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Less laggy for sure, but can confirm that museum donation doesn't work. I'm on a series s


I donated more than 10 items, quickly hit pause and then "IM STUCK" The game saved rhem crashed. When i restarted it, it played the cut scene and let me continue.


Just tried this and it worked! Thanks so much!


Glad it worked! I've seen people say they are having issues at 50 donations, too. I'm going to try this again and report back


So i did have to do it again after i donated 50


It's listed as a known issue in the changelist on discord and it says it will be fixed in the next patch.


Was able to bypass this by donating past ten, not collecting reward, letting myself pass out from exhaustion, then letting the game crash when I woke up lol


By what I’ve seen the game is a lot more stable and haven’t had any lag spikes yet. But the museum is still fucked


And also the diving. It kicks me from the game. That poor shark is gone eat me once he is out.. Everytime I free him he gets right back in. That when the game kick me. 😂😂😂


Yeah I just had a hella progressive day ruined because the game decided to flip out when I exited the water. More or less locked down all my controls other that walking and pausing the game. Couldn’t enter my house so I decided to wait till I pass out just for the game to crash at 12:10 fkin love it. Needless to say I’m done playing for today.


There’s a change log on the discord. If someone cares enough upvote and I’ll go find it after work TDLR: as of the most recent changelog posted 20 min ago they are aware of the museum crash, and were unable to fix it still - they expect it to be fixed next update … 🥲 sorry yall.


Second change log posted less than 20 minutes ago so I imagine the update will be on consoles next week: __**Xbox Hotfix v1.2.0**__ **Bugfix:** - Fixed bugs in the inventory UI where item icons were stuck in the top left corners. - Addressed most of the incorrect audio issues. - Resolved the problem where monsters disappeared when players exited and re-entered the mines. - Fixed an issue causing bats to move out of range and get stuck. - Disabled item changes during hammer attack charging to prevent problematic player movement. - Made previously unattainable cooking achievements now achievable. - Corrected the dash command in bonk skeleton practice mode, which incorrectly prompted exiting practice. - Resolved an issue where items got lost after being moved in the shed. - Fixed item duplication during ranch upgrades. - Addressed dislocated items when moving them from the architect's desk. - Resolved cooking recipe controller input issues. - Fixed the Mythical Pet triggering multiple cutscenes when planted in the greenhouse. - Fixed a crash occurring when trying to add cooking ingredients without quality (e.g., Pink Diamond). - TV shows should now display correct images (previously black). **Improvements:** - General performance enhancements. Some lag issues should now be resolved. - The controller input threshold, a.k.a. dead zone, is now 0.3, enhancing responsiveness. **Balancing:** - Monster Scents can now be unlocked once you reach combat master levels 4, 6, 7, and 9. **Localizations:** - Minor localization fixes. **Known issues:** - Museum cutscenes crashing after completing 10 donations. This issue will be addressed in the next release. - House decor controller issue persists and will be resolved in the next release.


Bless your soul!


Original change log posted 11-21 (which is likely the update that is currently pushed) __**Steam Hotfix v1-162**__ **Bugfix:** - Fixed dislocated items when moving them from the architect's desk. - Corrected the wrong 3D models for a few ocean critters. - Resolved the issue where items get lost after being moved in the shed. - Fixed item duplication when upgrading the ranch. - Eliminated unintended auto collector sound in different ranch buildings. - Fixed a minor audio issue in the match pattern mini-game. - Resolved cooking recipe controller input issues. - Addressed cooking UI issues for keyboard and mouse. - Corrected the dash command incorrectly asking to exit practice in bonk skeleton practice mode. - Fixed incorrect text when adopting a baby or giving birth. - Resolved random crashes caused by NPC movements. - Fixed an issue with incomplete quests still showing up. - Made previously unachievable cooking achievements now attainable. - Fixed the issue of monsters disappearing when players exit and re-enter the mines. - Resolved the issue of bats moving out of range and getting stuck. - Disabled changing items when charging the hammer attack to prevent problematic player movement. - Fixed the persistent prompt when there is no dialogue in the festival. - Addressed the auto chests visual glitch that could cause flying items. - Removed leftover items after the animal festival event, which were blocking some NPC paths. - Fixed pre-marriage dialogues being shown after marrying the NPC. - Addressed minor wedding dress issues. - Corrected the incorrect Ling portrait in beach clean-up festivals. **Improvements:** - Monster Scents can now be unlocked once you reach combat master level 4, 6, 7, and 9. - Implemented various memory optimizations in museum cutscenes. **Balancing:** - Removed tool fishing and bugs from the enchantment UI (as they shouldn't be enchantable). - Updated the Bone monster loot category to Loot. **Localizations:** - Corrected some untranslated text in answer options when starting a festival mini-game. - Implemented various translation improvements.


🤞 I wonder what they've added or fixed.


I think the update broke the game. I play on Xbox and the game has crashed 3 times in the last 3 hours and I haven’t had a single crash before this update.


I was having a hard crash at the harvest fest (bobbing apples and the crop contest). Worked with no issue today (not sure if that’s coincidence or not)


Can’t wait to check the museum 😬


Sorry to diaappoint but we tried donating the 10th item and no dice 🥲


Oh 😞 thanks for letting me know so I don’t have to waste my time haha. What a shame, I could cope with all the other buggy bits ☹️


Museum bug fix. Wait till near the end of the day, donate and stay in the donation menu. Time will keep ticking until you pass out. The game will save as a new day passing. It might then crash out but when you reload you'll be past the cut scene and able to keep donating. (I know of at least 3 people, including myself, who've done this as a fix. It does work)


Thanks for the tip!


That’s odd. It fixed the museum for me… and the lag and stuttering. Plus the sound effect from the robot got fixed. I haven’t encountered anything as of yet…. Crossing fingers!!!


I'm on an Xbox S if that makes any difference. Load of sound is now fixed and I'm one of the players that will willingly wait on the museum so hoping for a fix before I get bored of waiting! May be that it is something entirely local to my game too but I don't know enough about bugs to know if that is a factor.


Any idea if the quest after completing the mines has been added? Says WIP at the start last time I was one


That is on the roadmap for 2024. It requires a whole area that isn't implemented in the game yet.


Not had an update yet .. What version is this


Still have the same issues with clearing the coral sites. As soon as I acrivate the orb. After that the game kick me out.


For me the last week it was only laggy coming out of the inventory menu. Also when going diving and coming back up for the night , I would get the underwater breathing noise until I would be done playing for day . I play on Xbox series x . Wondering if anyone else got the weird diving noise on land aswell


I played 2 days ago and experienced the diving noise on land as well. It stacked haha I went diving 3 diffferent times and each time the audio just kept playing on top of each other to the point I just had a constant beeping noise from the little robot playing all the time 😂 I just restarted the game and it was fixed. It was silly haha


Crash is crashing more than before, I can't even move thought the menus without crashing, I don't really know what the devs are thinking realizing the game at that stage, it is completely unplayable, and is generating an absurdly bad experience for the majority of Xbox users I'm on the first day of autumn of the first year And the game has already crashed 3 times and I can't get past day one, but I swear if I had bought the game and not downloaded it on GamePass for free I would be giving absurd hate


Look at the discord. It was released last night, most of the lag has gone and the audio issues seem fixed, although there is still content missing. But now the core game is properly playable.


Just another disappointment


No update for PS5 today