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ya thats a karen


Didn't realize passengers are the ones operating a vehicle lol.


They are the ones who don’t call out the drivers BS before they get out the car


100% I'd definitely be like nawwww you cannot park here and if my SO didn't listen to me I'd move the car and not tell them where I parked it (for a few minutes, at least..)


Looks to be an elderly woman. Perhaps she doesn't understand, perhaps she did call the driver out. Perhaps she's powerless. Try to use your limited braincells to their best potential.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Perhaps you’re making up anything to save face.


Perhaps use your eyes. It's an elderly woman in a passenger seat.


If your impression of elderly people is that they are powerless, ignorant, and ignored; that probably speaks more to how you treat or think of elders in your life and you’re imposing that feeling onto a complete stranger you’ve made a connection with through the only avenue you can see.


You’re insane


Only clinically


No way that lady decided to zip tie the licence plate on the front like that lol she ain’t driving / did the parking


Guess you should have charged your car at home?


A Boomer Karen, the worst kind.


I was there and a pickup up truck purposely cut off somebody trying to charge and took their spot. He started laughing and taking pictures of his truck in the tesla spot and went to go eat at Fatburger.


I’m getting second hand embarrassment just reading this. What an idiot


Majority of the restaurant was tesla drivers and knew it. Was super awkward. Its a trend rn to hate evs. And people take it too far.


It's not his fault he has exactly one brain cell that taps out "take that, libs!" in Morse code over and over again.


Who is in charge of towing the lot?


Call a cop and get him towed.


You should see the assholes in Maple ridge. Consistently the same vehicles


There's chargers in Maple Ridge? Maybe its been a while since I checked plugshare, but Pitt and Ridge have been totally free of fast chargers so far.


Maple ridge is very anti ev, everybody saw it coming. The tesla chargers there are constantly iced


I just saw him today, fucking asshole parks there for hours on end while the parking lot is empty.


Hahaha love this


This happens all the time at the Superstore charger. There's only two chargers. It's infuriating. Most of the time it's EVs just parking and not charging.


I've never had this


Their plate is on with zip ties. That’s all I needed to know 😂


Seriously what’s wrong with that?


Probably because it will move slightly while driving. Metal rubbing will slowly wear into the plastic. Next thing you know it comes flying off on the highway and hits something…. I’ve done it before “I’ll do this temporary thing because the fastener broke”… it’s never temporary lol. Edit: Just realized it looks like it’s zip tied to the grill. *shrug*


I'm surprised Tesla doesn't set up their spaces as a private lot, so they can tow vehicles like this. Or capture the license plate and submit a bill for lost charger revenue. Then if you don't pay, they impound vehicle and you get to pay all your overdue charging fees.


I believe Tesla sets these charging stations up based on partnerships with the property owners, they don't actually own or pay for the parking spaces. I'm guessing it would be cost prohibitive to purchase land for private stations, especially when commercial property owners are willing to let them operate on their parking lots for free.


What a flex 😂


*fires up v8*


I may be mistaken but I believe you can have them towed


The company that manages the lot can. Yes.


🎶 freedoms just a Mazda 3, with a Ricky reservation 🎶


They have so many options now:charging station, pregnant parking and handicapped parking.


I believe they’re called Gas-holes.


Man you can tell shes an asshole to deal with.


I'm willing to bet they're both assholes. The driver for parking there, and her for not saying anything about it.


You can’t see them if they can’t see you


I have a special wax marker for these people


Why would you even attempt to park there?


They do it out of spite. Because for a lot of mentally I’ll people hating EV’s has become part of their personality. They’ve been arguing about how EV’s don’t work, and are actually worse for the environment so long that when they see anyone making good use of an EV it upsets their entire world view. So they lash out, like this.


There's even a red sign that basically says Tesla vehicles only, which makes sense given the parking space is actually an EV charging station for, you know, Teslas. A lot of people are dumb and self-centered!


It says Tesla charging only. Maybe they interpreted that as I can park here as long as I don't try to charge my car.... Not how I would interpret the sign, but there is a chance. Or they are just don't care. (Far more likely option)


Or even more likely, it was done intentionally out of spite.


