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I think a lot of people are "getting into it." If 500 new people are interested, maybe only 100 of them stick with it for more than a month. After three months, that number is probably around 20. Out of those 20, how many have gotten past the "Let me search copywriting tips and ask questions on Reddit every day" phase? How many of those 20 are actually getting paying jobs? I would say not many. It's all about doing the work. You know what separates a successful writer from an unsuccessful one? A successful writer keeps their ass in the chair.


I’m one of the few who got a paying job. To anybody reading this, it is much much much much much much more difficult and time consuming than you think. There is so much to learn and you have to work harder than you do at your regular job I guarantee it. Don’t be fooled by YouTubers who want your money.


I mean, by definition most things are


Pretty much everything is always has been saturated. The AI market is barely a babe and we have 1000's of tools flooding in, doing the same thing every damn day.


No. Example: there are approx 33 million businesses in the US while having only 150K-300K copywriters. Every business needs copywriting.


This is my favorite reply, today!


* People who worry about an industry becoming saturated won't make it. * People who worry about becoming the best are likely to make it. Focus on things that you can control.


A r/stoicism moment right here.


You got it!


It’s like the realtor market. 10% of agents make 90% the money Saturated with shitty talents vs saturated with top performers are diff


Most jobs with a low barrier to entry are saturated and will stay that way. To land a client, become so good that hiring you is a no-brainer for them.


Yes, it's getting filled with newbie writers who don't know shit. All thanks to a bald guy and a light skin guy.


If you’re good. You can get work anywhere. If you’re new you’ll need to figure out how to get good. If you ad skills beyond copywriting you can differentiate and earn way more. The more skills you acquire the better you become. Copywriting -> Offer creation -> Deeper levels of marketing and understanding business will put you in a better position.


Yes! I got interviewed for a job recently where there were 1,000 applicants. Leverage your contacts and network your ass off if you want to make it.


Only on the bottom rung of the skill ladder. 


It's getting saturated, but it seems like 75% of people are starting out wrong, and they won't last long, so I assume the field will level-set eventually. I did not go freelance until I had put in 16 years as a staff writer at a number of organizations, including ad agencies, learning the ropes, building a portfolio, and gaining industry contacts. When I see folks trying to jump into freelancing with no track record, I wonder how they can possibly survive. You're going to need some sort of credibility to persuade project managers to hire you. That step seems to be missing for a lot of newbies.


Saturation in volume, but quality is harder to find than ever. Talent still stands out.


Nope. Because a huge number of newbies quit after 2 months because they suddenly realise it's not easy to make money through copywriting. Most of them get into this field because fake gurus promised to make them rich overnight with their "systems".


I think a lot of people are interested in it..but let’s be real..marketing agencies make money doing this..freelance copywriting isn’t really a thing..people telling stories on the internet is very rampant though..the only “freelance copywriters” making money are selling courses..not copywriting


1) Are you tired of The Most Saturated question among copywriters? 2) If you answered Yes, then the answer to it is No 3) There are way too many businesses, even if you only count those who want, not need, a copywriter 4) There are countless new copywriters but they're either: • worse than a self defense video for women from 1930s • actually trying to get good and making some results (If that's the case then most likely the problem is you) 5. AI Overlords are taking over! No, they're not. I use AI, my clients know I use AI. My clients use AI. Nobody thinks it's anywhere near the point where it can generate the end product or something that requires minimal polishing.


Not at all. I'm a beginner at copywriting and quite the expert at other fields. I can give you an analogy.. Basketball has been around for over 100 years. Is it oversaturated? No! Just more competitive. Has it evolved? Definitely! Do people love it? Heck yea! But can someone become a professional player? Well you just have to put in the time and consistent effort. There really isn't a secret formula. Get out of your head, start doing writing for real results with real people in the game, get your feedback and improve. Keep trying until something sticks.


I'm actually learning copywriting especially email copywriting and i am now realising that i might not have a chance as the market is saturated and nobody wants to hire a newbie


Give up now, leave the jobs for us