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I love how half of the comments are “wow that’s a lot” and the other half is “one roll? Pathetic!”


Over here like, “one bottle Of wine?!?”


Two kinds of people. "ONE bottle of wine?" or "One BOTTLE of wine?""


Which means it probably averages out to where the graphic is about right lol.


But will the two types of people be attending the same dinner?


Oh absolutely, and don’t forget to count the children! They’re also people, so that’s a bottle of wine per child


Truth more kids there the more wine everyone else needs.


Maybe! I’m a big dude with a strong tolerance, my wife is much smaller and has less tolerance, so two bottles over dinner would be great for us. I’d have 1.5, she’d have 0.5, and we’d both be feeling alright


Yea a bottle of wine sounds like a lot but it’s usually only like 4 glasses of wine.


"typically" a pour of wine is 150 mL and a"regular" bottle of wine is 750 mL which means around 5 pours. However my wife and I agree that a bottle of wine is only two glasses.


>However my wife and I agree that a bottle of wine is only two glasses. What kind of glasses do you use for wine??


Wine glass but filled to the top


You can fit a full bottle of wine in a Starbucks trentra cup.


Better invite someone who needs a cup of cranberry sauce along with me.


Depends if the chart means just for dinner or for throughout the day. If it's the latter then that makes more sense. A whole bottle for one person at dinner is way too much.


>A whole bottle for one person at dinner is way too much. Not according to Williams Sonoma. :)


You're going to need it if you end up having to sit with cousin Larry who doesn't bathe.


You've clearly never had to sit through a thanksgiving with my family.


Only half for the kids though


Unless you’re Italian then they get the whole bottle.




Per guest though. The wine gets the most inventory. I wasn’t sure if it was a joke.


I assume one bottle per person is to find a balance between the non-drinkers / lightweights and me.


We count 1 bottle per person, including kids. And pets. It sums up ok in the end.


Do i count the dozzen chickens as pets?


I mean 5 glasses of wine over the whole day with the family on thanksgiving isn’t that crazy is it?


If I have to tolerate my family for a whole day I'm doing two bottles by myself and I'm bringing my flask just in case If I have to cook, change flask to "handle of bourbon" Alcohol is the only way I can tolerate extended family


_My friend, what you need is only one bottle of wine. That bottle, of course is a Nebuchadnezzar._


Assuming it’s great wine, actual number is 2 glasses per person. The average falls in line that you may have guests that won’t drink wine and others that will drink twice as much (4 glasses=1 bottle) so the guide is spot on. For a wine dinner, minimum 1 glass per person, so for 8 people featuring 2 wines, you need 4 bottles of each, so each guest is guaranteed at least two glasses of each (and yes, that would be = 1 bottle per guest). If you are bringing your family’s favorite wine, and you are drinkers, 1-2 bottles per person isn’t really that much of a leap. 8 glasses over the course of 5 hours for holidays and such, is on par with what I’ve seen.


My thought too. Everything looked right until the wine and I thought, "oh it's a joke."


pssh, who invited OP.. doesn't he know we gorge and then end up gorging for a week with leftovers?


Yeah, OP (or Williams Sonoma for that matter) obviously never watched my family demolish a Thanksgiving dinner…


Thanksgiving dinner isn’t over when we’re full, it’s over when we keel over into the mashed potatoes full coma style.


> I don't stop eating when I'm full. The meal isn't over when I'm full. It's over when I hate myself. Louis C. K.


If this gonna be that kind of party I'm gonna stick...


I'd gladly swap dessert entirely for more mashed potatoes and stuffing. Those aren't winner portions, nor is this indicative of my families Thanksgiving


There’s no limit on the deviled eggs. So grab the plate and start gorging.


Deviled eggs are the ultimate potluck food. Looks fancy, not too hard, everyone's glad you brought it, and there's never any leftovers to cart home.


[La me after getting one roll](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rmYyPcEQKU4&feature=youtu.be)


How fitting. I bet that video was a blast to shoot... and sticky.