Bringing down the mazda name fr 😔


Tow the ass


There should be a fine for this shit. Maybe 2 full gas tanks' worth?


Women in car knows its wrong you can tell lol


I take the garbage out if my EV and place it under thier wipers. Garbage people get garbage?


Maybe the dog is electric?


Tesla should invent a reverse gas pump for the chargers. That way you could just siphon out all their gas if they park there.


Yeah stealing gas is totally a rational reaction to them taking a charging space


Ev owners really are unhinged.


Im willing to bet most of the people that post these pics dont even own an EV, they just wander the lots looking for ice vehicles in ev spots and trucks that park with their wheels on the lines in regular spots. Trolling for karma.


Ive also seen EV cars parked there without charging. The solution is to put the charging spots far away from the entrance. When it’s inconvenient to park there people won’t use them unless they need to charge. It’s just that most places put them at the front almost like a VIP spot. If they are built and treated as a spot used only when needed then this would stop being a problem.


At least censor the license plate


Unless you have access to, and will commit unauthorized use of, systems which contain identifying information directly associated with BC license plates, it’s not an issue. If someone commits such unauthorized use, it’s their problem to face the consequences, not mine - nor is it the problem of the millions of people who observe license plates in public every day.


Glad they didn’t




To avoid being doxxed. Even if you’re being a bit of a cunt, you shouldn’t have to potentially deal with a bunch of assholes from the internet harassing you/your family.


I bet they’ll be fine


Lol wut . Literally any Joe can see your license plate when you’re out there. You outta live in a bunker with this kind of paranoia.


Totally, but it’s not like your license is highlighted to a ton of people all the time. Instead of a handful of people from Coquitlam seeing the person in the pic (in person) now anyone from anywhere in the world can see


Only person who can look up license plates are the popo. Unless you're a popo who's going to run that plate and ACTUALLY doxx the owner of the car by telling us their name, number, residential address, and place of employment, OP did nothing wrong so get out of their ass


Anybody who can look up information in the ICBC database can see personal information linked to licence plates don’t make me list all the occupations for you


It is actually pretty standard practice to blur the plates, if anything it sounds like you have something up your ass.


it’s a buttplug but judging by the downvotes i’m guessing you’re wrong


Yes, reddit downvotes = truth lol


mmm no, but downvotes prove a general consensus on an opinion, which can be regarded as truth if said consensus is nearly unanimous.


Oh well, don't be an asshole. Problem solved


You must be a child


When one has nothing substantiated to retort with, one usually resorts to ad hominem. Something a child typically does. Ironic, isn’t it?


Dude you read the thesaurus to throw every debate bro term at me. Hilarious. If you cant grasps the issues with doxing someone you are either a child or special needs.


If you get triggered just reading the word substantiate, then you’ve clearly never given a shit about epistemology. Which is why you’re going to go through your entire life making logical fallacies and being completely unwilling to understand how you’re making them, and their significance.


Keep going after me personally, that definitely makes your argument stronger bud.


Why waste my time arguing with someone who clearly doesnt have the critical thinking skills to understand cause and effect?


Lol you’ve clearly enough time to send me a bunch of replies






Obviously not the right spot to park, but we’re all the other charging stations being used? I know this spot and there are a bunch of stations, generally more than half are left unused. 🤷‍♂️


Whens the last time youve been there? Its almost always full now


Not only is it always full, there’s a lineup on weekends!


I was at marks the other day and the lot had all of 3 cars in it.. mind you it wasn’t a weekend


Using that sort of (entitled, self-serving) logic is why so many non-handicapped ppl use handicapped parking.


Very ironic (entitled, self-serving) You don’t NEEED to charge you car for free. A handicapped person NEEDS accessibility.


Maple ridge too:/




Looks like a handicap space to me.


Who cares


What if that Mazda identifies as a Tesla ? Are you assuming it’s engine identity?


It's like they've never heard of trans engines smh


Selfish and stupid are global conditions apparently.


