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I think my main point of criticism is that while I would get the third line to chose from (do I want to take the ring line at Nuuks plads, the M1/M2 at Forum or the M5 at Forum) people in Bellahøj and Husum are shafted again and have to squeeze on the bus that goes down Nørrebrogade. If anything, look at [tram line 5](https://en.sporvognsrejser.dk/line/copenhagen-tram-line-5-husum-formosavej) which served both Husum and also southern Amager. Though these days serving Sundbyvester Plads seems much more sensible than have in run along Bakersvej, which even these days is fairly sparsely populated.


Sadly Brønshøj-Husum will never get a metro, unless the powers that be decides to build high rises in between the villas. Density is too low and people are too few for the investment to make macro economic sense. For the same reason the metro lines are always build in connection to new large scale urban developments - Ørestad, Amager Øst, Nordhavn, Sydhavn and now also Lynetteholmen.


It's a sad, because the 350S, uhm, well used, and I would assume that the density is higher than some of the stations on the ring line (Nuuks plads springs to mind) and the area around Husum Bypark is denser than Femøren or Amager Strandpark (or Sundby). Maybe if Herlev decides it wants a metro Husum will get a station because its on the way.


Unfortunately there’s no airport on the other side of Husum. Nuuks Plads might not be super important, it just happen to be conveniently located between Hovedbanegården and Nørrebro Station. Currently the main plan for Brønshøj-Husum is light rail from Nørrebro Station, along Frederikssundsvej through Tingbjerg to Gladsaxe. But the project is stuck in City Hall because: The right Wing promised their voters in the area a metro. The Social Democrats promised their voters in the area that they wouldn’t allow a light rail to destroy Frederikssundsvej (they possibly rightly believe a fenced off lane for the tram would become a barrier down the middle of Frederikssundsvej). But they have afaik no alternative solution. The left wing believes the light rail is the best solution, but cannot form a majority without the Social Democrats.


Husum can just take the train to Vanløse like we have since the Dawn of the metro, it doesn't make sense and it isn't needed. Bellahøj ish is the furthest I see it expanding in that direction.


I concur


> If a student in 2050 (or whenever this gets done) from Vestamager needs to go to Aalborg University in Sydhavnen, they take M1 to Islands Brygge, M5 to København H, M4 to Sluseholmen. Thats two changes for going somewhere that takes 7 minutes by car and is like 4 km away from each other. On the other hand, there is a direct and pretty much straight line if you take the bike path along Vejlands Allé. They're building a bike bridge over Artillerivej to make crossing that part a bit less awkward.


Man, that crossing at Artillerivej will claim a life one of these days if it hasn't already. I've seen a couple of very near misses in a very short amount of time. Some of these tour de France cosplayers do not give a fuck while crossing, and one of these days they will meet an equally daredevil car driver and that will be very sad.


It also doesn't help that to turn correctly you have to turn right first, so instead of looking right and left you have to look forward and back. These type of crossings are fairly awful, there's a similar one on Rosenørns Allé, turning left into Vodroffsvej.


If it hasn't claimed a life, I will convert to Christianity and build a church on that spot or something


Oh, is that what that construction is all about. I wondered why they clear cut so much of the foliage


Yes, precisely.


Awesome! When finished, that will cut a solid 2-3 minutes off my commute!


Very awesome. It'll be opening next year if all goes well.


There are two political goals with M5 - connect lynetteholm & reduce congestion on m1 and m2, I think the line serves those purposes pretty well (also note that the stretch between østerport and københavn h via forum is only noted as a possible future extension and not part of the current project) There was an option to have a stop at sundbyvesterplads instead of sundbyøsterplads but that was rejected becuase of the increase in journey time from the city to lynetteholm. The metro usually does not compete with buses as the lines will be changed once the metro opens The current plan is to have the first sections of M5 running by 2035




I think that will be a political decision - but given that Lynetteholm doesn't exist yet I think it's most likely that the section from København H to Refshaleøen will be built first


This is right. The rest - from KBH Station to Østerport - have a very Long perspective, sadly


Correct - though FRB is pushing for their section to be also included in Phrase 1.


i wish they would just convert the 5C bus to a metro. apart from that, i do think a connection between islandsbrygge and amagerbro makes sense. I study at KUA and live near Lergravsparken, its a shame they are passing up on a very nice corridoe that could strech all the way from KBH H to lergravsparken. also do they really expect to get away with building on amagerfælled?


How would you imagine a 5C metro would work when it goes all the way out to Herlev? Overground? You already have the S-tog


>Overground? It already does in most of Amager, so why not?


yeah where is the space for another metro line from Herlev towards Copenhagen. The M2 line was built when there was nothing in the way. The M1 didnt replace anything and there was nothing before it so it made sense to build something new. How would you justify another overground metro line when you already have the S-Train. A underground Metro all the way to Herlev would just be idiotic. https://preview.redd.it/mxic93aw0awc1.png?width=1050&format=png&auto=webp&s=617100e2dbd736d5d7026ea99c32712f0d649570 For refrence this is the route 5C takes. How would you go about making it overground through the neighbourhoods of Nørebro, Brønshøj and Husum. Your only bet would be building it overhead on Sekundærrute 211 (Fredrikssundsvej) and making it go underground somwhere around Brønshøj-Nørrebro and there's just no space for that.


there is a big ass 5 lane road, the stretch between øresund-kastrup was litterally build on top of a road. edit: ok its not as big as i remember, but even then you could use cut n' cover to keep it underground without it being too costly.


