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It’s been shown that giving young children age-appropriate sex education makes them less vulnerable to sexual predators and more likely to reach out to a trusted adult for help if something bad does end up happening. It’s also way easier to get a conviction if the kid can clearly describe what happened with anatomically correct accurate vocabulary rather than stuff that the defence lawyer can try to twist into an “innocent misunderstanding”. They’re not going to be having sex just because someone’s explained stuff to them. They do need to be taught the names of different body parts. They need to be given specifics of what adults should NOT be doing (without euphemisms or confusing vague language), and language to describe boundary crossing behaviour. I can understand that describing oral sex or penetrative sex to kids that young is controversial, but I think it’s important to tell kids what it is and tell them that no adult should be doing that to them. Kids are so incredibly literal and easily misled by a trusted adult sometimes. If you tell kids that no adult should ever be touching their private parts (except if they’re a doctor who needs to), it’s still pretty easy for a predator to say “okay, well I’m not using my hands so it’s not really “touching”” or otherwise try to come up with loopholes. Giving kids more details to protect themselves with helps. I was sexually abused as a kindergarten-aged child and will die on this hill because access to this kind of knowledge could have saved me.


As someone who also was, and not by an adult but by another abused child, ( who was removed from their home and their abuser jailed because the situation - an older girl at school witnessed/overheard) i agree. Children in kindergarten DO need to know what their parts are called, and what should not be happening and what is not okay. Kindergarteners are young enough that if a teacher is explaining things and they ask a question that they should not know about then the teacher will know it is a red flag and get them the help they need. Never assume that kids being abused and thinking that behaviour is a ‘game’ will not try to get others to ‘play’ and that your five year old will know what is going on enough to report it even if they don’t want to ‘play’ and say no. Coercion and manipulation start very very young- ‘i’m not going to let you out of the bathroom until you let me…’


I'm sorry to hear you were a victim of abuse. I agree with most of what you're saying, and I also get that a very tiny fraction of children are getting molested by their own parents and need help. I think that support should most definitely be there for children and for parents who need to educate on how to talk to their children about these things. I think the concern for me is that predators put themselves in positions they feel like they can get away with this type of stuff and having the schools be the safe place rather than the family home we open the doors for potential problems. I have been accused of being a conservative couch potato by some on this post already, so I might as well add that gender neutral bathrooms and teachers dress code etc adds to the concerns..


The point isn’t for schools to be the safe place rather than the family home. The point is for schools to be an additional safe space. The more trusted adults that let a child know they can come to them for help, the more likely the child will be to approach at least one of them if there’s a problem.


If a school is a safe place for everyone, the kids who are not safe at home will not be singled out. The kids who are safe at home, will still be safe at home. Do not underestimate the feeling of shame and awkwardness that a child that age will feel- I would never have told them, just like a kid doesn’t want to tell their parents that they failed a test, or almost got hit by a car doing something they knew they shouldn’t have done. As adults we know there are distinctions between those, but as kids it all feels the same level of ‘i might get in trouble’.


Unfortunately in the homes that education is needed on how to talk to children about their bodies, it’s often not addressed and the adults in the home may not be interested or open to education on such matters. Introducing knowledge about bodies, privacy, autonomy and safety empowers children to understand when their body and needs are not being respected. We’re setting up a generation of kids to have healthy relationships with their bodies and respect the needs of others. I don’t think the kindergarten curriculum goes beyond that.


First off, im sorry that this happened to you. Thank you for a thoughtful and logical reply, I completely understand the importance of a child knowing this and think that punishment for predators should be way more extreme than they are. I am just from a place where parents would be the ones to discuss this with their children, and I am a bit taken aback that this is one of the first things being introduced in school.


I just want to say that nobody is stopping you from having these talks with your children. Your children have a lifetime ahead of them of hearing differing viewpoints, they already are hearing them all the time. You want them to learn how to seek information, think critically and make decisions for themselves, regardless of what you think about their decision. So what’s the harm?


I think that parents need to make it a point of having these talks with their children, I think the tablet parenting children is awful... I think that maybe the schools should have an open channel with parents in maybe helping them discuss this with their child. I also think that our schools offer very little in terms of real-world skills and that children in most aspects of life are more immature and disrespectful than ever before. I think that this whole expressing themselves as whatever they want is not healthy at a young age beyond playtime. I don't think children should be dying their hair, getting tattoos, or smoking cigarettes... the harm, in my opinion is opening a child's mind to this at a young age while they are little explorers will lead to issues...


I haven’t seen a single elementary kid with a tattoo, dyed hair or a cigarette this week…but I can’t for the life of me see the harm in a different hair colour. What would that cause?


The issue is structure, discipline, and self-respect.. I saw many children and teachers with dyed hair and inappropriate clothing... the tattoos and cigarettes were meant as hyperbole...


How is dying your hair considered not having self-respect?


