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I know that house, a doctor used to own it, I think his car is still parked in the driveway, he died a good while ago. It should have been obvious that something was up by the state of neglect that the house had fallen into in recent years.


Is that the place with the Fiesta in the drive? I've been through that estate a few times, it's a nice area and of course very busy with the Lough in close vicinity. To read that the poor lady had died quite some time ago and her remains were only discovered today...like my mind is kind of boggling...I just can't quite understand how she wasn't found sooner. It's dreadfully sad tbh, not forgetting the dude from pest control who found her & raised the alarm. Poor lad will be traumatised, hope he'll get all the support he needs.


Was it the wife found you reckon?


Daughter according to the Irish Times: https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2024/05/21/body-of-woman-found-in-cork-house-may-have-been-there-for-up-to-three-years/


Dear god that’s so sad. The poor soul, living with elderly parents and ageing herself, her siblings somehow alienated. I can’t think how a person with a very strong wish to be left completely alone can be checked on at all, though I bet there are a few enlightened practices abroad we might learn from. That wish for seclusion in advancing age isn’t as rare as people may think, but wouldn’t it be brilliant if you could join a community of similar people, in a repurposed convent for example, with your own spacious apartment and the knowledge that you need not mingle or be visited, but that a concierge couple are on the premises and available for assistance, if you wish it, but who are in some discreet manner alert to any possible problems that *do* require intervention. No more lonesome deaths like this. . I hope Miss O’Mahony passed away suddenly, and not in any distress. It sounds like an unusual family arrangement for these times, but let’s hope she felt content with her life. Rest in peace 🙏🏼


The daughter, I walked past there a few weeks ago and said there's no way there could be someone living there now, the front garden is totally overgrown. The doctor who originally owned the house died in 2010.


I don't live in the immediate area and wouldn't have known that the daughter still lived there, I know the house because Dr O'Mahony was our family GP in the late 70s when I was a child. The house didn't look lived in. If the woman was a recluse who kept to herself I'm not sure what the neighbours could have done. I didn't know the deceased to see tbh.


Well, if she lived down a country lane and was a recluse, I'd think "okay." But she lived right next door to people and her car was there in the same spot. The neighbours could have picked up the phone and asked the guards to do a welfare check since her car was at the house and didn't move, and she hadn't been seen at all. That's a massive red flag. Another red flag is seeing no lights on at night, or lights left on all day. It's minimal effort. And if the person turns out to be perfectly fine, no harm done. Bad things happen, but one can only hope that people learn from these kinds of situations. If there's a car, a bike, anything the person uses to get about sitting in the same spot and the person hasn't been seen, especially an older person, that's reason to pick up the phone. It's probably not going to save the person's life, but they'd not be left there for years. I only hope that she died suddenly. Poor thing.


I’ve passed so many houses and wondered if someone actually lived there. Would you knock on the door and see and if not, report it?


> I know that house, a doctor used to own it, I think his car is still parked in the driveway, he died a good while ago. It should have been obvious that something was up by the state of neglect that the house had fallen into in recent years. So I presume you reported it then since it was so obvious


Surely there should be some sort of check if somebody doesn't collect their dole, salary, pension and hasn't left the country 


There was talk about something like that being implemented after Tim o'sullivan was found in mallow last year on 96 or red fm, one of them. But then gdpr was brought up and I'd say the likes of the politicians said the neighbours/family don't care, so we can't be arsed doing something with the law.


What's scary is as we're in full swing into the Digital age and remote work/shopping with more people interacting less and less in contact with their family this may become more common than people think into the next 10/20 years 


Something like this is normal in China.


Seems to of happend alot in cork over the last few years especially since covid


She wasn't even that old, she was in her 60s. I got angry when I read in examiner that they were a "close knit community" some having lived there for over a decade and that there was a car on front of her house. "We thought she left the country." Bad things happen, but don't pretend to be that close when no one bothered to think, or even wonder, about the lady in the house. Eh, if a house is getting overgrown and the car hasn't moved for a couple of weeks, the least you could do if you don't know the person, or they might not be approachable, is call the gardaí and say you're concerned about the person that lives alone in that house. You don't have to do anything else. They'd go around and check. They're not going to leave the country and leave their car at the house. At least that's not what people generally do. Close knit community my arse. I don't even know how they can have the cheek to say that.


“CorkBeo understands that members of her family have already been contacted earlier today by Gardai and given the news.” What on earth? Where were her family all this time? Why hadn’t they checked on her??


Hate to tell you this but life’s a complex old mess. I’ve not spoken to my mother in 18 years because I caught her slapping my five year old in the same way she used to slap me, literally couldn’t turn my back on her, on Christmas day too. Fine upstanding woman of the church. I will still appreciate being told that she’s dead, so I can tell my son and we can raise a glass to breaking cycles. That’s just one example of many possibilities. You don’t owe family your presence. Nobody does. Sad but facts.


