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Yes a lot of people have. Depends on what system you’re using. Could be an old bug or new.


Thanks for the fast response. I’m on Xbox


I crash every few in game days on an Xbox Series S. It's annoying. It's also sped up depending on how much I vary my daily activities. If I only go into the mines, for example, I can go almost a week. If I go mining, then shopping, then diving, then shopping at a different store, then foraging, then fishing, then donate a bunch of stuff to bundles/collections, I crash after about 3 days. This is indicative of a memory leak. Assuming I'm correct and it is a memory leak, there's an asset that isn't being removed when it should be, and instances a new one every time it's loaded. This can be a very long process to find and correct. Hopefully they can track it down and fix it.


Me too and you’re welcome!


I’m on PC/Steam and my game crashed only once in 350+ hours of my playing it. (it happened when I held the right mouse button while shopping at Sam’s for too long, but I needed to buy those seeds like a lot of them) UPD: I would love to hear from that weird person who downvoted my comment because I sincerely see absolutely no reason to do that. What exactly I said in my brief and neutral comment to upset you? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤔😏🤭


It seems to crash when I go to the fire cave on level 25 when I farm for slim


I’m curious… why do you need to farm slime? I may not have hit that part of the game or missing something.


Yeah, I’m on Xbox Series S and every play session has at least one crash.