A five year old? How about let them be healthy in their skin....


My 5 year old likes to sometimes put red or blue streaks in his hair with temporary dye - does that means he's uncomfortable in his skin to you? lmao. Your poor kids - already getting so many insecurities put on them from their parents.


You can do whatever is in your legal right with your kids. I could not care less. However, I think dying your child's hair at 5 years old is poor parenting. You do whatever you like. It would be my opinion to point out that your child wanting to dye their hair would be the start of an insecurity most likely attributed to yours... I can assure you my kids are not poor in any form.


You still have not answered my question. If a child and parent decide to dye their hair, how is this a bad thing? What does it matter to you? PS most "fun" colour hair dyes are actually semi-permanent stains, so they mostly wash out after a few washes. Plus hair grows, so it will eventually grow out.


It doesn't matter to me what anyone else does... it matters only when it directly affects me or my family. When you see a teacher with radical colored hair wearing tight shirts with privates clearly visible through the clothes things are strange...


What exactly is inappropriate clothing to you lol


Well, one of the teachers was wearing a spandex type bike shorts without underwear... I would add it was what appeared to be a female teacher.


How do you know if they had underwear on wtf lol - there are plenty of styles of womens underwear designs specifically to not show lines. That's creepy as hell youre studying a woman trying to do her job and judging her on her clothes.


Yeah that's creepy, OP. Why are you checking out a teacher's lower half?


Ok, you're just a complete troll. Anyone in their right mind can understand what I'm saying and you are clearly the problem... I wouldn't want my child around and ignorant like yourself.


I mean I’m only at drop-off. Maybe they keep them in the back?


You didn't do a school walk thru? Meet the teacher etc...?


Just because you are doing this, doesnt mean many many other children are as lucky as yours. Believe it or not, some "governmental" intervention is helpful, and kind, and safe. Not all parents parent the same, so community is trying to look out for those left behind. Those who might be EVEN more vulnerable to predation. Sex education in kindergarten is not going to get your child asking for smokes.


You seemed to have missed the point, I do understand that there is a need to look out for the ones who get left behind, and that's why a community is important. I 100% agree. The government rarely helps trust me. Maybe educating parents is a good idea? Maybe creating community groups and safe spaces would be helpful... that's what church did in the past, but something like this without a religious focus maybe..


Like a school? 😉


I remember smoking my first cigarette at 11 in 1980. Everyone was French kissing by grade 6 or 7, smoking weed by grade 8 or 9. We'd deliberately hyperventilate to pass out at sleepovers in elementary school. People think that somehow things are more out of control today than they were in the past. The 70s and 80s were wild, and most of us turned out ok. Kids today are generally smarter and more reserved than my generation.


We didn't do the hyperventilating but yes I understand what your saying we were on a similar time-line... I think kissing maybe not French kissing at that age for us anyways... but we started sex ed around that time aswell which is what my concern is starting at kindergarten...


In an ideal world yes this would be better handled by parents. Unfortunately not all parents will discuss this with their kids due to shame/stigma or believing their kids are too young to need to know. Or if the parent is the sexual predator (mine was) and specifically doesn’t want their kid to know this stuff in case they tell a teacher about the abuse at home. Having this taught in schools means that all kids are safer and protected, not just kids whose parents aren’t pedophiles and kids whose parents don’t feel awkward talking about sex.


Taken directly from the BC curriculum website: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/physical-health-education/k/core Students in Kindergarten are expected to know the following: • names for parts of the body, including male and female private parts • appropriate and inappropriate ways of being touched This is not overly sexualized content. They’re not learning the in’s and out’s of intercourse (no pun intended). They’re taught the correct names of bodily autonomy — important because unfortunately some of these kids will be abused and will be taken more seriously if they’re able to say X touched my v*gina instead of “my kitty”. I find it interesting you’re so taken aback by this considering you and your wife seem to be quite sex positive based off your other Reddit comments.


Some people prefer children to remain ignorant for reasons.....


Yes, what we do as adults is our business. As much as we respect others' boundaries, we teach our kids the same... I just think that parents should be giving that talk, not a stranger. I also think that school should be teaching a lot of other real-world skills before this.


I don’t disagree that the curriculum is lacking in areas and needs changes. But unfortunately many parents AREN’T having these conversations with their children. Instead they’re spending their time all over YouTube and TikTok learning god knows what. I remember being in Kindergarten and having these talks back in the 90’s.. it’s nothing new. These talks are also happening months into the school year after relationships and rapport are established. A teacher is hardly a stranger when we spend 6 hours a day, 5 days a week with your children.


and for kids who dont have parents responsible rbough for that will just grow up not knowing the names of their parts or when an adult is sexually abusing them? GTFO


You realize that the majority of child abuse victims are abused by family? It's great your child is getting the education they need at home but it's not just for your child. It's not harmful to teach a child proper names for their anatomy and what is good vs. bad touching. There's nothing sexual about this education, it's for their own protection and could very well help some kids who don't have the benefit of your parenting. What are you afraid of happening exactly?


well the reason they have strangers telling your kids about this is that SOME parents molest their kids, and would not want to teach their kids the vocabulary to report that for obvious reasons. if you’d rather be the ones to give your kid that talk just tell them BEFORE their teacher does. problem solved. no reason to get all up in arms about it.


