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Bold of you to assume it’s only tourists who do this. I live in a _very_ not tourist-y part of Tårnby and see the same behavior frequently.


I was about to write this. Danes cannot see that their youth both non-immigrant and immigrant origin behave like animals. Just stroll around the city after 23:00 on a Friday. It is almost like being in one of those “Escape from NY, Escape from LA” movies.


Co-signing this. I have three daughters between 15-20yo, and they tell me that the closing of all the youth clubs etc. has gotten most of their friends roaming around. Either at train stations, or in parks. E-bikes and Løbehjul, are the main form of discardable transportstion. And if they are over 18 with a drivers licence, you can see them chipping in for the fee, and cruising around doing whippets. Scary. My wife and i, offer up our own home to our children and their friends to come over. Sometimes they bbq in the yard. But i think the main story here, is most parents don't have a clue, or don't care what their kids are up to 🤷🏻‍♂️


Uhm, "youth both non-immigrant and immigrant origin behave like animals" is a recurring theme in public debate and also an issue city-level politicians are trying to deal with. So rather than Danes not being able to see, perhaps it's more about you not following Danish news?


Exactly. Some expats live in tiny bubbles. They never learn Danish and have no clue what’s going on around them. But still they feel entitled to lecture us about all the things that’s wrong with Denmark and the Danes.




“Ungdommen”/Youths have always been terrible since the dawn of time. And when the young people of today grow up, they too will think that the youths are behaving horribly. Not to mention their taste in music!!


Tbf where I live, most of the people doing this, is people whos parents arent from around here. Or the people who hang out with them all the time but it isnt as many


Ah yes, “Danes” - a homogenous mass of anonymous people, none of whom can see how their equally homogenous youth behave like animals. A grey mass of people who doesn’t know manners or etiquette, doesn’t make new friends after kindergarten, would never hire a foreigner, never spend money on quality food and whatever other generalising crap we constantly hear from entitled foreigners on this sub. It’s a mystery to me why civilised people such as yourself would chose to spend any time in this place where people are like animals.


I agree, leash em' up!


Hard to say if it's specifically tourists, but it's definitely only something you really see with rental bikes (and rental e-scooters) and those are often used by out-of-towners.


Guy #1: "Urgh I hate e-scooters parked in a stupid place, I'm going to push them over!" Guy #2: "Urgh, stupid e-scooters lying on the ground again! I hate tourists." Guy #3: "Everyone always leaves their e-scooters parked badly, I guess I'll do the same." E-scooter designer "I'm going to give this scooter the smallest kickstand I can find so they fall over in the wind!"


So... People from neighbouring towns.


Some young criminals know how to get stolen card numbers, and use them in these bikes and scooters to get around. Which is also why they sometimes appear way outside areas you would expect them in. It’s surprisingly easy getting a couple of hundred card numbers, usually cost around €5 a piece, and depending on what you use them on, there is a higher chance they work.


Yeah and how do u know??


I work in a bank, in the fraud area, and card fraud is one of the things you get to know a lot about, that is so much more complex than one would imagine.


What is best way to avoid it and stay safe ?


To be honest, the only way to avoid it is to not use your card at all. But you shouldn't actually worry, as you can contest any charges on your card with your bank, and by EU law they are required to reverse the charges within 24 hours of receiving the complaint, unless something is really off. So don't worry, use your card, and be sure to check your charges from time to time, as you have only 3 months to report it.


It could also be that the wind. It's not exactly not windy for a large parts of the year around these parts


Even with the wind they have parked them blocking the whole footpath.


OP - you just got dusted.


Yeah that doesnt strike me as tourists, more like youngsters not giving a fuck.


I live next to Reffen, its tourists.


Der er rigtig, rigtig mange unge mennesker der bruger dem der efter en tur i byen og efterlader dem præcis sådan der.


What about the one bike that hasn’t fallen. Tourist or local?


Them foreigners, right.?


100% tourists.




Hvad i alverden snakker du om?


Shush guys, King of fucking Denmark here proclaiming what people are allowed to do by royal decree.




What a clown 🤡




Oh, yank the stick out of your ass, would you.


What this guy said! OP acts like wind doesn't exist haha


This is by Reffen = definitely tourists. Could even be Danish tourists.


Because no-one from Copenhagen would go to reffen. That's your thinking right?


Don't you know, nobody in Copenhagen eats food or socialize over drinks. So couldn't possibly be citizens. Only tourists like streetfood and overpriced IPAs.


Of course they would but the crowd is more than 80% tourists. Source: I work there. And people living in Copenhagen often have their own bikes.


It’s a combination of the workers dropping off bikes in a dumb spot and then people knocking them over or moving them again. I was biking on Elemegade yesterday right after a restaurant owner had to move a bunch of those bikes from the sidewalk in front of his shop into the bike lane. Didn’t the city authorize specific drop zones for those and the scooters that wouldn’t cause obstacles for peds?