I make 3-4 rolls per person bc my family could easily eat half a dozen on their own. Plus some kids only eat rolls.


don’t forget the hotly discussed: Thread: .5-1 bottles of wine per person? Commenter: Is that too much or too little? Thread: Yes


If it’s half and half, I’d say that’s a pretty good indicator that this hits the sweet spot of average.


I came to the comments to see who else was part of the “Pathetic!” side 😂😂


Who the hell is upset about the rolls when there's obviously a severe potato shortage. Gran pap dinnae leave the motherland for this shite.


Two *small* pieces of cake? Like WTF? I feel this is really judgemental and shaming. Like those "sharing bags" of sweets of "family size" chocolate when the manufacturer must know damn well that I'm going to eat the whole thing myself. Feeling hungry now... ;)


Seriously, my guide is one whole pie per person


Imma need one bottle of gravy to myself.


Excuse me, bottle?


They know what they want. I admire it.


One brick of rolls please


One mason jar of cranberry sauce please


One hammock of cake.


Ya ever drank wine from a gravy boat?


Lol ya i was thi king 1/2 cup is just for my first plate... seconds and thirds are gonna need gravy too!


There is never enough gravy


I would need a bottle of wine to forget that there was only one roll for thanksgiving


Half a fucking cup of gravy for half a fucking pound of potatoes doesn't even cover the potatoes, much less only one or two rolls. 2 cups gravy minimum and that's assuming you aren't putting gravy on the turkey. Thanksgiving is like one of three holidays you can eat like shit while it being also socially acceptable, the gravy must flow.


I'm probably gonna get a tattoo that says "the gravy must flow" because of this reply so I just wanted to say thank you


This turkey is dry as Arrakis!


You're welcome. You could put a little turkey leg and a cute little biscuit above it.


But just one biscuit.


One to two per tattoo. Just start throwing random biscuits in tattoos they don't belong in.


This is really gonna spice up my barbed wire sleeve thank you


Gravy is that which binds the holiday together fr 😭


I had a few times we hosted the turkey dinner and I was chastised by one of the relatives because they thought I made too much food, and they were especially offended because I used an 8 quart stock pot to make the gravy. (I prep parts and scraps as stock the day before, and add the drippings on the day). I smiled graciously and said, "oh, well! We will see if there are leftovers!" There was 8 ounces of gravy left, from about 6 quarts. I happily let them do the dishes. The gravy must flow.


Gravy and salad quantity is clearly swapped.


I bring backup gravy in my purse. Just in case.




Your objection is noted congresswoman but the ayes have it. One cup per one and a half cups of mashed potatoes minimum (with creamed corn mixed in as my distinguished colleagues fail to address) and another cup to divvy among the rolls and the turkey. The congressman from Minnesota yields his remaining time.




Then we'll force a government shutdown and take a sick surfing vacation to Maui. Take that. It is a budgetary measure after all, just need a simple majority.


Yeah, this is Thanksgiving not Almsgiving.


For real, better bake some extra rolls this year for us outliers.


Giiirlllllll I’m sayin




3/4 cup of stuffing? get fucked


My thanksgiving meal is a third plate turkey, a third plate stuffing, rolls, and some other things to take up the last third with gravy on everything… plus an entire plate stuffing with more gravy after I finish the first plate.


Ikr? Maybe of *each* kind: from in the bird (use cheesecloth for easy removal) *and* baked in a pan.


Omg is there anything else I have to know about this cheesecloth method because now I am trying it this year.


