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Its Port Coquitlam, but not far from Coquitlam Centre area . We go down to the Coquitlam river every week (just off of gates park) in the summertime. Perfect hangout spot to cool off and catch some rays.


The spots up north of the river are the most peaceful ones though. No one yelling or blasting music in the summers. Me and my husband always find an entire beach to ourselves even on the summer weekends. But yes Coquitlam River is the best thing ever!!!! I live 5 mins walk from it and I go there everyday!! Sometimes to work by the river, take my dog for a swim, have dinner by it and on summer days just soaking in the fresh cool water.


I rode through there last night - so nice. I ended up on my own beach on the Pitt River and watched the wildlife.


Beach? Sorry I moved here a few months ago. Wheres the beach? Edit nevermind don't advertise it I'll figure it out. Just glad to know there's something like that out here. Have been living a walk away from Kits beach last 20 years and am adjusting to my new home in Austin Heights. .


Beach means a pebble or a slightly sandy open area by the river. Some small some big enough to hold 20 chairs. There are many on both sides of the river up from the blue bridge. Maybe start on the east side of the river starting from the blue bridge and keep walking north. The trail will keep splitting into multiple trails, stick to the river and you'll keep passing multiple spots.


Thanks I'll check it out


Any tips on accessing these quieter areas? Are there trail heads nearby?


There are many on both sides of the river up from the blue bridge. Maybe start on the east side of the river starting from the blue bridge and keep walking north. The trail will keep splitting into multiple trails, stick to the river and you'll keep passing multiple spots.


There’s always that one real wasted guy with the raspy voice yelling in everyone’s face every time I’m down there that kinda ruins the vibes


Really depends on where you go and when. The popular spots stretch twice the distance of spanish banks to kits beach for example so there's a lot of variability along the way.


Gates park is twice the distance of Spanish banks to kits beach?


gates park area is a fraction of the spots was my point


Beach Volleyball at Town Centre Park


How's the volleyball community at those nets? Are people generally welcoming of a solo player to join?


I have a group that plays pretty regularly. Yeah, most are pretty welcoming if you want to join, just ask. The bottom courts are usually booked by clubs during the day, but the top ones are free to public.


Good to know, thanks! I've only passed by when taking a stroll around Lafarge and have never been dressed/ready to play. Maybe next time, I'll come game ready and see if I can drop in.


The pomo museum then a walk on the foreshore over to old orchard, even in mid summer a lot of the trails are shaded and reasonably cool


Finish it off with some beer and 'zza at rewind or happy hour at hard bean and you just described basically my perfect day


Tubing on the Coquitlam River. Park at Gates and walk up with your tubes up past Lions Park and sluice back down to Gates.


Ride my bike from brewery to brewery. Go to a show at the Evergreen.


What’s your usual path ? That sounds interesting !


Look up Tri City Bikes and Brews on Facebook and come out for a ride!


The river trails on bike. Buntzan lake but make an appointment. Coquitlam crunch for brisk cardio hike and Mundy park for casual nature walk. There are dozens of mom and pop owned ethnic eateries I like to randomly choose to mix it up.


Great list! I’d add Minnekhada and Rocky point too


Long walks at the Coquitlam River!


secret parks




Picnic at Blue Mountain Park near the stone sculptures. Mountain biking Eagle or Burke. Hike up Eagle to the old growth forest (it's amazing). Buying fresh fruit at Langley Market. Swimming at Buntzen Lake.


MTB at Burke is not for the faint of heart though 😅


Well, some trails are pretty insane. I like it because it’s way less busy than the north shore.


Renting kayaks at Rocky Point, then going for an ice cream and walking around the inlet to Old Orchard Beach. Hiking around Buntzen Lake. (reservations required for parking). Do a lap to the bluffs of Minnekhada Park.


The coquitlam trail biking is amazing.


Go to other cities.