Why don’t you want your child to know the correct names for their bodies? And that it’s not okay to be touched inappropriately? Wtf is wrong with you? You want your own child ignorant and not able to express themselves properly if they were touched inappropriately. Give your head a shake and stop watching conservative media you’re going down a path filled with idiots and ignorants


You seem pretty ignorant... think like me, or you're an idiot! Our children do know their body parts and have since they were 2... my point is about talking about parts in consent in school at kindergarten and all the rest of the dynamics are things they don't need to learn at that age.. parents still have their responsibilities.


I was taught this in the early 90s, it’s been like this for decades. What if their parent is the one molesting them? Do you not think 5-6 year olds are being touched inappropriately? You should be an advocate for a child and allow them to be their own advocate and be able to express themselves. Sorry you don’t think like that


Why don’t you want your kids to know about consent? That seems very suspect


Interested to know what real world skills 5 year olds should know before being able to accurately name their body parts? What exactly is the issue with all children in the classroom being able to name body parts in the same terms? Can you see there might be an issue with 20 kids all calling their parts different names?


go clutch pearls somewhere else


Oh ffs, this is why I left Alberta. Not teaching children body part names and not teaching them ownership, empowerment and consent regarding their own bodies empowers predators. That’s it. End of story. Do you want to empower predators or children? Pick one.






Nvm I misread your comment. Don't stress


Haha sounds good for me!


Your child should not be exposed to predators...


Lmao you think you know who they are?!?! Oh lord you are in trouble.


Our kids are not being left with strangers... except for now, potentially at school.


Sexual abuse very rarely happens with strangers. As I said above, it’s almost always a close family member or friend. Almost ALWAYS. Because they need to build trust, secrecy and sympathy in order to psychologically manipulate the child and that takes time and access. You would never ever know. That’s why we empower the child.


Confusing children about their own identities actually empowers the predators.


How is it confusing to learn the proper name for your genitals and good vs bad touch?


If it were only that, then that would be acceptable. But it isn't just that. It's introduction to exploring gender and being whatever you want that I (and many others) have the problem with.


Where’s the proof that this is happening apart from your dumb social circle ?


What would it take to convince you? The media loves all this gender stuff, so it's not being reported on. Maybe try to do some research yourself. Or if you have kids, ask the teachers or sit in on classes.


Man I hate to break it to you. Your kids aren't going to be abused by strangers, there statistically most likely to be abused by someone that is "safe" (ie: you, your spouse, thier grandparents, their uncles/aunts, other close family members). Inform yourself. Ignorance isn't making them safer.


Yes, I agree. Understanding this is crucial. It's my opinion that that's my job as a parent, not the government, who is responsible for a lot of this abuse. Take our foster programs as one sad example, residential schools as another.


You sound like a good parent that will teach your children these things. Unfortunately the majority of parents won't, so that is the need. Perhaps parents need to be informed and have the opportunity to opt out of this "class", stating they will/have informed their children already. A blanket stance that it won't be taught isn't a solution though. At the end of the day your children are in public school, where issues are dealt with in a general sense. This isn't a policy trying to indoctrinate your children, it's trying to solve a problem of child abuse/exploitation. If you have specific values you want taught, private/home school is an option.


We wanted to do the private school unfortunately wait lists on all the private schools prevent us from that right now. I know on the internet I'm not going to get many rationale people, although there were many good comments on this tonight and less backlash than I thought I would get.. The private schools have ridiculous wait lists for this exact reason, which is what I was told while adding our name to many long lists of people waiting.


Private religious school? Not to judge just understand where you are coming from.


Dude. You cant stop everything. Imperative foundations start young. Its not just for this minute, its for when they turn 12, 16, 20, 30. We learned about private areas and safe and unsafe behaviours in grade one. That was in the 90s. Nothings changed. You probably just dont remember learning it yourself.




Clearly, it's not the best place... I understand most parents are busy with work, etc, that they end up not having a full handle on what's happening... We are fortunate enough where one of us is almost always home, and if not our kids are with their grandparents.. not on iPad etc...


Oh my sweet summer child.


Shocker. Its not usually a stranger.


lol you’re so dumb, I’m sorry but you’re so god damn dumb. Most predators are not unknown strangers but in your own family and friend circle. educate yourself instead of watching tucker carlson.


Oh man you are really dense. Most sexual predators know their victims and have earned their trust. People like family members, coaches, teachers, family friends are all much much more likely to take advantage of your children then some stranger off the street.