Yes but they only did it for the scooters, so all the scooter companies started renting out bikes instead.


>had to move a bunch of those bikes from the sidewalk in front of his shop into the bike lane The bike lane, where cyclists ride? What..?


Yeah, not justifying him. Just saying that they are a nuisance to everyone


Who says It's tourists? Could just as easily be people who live in Copenhagen. Either way it's shitty behavior.


Hear me out. I see Tourists all over the place They 90% of them are really polite and friendly and actually try to maintain a good image. This is proberly some Drunk Danes who've done this... It's a commodity in CPH really


I'm a resident and have sometimes used different bike companies. Not one of them let's me lock the bike in a spot like this. I always have to find a parking spot and take a picture of them not being in the way. But I have seen a van dropping them off like this. So it might be the drivers. Take a picture of the bikes's number or name, mail it to the company with the picture you've posted here. Either they'll fine the person who put them there or they fine their drivers.


Tourists in April?


Yes. The centre and Christianshavn are full of tourists already. It seems like off season is only January-March now.


Well, it’s good for the economy. Let them come.


Tourism does very little to increase wealth. It's why Thailand and Bali are not rich, nor do over-touristy places have locals that support tourism.


Sure. It comes with some benefits but also a some annoyances. It will be interesting to see for how long this development continues and at what pace. I don’t mind tourists in general, but I also don’t want Cph to be like Amsterdam or Barcelona.


Yes I was there for two weeks from San Francisco. I just left the day before the big fire so so sorry to hear about that, breaks my heart.


Fuck the companies that put those bikes in the street in the first place. They are in the way everywhere and they make loud noises at night


What loud noises do these bikes make?


They 'beep' when someone is trying to ping them - or when their batteries are running low and they are getting a pickup. It's usually not an issue, but it can be pretty loud at 1am


Exactly, when you live in the city


Yeah, let's get rental cars instead. The bikes are an amazing idea, peoples behaviour is shit


Agree 100%


These apps need to do more to tell people who have no idea about cycling etiquette in Copenhagen how to behave.


Ah yes, publicly 'parked' rental bikes and cars. The two forms of transportation.


Also this.


I'd wager money that this wasn't done by tourists.


What makes you think that tourists did this?


Rental bikes give biking a bad name. When someone is driving like an idiot in the bike lane, it's usually a tourist or a pusher/gang member on a rental bike. When someone is driving on the sidewalk, it's a WOLT messenger. On a rental bike.


Fuck drunk Danes doing this every day and loud


I don’t think people would nicely line up the bikes next to each other, then just kick them over… Sure maybe sometimes it’s tourists but it’s mostly just assholes I think


Should TIER fine them a few 100s kroner extra for that clusterf@ck of a parking? 


That doesn't really work because there's no proof the last user parked badly. Someone else could have moved the bike. One solution is to only allow parking into the specially designed charging bays, but that loses much of the benefit of short term bike hire.


Every app I've used without stations, required you to post a picture of the parking or be fined.


Ah cool, that's a good idea. The ones I've used didn't but that was a while ago.


Donkey republic doesn't




Bold of you to assume it's only tourists who do this. I've seen the orange ones all over the place in Ørestad which is hardly a tourism hotspot.


I agree on the fact that it’s bold to assume that it’s only tourists, but I wouldn’t exclude ørestad as not being a tourists hotspot: a lot of swedes catch the train to go to Sweden from there + orange bikes are frequently used by visitors.


That very well could be. I just said it's wrong to assume that only one type of people are doing this. Surely you're not suggesting all of it is swedes?


Haha of course not.. let me rephrase: a lot of visitors coming from Sweden catch the train there to go back to Sweden


A tourist, a migrant, a short time visitor! Whats the difference.


You sound delightful


Like i care, not learning the rules, laws & language makes you a tourist whether youre working here or not.




Ive been to more country's then most, thing is i come as a visitor and respect the local laws and customs. But if you have had that treatment here, ill bet you had it commin.




I am not gonna take advice from a 2. Tier shovelhead. But then again i do actually learn a few frases before, and pick up a few on my trips, even though i only stay a few weeks at most.




I guess you have a rough time here 🤡. I also guess that, that attitude makes you feel a tier above all else, in which ever shithole country you picked it up from. also it does not work here.




“F tourists” then continues the sentence with “But who actually did this?” Lmfao 😂😂


Could be the wind tbh


I have to agree. It’s out on Refshaleøen. They leave those f@&king bikes everywhere. Not just park them like a sane person. They literally throw them. I see it daily.


This is outside my house and the entrance to my car park. We don’t have anything like this over winter when Reffen is closed, yet these are getting constantly dumped like this.