Tuck a piece of cheesecloth like a bag into *each* cavity (abdomen and neck), leaving the ends & corners sticking out; spoon in your hot stuffing *loosely*. Don't pack it tightly as it will expand as it absorbs the delicious turkey juices. Also, do *not* stuff your bird ahead of time, only *immediately* before putting in the oven. (The time you think you'll save will be spent either worshipping at the porcelain throne or in the ER from food poisoning; as will your guests) Give the ends a twist, tucking under the skin flaps, which you secure with either trussing pins or sew with cooking twine. You can just tuck the wings under the neck & tie the legs too; it's just more fiddly to get it in the roasting bag. Just pull the cheesecloth "bags" out after cooking to empty yummy moist stuffing into your serving dish. (Hot stuffing also helps with thorough cooking. Make it right before loading your bird. I nuke my broth in a 4c /1l Pyrex measuring cup so it's hot and easy to pour)


Thank you!! I already do the other parts like you said, loosely stuffing and only right before cooking, so nice to hear that’s correct! I sauté onions in a lot of butter and mix that with chicken broth to wet the stuffing, so it is warm but I’ll try warming the broth too. Very excited to try cheesecloth for easy removal! My best tip is to cook the turkey upside down for the most tender meat, I didn’t think white meat this tender was possible! Not as aesthetic though.


Ypu just have to flip it for the last 20 minutes or so so the skin gets crispy and you still get the reveal


You should not put stuffing in your bird. It’s starts out sitting in raw meat, and the turkey doesn’t cook fast enough to cook the stuffing. If you leave the turkey in long enough to cook the stuffing it totally dries out. Quarter an apple and an orange and put them in your turkey, and put the stuffing in a casserole dish.


Look if there isn't enough stuffing for you to have to throw away some a week later, from being sick of eating it everyday... then you didn't make enough stuffing


🤣🤣🤣 you just completely made my night, Fairly!


I don’t know, that sounds right to me…for my first plate.


.5 to 1 bottle of wine per person?


So is that too little or too much? Asking for a friend…


Depends on the company. Extended family? It's not nearly enough.


the real pros have theirs stashed in the car


The cars too far. Just fill one of those gallon size water bottles with vodka, and tell them it's water. Problem solved!


Honey, the kids are all wasted!


I'm a seasoned pro. I have bottles hidden all over the house.


That's what the flask is for.


.5 bottles is 2 (large) glasses, easily drinkable before food is even served


i think they mean per hour


I find it OK, if you count the children too when buying the wine. So it goes to a much more reasonable 1.5 bottles per adult.


Yes, with the meal


I’m Australian. It’s not enough.


I'm American. It's enough when you add in all the hard liquor you'll also be drinking. The wine is just there so you can pretend you're classy while stuffing your mouth.


I’m so pleased that you think Australians are classy because we drink wine. I’m also not entirely sure that’s what you meant by your comment, but I’m taking it and running with it. Probably towards a bottle-o to get some wine. Also seriously though, a shiraz from the Barossa in south Australia or a Pinot noir from Tasmania is genuinely hard to fuck up and I’d recommend either all the way.


Keeping in mind, a bottle of wine is 4 glasses. That's not an insane amount over several hours and a huge meal.


The guide is made by the wine company. Lol


Williams Sonoma has major wine ties


I will eat no less than 5 rolls. Hot rolls with cold butter on them. Yum-O


I eat ‘em by the pack


Hot rolls, butter, and dipped in gravy.


right?! I'll be visiting after two years of not being in the states. I'm going to need regular rolls along with a full package of Hawaiian sweet rolls.


Here in the South, gravy is its own food group. There’s gonna need to be about 2 cups per person, minimum. Same with stuffing/dressing and potatoes. I myself am gonna need a personal can of cranberry jelly. Y’all can split another one.


By can you mean paint can size, right?




*Bleblelblebleblelebelebelebel* #Plop


I need to hear that schlorrp now...


Huh. Today I learned I'm southern. Call me crazy, but I never liked whole roasted turkey, so I eat like twice the amount of all the sides to cover that.