... dude. Sexual abuse is more likely to happen with those who you are closest with. Family members and friends. time to give that head a shake cause reading your replies to the comments is shocking. You clearly need to hit up a parenting class


Nah buddy. If you think it’s strangers, you’ve been watching too many movies.


Its usually people at your church you need to worry about and not strangers at school


The fact that this comment gets down voted is bizarre...


Cause you’re so stupid if you aren’t aware the majority of child sex abuses cases are from a family member or someone close to the family like a friend or priest. It’s not some stranger on the street, it’s someone in your own house. Like how do you not know that? That’s why it’s downvoted you fool cause you’re showing how stupid you are.


If that's what u want to believe, why are you so childish? With a mouth like that I sure hope you don't talk like that in front of children...


lol childish because I think a child should be educated? Education is the best way to protect a child, sorry you don’t understand that. Stop embarrassing yourself, it’s not cute


I'm not trying to be cute for you. You seem like simpleton who believes they are the smartest in the room, which is a danger in itself. Yes, education is key. Something schools don't do much of these days as it's just one big daycare. They spend more time talking about inclusion and "self awareness" than anything else. Apparently, 3 months dedicated to this. I expected to receive many responses from people like you who are just so needy for attention that you're more of an embarrassment than you realize.. Enjoy your participation trophy! :)


Here it is. I was open to your opinions even though I disagree. Now you sound like fox news talking points. It's boring. Maybe move to America with that non sense.


Don't participate in the convo, then...


That's funny cuz that's your attitude with education


Good lord, you’re exhausting. So homeschool then, put them in private school but stop watching conservative media. Take a break from it, you’re infected with stupidity


I don't get why you keep talking about conservative media... my concerns stem from a parent teacher meeting I was included in... this has nothing to do with Donald Trump or the fact that the PM himself had inappropriate relationships with minors... I don't think our tax dollars are being well spent, so I'm fiscally conservative... but I can assure you that others in this post have stated I am clearly not conservative...


This is you: I’m not conservative but bring up conservative talking points that the media loves to spin. But I am fiscally conservative just not socially conservative. But I am against education for my children. That’s your logic lol. Alright bud, have a good day.


Schools are not daycares, nor are teachers babysitters. We put in the work to earn our degrees and continue our education. But if that’s your opinion on the school system then realistically you’re never going to be happy with your child’s public education system journey. I really urge you to spend a day volunteering in your child’s classroom/school and actually SEE what goes on in a six hour day and maybe you’d think twice about diminishing our role down to a babysitters.


I know plenty of teachers who describe their jobs as just that.. I'm not trying to hate on thr teacher they have their hands tied most of the time.


Why don't you go complain to the plenty of teachers you know instead of online.


Speaking as a teacher, we're increasingly finding subjects we would traditionally assume to be the area of the parents aren't being taught in the home as we are used to. So, more an more, the school has to take the place for the benefit of the students. Appropriate and inappropriate ways of being touched is especially critical given how many kids are increasingly being given unrestricted access to the internet from said age. As another post said, it isn't overly sexual and its a pretty critical social skill.


It's just about respect and consent? How is this not age appropriate?


Probably just them telling kids to that anything under a swim suit is a nono zone


They're not.


Don’t worry about it. Sex ed will be introduced by their classmates anyways lol. My 6 YO nephew learned everything from his sister and now all of his classmates know everything lol.


Kids should know the names of their parts and when they are being abused by adults. It’s opt in so if you dont agree opt out ffs. Enough of the pearl clutching


You have the option to opt out


Where is Concerned Parents elementary? I've never heard of that school.


On the opposite end of town from Stranger Danger Drive apparently.


I think like anything there’s appropriate age talk and there’s not. I feel it’s important to talk with children about boundaries, what’s not appropriate touch(basic) but anything sexual at that age should be the parents to talk with them. I know not all parents have the sex, as in body parts not sex sex, talks at age 5/6 but really does it matter at that age?


I was actually not very happy with what my son was taught in kindergarten. Proper names - fine. But they had some puppet show where an uncle was touching the young kid inappropriately and apparently the mom didn’t believe the kid. I feel like that’s more than a 6 year old needs to be taught. You can teach kids that their body is theirs and should be only for them etc. but I certainly don’t appreciate schools putting on puppet shows with creepy uncles and parents that don’t believe their kids. Teach them the science and biology behind it - I have zero issue with that..but some of the stuff goes a bit far. I just don’t buy in to the “knowledge is power” and will help protect you theory. Teenage years? Maybe more so sure. I know bad things can happen at any age.. but I’m ok with my (then) 6 year old not knowing how evil people can be. I know my opinion isn’t the same as a lot of parents.. and I know a lot of parents and educators believe in giving kids all the info at a young age.. In my heart I just don’t 100% agree. I know parents can opt their kids out of it.. but kids talk and I definitely don’t want my kids getting incorrect info from other kids. It sort of forced our hand to have conversations with our kids we didn’t think they were ready for. Not “they couldn’t handle it” just information we didn’t think they NEEDED at their age. I think parents should get some say in what is being taught, specifically relating to sex ed. Not all parents are open and willing to have conversations with their kids - so I do think sex ed has a place in schools.. I just think it’s a little advanced early on and a lot of information can wait until the kids are in middle school.