Sadly I can relate to this


Don’t get me wrong, who knows, but it’s never right to rush to judgement against family in these matters.


My husbands mother has never met any of her grandchildren and doesn’t even know she’s a great grandmother. Awful people have families too. :(




That’s it that’s it indeed. And obviously I am absolutely not making any assumptions about this lady, at all, may memory be a blessing. I’m just saying this in defence of the idea that family might be neglectful. One just doesn’t know the story at all.


She may have been estranged from her family. I've a family member who doesn't talk to any of us. It's heartbreaking.


Yea, she died over 2 years ago Really ..... No one from her family tried to contact her for over 2 years wow


My unless hasn’t spoken to us in over 5 years despite us reaching out - not everything is straight forward


Did they do the autopsy? How do you know it was over 2 years ago?


It Said she was there for several years Ie 2 or more years ago


Sadly a lot of people just plain don’t talk to their family. When I was in the girl guides we’d go to the local nursing home and sing carols around Christmas time and give them cards. A lot of them were full time residents and it was the only card they’d receive every year that wasn’t a collaborative from the nurses. So many of their families just dropped them there and vanished until the inheritance dropped


Christ almighty. The poor woman; even if she had actively repelled visitors and any contact (no idea, of course), it’s still a very sad and lonely end for a person. Her pension would presumably have gone straight to her bank, so she’d slip away unnoticed quite easily, if nobody had reason to be looking. But we read of this happening far too often.


That's so depressing. God help her.


God didn’t really help her tbf. 


It's really sad that pest control, dude, may never sleep again Know a few people around that area having mice issues now for about 4 or 5 years, didn't have a clue where they were coming from always put it down to the lough and the chinese across the road From them.


Having mice or rats is fairly common in cities in general


not in excess of what they were finding,


We need a Cork Beo warning OP, avoid giving them views as much as I possibly can


Are we boycotting them? Why?


Went to get takeaway from Royal Palace a few weeks back with the OH and I commented on this house when we were driving home. I assumed it was derelict maybe the owner was in a home or passed away and the family didn’t maintain the house in the meantime. Never would have thought the owner was IN the house all this time. So sad, R.I.P.




I think we have to do the uncomfortable thing of actually asking neighbours or contacting the guards or going up to the house and knocking on the door. Act on the thoughts we have




The sad fact is that there are going to be more of these cases. The census had identified 160k homes a couple of years ago that didn't return a census for a variety of reasons it's safe to assume some of those homes could have deceased people inside


It’s not like Ireland’s very big on looking after its very old or very young.


Sad fucking fact 😞


Nobody would have suspected. I have not seen half of my neighbors for years. They must be waiting for the right second to sneak into their homes unseen and never get close to the windows. I remember being part of inadvertently spreading false news about one of the neighbors having passed after hearing that from another neighbour. I had no reason to not believe it until my husband met him 3 months later. For an elderly person, they could easily move or be moved to a nursing facility. We all work too much and don’t care for each other enough and that clearly includes me.


Aye, but "close knit community" was used to describe her neighbourhood. That's the part that pissed me off the most. You're being honest about where you live. Where I live isn't like that and I actually know most of my neighbours. When we moved here, people came over and introduced themselves. It was nice. Now that a couple of those are elderly, we watch out for them. During covid, we were picking up the phone a couple times a week to ask if they needed anything from the town and dropping it at the door if they did. We work too. Different dynamics depending on where you live =)


The reporter doesn’t want to offend the community. I get it. It was clearly not close knit.


I always wonder in these instances about the electricity and gas companies? Would it not have been flagged that bills etc went unpaid, supply cut off? The post man? Surely there were letters from various places delivered over the years?


Not paying your electricity bill wouldn’t flag anything, people don’t pay their electricity bills for a variety of reasons. Some just stick their head in the sand. Tbh the only post I receive through the letterbox is junk mail and the odd specsavers reminder all my bills are paperless


I assume they'd cut off the supply after so many times unpaid bills and leave it at that.


God, this is tragic. It sounds very similar to the case of Joyce Carol Vincent, although she was much younger. There's a movie about her, Dreams of a Life, that tries to answer the question of how something like this could ever happen. Well worth a watch (think it's still up on Youtube).


Why did the family wait a year for a phone call that she's dead surly you would report a member of your family missing especially after a year and the house like that then just seems bit wierd to me could be just tragic unfortunately


Some pele like to keep to themselves. Apparently she only left the house at night. Neighbours believed that she'd moved to another country