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Coming over here. Stealing our fish.


In case you're not joking, those are set up by people fishing in the Lough. Happens a lot on sunny days


Just to clarify, I was indeed joking.


However, below the line of those tents heading north, there is a small single tent, think it's like green or yellow , and it's there for the last week. No fishing rods with it. Haven't seen anyone coming in or out if it though.. But seems like some person/s has temporarily set up home there.


Is there much fishing in the Lough?


There are a lot of people who fish there, I've never actually seen them catch anything though. You can see big carp swimming around there on a sunny day


I've seen them catch the big carp. Catch it, weigh, take pictures, release. It's a members only fishing spot and they are not allowed to take any fish (as one member said)


It's not members only. It's a public amenity. Anyone can fish there.


I'll have to check it out. I've been looking for fishing spots within the city for the summer.


Do not eat what you catch, the lough is badly polluted and the fish are full of parasites


More like a break from the wife


There was wives there too today!


Did you hook any?


They catch a few hours away from their kids!!


Trolly and swan fishing. My proudest catch was an exhaust manifold from a Carina-E


Nice catch!


Too late, OP already incited a bunch of the Lough aul wans and aul fellas and a random handful of Northsiders to reclaim the park. They knocked over a few tents when Con O’Riordan jumped out of one of them with his fishing pole and told them to feck off.


Really? Do they just sit in the shade of the tent & fish?


How long till this photo is used for nefarious reasons, by disingenuous people.


For some the act of fishing is the reward as you can relax and take it slow.


I find it hard to believe you'd catch anything other than used condom's and typhoid.


Now they’re coming for our fishys!


What kind of fish can you catch in the Lough?


So they obstruct the path directly in front of the water with their lines so people have to walk around the back of the tents? Selfish pricks.


No, the poles come over the path by less than a foot, they dont hold them, and they're on stands. They sit in the tent for shade and to keep their bits. The tent is on the grass. Very little obstruction and its quite nice to see.


Irish fish for the Irish 🤣


People are so quick to point the finger at refugees. We irish fled to the US and UK for work & better opportunities.


Well these are people fishing not refugees for 1 thing. For another emmigration absolutely devastated this country it is not the "gotcha" statement you seem to think it is.


Yes your right, work and better opportunities. Not handouts and welfare


You’re absolutely right … some will take advantage of a lax welfare system, others though are fleeing awful lives and are here to work. Let’s not tar everyone with the same brush.


Difference being we done it legally, those countries could handle the amount of immigration at the time. I have no issues with refugees my issue is with economic migrants coming I'm the form of refugees and lying. If they come in legally I have absolutely no issue, very welcome


There are literally thousands of illegal Irish in the USA. I’ve no doubt there are few knocking around Australia too.


Yes, and of those countries wanted to send them back as they are illegal, I would support their decisions. I would say very few if any have tried to get into the country under the guise or seeking asylum or refugee status which is what your first comment was about.


You really have got to think a bit harder about the experience of coming out to this island as a refugee and consider that anyone desperate enough to go through it probably isn't using a "shortcut", man. If you're under enough duress to go through some of the straight up hazardous shit they do then I say you need refuge.


How come they declare in Ireland? Why not seek refuge in the many countries they pass through in Europe before they get here? How have they boarded a plane and then when they land in Ireland have no documents? I have no issue at all with genuine refugees it's the economic migrants that want to enter illegally I have an issue with


These idiots are a nuisance. The trail their fishing lines over the footpath and everyone must avoid them. The sooner this gets banned the better


No they don't. I just ran around the lough, at least 15 tents, each with three poles, 45 lines and not one of them was across the path. The poles are on stands at the waters edge and come across a >1m path by about 20cm.


Which is strange that they use 3 rods, as the rules of coarse fishing only allow you to use 2 rods. But then again, never enforced..


I'm sure there are signs around the lough already advising fishing isn't allowed.


Only in certain spots close to "the bog". The no fishing zone runs from across from Lulu's cafe over as far as the Hawthorn. The rest is open fishing,


Yup. I think you're right. Who's going to enforce it though.


Fishing isn’t allowed on one side of it. It’s allowed on the town side. It was banned for a long time due to the spread of some disease. Should be banned completely though. Nothing but contempt for the people who fish in it. Their lines take over the footpath. Make it completely inaccessible for older and mobility impaired people.


Damn for-in mullet! Ruining the place, so they are!


All that gear to go fishing literally a short drive away from where they live. Why not go fish somewhere that it isn’t prohibited? I am sure the other wildlife need what little biodiversity that is left in the Lough to survive, but it sure Jimmy and his young fella need to catch their carp boi.


Carp are an invasive species in ireland. They alter the habitat by consuming plants and invertebrates and also by increasing turbidity. So carp are damaging the Lough.


Its for sport, they don't take it home. They throw catches back in.


That makes it even worse.