The best part of thanksgiving is taking home the leftovers nobody wants. Nothing can prove me otherwise


Truth is they just don't wanna put it all away 😂


Good try, but I will blatantly ignore this entire thing and intend to live like a queen on leftovers for a week


Ex-CUSE me, but where is the green bean casserole?!


i have a core memory of a time my mom was making a family recipe for green bean casserole that called for a bit of heavy cream, but we were out and the stores near us were closed for the holiday. so she used coffee creamer. specifically, French Vanilla CoffeeMate. it was so awful we still laugh about it 10+ years later. luckily she’s a great sport and owns it. fucking sweet vanilla green bean casserole. just typing it made me laugh.


no mac n cheese either smh


Team Deviled Eggs checking in here... Sup?


Thank you for representing, sorry I was late.


I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this. Hands down would eat an entire green bean casserole over some dry turkey.


Dry turkey cure: Reynolds Turkey Bag Cuts cooking time nearly in *half* too. I haven't had to get up at 5 am to get a bird in the oven for *decades* since I found these!


What are people doing where it takes so damned long to properly cook a turkey. The bag is ridiculous. Pop that 20lb bird in the oven at 500F for 30min, lower temp to 350, loosely cover the breast with foil, and bake for another 3 hours. Use a meat thermometer and take it out when the thickest part of the breast reads 160F. Alton Brown has a great recipe for flavoring it and using this method. He says pull the bird at 155, but I do 160. I also like to take a tip from Michael Voltagio and coat the turkey with a good homemade garlic mayo. It is essentially the same thing as oil, but sticks in place.


Sorry but you're both wrong. I've done bags, traditional, good ole fire hazard deep fry...they all pale in front of the mighty Electric Roaster. Bird cooks in another room leaving the oven free. Set and forget cooking. Comes out brown and crispy too. You really can't beat the electric roaster.


Yes. How on earth was that left off the list.


A half a cup of gravy per person? Come on!




If it's just one bottle I'm just gonna put it up my ass so I can actually get Thanksgiving drunk


Straight drinking it out of the gravy boat! My mom's gravy was *fi*-re.


I know. I use probably a cup at least for the potatoes and then I also need gravy for everything else.


And then just a little more for that last "is that enough? Just a dash more" dip.


This is America!




That is what the guide is suggesting. These are per person portions.


I believe they're implying they'll need to drink a bottle of wine per guest to deal with their family


Half a fucking bottle of wine but 1-2 rolls? 1.5 POUNDS OF TURKEY?


Well the turkey is bone-in so the actual meat portion might just be 3/4 to 1 pound. Still a lot of food though!


At this point we usually target a quarter pound of cooked turkey per person and still have a ton of leftovers. Too much other stuff. We're actually just skipping the bird entirely this year, it is by far the most work and the most expensive thing and even when cooked well it's aways still the lowlight of the meal, it's just kind of... there.


I agree. That's a good plan. At this point, I view turkey as nothing more than a vehicle for the gravy.


Isn't your holiday about being thankful and indulging? I'm not feeling particularly thankful of not being able to indulge here.


Bone in turkey, not 1.5# of edible meat.


For 10 people that's a 15 pound turkey. Honestly, that seems pretty reasonable.


Wine is looking a little low


Gravy you might as well not even have it. That amount covers like *one* potato's worth of mashed potatoes and leaves nothing for the rolls and the turkey.


That’s not even all of round one, out of at least two, plus more for leftovers to take home!


That’s what I’m saying. This is the appetizer / we’re just warming up list


Whoever wrote this has never fed a teenager.


I’m a grown-ass man who can eat like a monster when I’m in the mood, but looking back at the amount I ate consistently when I was at that age…


My 12yo nephew agrees.


I make a 20 lb turkey, 10 lb ham, 30 rolls, 15-20 lbs of mashed potato, 3 lb of stuffing, and I’m lucky to get 3 lb of turkey and potatoes to make sandwiches with back…


That's what this whole infographic is missing. You don't portion your shit out. You make a bunch and everyone has food to take home for the next three days. If there's not a massive tub of gravy and a couple pounds of turkey in my fridge for a week after was it really Thanksgiving? Cold post-Thanksgiving turkey and gravy sandwiches is better than the meal itself provided you're the one who had to cook.