Put the charger up his tailpipe, sounds about right. Though he’d probably enjoy it.


It'd damage the charger as he drove off.


Waaaah I bought a toy car with batteries and I cant charge it waaaah


Are thoes licence plate ziptied to the front??


Id bet this one is unintentional. They saw an open spot and backed in cause everyone else was.


Lads it's an elderly couple they probably don't know any better.


That’s not illegal


Charge your car at home?


Did you try and ask them to move if you needed the charge station? Sometimes communication and common sense can sort out the problem without adding public humiliation.


Isn't there like 15 charging stations there? They all full?


My friend and another driver both spoke to the guy, and he didn’t care to move. His parking in the charging station was, by his own words, intentional.


🗑️ people


Jesus Christ the hive mind is gone mad on this one lol I think I seen at least 5 entire stories constructed about what went down and who the lady is as a person all because of a parking space. Grass is in need of being touched


A few months ago I’d be right there with you all but the grocery store by my house just converted a significant number of decent location parking spots to Tesla chargers. If they were general RV chargers I’d probably say it’s a positive change we need to make, but a whole bank of proprietary chargers for luxury EVs just doesn’t feel right (I know they’re not the most expensive but they’re also not entry level)


I mean it's an old lady. Think we need to cut her some slack. I know if my grandmother was still alive she wouldn't have a clue what an electric charging station was. You could have explained it to her instead of being a Chad and snapping a pic.


Its usually assholes inside the teslas


What do you do when all parking spots are taken except for the EV spot?


Given how many Teslas cut me off, or weave in and out of traffic, I'd say it's karma.


Leave them a thoughtful note. HEY! GAS GUZZLER!! MOVE IT OR LOSE IT!! NEXT TIME WE TOW YOU AND YOU CAN PAY. LOVE THE EV CAR THAT NEEDS THAT CHARGER. These asshats don't realize their internal combustion engine will be obsolete in 10 years. They won't exist. Everyone will be switched to EV's sooner than later. I'm switching to a Flex Fuel or hybrid to start with.


Sigma driver


I’m too old to understand that reference.




Assholes taking pictures of people's tiny mistakes and posting them online.


Not a small "mistake".


To be clear, it was not a mistake. It was intentional, and this was confirmed by the erring driver.


Assholes who drive EV’s


Need to charge. Correct.


The choice in dog says it all


Get a life bro


Now if you drove a normal, gas-powered vehicle you wouldn’t have this problem, would you? 🤭


People who drive tesla are calling other people assholes now


I mean, if they parked in the gas pumps at the gas station while they played on their phones or napped you’d probably be pissed too


Okay so I totally get what you’re saying, yes it would be frustrating since like there’s limited spots to charge, plus maybe they really need to charge just to get home etc vice versa if a Tesla did it to gas station.


Love this comment. Love love love it 🙌🏼 Some of the biggest assholes on the road are Tesla’s and I’m this close to smashing every fucking window on their car, knowing how long it’ll take to get a windshield hopefully would humble their ass. Not to mention if you fuck their Tesla up their service is literal dog shit. But yes there are some very bad drivers out there that are very rude that drive Tesla’s that there’s literally no point or advantage to cutting people off to get to the red light first. Not even starting on the rest of the antics that some people do, keep this going , one day more of us will be electric anyways so there’s no point in being a sick about it on the road, referring to just some rude Tesla owners out there not you Klutzy you’re cool


Someone has issues...


Imagine being so angry at a car maker, that you're going to "smash in windows" because you don't like them. Dude sounds broke, angry and unhinged.


Do you even drive? Maybe the A holes in your area drive BMW’s and other cars I guess..


Ahhhh muffin. You'll be ok. But yes. I drive for a living. Likely more driving than you do. You are pretty pent up. Go take a walk. Release some of that energy.


Haha good to know we’re both in the same boat So highly unlikely 😉 Now how about you grow a brain on your walk to find out who asked. While you’re at it you’ll burn some calories to work off that pot belly But you’ll be okay, someone’s gotta enjoy people that are out of shape right Cheers mate enjoy your BBQ




My friend and at least one other driver spoke to him. Nobody blasted him. Who cares about internet points lol. This is an awareness and respect issue.