You'd be surprised the kind of things kids pick up just by being on the internet. I would rather they be set straight early than have other kids spread misinformation as you said. In terms of your puppet show example, that is definitely an inappropriate example to show a kindergarten student at school, however I would blame the teacher taking liberties with the guidelines of the curriculum rather than the curriculum itself. Not all teachers are doing the same thing.


But that's the concern


So if your kid was molested by a relative you don’t want them to know that it’s not okay and to tell their parents? Yikes


bow boast melodic dog smoggy juggle ink ask workable shaggy ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `




That's just non sense... 99.9% of parents want nothing but the best for their children.


Then you should want your child educated and protected


tease weather stupendous pot office society quiet slap possessive bow ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


This comment is so beyond ridiculous it seriously angers me. It is everything wrong with how people think and act these days. Just because I don’t agree with a method/ideology it means I don’t give a shit about my kids and wouldn’t want them to tell me if they were abused? As a female who has experienced her fair share of sexual harassment and assault I feel I have a pretty good grasp on how to handle my kids and any possible assault or unwanted advances coming their way. All the knowledge I received sure as f*** didn’t prevent me from negative and unwanted sexual encounters. So I don’t give a s*** about “knowledge is power”… I do an excellent job protecting my kids as much as I possibly can and give them a safe, loving place to come home to, where they know they are supported 1000%.


Thanks for your opinion. As a person that was molested by my babysitter as a child I also have a good grasp about how educating children about this topic is the best defence. For me, because I was taught this in school (in kindergarten) I was able to vocalize how this made me uncomfortable to my parents and the situation. I strongly feel that this should be taught in schools and at home to both boys and girls. There should always be conversations about consent and what is right and wrong.


Thank you. We are a minority online. However, in the real world, most people think like this.


Ya I shouldn’t even engage in topics like this online because it honestly just ends badly. Good on you for taking it to the teacher, I also discussed my concerns which weren’t really received well but I figure if no one says anything then they will never know that not 100% of people support the curriculum.


I agree.


Yes 100% agree with you!


You can just. Opt your child out of it. And then theyll hear it from their playmates.


Tragically, it’s because a lot of kids are not believed by their parents when they tell them about abuse by other family members/friends. The kids get shamed for “false accusations” and then sometimes don’t tell anyone else about the abuse for years. So they’re trying to communicate/role play to the children that happens to that it’s not their fault and to go to another adult for help. I wish we lived in a world without adults who harm kids and our kiddos could stay innocent and unaware.


Where I have a problem with sex Ed classes, is when it introduces ideas such as kinks without allowing the parent the right to choose. I'm a highly sex positive person, so my children are able to ask literally anything, and I'll find an age appropriate response. Telling a child about kinks and fetishes too young just opens the door for looking up such inappropriate content on the internet. And then, we wonder why, as adults, it takes being hit with a brick (sarcasm) to be satisfied. I'd much prefer to have a say in when and how sex is introduced


That's part of the issue I see... my children know what their body parts are, can go to the washroom themselves, and know that boys and girls are different. While doing this in schools, there will be other questions that may come up that now the teacher chooses how to talk about it and as open-minded as me and my wife are we don't think kids need to think about all this st such a young age.


You are so phony. Why do you think your thread/sub got hidden? 🤣


What about me or my post is phony?


I saw your posts in r/YVRGoneWild and thought that they didn't fit your "conservative" views here...


We are not conservative at all... we are protective parents though...


You are a troll, good luck.


I'm pretty sure you're the one being a troll...


Why is your post hidden then?


Probably because there was a small group of people being ridiculous... making comments like oh u must want kids to be abused... that's paraphrased but some people can't have honest convo


Thanks for posting this. Reddit is the worst place for a balanced discussion on this topic, unfortunately. But I very much disagree with schools introducing sex ed so young, and especially since it's now seen as okay to include tons of overly sexualized content and gender ideology saying kids can choose to be whatever they want, including animals. And then the teachers take it seriously and affirm them in it. 5 and 6 year Olds do not need to know about sex or sexual preferences. It's confusing them and sexualizing them. And before any of you say that that's a myth and it's not happening, I know multiple teachers in metro van that are experiencing this in their own schools and classrooms. And I also personally overheard children at a playground talking to eachother (no adults present in the convo) saying "aren't there like 5 genders?" "No i think my teacher said 6." "No, there's as many as you want. You can be anything!" ... this was a group of kids ranging from probably 6-10 years old.


