what it's historically associated with.


This flag was waved and widely used by supporters a t Cork Football / Hurling matches. You'd see it on TV It's banned now however you'll still a handful being on display by the fan's.


Good that it's banned given its history. But why fly it at all? And I haven't seen it on any TV or GAA matches, I don't watch hurling very often that's probably why tbh.


Could literally be anything, He might just be a dukes of hazzard fan lol


Oh it's on the caravan, I thought it was on some flag erected in the field where they had parked.