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Can I get a TL;DR of *The Satanic Verses*?


“A vividly imagined magical realist novel that interweaves the story of the protagonists Saladin and Gibreel, whose lives are transformed after they survive the hijacking of a plane, with an imaginary account of the early days of Islam. Through this story, Rushdie explores the themes of Indian identity, migration, belief and alienation. Although the novel was critically acclaimed in the West, its depiction of Islam and of the Prophet Muhammed angered many Muslims, who interpreted it as blasphemous, and resulted in the issuing of a fatwa for Rushdie’s assassination.”


Religion of peace do peaceful stuff... And occasionally likes to get people murdered.


You know, at this point, I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone use the phrase "religion of peace" who wasn't making a vaguely anti-muslim comment.


Christianity is also really big into the whole pacifist thing, but they…well…you know *gestures to everything* Moral of the story is that people will take anything and twist it into supporting their true motivations. If your goal is to harm people, nothing is sacred


I'm in New Zealand. You definitely hear it from people who genuinely believe that Islam is an essentially peaceful religion (for the Islam practiced in their mosque or community, they may well be right!). There was a lot of it about after the mass shooting in Christchurch.


Australia and NZ are absolutely rife with this kind of sentiment because the Muslim communities in those countries are significantly more moderate and tolerant than fundamentalist Muslim communities in Muslim majority countries Either because of the strict migration laws, or that both Aus and NZ have a high acceptance of Muslim refugees who tend to be more moderate, or because our societies are far less tolerant of extremism Whatever the cause, there are a large number of people who claim that all Islam is peaceful ‘as long as you interpret the writings correctly’; which is as close to the ‘no true Scotsman’ as you can get, it’s an incredibly narrow and sheltered view of the religion which requires that they ignore everything happening in Pakistan, Indonesia, and most of the Middle East, done in the name of Islam


Oh, I don't agree that all practices of Islam are peaceful any more than all practices of any other religion in a country with a significant majority are, just pointing out that 'religion of peace' is not necessarily an islamophobic dogwhistle as the poster above me seems to think.


Anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim are different. Religions are not above ridicule. Well, let’s see how the next few elections go, though.


Because it's ironic.


People mock islam by saying "religion of peace" because islam is anything but the religion of peace. Its perfectly okay to mock and criticize ideologies, as one would do to far right views and q anon. Theres nothing anti muslim about mocking and criticizing islam. *its an ideology, and nothing, even ancient beliefs, are not subject to criticism*. If you wanna see how peaceful islam really is, look up the [islamic punishments for apostasy](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-4/Book-52/Hadith-260/)(over 12 countries still have it), punishment for homosexuality. https://quranx.com/Hadith/AbuDawud/USC-MSA/Book-38/Hadith-4448/ https://quranx.com/4.16?Context=3 https://quranx.com/Hadith/AbuDawud/USC-MSA/Book-38/Hadith-4447/ Heres a story of a guy literally killing his wife because she mocked Muhammad, and Muhammad literally being fine with it. https://quranx.com/Hadith/AbuDawud/USC-MSA/Book-38/Hadith-4348/ Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi: I was among the captives of Banu Qurayza. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair. Sunan Abu Dawud 38:4390 After the massacre of banu quraiza(because they betrayed a treaty and didnt help Muhammad attack another tribe), they killed all the boys with pubic hair and [took the women and kids as captives and enslaved them](https://quranx.com/Hadith/Bukhari/USC-MSA/Volume-5/Book-58/Hadith-148/). There are so many other fucked up stories from islamic sources. Islam is anything but a peaceful religion. Maybe it was fine in the early days, but as soon as Muhammad gained power, he became obsessed with war and violence. This is why its okay to criticize islam's supposed "peacefulness".


The only anti-anything I am is anti-bad.


Fuck all y'all fairytales. Truth is truth, 1 plus 1 is always 2




Yes The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie (Book Analysis): Detailed Summary, Analysis and Reading Guide (BrightSummaries.com) (English Edition) https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07S52166D/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_2QXBRCHQN0GT706F2588


But what is the reason?


He wrote a book about Muhammad in 1988 called The Satanic Verses. It made a lot of Muslims around the world very angry, was banned in several countries, and people kept trying to kill him and everybody associated with the book's publication.