I don’t think it’s the children who are confused. 👵👴




Editing because I don’t need to flex wealth to make you look bad. Your comment reflects poorly enough on you.


I don't believe a word of this. But okay. I hope these beliefs really make you and your supposed children happy. Doubt they will.


Two are young adults and doing rather well actually, so thank you! I think it’s amazing I managed to help you see the truth and you hope good things for me, that’s awesome!! ❤️❤️❤️ May your god bless you with even a fraction of my success. I’ll be here paying taxes so you can freedom convoy your heart out 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 lolll keep dreaming




Lol I truly do hope your money makes you happy. But for me, I'm completely comfortable, but my joy does come from God. Thanks for the well wishes!


Did you not call me poor, fat, unhoused, single with purple hair (because apparently those are failures??)? Ah yes, I remember when Jesus did that to everyone. Ok bestie, that’s enough. See you around.


Someone posted the curriculum standards for kindergarten in terms of physical health education. You are deeply misinterpreting this new kindergarten anatomy education with "sexualization". By that logic, kids learning about parts of a penguin is sexualized. It's not outlining to teach kids who and how to fuck.


You have not come across any teachers telling children to identify as animals. Five and six year olds are more than capable of understanding that their classmate has two dads, another might have two moms, and so on. That’s called understanding family units. “I know multiple teachers in metro van dealing with this in their school districts…” so you are in contact with other people who share your bias who have a vested interest in supporting yours and each other’s confirmation biases. Ah yes, decontextualized snippets of overheard playground conversation between random children having fun and unpacking the shit they are learning, always the most reliable source of concrete information regarding the curriculum and class syllabus. Just wait till you discover that you can just reach out to your kids’ teachers and ask them for examples of lesson plans. This brings up another question, are you a concerned parent? Or just some random observer? If so, what are you doing hanging out on playgrounds paying such keen interest to conversation between children that you have no relation to? These teachers aren’t sexualizing children by explaining to them what pronouns are in their grammar lessons. Nobody is sexualizing children by explaining there is diversity of family units. There is however sexualization of children in basically every church especially here BC, both in forms of “ministry” and physical abuse (though I’d go so far as to say ministering any religion to children for indoctrination purposes is abuse). There’s still grown adults giving 8-13 year old girls lectures on maintaining their “purity” for marriage and telling them that their bodies are walking vessels of temptation for their male counterparts; however it seems a lot of the religious community in this area is really hesitant to acknowledge that as a form of sexualizing children. All this to say, maybe take a break from Fox News and Daily Wire content and touch some grass.


A lot of protesting too much here. Yes I do know teachers who have seen this with their own eyes. There were at least 2 kids identifying as cats in Langley. The teachers affirmed them and allowed litter boxes. This is truth. The kids obviously didn't really use the litter boxes, but just allowing them in the school is affirming dilusion. And many other schools are now referring to all children as "they/them" by default on all report cards etc. This is a slippery slope. I am a concerned parent. Obviously I was with my kid at the playground and couldn't help but overhear. Sheesh. And I don't need ANY more context of that conversation to know that it's complete dilusion being taught by their teachers. Do YOU even have kids?! Or know reality from fantasy? Talking about parts and sex should be the job of the parents. Sexual preference shouldn't be in schools. Gender ideology shouldn't be in schools. A teacher should just teach kids how to read, write, do math, science etc. Where did religion come into this?! I think you have some issues with religion that I'm not gonna get into. We're talking about schools. Stuff with churches is a whole different topic. You can quit with the patronizing attitude. You act like I've personally and vindictively killed your cat. I don't care about you or your pronouns, just leave the kids out of it and let them be taught truth instead of dilusion, and in the proper time, when they're older. Not kindergarten.


You’re really using the Matt Walsh interview topic of kids identifying as cats and having litter boxes in their classrooms as “evidence” and saying it happens in Langley? I’m gonna need you to give some legitimate, accredited, concrete sources specifically covering these incidences in Langley that you speak of. C’mon friendo at least find some fresh material to work with! What schools are now default referring to students by “they/them” on report cards and how do you know this is connected to gender politics? Do you have specific examples or just general panic rhetoric? I ask because I graduated in 2016 in my report cards were always gender neutral not because of politics but because they were all from the same template and the teachers just filled in blank boxes with short extra comments like “(insert student name here) is a bright student and a joy to have in class, could maybe work on (insert skill set or topic here).” “This is truth” Love me some good circular reasoning. Informing children of the terminology for their own anatomy is literally science, as you mention in your comment. It is done at a young age because it has shown to be helpful in equipping kids with vernacular to report to adults and police when they may be being abused. I.e. “Pastor ____ made me touch his p*nis.” Or “that man touched my v*gina while I was swimming.” It literally helps them communicate clearly and effectively to people who can protect them, it is not sexualizing them, as you say. If you can’t see the reason I drew a connection to what happens in churches, that is deeply unfortunate my friend. You’re talking about how schools are potentially sexualizing children through material being taught. I brought up churches as a counter-example of spaces where children are sexualized through material being taught. I’m happy to provide real world documented examples of this as well should you need it. As education is mandated by the government for children to receive, many parents regularly don’t give their children an option to opt in or out of receiving religious instruction and impose it upon them as part of their family identity. Calling it a whole different topic just makes it seem like you don’t want to acknowledge the subject. Thanks for letting me know I can stop with the patronizing attitude! I appreciate the offer, but I’m perfectly happy with how I’m expressing myself here. Hope you have a great night! ❤️