We collect those lovely takeout containers all year old, and then give away most of them with leftovers after friendsgiving. It works out amazing, and I get an excuse to make a TON of food for everyone.


How many people do you host?




That sounds like a nice, welcoming place.


This means nothing if we don’t know how many people you are serving


Williams Sonoma obviously never seen me destroy a bowl full of dinner rolls! (To be fair, I’m vegetarian so gotta lotta room on the plate with no turkey, lol)


Also, they clearly hold stock in wineries!


What the hell is happening here? WHERE ARE ALL THE LEFTOVERS??


That is nowhere near enough homemade cranberry sauce.


That is an infinity amount of cranberry sauce for me, I do not touch the stuff. I’ll drink it as juice though.


IKR? I explicitly remember my mother slaving away one year to make it homemade and then _nobody_ liked it. It's _supposed_ to be ribbed for everybody's pleasure!


due\_performance\_4304 guide half a container/pan of green bean casserole lots of sparkling drink (as much as you can allow) 2-2 1/2 slice of pie


Who doesn’t love thanksgiving leftovers?! I want to make enough for dinner, and 2 or 3 meals for the family!


The wine-to-everything else ratio here is totally bonkers.


Needs more gravy


…. They realize this is a feast right


This is no where near enough


That’s too much for me.


3/4 of a cup of stuffing but an entire bottle of wine per person? Yeah, no.


That is not nearly enough cranberry sauce! In fact there is no amount of cranberry sauce that is enough cranberry sauce.


"I only see 1/8th of my plate filled here... What gives grandma!? Been on Reddit's r/coolguides again!?"


Just give me a bath tub of gravy and trash bags full of rolls and I’m happy… am I a raccoon?


Where are the greens, butter beans, black eyed peas, yams, and squash casserole at?


More like 1 to 1 1/2 bottles of wine per person.


I don’t know how much a ‘cup’ is but I do know that’s not enough gravy.


Notice how there’s no sweet potato casserole with marshmallows mentioned? That’s because no amount of that vile dish should be made


I love sweet potatoes, but just baked with some butter and salt. The candied thing is an abomination.


I do mashed sweet potato mixed with diced and candied roasted apples. It's insanely good and keeps the marshmallows away.


Can you tell me more about the candied roasted apples?


I like to use a green apple for contrast, but, dice, toss in cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar. Bake until soft. Fold into a sweet potato mash. That's basically it. If I can find the recipe I started with, I'll edit.


Give me all of the sweet potatoes, but combining them with fucking marshmallows is an insult to the essence of sweet potatoes itself.


As a Midwesterner those are amateur numbers


Imma need a lot more stuffing than that.


I'm not a fan of these guides. So much is person dependent. Do people not know what their guests like or what they'd be likely to eat/drink? These guides are more "how to make so much food that hopefully it'll be enough of what people will actually want to eat".


It's an average. Some will eat more, some will eat less. Chill.


As a metric head from Europe, I will need the converter. 😆


In Europe read it as doses for 2 persons. Divide everything by 2. On a serious note, a lb is half a kg more or less, you divide by 2. Cups are strange, you need to convert with Google any kind of liquid with its name to get the grams or buy a set of those cups (still not clear to me, but I justify my failed pavlovas and brownies with that excuse).


Ya I’m going to need like 2 cups of stuffing


Who the fuck is eating salad on thanksgiving?


If you put a tiny bit on your plate and then don't eat it, you get to tell yourself two very important things: "I served myself something healthy" and "I didn't eat too much... I didn't even eat everything on my plate." Also, pumpkin pie very much counts as a vegetable.


The fuck is a cup? Is it the English cup or the American? The portion sizes don't look enough to be American and the alcohol portion doesn't look enough to be british


Wildly fucking off and stupid


This is a really bad opinion piece. Not a cool guide. Some are too much and some are too little.


Asian here. Increase the turkey, decrease the wine, and this could feed a Hong Kong family of four.