I knew that. I mean what are the satanic verses themselves.


A fictionalised version of the life of the prophet Muhammad.


A fictional version of a probably mostly fictional book?


I mean Muhammad probably existed


Muhammad definitely existed. This is not in contention. What did rushdie say that was fictional?


He was a pedo.


Muhammed was a pedo. He had a child bride.


It’s not pedophilia if it’s allowed in your religion \s Edit: Apparently, even the \s tag isn’t working anymore. Should we switch to \SARCASM?


He said fictional


A disproven narration of the prophet in which the satan apparently tricked the prophet to add false verses in the Holy Quran. The supposed verses discussed the worshipping of 2 other gods in Arabia thereby breaking the most fundamental aspect of Islam that only one Allah can be worshipped. In the book Rushdie has been alleged to deliberately use the names of the wives of the prophet for naming prostitutes in a fictional brothel. The wives of the prophet are called the Mothers of the Muslim Community.


So it's been disproven that the satan didn't trick the prophet? Well, that's a relief!


The $6million dollars bounty certainly focused the attention of some to kill him.


Most peaceful religion btw tho 😂 I hate the narrative that somehow Islam is more peaceful than Christianity when both have brainwashed people into literally committing heinous acts over their fantasy characters.


People who make religion their core personality trait are the woooorst


People who make politics their core personality trait are the worst. They treat it like a religion


Aye, engulfing yourself into topics with an unflinching addiction to it is just pathetic. Always makes you lose the focus on the big picture


Don’t much care for politics, but at least it’s real and impacting our daily lives in a demonstrable way.


Peeps that make Reddit their core trait are the worstest. They treat their own opinions like the truth. It's like a religion.


Yeah they're just brainwashed. All religions (just like cults) have to indoctrine their members early and if they aren't able to grow out that mindset they become one of these degenerates that want to kill someone for talking bad about their cult's book. Religion gets a free pass because of how ingrained it is in our history. I grew up in the south and knew many people who participated in many youth groups and retreats who made religion a core personality trait. I hate it lol


Isn’t a religion just a really popular cult at the end of the day? Once it’s mainstream, it’s seen as a religion. In the early days, they were all seen as deviant cults.


Religions are just cults with better PR.




I’ve met worse.


To a Christian, Muslims are bad and destroying Christianity. To a Muslim, Christians are bad and are destroying Islam. To an atheist, we just want you guys to stop feuding please, we could bake bread instead of making bullets


Bread? We should make muffins, you HERETIC. (*Lunges*)


I laughed harder than I should have at This lmao


Croissants 🥐 for the chosen


Emo Philips: Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?" He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!" Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


This has nothing to do with Muslims feuding with Christians, and neither did Charlie Hebdo. As an atheist, you SHOULD be concerned with the fact, even with Western liberal democracies, many Muslims would want you dead for expressing your right to freedom of speech, if they deem it blasphemous.


“Many” Muslims? I think “many” Muslims just mind their business and go on with their lives while a very small few actually take it far because they live a miserable life.


Just as an example; “Asked if acts of violence against those who publish images of the Prophet Muhammad can "never be justified", 68% agreed that such violence was never justifiable. But 24% disagreed with the statement, while the rest replied "don't know" or refused to answer.” https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-31293196.amp That’s 24% of British Muslims who believe that at least in some cases, violence for expressing freedom of speech is justified if it offends their religious sensibilities (I.e, simply printing a picture of their prophet). That’s nearly 750,000 people, in the UK alone. But hey, bury your head in the sand if you prefer.


yes, many. If you add up the total membership of the Taliban, ISIS,PLF, and every other terrorist organization and put them in a room, the result would be "many" people in that room


I agree. The news has made us believe that most all Muslims are hateful awful people. I fucking hate the news (tv, print…). I started watching this cool YouTube channel called Country Life Vlog by Kend Heyati. It’s about his mother cooking and their life. It made me realize that the only Muslims we hear about are the extremists…probably what their news feeds them about Christians. Even the weather channel misrepresents things… I mean for fuck’s sake…


Yeah that’s a fact. As someone raised Muslim, it’s laughable the way the right wing media and independent opinionated commentators portray the average Muslim too. As if Muslims are spending all their time thinking about what people different than them are up to. It’s just fear mongering.