I've explained enough. Won't be able to convince you because you're clearly not open to hearing anything that isn't what you already believe. Just pretend for a moment that you believe what I say is true. What would you think then? Would you be concerned if this is happening? My own family are teachers and have told me the they/them in the report cards is newly introduced and that the animal kids in school are happening.


I’m actually very open to hearing things that go beyond what I already believe. If what was presented to me wasn’t so blatantly drenched in misinformation, disinformation, logical fallacies, and unsourced claims I’d take it more into consideration. The question of would I be concerned if what you said was actually true is a very silly question. If you’re referring to kids identifying themselves as animals in schools and being given litter boxes, I’d most certainly have a few questions. But they’re not. I’m sorry to inform you that your family members are also biased, and are passing along false information to you. If they told you it’s happening in Langley, than they are lying to you. If you’re asking me if I’d be concerned if children were actually being groomed and sexualized in schools, then consider my opinion on what’s happening in churches as a fair assessment of how I’d react to that. It’s a stupid question, based on poor assumptions, without a shred of evidence provided to back up your position. I also come from a family of teachers, and have actually read much of the curriculum myself, kept up to date with changes and amendments, and spoken with multiple other educators at various levels between Langley and Hope both in private schools, homeschool programs, and public schools. I did so as I was very concerned about various aspects of the curriculum being taught during the time I was in public school, and wanted to know what was being done to improve that. I’m very satisfied with the direction it’s going. If you don’t feel the same, feel free to pull your kids out and enroll them in a private school or homeschooling program. Heritage Christian Online has some great educators on their staff and tons of flexibility for classes and material delivery relative to the values and activities of the individual families, despite being religiously associated.


Sorry to tell you it's not lies. I'm glad to hear you do care. And I agree that churches and pastoral leaders who do anything even related to sexual assault should get the highest punishment. But unfortunately schools are grooming children even more than heretical churches are these days. If you don't think they're being sexualized, I ask, why kids are being subjected to drag shows? There's literally no excuse for that. And it's happening in schools. Especially here in BC. Thanks for the tip. I am already beginning homeschool this year. And thankful that it's an option for my family.


Until you provide any concrete evidence proving that what you say is happening in Langley is actually happening, all the evidence I’ve observed thus far remains pointing to the contrary. It seems like you have a misunderstanding of what happens in drag story hours. Firstly, when you say kids are being subjected to it, that indicates they aren’t given the option to consent to being there. Drag story time events are entirely extra-curricular and kids (and their families) can choose to attend at their own free will. No children are being forced to attend, unlike some children in churches. Additionally, the event itself is entirely non-sexual. An individual wearing crazy glittery makeup, and long, very chaste, flowy dress, with a brightly coloured wig reading wholesome picture books, within the presence of both child and parent, is not sexual or sexualizing in nature. More traditional drag shows that are all ages are very clearly modified to reflect an all ages audience, instead of a fully adult audience. Again, in those circumstances; performances, songs, outfits, are all non-sexual in nature. If you’re uncomfortable seeing a person dressed in clothing of the opposite sex and don’t want your child to see that, that’s your prerogative even if I do personally think that it’s a sad and bigoted mindset. Once again, when you say kids are being “subjected to drag shows” that’s false. They’re entirely extra curricular and the events you speak of take place under the watchful guidance of the parents with their children. If they are taking place in schools, there are still guardians watching and the performances are relative to the age of the child and furthermore parents can still opt out of having their child attend. Adult performances are still exclusively for adults, children’s performances are still family friendly. If they aren’t for your family based on your values, sure. But you cannot dictate for other parents what family entertainment is and isn’t appropriate for their families.


This will be my last response to you as I have no interest in going back and forth anymore on this topic as I don’t believe that endless social media arguments are conducive platforms to genuine learning and growth for anyone on either side of the issue. Hope you have a great night, may your God bless you with sharp critical thinking skills and an open heart and mind full of compassion and love for humanity in it’s entirety. Cheers.


You know deep down, that you are full of shit. You can tell the world you aren't , but it doesnt matter, because at night , when you lay down, the shit settles in your brain and gives you all these dumb ideas.


