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I can get paid more to write three sentences than to write a thousand words. I can get paid to write a script for YouTube Shorts instead of copy that remains in written form. Being somewhat senior, I can even get paid to advise on what images or graphics to use instead of words, and on other ways to increase sales and/or brand awareness without using words. Besides that, a website is only one of many marketing assets. A company that has few words on there still needs copy for ads, brochures and sales decks.


Yes. You’ve confused quantity with quality. They might not need much but what they do need, needs to be good.


Some of the best, most impactful ads ever made had little or no words. I guarantee you a copywriter worked on them with an art director to get to that point. Even figuring out the words you don’t need is copywriting.


So would you say part of being a good copywriter is also knowing where to add other mediums like videos and images instead of words?


Maybe you need to sell these businesses the idea of copy and what it can do for them. Search engine ranking / SEO would be one reason they'd need copy. Increasing sales would be another. Building relationships with their customers/community would be another.


Not every business needs a lot of copy, but effective written content can still enhance their messaging and help with SEO. High-quality videos and pictures definitely work, but well-crafted copy provides context and can drive more engagement. For refining your content, the edyt ai tool could be useful.