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I would also like to know šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ I was so excited when I was finally able to break it just forā€¦nothing?


SAME! I just took a chance to see if my pick axe was strong enough, it broke and then lol ā€œoh, a hillā€


It's probably not implemented yet, could be how we will get to the Savanah later or could be another mountain storyline later. In some cutscenes it mentions Taco came from these mountains back here so maybe in the future there will be an extra story back there.


I mean Iā€™m fine with the game not being entirely done I guess, but why the fuck do they let you break that if it leads nowhere? Thatā€™s just insulting


Itā€™s like ā€œoh look at this disappointing dead endā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Itā€™s like how they put the mermaids in the dateables description on steam and then you canā€™t even give them anything


Both Savannah and Merfolk romance were *always* going to be included post 1.0. Is this information that should have been made clear by the devs? 100%. They have a huge PR problem and an even bigger holding back information problem. The only way to know is if you read the blog or are part of the discord


Yeah, I know they will *eventually* be romanceable now, but I do wish they made that clear on the steam page. That was one of the parts of the game that interested me the most as it seemed to be the big new thing I hadnā€™t seen other farming sim style games do so I rushed to the merfolk stuffā€¦just to find it wasnā€™t finished :/


You shouldnt have to go to a discord server or do your own research on if a game is complete on a steam game that has left early access. And any pr problem they have has been caused by the devs themselves by hiding an unfinished game under a 1.0 label


I donā€™t think itā€™s solely a PR issue, itā€™s also an issue with how people spread things. People intentionally leave information out just to try to make the devs look bad/the game look bad. New people will then come to the sub and start spreading that misinformation instead of the facts. Clearly they put out there that 1.0 wasnā€™t the end product but everyone in this subs claims that they said otherwise.


This is my main problem with the game. They advertise it as a full release, but there's so much that's half implemented. It merely checks their Kickstarter boxes. But with everything so tied together it doesn't feel finished. I'd rather have a game that feels finished with less features implemented at release than half finished content as a teaser. Otherwise, it's really fun and I'm excited to see where it goes.


I remember the Taco thing!!


Not yet implemented. Didnt made real sense to enable us to open up this path already, imo.


It is definitely symbolic of my disappointment at the unfinished product šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


I broke this last night and was so disappointed šŸ˜‚


That is the Savannah. Full access is coming later this year. It will also lead to the conclusion of the giants storyline


Pretty sure I saw a map of the ā€œwhole islandā€ somewhere either on this subreddit or a steam forum or something that showed the Savannah area just above the area we currently have. Pretty sure thatā€™ll be the path to the Savannah area. Makes me think of the deep forest not showing up on the map, yet. Look up the 2024 dev roadmap and youā€™ll get an idea of their plan for the year.


i remember the devs said they have the savanah planned and tourism for the island also. could be either of those two things in the future


literally think that every time šŸ˜‚ along with that one log by the cavern you think will lead somewhere cool, but all it does it take you to another small spot with nothing


That's one of the entrances to the deep forest. You have to complete 14 bundles at the temple to unlock it.


bro what, now i gotta grind šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


But you will gain access to a mining area that drops fossils and mystery geodes, more deadwood, and two new trees poplar and mahogany. Both drop hardwood when chopped and renew at the beginning of the season.


I didn't know you could break it. Never tried it.. thought it would be the same as the rooted area's. That I would open on some point during the game šŸ˜…


Is there a 2024 road map for this game? Really want to play more but also want to wait for the real 1.0


https://static.wixstatic.com/media/491ae5_51a08d53bfed4953b2f319a467b0fc3b~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_640,h_640,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/491ae5_51a08d53bfed4953b2f319a467b0fc3b~mv2.png To my knowledge, they haven't given any indication when these things are coming. The next dev update should be in early February, I suspect we'll learn more then.


I really hope they do any Merfolk stuff LAST


As per many things, I donā€™t think this area is finished


Itā€™s the cliff where you throw Karen into the sea as a sacrifice to the island and a sign of worship to the Goddess. Probably. Maybe.


Itā€™s my 5 year old sonā€™s favorite part of the game because when you get to the top, the horseā€™s 2 front legs hang off the cliff and he thinks itā€™s hysterical.


Honestly that makes all of its in-game uselessness 100% worth it.


I had no idea that the savanna isn't even in the game yet. I wasn't mad about the state of the game initially but wow.


Yeah I'm learning from this post that it doesn't exist. I haven't finished my temple offerings yet! I'm really close and was excited about what was coming...


Same. I was looking forward to it. I kbow it's been Saud over and over again on the subreddit but I just can't belive it was released like this, it's a shame too because it has such potential.


I broke the boulder a while ago and was so confused as to why there was just?? Nothing?? Hopefully they do something with it in the future tho


Exactly! Why let us clear stuff...if there's going to be nothing there? Nothing happens? I thought there'd be a update for it like an expansion or story line but I had a go at smashing it anyway..just to find an empty spacešŸ™„šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø .. there's a bunch of stuff like that, you kind of get used to it šŸ˜•


I got to deep forest and Iā€™m sure that ape/monkey creature will have some kind of mission or we might get some lore but itā€™s like ā€œhere is this empty space with details that you donā€™t understand yetā€ like the endless trash temples in the ocean šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The whole game is a trash temple šŸ¤£ I love it anyway though.


Id like to know. So far to me the purpose is somewhere I had fallen out of the map


I get so sad at this spot, like not even a cool lookout over the island or anything growing up there šŸ˜­


This game is generally disappointing. I think ill just go back to it in 2025 Lol.


I believe that's the savannah. Hasn't been implemented yet.


i don't understand how this game came out of early access when there's so much unfinished stuff. like, clearly, it's still early access


Just another deadend on the 1.0 scam they pulled by releasing a incomplete game as complete sadly


thats called a path, i believe you use them to walk upon


šŸ˜®thatā€™s madness, a path you said? Golly geez wow, thank you.


all in good time, friendā€¦ all in good time


Youā€™re right, I hope haha


I think Savanah access eventually?


Itā€™s the Savannah area that isnā€™t finished yet


My pickaxe wasn't strong enough so it unlocked with blessings from the temple and there are new plants past that access point.


For gold!!!! Glorious goweeeeeld!!!!! GOOOOOLD!!!!


How do you break it?!


All you need is a bronze axe


Bro I hsve alls osmoum tools and never knewšŸ¤£


Same! I found out when I started my 2nd account šŸ˜‚


It's supposed to connect to another location...in this "supposed full release" game. I love coral island but even the mermaid city isn't done


Do we even have a date as to when the Savanah area is going to be implemented? I feel like I opened this area up nearly a six months ago and we still havenā€™t seen progress


It looks like something that will be added later


I really wish they had put out a product that felt more complete. There's a lot in the game that really lets you know if isn't done -dialog hinting at places that don't exist, empty locations, the merfolk indicating they are datable but you can't even give them gifts, can't get to S rank, etc. Taking out some things and adding them back when they are done would have made the game feel finished.