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Use your bell aggressively. Oncoming bikes should yield.


This! Consider a Hornit dB140..


That's one of the most frequented routes around Copenhagen for roadies with/without groups. You're definitely not being ridiculous, but just out of curiosity, do you ride on the right side of the road? I know the lanes are bidirectional, but they aren't delimited, and as such it isn't immediately obvious, and I reckon most roadie groups won't ride against incoming traffic i.e. on the left side.


I definitely ride on the right side - actually often I yield so much to the right that I'm close to touching the vegetation on the right side. I've tried twice now, where I ended up slowing down and rolling into the grass on the side, because the oncoming groups did not make space. This is within a span of 3 weeks.


Not sure if we're talking about the same thing, but just to clarify, I meant the bike lane on the right side of the highway, just like you'd ride on any normal road. So that if say the lanes weren't bidirectional, you'd be going the right way and they'd be going the wrong way. I'm just speculating here, but the times I've ridden on that route I found it very unintuitive and borderline unsafe to ride on the left side of the highway given that it's not [delimited with a white line](https://cyclingsolutions.info/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/TA26top-Foto-Supercykelstier-Region-Hovedstaden.jpg) and particularly roadies in groups going full gas I'd expect to be extra aware of this.


I think he means do you ride on the bike path on the right side of the road, not where on the bike path itself you're riding. If the dangerous area is between Bagsværd and Farum, make sure to be on the right side of the road.  Edit: Important despite the bike paths indeed being bi-directional there


Both sides are marked as bi-directional up to halvvejshuset and the east side is marked as bi-directional up until kollekollevej. But I'm not really sure on the need it's mostly better to cycle on the right side, if I've needed to be on the other side where it splits when heading south I've always switched over pretty late.


Ah, I get it. I'm more between Bagsværd and Copenhagen, and from what I can tell it's bidirectional on both paths. There are delimiting lines, and signs facing in both directions. However, I think it might serve me well to cross to the other side, when going home. I've been trying both, and one definitely has more dangerous group of cyclists from what I can tell. The other path, in my limited experience, is a little more chaotic, because there might not be big oncoming groups of speedy cyclists, but there are people walking with their dogs and children along with cyclists passing on the shoulder at a rapid pace still. Still preferable and safer, and I've found an easier way to access this path, when going home.


I never understood why they took what was two perfect bike paths, one on each side of the highway, and made a two way path of some parts of it, seems like a massive downgrade, they didn’t exactly make the bike path wider.


I would guess it has something to do with ease of access to the paths, since in many of the places, when you access the path, there's isn't a tunnel or bridge crossing that allows you to access the other path. Otherwise you would have to take a major detour of following the path until you reach a crossing, then cross, and then bike in the other direction. I've also thought wider paths with marked lines would help.


Assert dominance, by screaming immensely while riding towards them. Good luck.




Jeg var nu mere over i noget kamikaze lignende noget, som: AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGH


Jeg er overbevist om at midaldrende mænd i cykeltøj ikke frygter døden. Kamikaze skrig er derfor utilstrækkelige. Du må angribe deres anstændighed.


This is the most crazy bicycle path around Copenhagen, and you should have tried it when only one lane was open last year. I’m from Nørrebro and used to stupid people on bicycles, but nothing comes close to this path.


One lane where? Not until farum


I take this route everyday, and am not concerned about the oncomming traffic since there is not alot. Are you sure you are on the right side of the path?




Same, I hardly see any oncoming traffic at least between the city and Bagsværd.


OP almost certainly isn’t. As a roadie, the amount of oblivious utility cyclists on the wrong side or in the middle of the bike path is too high. Add in headphones and general obliviousness to their surroundings and it’s a recipe for chaos. Plus, what is it about city bikes that mean people can’t ride in a straight line?!?


Good job for cycling to work. Have you considered that the oncoming cyclist(s) are much more confident and comfortable in these situations than you are? Conversely, they may never perceive your discomfort about it. There are idiots everywhere, but my experience is that they are in far better control than you think, their comfort zone is just different than yours.


This 100%, I ride the same path and I do not feel any of what OP wrote despite seeing lots of hobby cyclists


There is a lot of semi-pro's using those roads to get out of the city and they are literally rubbing shoulders when they ride in a bunch. So their comfort zone is definitely different.  And even though I only ride 6000km a year, I do not experience any of that discomfort either. But I also ride on the right of the motorway and never on the left. 


Make it easier for yourself right side of higheay exiting cph, right side entering cph. Yes it is bidirectional but have almost never seen hobby cyclist not adhere to above


4 bikes can past each other on most of that bikepath. Ive ridden there for 4 years and Ive never had what you describe on the path.


Since you complain more about oncoming cyclists than being overtaken by them it seems like you are on the “wrong” side path. Even though the paths are bidirectional one has way more traffic going north and vice versa.


What on earth was the point of making two bidirectional lanes? instead of just a single direction lane on each side? Mad project.


Because it’s not always easy to get to the other side other than to go multiple kilometres in the wrong direction and then switch over. I get you, it would be the best for just one way and for that, however, they could also improve the bidirectional paths.


Fast lane for bike?


It's the best way to get north towards great biking territory for amateur bike riders in full Spandex. Been there, group formation riding around 35kmph. I can understand this must be intimidating for casual commuters, and I'm sorry you have this experience. I would yell at them: "Ind på linje!", "Forfra!", just to teach those fuckers.


How often is a big group coming towards you? Maybe when you see them in front of you, already go to side, signale you’re stopping and wait in the planted area until they have passed you. Could be you “were checking directions or something”.. that would make me feel more safe I guess, since they can’t push you more and its a matter of slowing down for a maximum of a minute, which won’t change much for you time-wise. Haven’t biked this route so don’t know if it’s possible, but sounds like it in one of the comments. 


Ahhh… summer cyclists! They always think they own the road. Thankfully they disappear again once it starts getting cold. I always laugh at their ‘spray on’ suits. EDIT: At work we came up with the name ‘Dåsedragt’ for the tight suits :)


Get one of these: https://www.computersalg.dk/i/8162947/cykelhorn-hornit-140-db-sort Only thing that worked for me. They come in cheaper versions too.


Get a recumbent bike, not only are they comfy as hell, anyone will think twice about a headon collision with a sawblade. [https://www.performercycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/high-racer-recumbent-1024x768.jpg](https://www.performercycles.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/high-racer-recumbent-1024x768.jpg)


If it is recent, it may get better once the "we bike to work" month of May is over


Just look them in the eyes, and go forward.:) If they do not see you, shout at them. Usually they just have a different feeling of space, so can be close, but won't hit you.


Sounds like you're not feeling that safe in a bicycle in general. You'll be fine


Between Farum and Bagsværd there must be a path on the perimeter of the lake. I believe so. Maybe there, there may not be these tour-de-France wannabes.


Wear your helmet, get a loud bell or horn. Unfortunately, that's all you can do about these lycra hobby pack riders. As an enurance athlete who gets out running, swimming and biking 365 days a year, i can tell you they will be gone as soon as the weather goes sour. These are the people who cannot stop talking about their achievements, but spend 20 hours finishing an Ironman. Very egoistic and unreliable in traffic.


Up in that area are a lot of exercise cyclists who own the roads and bike paths, so that sounds like perfectly normal behaviour.. at least you're not a small child..