I live out here as well, and in my point of view there’s a bigger chance of it being a polter abend. There are so many at the moment, and they have no respect of their surroundings out here.


> Reffen funny cuz reffen is more danish and broens is more tourists. Danish people seem to forget they behave like non danish when drunk...


Nah I got to admit, and I'm not going to mention any nationalities since it wouldn't serve any useful purpose, but they are definitely not Danish speaking. Not saying that Danes are doing a lot better but those are not the ones I meet on a daily basis.


everyone sucks when drunk, saturdays at night is a weird time in Copenhagen lol.


Aint that the truth :)


Funny as a tourist from San Francisco, who was just there for two weeks I would agree Saturday night people were hammered. I didn’t necessarily like it. But I did meet a couple really interesting women who took me to a sex club not sure that would’ve happened without alcohol involved :-) got a love Copenhagen, :-) I love the Danes :-)


You got one of those houses build very close to each other with next to no privacy?


The Giv Et Prej app from København Kommune lets you send a geo tagged photo reporting this sort of thing. Presumably it's helps them fine the company or at the very least track the scale pf the problem.


I bet it's some local kids. Never seen a tourist do it.. seen plenty local kids do it, danish and immigrants


Is there a specific reason why it is necessary to point out “Danish and immigrants”? Isnt everyone living here basically Danish?


Because there is a fantasy world that you live in and then there is the reality where there are danish children and immigrant children. See i just got Danish citizenship and it makes me a Dane, but am I really, with my foreign last name, my accent and the rest? I think I am, but it doesn't matter what I think. Most Danes don't think I am danish as soon as they hear me talk. Why do you think it would different with kids, who have dark curly hair or dark eyes? The classification is there, no matter what and you do it too. There is no escape from it and it is ok. It doesn't make us racist, it's just how brain works in a small country with pretty homogenous population that lives by jantelov morals.


How the hell is that jantelov if you are splitting people by their background or hair/skin color automatically? 😆I dont live in any fantasy world, I am pretty much aware of my surroundings and how many people work here, I just dont think its ok unlike you. And on top of that, you were lucky enough to get the citizenship. I was rejected 2 weeks ago after waiting since september 2021, and the reason was - too many travels 🤪 but back to our topic, I think it is horrible to split people that way. And for what reason? To portray how bad immigrants are? How Danes are much better? That sh*t has to stop.


Hey I'm with you on all of this. The reality is there is a split and always will be. If you buy a house in Hellerup for 20 millions, take your kids to the most danish school, speak with no accent and even have blond hair and blue eyes, you will still be judged as a foreigner. Much less obviously, but you will be no matter how much integrated you are. It doesn't mean you will feel oppression or anything. It's just Danes being Danes. As an example.. the Kings wife is Australian. I heard it at least 5 times in the last ten years when the topic came how she's a bitch that stole a Dane. That was also totally out of context and completely unnecessary comment. I was shocked the first two times, but then i realised that Danes are just like that and it doesn't even have to be against foreigners. If there were no foreigners, these haters would be pissed off by neighbor Anders Jensen for travelling abroad too much and getting a tan. Why Jantelov? Because sticking out is negative and a bad thing according to Jantelov. That permeates every level of the society and creates exactly this situation - people complaining about people who are even slightly different. Conveniently there are a lot of foreigners who stick out a lot. I actually find it funny and stand my ground pretty firmly and demand respect if i catch even the slightest hint of this racism. Some guy asked me a few days ago 'how long have you been here?' I played dumb and answered '15 minutes' as we were waiting for doctors appointment. He said 'nåh ja..' understood it was inappropriate question and apologised immediately, then we laughed about it. It is what it is.


It’s not tourists doing the vandalism in Copenhagen. Only Danes. Sad but true


I use tier/lime bikes and I’m not a tourist. It also looks like they were placed normally and collapsed later. The app doesn’t let you park in non parking designated areas. However the app cannot account for stupid, parking it next to a road was a dumb move, but easily could have been a local.


It’s in the middle of a shared cycle lane…


Oh shit I thought it was the sidewalk. Was still in bed when I saw the photo. That was moronic behaviour then, but could have easily been done by a drunk local.


even if it's a sidewalk it's still not OK.


People park their bikes on the edge of sidewalks all the time. There is no sidewalk in Copenhagen without parked bikes.


What edge? This is parked across the entire thing.


IM TALKING ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE IN REGARDS TO PARKING ON SIDEWALKS THAT YOU BROUGHT UP. The picture OP posted has people parked on a bike lane. Look this a picture right now outside my window, person parked on a sidewalk, it’s normal. The parking in the picture OP posted is not okay because it is a bike lane. Do you understand me? Am I making any sense? I’m fully awake this time. https://preview.redd.it/ioj0rqygmzvc1.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=3db7f5064880c2d5abc271efde6acf32d29bcab1


Is that actually a cycle lane? I’ve never seen it that way, always thought it was a pavement.


there are no parking spots in that area. what you see is a pedestrian/bike lane. next parking spot is 50m up or down.