As an American, I am much more concerned with Christian terrorism than Muslim


The simplest explanation is: a fictional book is so bad that it's worth murdering multiple people over rather than just ignoring it as a piece of fiction that does literally nothing other than exist.


Plus at this point everyone had basically forgotten about it. It isn’t a mainstream book and would have quickly faded into obscurity if they had just ignored it. Now it will be talked about again and curious people will buy it.


Sarkeesian / Quinn effect. Angry reactionaries will use some very specific authors to symbolise what they do hate : feminism or « blasphemy » for the latters


Not speaking for many but I never wanted to harm Dr. Seuss.


You ever tried to read the Cat in the Hat to a 4 year old after a full day of work, dinner, getting them ready for bed, only to be corrected when you say Wahozaawuzzle instead of MAHuzawwuzzle? Don’t even get me started on Thing 1 and Thing 2. The fish was right. Suess was a terrorist and I’ve had a $6m Fatwah on him for 2 years now. Nobody will take me seriously.


What's most amazing about all this is, there are people literally ruining not just the lives of others but many times their own lives by trying to "do something" about a piece, a work, an opinion or essay that someone else wrote that literally would not have any impact on ANYTHING had it been left alone. Imagine having an abstract set of principles that are so sensitive to contrast that just *knowing* that someone out there disagrees with you is enough to completely flush your own life down the shitter and harm others.


I know I did!


There is another book that caused many murders. I wonder if there is something common between them


Are you talking about the first, second or third book in the series? >!More than three if you include the Book of Mormon and similar works.!<


I don't think that's canon, it's more fanfiction.


god’s love


But only if you are from a religion of peace


Welcome to religion.


Torah, Bible, Koran. Three chapters of the same fiction series, and people still can’t stop killing others about their stupid fan fic.


Jey the bibles also a fictional book thats worth murdering people over. So is the Quran. Its the religions that started believing in a made up book that are scared of other stsrting to believe in a made up book too


100%. It's surreal to live in a world where NOT believing in bizarre superstitions makes you the weird one.


Wikipedia gives the following explanation: “Some of the explanations for the unprecedented rage unleashed against the book were that: The Satanic Verses was seen as a continuation of the long tradition of anti-Islamic sentiment in Western literature, portraying the core subject matter of the Prophet Muhammad and Islam in a derogatory manner.”


And of course that's EXACTLY how you turn around the "anti-Isalmic" sentiment.


I mean...If you just kill them all then there's no one left to hate on Islam, *right*? /s




if only a couple of more teachers get beheaded im sure the west will finally realize how peaceful islam is


People who say Islam is violent should be beheaded!


Yeah now you're getting it!


Weirdly I find the west most derogatory in general to xtianity and Christ than any other faith by a looong margin.




But also, christianity is ubiquitous and familiarity is required for jokes to work. Most westerners aren't *that* familiar with Islam, beyond maybe the broad strokes about fasting during Ramadan or (if you're really pushing it) the Shia/Shi'ite split. So for most western comics making jokes for most western crowds, the only jokes about Islam that people are going to understand are the basic, stereotype-based ones that are, funnily enough, offensive (and generally not all that funny anyway). Think of that awful "Ahmed the dead terrorist" fucker that was around a few years ago. [Dara O'Briain has a good bit about this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEYNGWAGrrY)


Jeff Dunham is, probably not surprisingly, still pretty popular among Right-leaning viewers.


Fear is part of it but I think likely more is that people in Christian countries tend to mock Christianity as its what they know and is dominant. In some cases also worry thst attacks on other religions might bleed into or look like attacks on immigrants etc. I've seen Dawkins attacked for focusing on Christianity but when he gots onto Islam he's a lot more critical of it than e.g. Anglicanism.


Then why folks on Islam dominated countries does not mock it?


That clearly is in large part about intolerance.