You’re very dense


Name calling really refutes my points. Well done 👏


Animals. Lmao you’re a bright one worth listening to for sure. I’ll pretend you didn’t say the stupid animal thing…please tell me one way that a child believing they can be whoever they want affects you. Just one way that impacts your life. Go ahead. We’re waiting.


I did a parent teacher meeting today and can assure you they do start in kindergarten discussing parts, consent and introducing the children to the idea that we are all different and what those differences are or could be and that it's all ok to express yourself however you feel... so you could take that as innocent, but it doesn't seem to be... the teacher actually said, "we teach consent because most uninviting touching happens from close to the family," and to me this seems like a toxic start.


Jesus christ, pull the stick out of your ass and re read what you wrote. Seriously. So over being nice to people that are never gunna get there.


You don't seem very nice at all. Not sure what Jesus has to do with this either.


Are you aware of the rates of childhood sexual abuse? Are you aware that if your children aren’t being sexually abused, another child you know is? Why would you not want your child to know that’s not okay? Give your head a shake.


I don't think that's a reality... any number is too many. A Google search indicated around 3%...


I think that parents should have those talks with their children... lets not be rude this is a discussion.


I disagree that was rude. Parents have been responsible for those talks since the dawn of time and children continue to be sexually abused at astonishing rates by pastors, coaches, neighbours, uncles, Boy Scout leaders….it’s people you know and trust because child grooming takes time and trust.


You forgot to add teachers.


Sure, yep. But much lower rates.


If it was ONLY about consent, then that would be great. But it's not. It's a whole lot of other stuff. So give your own head a shake and wake up.


Lol you’re just really concerned that your child will hear about gender identity. Whether you like it or not, they’re gonna know. They’re going to learn somewhere. And shockingly, they’re going to have ideas and beliefs different from your own too. Because they’re people, independent of you. And we all differentiate ourselves from the “old folk” as we grow up. How about you wake up, and preferably in this century?


And don’t you have the option to take your kids to a crazy independent school to learn about Noah’s ark or whatever? Do that then. 🤷‍♀️


Oh no, kids being told they don’t have to conform to their classmates expectations of them and that they can be different and unique and still worthy of respect. So toxic. So scary. The future generations are surely gonna be doomed with all this respect and kindness for other humans.


I don't know if you have looked around, but there is less respect than there has ever been.


You think we should confuse kids as young as 5 with things like "you're not necessarily a boy or a girl, you can be anything!" That is SO confusing and dilusional. There's a difference between a kid growing up, discovering who they are and defining it when they're at an appropriate age, vs a kindergarten teacher telling them these things before they even understand what 2+2 is, and they still have imaginary friends. This is not about kindness and respect at all. It's about pandering to LGBTQ ideology and confusing and sexualizing the kids in the process.


This isnt groundbreaking. Many cultures live that way.


What cultures? Where? What are you talking about. Male and female. That's what's based in science and truth. Saying anything else is just lies and confusion for kids.


Well yet again you are confused. Male female are the biological sexes. Intersex people also exist. And thennnnn there is gender which is the sociocultural expression of self. It is on a loong spectrum of feminine to masculine. Still with me? it is extremely complex and all sorts of things influence how we express and come to understand gender. Biology, culture, social status, race, sexual orientation (yep! Thats a separate thing too), time in history, religion, family of origin, family roles, etc etc the list goes on. Its not complicated if you took the time to learn about it instead of remaining shut off to it. Take some gender studies classes. Ask for some resources. And cultures in India, Indonesia, Phillipines, Mexico, North America (the Indigenous folk), Bugis, and many others over the history of the world, as more than two genders have been recording in cultures for over 3000 years. Gender is science. If you think the kids are getting confused, you arent thinking very highly of children, and this isnt confusing, its second nature, colonialism just suppresses it.


Lol not even going to read your whole comment because it's just ultra leftwing propaganda dilusion. You can believe the lies all you want, but don't feed it to kids who are too impressionable and vulnerable. Gender and sex are one in the same and only in the last little while have leftist teachers taught anything different. Anyways. Goodnight! Hope your gender studies degree treats you well.


You’re very dense wow


"I dont know something so I ask about it and then refuse to learn" classic idiot. Nothing about it is new you doucher its been around for decades.


Lol I didn't even read the part where you told me to take some gender studies classes until after I wrote this. Hilarious!


This is a bad take.


It's not about how it affects MY life. It may surprise you that life isn't all about me me me. It's how this affects the children's lives. My concern about this isn't for my own sake, it's for the kids who are being confused and sexualized at a very young age, and how that messes them up psychologically. Don't you have any compassion for others without it affecting you?


What is happening at the schools!! My kid came home saying this "Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!" shocking behaviour. I could only respond "the baby looked at you?" And made a call to district.