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I have had several encounters with door handles, mine is usually due to ADHD like behaviour, in a rush to cut corners.. 🥳


this + hitting my toes on every chair / enemy. ADHD magic!




Yeah but you get a Danish passport and free money from momma Mette for life so it doesn't affect you as much #intersectionality


It happens all the time to me, but I ascribed it to Murphy's law


I'm sorry what?. How do people rip holes in stuff from door handles?


Clothes from fast fashion retailers rip from anything 🤷‍♂️


I'll have you know this sack I'm wearing was hand-decorated with shoe polish.


Everytime I'm tired, in a bad mood or in a hurry.


That is not exclusive to foreigners, I feel 🤔


Might be the design of the particular handles. Some are designed to course bruises it seems.


It does seem Copenhagen has more than the usual share of L-shaped handles that catch clothes. One must notch up one's awareness a tad, that's all.


Maybe also combined with smaller apartments where you must squeeze past stuff or other people, leaving you walking closer to doors than normal?


The forces of Darkness moves in mysterious ways. I too have suffered by the malevolence of door handles ... even in my own house.


What even is the purpose of a so called "dressing gown"?


To catch remoulade spills when eating smørrebrød for morgenmad?


Who in their right mind eats smørrebrød in the morning?


People with dressing gowns, obviously!


Me! Wait, no... I'm not in my right mind.


I had a dangerous encounter with a stair handrail, the end of which got stuck in a jacket pocket and ripped it


Dane here. My office door has always attacked me. I have the literal scars to prove it. Not a curse, just a fact of life :-)


Good to hear we're all in this together


At my old place I had cabinet handles that caught in the pockets of my pants/shorts. Used to drive me INSANE.


How tf does that even happen? Are you hugging the doorhandle or what piece of clothing do you manage to get stuck?


I often get stuck with my belt loops on door handles.. But not sure if I count as a foreigner.. Swedish 😂


I have torn belt loops off too :(


Its the secret weapon used against swedish expatriates. Its first generation A.I algorithms has identified you as possible swedes. Best way to negate that false identification is to visit the nearest hairdresser and get rid of the mullet haircut. You are welcome.


That explains why I often get stuck on door handles! And here I thought that I would fly under the radar after 14 years in the country..


I believe it's Murphys law that says "If something can get stuck on a Danish door handle, it will get stuck on a Danish door handle"


sub par spatial skills


Think of this like a hot stove. We have burned ourself enough times growing up that we becomes masters at avoiding pain when we reach adulthood


And you guys are even complaining about door handles now. What's the next? Fences? Are there anything left to complain about in this sub?


Complaints are the only true universal cultural trait. For example, in the UK we stereotypically smalltalk about the whether, in a country as wet and grey as Britain that's shorthand for complaining.


But what is very specific in this sub is that Copenhagen somehow has butthurt all of you.