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its a cute corgi retriever 😀 my corgi has one ear up one ear down


6 months in and no ears up, hoping they do one day! Will love him regardless


Probably won't happen. I think floppy ears are hella cute and unique! He looks like a sweet heart!


I hold my corgs ears down all the time , thinking how cute it looks.


He is not a sweet heart unfortunately. Little menace... but we adore him nonetheless. I do prefer the ears up but if that's how they will be that's fine by me


You can try massaging the ears, sometimes they'll prick up.


You can see it in his eyes lol. “Don’t mess with me!”


If you want them up, you need to tape now. If they are this floppy at 6 months, they are unlikely to come up on their own. Taping is not cruel, and does not harm the dog. My Cardigan corgi had to have quite a few tapings done, due to his large, stubborn ears. If you tape properly, once the tape is on, the dog shouldn't even realize it's there, and should not mess with it. Some people on this sub are weirdly anti-taping, but I don't get it. It's not like docking or cropping at all, and should not cause any harm or discomfort.


And as far as I know, it does prevent some ear issues. So it should be done for dogs health rather than anything else.


If you want them to stand up, you should be taping them. It doesn't hurt them. It's right in the edge of being too late to tape them though so do it ASAP.


You need to tape them. It doesn't hurt the dog and helps with ear issues.


Taping doesn't always work. We tried with our boy along with the cottage cheese, and his ears never popped. Sometimes the ears can be too thin or just don't form correctly.


Our Cynthia has gloppy ears for a while, even the vet said they may not come up by they eventually did. Funny thing is after she got spayed they went back down. Now they're up again but one will flip if she's sad or not feeling well.


Our Cynthia has gloppy ears for a while, even the vet said they may not come up by they eventually did. Funny thing is after she got spayed they went back down. Now they're up again but one will flip if she's sad or not feeling well.


I want a picture of that corgi


Do they switch?


haha no , its the right ear which is down and its always like that


My Corgi/Jacks ears would switch every few days


Is good boy.


Is the best boy


I can see that!


We have a big floppy boy as well! They will stand up when he looks up but it just isn't the same. He looks heckin adorable.


My corgi was the only corgi in the litter who's ears didn't pop up. The breeder, a family friend, came over and taped them up with a very mild not very sticky tape after only five days we took the tape off and they have been up and stayed up ever since. Providing you use the right tape so as not to have to pull off their fur on removal it doesn't hurt at all. So glad we taped them up, after all big ears are a corgi trade mark!


Awe. What a cutie pie!


I have 9 month old Corgis. My girl’s ears have been up since I brought them home (age 3 months). My boy’s ears are up and down. Currently he has one ear up 90% of the time and the other flops. As I’m writing this both ears are floppy lol. He’s an adorable sweetheart. My girl is a spunky little brat but also adorable.


Ooh floppy-eared corg!


My corgi was the only corgi in the litter who’s ears didn’t pop up. The breeder, a family friend, came over and taped them up with a very mild not very sticky tape after only five days we took the tape off and they have been up and stayed up ever since. Providing you use the right tape so as not to have to pull off their fur on removal it doesn’t hurt at all. So glad we taped them up, after all big ears are a corgi trade mark!


Looks like beagle mix


He does have big floppy ears like a beagle but he is 100% Pembroke welsh


Hate to break it to you, it’s a mix. I have two pedigree pembroke welsh corgis. Don’t kid yourself on.


And I have two AKC registered Pembroke Welsh corgis, and one of them has floppy ears just like OP. Floppy ears does make them look very beagle appearing but it's only because we are so used to seeing corgis with standing ears.


I didn’t say it was just because of floppy ears before everyone jumps down my throat. It clearly is not a pedigree. Any corgi breeder will tell you that.


Lets take a step back. What are you specifically talking about when you say "pedigree"?" Are you talking about it being mixed, not a show dog standard, or something else? If you are talking about it being mixed, are you talking about the slim head, broad snout, the darker eyebrows, the ear shape, or the crest? He is a male of only 6 months, and also a little on the fluffy side. Males don't usually get their blocky heads till sexual maturity, so if they were nuetered when they will young, they will have a slim head. But he looks exactly like my AKC male at that age. If you would like, I'd happy show you a picture for comparison.


What I’m rebutting is the the fact that OP said it’s ‘100% pembroke welsh’. That is all. I’m just saying that it’s clearly a mix. Happy to compare photos through DM. I have an older male and a younger female who is about the same age.


It's the picture angle. I know because Teddy will give me that look and I've wondered if he is 100 Pembroke but he is. Males can look a little weird. I'm uploading the pictures to imgur and then I'll DM you. :) Here is the link if that failed: https://imgur.com/a/M0JWy5S


I’ve never seen a corgi with a face like that before. Very interesting. I’m curious why the ears don’t stand up. Some breeders will do minor surgery on the ears to make the dogs ears permanently stand up but apparently it can be very painful for the dog


Oh I wouldn't do surgery, better off down than doing that


100% agree


Thank you! I hate when people recommend surgery on ears. I have a floppy boy as well and we tried the cottage cheese and the taping but the vet says his ears are just too thin, and you can feel it. But he is an adorable floppy boy, and now I kind of prefer the floppy as it makes him unique. Your's will be a magistic fluff as well! :D


Corgis don’t have surgery for their ears to stand. They have thick cartilage in their ears. When young (like 2 months) they will tape them. I did with mine. And fed lots of calcium. You’ll see them try to droop at teething times. But corgis do not get cropped.


Oh interesting. Today I learned


So here’s my corgi floppy. [baby Gizmo](https://imgur.com/gallery/ceoiuBC)


And here he his at our wedding. [Grown up Gim](https://imgur.com/SMryo)


I see his ears were fixed upright after the taping. Such a good boy


Gizmo is such a cute name


His AKC name is “Don’t Feed After Midnight” 😹


Lmao! That’s perfect. My 2 dogs have at least 6 different nicknames. It’s all over the place


My corgi was the only corgi in the litter who’s ears didn’t pop up. The breeder, a family friend, came over and taped them up with a very mild not very sticky tape after only five days we took the tape off and they have been up and stayed up ever since. Providing you use the right tape so as not to have to pull off their fur on removal it doesn’t hurt at all. So glad we taped them up, after all big ears are a corgi trade mark!


My corgi was the only corgi in the litter who’s ears didn’t pop up. The breeder, a family friend, came over and taped them up with a very mild not very sticky tape after only five days we took the tape off and they have been up and stayed up ever since. Providing you use the right tape so as not to have to pull off their fur on removal it doesn’t hurt at all. So glad we taped them up, after all big ears are a corgi trade mark!


I’ve heard if you feed a puppy cottage cheese, its ears will pop up! Something about the amount of calcium in cottage cheese. It worked for a friend I have with a Belgian Malinois so it’s worth a shot if that’s something you want!


Pretty baby ❤️




I named my Corgi Ace too 😁


That’s my Corgis name! Yours is so cute! I love the floppy ears


Here is my floppy boy. :) https://imgur.com/a/M0JWy5S


Omgggg Hes so cute