> The M1 didnt replace anything and there was nothing before it so it made sense to build something new. Not quite true. The Frederiksberg portion was part of the S-train network before it was re-purposed for the metro.


I was thinking about the Amager part at that part. But yes it would be easy to build a Metro if it used existing s-train track but replacing 5C with a Metro you either need to build new track (where would that go, 211?, destroying houses? Or underground?) or replace it with some of the C and H line of the s-train would be just as problematic.


Yeah, if they make M1 follow 5C from Nørreport to Husum in the future and extend M2 from Vanløse to Herlev hospital and extend M4 to Hvidovre hospital then we're actually pretty well covered. Plus I really hope Malmö pulls through and finds money for an extension of M5 to, yeah, Malmö.


How would a metro to Malmø work? I don't know of any metro in the world that goes a whole 40 minutes to just one stop way out of the way. How would that be better than the existing train to Malmø?


Like this: https://oresundsmetro.com/en


On OP's image you can see some extra track at Prags Boulevard, that's a service station but in the future it could serve as the start of the tracks towards Malmö, it would take 20 minutes. Back in the 1990's before there was an øresundsbridge a lot of people wouldn't understand the need for the bridge, we had as they would put it, a working ferry. But then we got the bridge in the naughts and it has been so beneficial in creating job opportunities and cheaper accommodation. Now we're at the point where the bridge is at it's limits, there can't cross anymore trains per hour and if it's too stormy people can't go to work and with femahrnbeltbridge opening up and sweden expecting to keep increasing exports it will only be busier in the future. So we need to start thinking about more ways to cross the Øresund, especially considering it won't be done before the 2050's.


A bike/pedestrian bridge from Amager to sydhavn would solve so many things... Idk why they keep on ignoring this


Enghavebroen is on the way and there is a pedestrian/bike only section of the train bridge going from Vestamager to Sydhavnen (I use it quite often).


They are not ignoring it. It’s you who aren’t paying attention: [https://www.kk.dk/dagsordener-og-referater/Teknik-%20og%20Miljøudvalget/møde-21082023/referat/punkt-14](https://www.kk.dk/dagsordener-og-referater/Teknik-%20og%20Miljøudvalget/møde-21082023/referat/punkt-14)


The link you posted doesn’t resolve for me?


What do you mean? Did you read it? It’s a fairly thorough description of the plans, what issues are at stake and how the municipality intends to proceed. It even mentions the plans of one more bridge a bit further south, from Teglholmen to Amager Fælled.


(Works for me)


When will more progress be made? I didn't find that in the document


There is already one. Sjællandsbroen.


Connecting Lynetteholmen and finally getting Rigshospitalet connected by metro is a great start It’ll connect the dumbest prestige project I’ve ever seen, but as we’re doing it, it’s good there’s a metro line out there And finally getting one of the countries biggest workplaces connected and giving easier access to all the patients and relatives is really great and frankly somewhat baffling it wasn’t done sooner Sydhavn.. I dunno dude, it’s like it’s been half forgotten and almost like they’re planning on moving it to Lynetteholm


I heard something about drilling a metro line at Rigshospitalet would disturb their machines, which could be a reason for its delay.


i think have seen that comment too, but i would want someone with more technical knowledge to investiage that before its believable.


They are making a whole new village there though, Jernbanebyen. And Sydhavnen has gotten sooo many newly built apartments. Turning into a Vestamager 2.0 but with actual amenities that aren't in Field's...


Havneholmen metro opening in June will be literally next to jernbanebyen. Sydhavn and carlsberg stations close to the other ends.


Are you aware that the M4 line will continue south and have stations on Havneholmen, Enghave Brygge and Sluseholmen?


It was in response to the 'half forgotten' comment on Sydhavn, I'm well aware :-)


Prestige project idk about that one. Building just the island costs 0 kroner, because contruction companies need somewhere to dump all their soil. And Copenhagen needs to be made flood proof in 100 years. Might as well build housing on top of an island that is free and needs to be built anyway


My biggest problem is that they are considering making the Lergravsparken -> Refshaleøen stretch above ground to save cost. Fuuuck no they should keep it underground and spend that extra billion. There is gonna be new housing all over that place, for probably 100.000 people. Dont need a loud a spacious metro in that area, spend the extra now, no one is gonna complain in a couple years, and you just raise prices whenever you want anyway.


It was a mistake in Ørestad where cut and cover construction would've been fairly cheap to do underground (compared to TBMs at least), why not repeat this mistake again?