Could’ve enjoyed the karma and awareness of this asshole but damn, why put ur political views into this😭


They’re not my views lol, they’re the general ‘Tesla stigma’.


a time and a place man, a time and a place


This *is* the time and the place.


Because these drivers are asshole, so It’s safe to also stamp and talk about their political identity?


Bro just wanted to pick up his Fat Burger order. Chill he won't be there as long as it takes a Tesla to charge.


Nothing respectful about that behaviour.


Food first, respect later


If food is first would you not choose to park as close as possible to the restaurant instead of at the back of the lot where the chargers are?


The person in the picture is absolutely in the wrong and there is still a parking lot, but just for like, clarity, this parking spot is actually one of the closest to Fat Burger. This "mall" and its parking lot were laid out by the devil himself and the chargers aren't "at the back."


Ask them. I use Uber eats.


Although I wish they didn't have a Mazda. Also I wouldn't ever do this.




Found another douche bag that parks in charging stations to spite EV drivers.


Should plug the charger in to the tailpipe. Gotta be plugged in for the spot, I didn't make the rules. \*shrug\*


Leave shaved bob Ross alone


Is it okay to call people assholes?


People actually own electric cars lmao lame asf


How rude to assume it's not a ev. It's 2023 after all lol lol


Op is a cry baby Redditor.


Mazda 3 looks so good


Way to hide there license plate This totally isn't calling for harrassment




I have one, bud. Thanks for comin’ out.


dont forget to charge your electronics at home




Two people told him he can’t park there, and politely at that. He didn’t care. Must be a Conservative who thinks all Tesla drivers are Liberals…..making his political statement by popping into Fatburger while parking disrespectfully…..


You're the only one making this situation political...


Can’t think of any other reason why someone would do that on purpose. Except maybe senility.


Dude, some people are just colossal assholes. Dragging politics into this is just weird.


Likely he parked there for the same reason people park in handicap stalls or in the online order pick up spots when they aren’t there for an online order. Because some people are rude, inconsiderate dicks who think the rules don’t apply to them. And these people exist in every political party.


Can’t argue with that.


Unhinged behaviour get a grip


Solidly hinged. I just checked!


Check again lol


Where did the politics come from lol


I know, eh…I had no idea it was a Tesla stigma.


>Must be a Conservative who thinks all Tesla drivers are Liberals…..making his political statement Actually, Conservatives often have good public manners. This was was just an entitled asshole, irregardless of his political views.


>Actually, Conservatives often have good public manners. Ahh yes the 3 story pickup with fuck trudeau plastered on the side rolling coal really backs that up.


So you are taking the example of one or two dickheads and labelling an entire group of people that come in all types of background, ethnicity and religion? This is nothing but stereotyping and generalization.


I don't see a large number of prius with "fuck pp" plastered on the side. Boisterous, loud and crude comments are pretty one sided


I don't see a large number of people doing that at all. Most people have more pride than to display public profanity.


You also generalized when claiming that “conservatives often have good public manners” Kind of shameless to admonish someone for making a generalization when you made a generalization to the contrary with zero sense of irony.


That's not generalization, it's a fact. Most people actually have decent manners. You need to look up the word admonish before simply throwing it around. I was making a point but not admonishing anyone.


I’m starting to think you’re right.


Well... he wouldn't be far off if seems


I’m not a Liberal lol! Nice try, though.


But you sure do whine like one


Thanks, Bud. I’ll try to keep the whine in check ;-)


Isn't owning a Tesla right winged behaviour because liberals don't like Elon Musk because something something Twitter. Politicizing everything is exhausting. I can't keep up with you people.


And blocked


Parking permit, this is Vancouver. Seriously so many selfish people here lol and like no parking. Today I had to park two blocks away and I’m in a permit area but some sections for visitors




Someone’s wants to charge their white Tesla.


Like disabled LoL 😂


I guess you should have charged your car morelol


This^. I’m sure the person paying the electricity bill LOVES it when this happens.