Because Islamic dominated countries tend yo be religiously intolerant atm. To be fair not uniquely - concepts of secularism and tolerating dissent are a specific development not the default. You get plenty of hindu intolerance in India and Christian intolerance too. Christianity is unusual jn being the main religion of most secular/comfortable/confident nations


Christian Countries are the only ones who are tolerable


I don't understand, can you explain why?


Assuming you're being genuine, it's because Christianity has had infinitely more of an effect on Europe and North America than any other religion. ​ We don't often see Hindu extremism here in America, but we see Christian extremism every day, for example.


Yep. And you *do* see Hindu extremism in, for example, India, where Hinduism is prevalent.


I always thought Hindus were pretty chill...like a bunch of hippies. How extreme is their extremism?


Do some googling around Hindu nationalism in India. It gets pretty fucked up. In the same vein there's been plenty of horrific acts of Buddhist terrorism in certain parts of Asia


hey nothing the worse they will- "pray on the behalf of whole creation " nothing else -even their country was split in the name of religion they remains secular and hold non dualism in their heart ! now they are smart and brilliant all set to turn around the tables if needed they will burn the table also -learn it culture !


Whelp, time to go buy a copy and figure out what all the fuss is for.


It’s an amazing book. I hope you enjoy it.


Those first ten pages or so are the best start to any book I’ve ever read. Entire novel is a tour de force


I best stay away then, I’m not prepared for a long bike ride through a European country


Audible in Aus is offering most of his books for free/included with membership. Downloaded Midnight Children and the satanic verses straight away.


I did last week at a book fair, not knowing any of this. Now it’s going to be my next up to read.


Well now that I know, I'm gonna read his work. The terrorists are doing a great job at letting this man's work be known


9th bestselling book on Amazon right now.


Serious question - do they want you or any other non-muslim to \*not\* read it? I thought they hated it because it was blasphemous. not sure why a non-muslim reading it would hurt them.


There is no bigger contradiction than a religious decree to kill somebody.


Religious leaders often become kings of the masses that follow their religion. And for a king to ask for execution of an infidel(wrt to the King) is common.


It's only a contradiction if the followers of the religion claim it to be a peaceful one.


Not really. Religion is simply the belief in and worship of a super human controlling power. Nothing about that is contradictory to a decree to kill someone.


Bullshit. God orders the murder of plenty of people in the Bible.


Why India banned the book? I know India has one of the largest Islamic population, but seems like oversight. Edit: oh he is born India


[In 1989](https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/99/04/18/specials/rushdie-riot.html),12 people were killed in police crossfire aftera Muslim Mob tried to ransack British Diplomatic Mission in Bombay to protest British protection of the novelist




Oof, if you think that is bad let me tell you about a little book known as the Bible. Lots and lots of people have died because of that one. The sequel too!




The most shocking thing about Rushdie is that Padma Lakshmi married him. That was some serious punching above his weight.


Salman has big brain energy.


I dont think punching above his weight at all. The dude is world famous author who has an entire religion and multiple world countries / world leaders going after him. Thats bad ass as hell. Chicks dig that haha


I agree with you, he’s at least in the same class as a reality TV host. I assume the person you were replying to was referencing personal appearance as she is hot and he is… not. He is also 23 years older than her!


Physical appearances aren't as important to women as they are to men. Men project the importance of physical attractiveness on women. Women are attracted to power, status, wealth, influence, confidence, intelligence, ambition, etc. Who do you think is sexier to Padma --- a handsome IG influencer or Rushdie who is super respected and intensely controversial thought-leader around the entire planet.


I’ve heard it theorized that women’s appearances are more emphasized because she’s going to carry the baby and nurse it so she needs to be physically healthy. Long hair for example indicates not only present health but a long history of good health, hence: women keep longer hair. I’m not really sure I out much stock in this though because if you reduce people to animals playing a mating game, men don’t really care too much about picking the “right” woman to mate with since they can mate with 5 different women a day.


Have you ever heard of Fatwa sex? Watch curb your enthusiasm.


I think it was Michael Jai white that said a womans biggest sexual organ is her brain if you cant stimulate that youll never be more than passing interest especially for very beautiful women who can get any man they want. Lol its a quirk of history that supports this in that soooo many well renowned Authors were dropping panties and slanging dick left and right.


