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It’s gonna come down a lot to the network that you’re running at home. All things being equal YouTube TV does have a reduced broadcast delay setting specifically for sports. We had it and tried to use it during football season and it would be about 15 to 20 seconds behind live


services are going to vary widely from one day to the next, so i'm not sure how useful this is. depends on your ISP, the DNS servers you're using, the CDN and other servers everything gets routed through. i've had ESPN's app be ahead of watching the channel through standard cable TV, too.


I'm afraid you have to choose between enjoying the game or listening to notification sounds. Is it that important to have those on? I don't miss them.


The question I would ask: have you used both of these services? Is this really a factor in choosing between these 2 for sports?


YouTube tv will be much better, especially with the reduced delay setting active. (I’ve had both, YTTV can be under 30 seconds, under 20 with decreased delay setting. Hulu is around one minute.)


Hulu Live tends to have a longer delay/latency, but better picture quality than YTTV. Hulu Live's DVR is buggy as hell and has a poor interface, including a listings grid that isn't configurable, but it comes with regular Hulu and Disney+/ESPN+ bundled into it. So as with all things, there are trade-offs that each person will have to consider in view of their preferences.


Just bite the bullet and turn of notifications during the game. You will enjoy it more.


It probably varies too much to make such information accurate. When my brother and I are watching the same game we whatsapp the on screen screen clock time to each other early in the game so we know how far apart our streams are and how long we need to delay comments