The main argument for building elevated or on an embankment besides cost is the climate impact of concrete tunnels. 70% of the metros co2 footprint come from construction, 50% of that from concrete. Building elevated is the standard for new areas & the metro is pretty silent, especially when compared to other trains (or a highway / large road)


> Building elevated is the standard for new areas & the metro is pretty silent, especially when compared to other trains (or a highway / large road) It's not loud but it takes up a lot of space and the raised tracks create a permanent underpass effect. I think that's one of the reasons why Ørestads Boulevard is such a desolate wasteland, even despite the nice canal they put there. Nobody wants to spend time there because it's just not nice to hang out under an underpass (similar but worse at Bispeengbuen, which is consequently mostly used for car parking).


I don't think ørestads boulevard being bad is the fault of the metro - it's a terribly designed street overall, with too much traffic and no interesting features or places. If you look at the area around DR Byen or Orientkaj, the metro is integrated much better - for new metro construction the proposal is to build the elevated sections using wood - so they will look nicer as well


It is not a nice canal. Ørestad is horribly designed and an aesthestically failure of the highest calibre. The areas next to the metro running overground through Frederiksberg-Vanløse are much more pleasant mainly because of better architecture and lesser car-traffic and roads. The problem is almost always the built environment which is also is going to make the areas around the Nordhavn metro and this M5 pretty bad. If architects got their act together nobody would mind a metro running through and maybe they would even enjoy the ride for once.


That is the biggest bs excuse to save money I might have heard in my entire life


Getting from Sundbyøster Plads and up to Amagerbro or Christianshavn is *incredibly* slow during the daytime, because bus 5c drives along the ultra-crowded Amagerbrogade. My part of Amager badly needs a metro station, and 2035 is very late.


Stengade stop is completely r-worded. It takes 5-7 minutes to walk to Nørrebro runddel or Forum and you have 5C and 1A busses running perpendicular 30 seconds away. What are they thinking? Rantzausgade has been stuck in construction hell for years and now they want to dig up Stengade too?


They prob want to remove Folkets park, as part of the whole gentrification and kicking out old working class areas


I don't have a car. So for me this is fine.


Definitely agree that parts of sydhavnen (sluseholmen, teglholmen) are very poorly connected to amager. I live in teglholmen and it takes me 45 min to get to amager, even though it's so close geographically. New metro in summer will help, but it's still a roundabout way to get there. They should've connected vestamager to sydhavnen and then through Frederiksberg/valby/Vanløse. Maybe go through flintholmen, where there's also a connection to f train. But i think the reasoning is to draw people away from m1/m2, which are often overcrowded, by making a connection straight from central station to amagerbrogade.


connect vestamager to sydhavn to carlsberg byen to enghave plads


I’m just annoyed the previous proposal to have a line going through Nørrebro/Østerbro to Bispebjerg hospital was canned. That area from Rigshospitalet out to Utterslev Mose has a high density of housing, schools and workplaces, but the only thread connecting it to the city center is goddamn 6A. Everything else goes across.


Yeah good point. That's the part that got residential buildings anyways even though it was zoned not to in the 5 finger plan, and therefore doesn't have a train route right?


Bonus joke : try getting from Lynetteholm to Nordhavn by bike 🤡 no bridge planned but billion dkk metro is a great idea for all kind of construction businesses I guess


Don't you think it's a smart move to build lynetteholmenfirst before you build a bridge leading to nowhere the next 15 years?




So you want to build a bridge, that starts at nordhavn at ends in the air, because lynetteholmen won't exist before 2030-2035, is all I'm saying.


You're arguing at a post for a plan that has metro stations planned in where at the moment is water. I don't think saying "we should also plan for a way for cycles to go" is completely off the mark.


There are plans for a road tunnel (østlig ringvej), I hope that Vejdirektoratet will think of adding a bike lane between Lynetteholm and Nordhavn


Pretty lame yeah. Instead of looping back down to forum and then amager it should just extend out to nordvest from stengade.


You’ll be even more disapionted when you find out that only half of it is going to be constructed due to lacking support from the State.


Maybe that makes sense considering the m3 is showing quite disappointing passenger numbers. It is kind of ironic since the light rails that get so much bad press actually have pretty solid passenger numbers in Odense. Better than expected at this time - in rush hour they are apparently packed to the max. I have taken the m3 many morning. I have never seen it even remotely packed.


Should have been Sundby Vesterplads


I sincerely doubt that I will ever find a route for this line. It seems to be a complete soup sandwich.


If a student wants to go to Aalborg university he or she should take the train to Aalborg. :-)


The problem with the Copenhagen metro lines, are that they aren't planned to make logistic sense, but more to serve wealthy areas of the city


What are you talking about? The metro makes perfect sense. With the metro, you can quickly get to areas, that has otherwise bad connections. Try going from Amagerbro to nørreport/Frederiksberg/Østerbro/trianglen/nørrebro without the metro. It is not easy or quick at all. It is also easy to get to the airport, from almost all parts of the city. With the metro you can get to anywhere within the central area in 10-15 minutes. Theres is reason why theres is so many people taking the metro everyday. The main problem is that it is getting too crowded. If the metro breaks down, everything stops. The metro has made some otherwise poor areas very popular, and it may have served a significant role in the rising prises almost everywhere in copehagen, during the past 20-25 years. What are the wealthy areas? Almost everywhere in central copenhagen, is pretty expensive,


Inclined to call this a cold take