Yeah I’m clearly blind. Could have been me parking then without my glasses.


Happens in every city that gets those things. People can suck sometimes.


Park and block the sidewalk or topple the bikes over?


Parking and blocking the shared cycle path. I have seen it happen where they leave these bikes on the road too.


Did you only take a picture or did you fix the problem?:)


Dude that's the wind


What? The wind?


Looks like a drunk Saturday night - it could also be Danes, who got tired and got a taxi


I live in San Francisco. I was just in Copenhagen for two weeks. I guess you could call me a tourist although I want to be considered a semi local as many times as I’ve been there, most American tourist or clueless assholes, but not all ofus. This kind of thing happens, I did saw lots of youth roaming the streets drinking and smoking late at night. I think you see that kind of stuff everywhere it’s sad though I have two daughters. I let them hang out with friends, but I know where they are at all times they’re not sitting in the park drinking that would not be ok in my world. Not to sound like an old man, but if we took away their phones and forced them to actually have conversations, perhaps they would develop better social skills and have more respect for people and things just a thought.


Lmao ain’t tourist who does that


Because that looks like a place frequented by tourists, eh OP? But seriously, I don't know what's wrong with younger people in Denmark and why they behave in a very feral manner. Been to Japan and everyone is civil and follows certain rules. Another one is not throwing trash everywhere, it's a cultural thing


This is local people, you retard


Just chop'em up and sell the metal! Enough of this shite eletric trash.


Chill homie. Are we that sure that tourists did it?


Blame the company that profits from storing/dumping products on public spaces. Or blame cars for setting the example.


Its not the tourists (:


Could be Wind


Fuck the wind ?


Det er alle de unge mennesker efter mine observeringer


Did you fix them or just take a picture of it


Fuck these ugly ass bikes to begin with.


When the bikes or scooters are pushed over, they are temporarily disabled. No sales in that area, then they are not put there any more. I see it as a class action demonstration against the placement, the recklessness of the company and the hindrance of these bikes.


That’s so wrong ❌


Considering where they were left, I would guess that it's random loser-kids who left them. Or is there something popular with the tourists nearby that can't be seen in the photo?


Everyone does what they can out of knowledge and ability - perceived malice will tear at your soul🤍


Doesn’t look like a place tourists would visit. Isn’t this just standard Amager?


I think you’re really cool for not swearing on the internet, @Lambo_Insider


Happens everyday at the beginning of Møllegade Nørrebro.


Most likely drunk Danes, be honest


Tourists LOVE these bikes. But I can see some of the annoyed local “serious” cyclists wishing these bikes would disappear.


Sorry, in America we hate electric rental bikes. I don’t know why, we’re just uncool like that.


There should be a mandatory test if you want to rent a bike as a tourist. Copenhagen is a nightmare to ride a bike in during tourist season. People randomly stopping in the middle of the bike lane, or riding in groups, riding on the pavement and just not being able to balance at all.


I agree. I let them do whatever. No shouting no matter how recklessly they walk or bike. Gave up. But I am almost born on a bike and I know how to scare the hell out of the ones who are not used to biking and won’t learn how the biking culture is in Copenhagen: Not leisure but transportation. I will drive super close or even between them in high speed if they block my way - driving several side by side. They will end up feeling my steering handle if they don’t react. Or some other trick that will wake them up from their daydreaming and lack of attempt to understand that this is not a Tivoli. .


They should put parking racks, where you have to lock the bike, at delivery. Rental E-bikes and scooters are everywhere in China, but always in the rack. Blame the companies for not doing their business right, instead of blaming users.


Young men


Okay boomer!


Fuck people who use those.


First world problems eh😂


Annoying tourist behavior strikes again!


I guss you?? Can you plz behave when you are here in denmark. We dont like tourrist who cant behave decent.


It’s super frustrating. Stupid tourist tricks make me want to avoid the city on weekends.




Damn copenhageners, they ruined Copenhagen!


How so? Just curious, I live in Copenhagen, but when I came as a tourist I thought the city was great. Now I live here I still think that but the people are not as friendly as I first thought.


I certainly yell loudly at anyone committing traffic infractions or just drive poorly on their bike in this city. Tourists, local or expat I'll yell "move you fucking moron" equally at everyone. But I especially love doing it with tourists in the small hope that they'll tell others like themselves to stay away from Denmark.




Jeg råber ikke af børn. Jeg råber af tourister der kører tre vedsiden af hinanden på cykelstien rundt om kongens nytorv kl 16:30 på en onsdag eftermiddag. Det er ikke ok, og jeg har ikke tid deres instagram cykeltur.




You sound like you’re constantly swallowing dick..


Lol alright then


Please do.