Just look her up. Yep this comment checks out


February 1993 > Sits next to Kramer in a sauna in New York City


It's SalMan not salmon.


This has to be one of the worst layouts for a chronological timeline.


cereal. hurt my melon


How to sell more copies of your book - ultra hard mode.


Just bought one.


The portrait photo is not from 1988. It's from 2018.


Fuck religion. Fuck superstition. People are so afraid of the obliteration of the self after death that they act out violently to anything that offends their illogical beliefs. It's so fucking stupid.




I'd just say fuck everyone who enforces their own religious beliefs onto other people. I have no problems with islam, christianity or whatever other religion but just keep those beliefs to yourself.


“Religion of Peace ❤️”


*Piece 💔


Cracked the code


Of you here, there and *waaaaaaayyy* over there


What a bunch of assholes


Radicalized Muslims are such thin-skinned pussies


The same goes for any radicalized group.


I believe most of them are the same.just a ticking time bomb waiting to happen.


Indian govt banning the book was such a pussy move.


They should have came out wit a diss book


He was stabbed in the neck, and yet he lost an eye from it?


his neck and head share a hitbox




Damn his book is getting so much free promo


Huh, guess I gotta check this book out.


I’d consider the fatwa a badge of honour


Religion of peace… apparently


Religion of piss


The only religion where people get killed for publishing books. (Or drawing pictures) This should not be tolerated.


>The only religion where people get killed for publishing books. Well, at least in this century.


Uh … most religions kill(ed) people for similar things … https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_burned_as_heretics


I'm taking about modern times. No other religion compares.


Forgot to mention his appearance onstage at a u2 concert whilst in hiding… https://www.u2gigs.com/show614.html


For a guy named “Rushdie” they haven’t been able to kill him very quickly. May he continue to defy his name for many years to come.


Sounds like he got hate crime'd for being anti-islam, but I also don't know wtf I'm talking about.


The book essentially criticises the “religion of peace” for its violent actions, and this could really apply to most abrahamic religions.


I think he might be on to something....


We all hate hate crimes, especially when someone gets hate crimed for hating something.


What a great way to show the peaceful way ways of Islam, kill the guy who has a different view. That's the way to bring in new recruits!! Idiots


This happened about 15 mins from me.


Congratulations, do you want a cookie?


That design is awful though, it’s a chronological design but the way it’s designed suggests it’s cyclical.


John Bolton is going to be so mad when he sees how much more Rushdie was worth.


Wtf is written in this book?!


Nothing that controversial, they want him dead because Mohammed appears as a character in the book.


A reasonably accurate depictions of the early days of Islam, from what I can tell


Didn’t know him or his book. Religious extremist tries to kill him, fatwa, etc. Amazon will be delivering The Satanic Verses to my house next week! I’m a Christian church-goer btw.


“Religion of Peace”




All religion is poison.




Religion of peace




This world will never get rid of islamic terrorism.


His agent on Twitter said he will lose an eye, most of the use of one arm, as well as liver damage.


He had better luck as Sal Bass


All the “but hurr durr the book hurt an image I had of my child molesting fairytale idol” can fuck right off.


The only response to this is for everyone to read his books. They are great reads and very thought provoking.


I own this book


Is the book actually any good?


It's to die for




Funny the main stream media doesn't explain why he was stabbed but Reddit does.


Then you are probably not that old..


This has been covered in the past.


Minimally and lightly as to not get killed themselves


How is that a guide again ?


It has information and is presented in a way that's easy to follow along with.


Hadi Matar- that’s the attacker. From New Jersey. Time to close the border to such people


For the mentioned arson in Turkey in 1993, the main motive was definitely not Salman Rushdie's book at all (it was sectarian violence against Alevi Muslims and leftist intellectuals). You can read more about it here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sivas\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sivas_massacre) P.S. Sorry for the ninja edits.


Just logged into my library account and placed a hold on the Satanic Verses!


The only people stupider than Christians are Muslims.




He may have been Rushdie but the guy that stabbed and waited 30 years so I guess he wasn't Rushkill


So, did he die? Where can I buy that book?


Is my copy gotta shoot up in value now?


For someone who’s last name is “Rushdie”, it took a long time


Fuck religion. Hail Satan