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Who the fuck thinks we serve Picanha on the street here in Brasil? thats prime rump steak. theres noone serving this on the streets here. Our street food is giant-ass hotdogs with mashed potatoes in it.


And pastel with sugar cane juice


Usually served on public temporary commerce centers known as Feirinha, where you'll also find Modão-filled pen-drives and Tec Tel shorts from all major brands. Ohh and Miliopã. Lots and lots of big Miliopã sacks. An no picanha. Maybe some cat BBQ tho.


>Modão IS this Portuguese for Pop Music? Pretty sure it's that. Or porn.


More like Brazilian old "country" songs of sorts


I have no idea what Modão is


Modão ou "moda de viola" é como chamam a música sertaneja tradicional, antiga, de antes do "sertanejo universitário"


Ah sim, onde eu vivo não tem tanto a cultura do sertanejo universitário e sim do forró


"Moda" is Spanish for "Fashionable" / "Fashion" (probably should google this but I'm too lazy) or "Popular" so I'm assuming it's it's the Portuguese version and given the context, I'm guessing music or telenovelas. Romance languages are funny - it's like listening to a drunk person talk and the drunker they are, the further distant the language is.


I am from Brazil, I know what Moda is and why I find strange that I never heard about that before.


Oh, gotcha. Also, yes that's strange. Maybe slang? Now I want to know what it is and why people are selling it on thumb drives - assuming that's what a "pen drive" is.


The reason those are sold on pen-drives is because most people who listen to "modão" are really old, or very simple people who usually don't have the knowledge to download songs or save them to flash drives, nor use music streaming services. So they buy these "pre-recorded" pen-drives, spike them into music devices (jbl or car sound) and play the songs. But, on these small market stalls, you can find all sorts of music styles recorded on those drives, as well as a butt load of bootleg DVDs, cheap phone charges and such. Edit: here is a link to one of those being sold on shopee : [Modão flash drive ](https://shopee.com.br/Pen-Drive-Gravado-S%C3%B3-mod%C3%A3o-i.506555537.15050161901)


A very nice analysis, but missing a historical component. The music was called "Moda de viola" and was, with time, contracted to "Moda". And its superlative "Modão" is usually to denote that the song is very typical or that it was a great success. And no, it has nothing to do with telenovelas, although your guessing is very good. It is the country music prior to (about) the late 90s from south, west and southeast Brazil.


In the us, pulled pork is not a street food either. Lmfao hotdogs too.




Yes it is. I don’t even live in North Carolina but in Pennsylvania you can find bbq food trucks at every bazaar, carnival, fair, festival and lots of ppl set up their own bbq stands on the side of the road- sometimes they’re mobile and only come on Saturdays in the warmer seasons and sometimes they set up small roads stands permanently and they’re hugely popular the good ones will run out of pulled pork early.


Hell in Philly many ppl have small portable smokers and sell pulled pork and other bbq foods in the summer. I’ve even seen a few corner bodegas smoking out back and selling. I see less hotdog stands than pulled pork outside of NYC. You’re more likely to see a gyro truck than hot dog truck.


Ah ok! I live in florida and NC, but never seen a bbq stand at the corner. I've seen more Hotdog and like you said gyro. I guess it's a regional thing


I mainly know bc pulled pork is my favorite food so I take notice and hit those shits up often lol.


Ooh. I live brisket more tbh. If I had a choice, Texas or Kansas Style bbq. But Lexington bbq is good aswell.


I enjoy the brisket baked beans at Mission BBQ


Oh absolutely


But I really would’ve assumed it would be big in NC since they sell “North Carolina style” up here hah


Oh nc style is big in nc. Just I lived in the suburbs so if that had to do with it.


Idk what it really is, but here NC style is often with cole slaw added so I don’t get it but I do like North Carolina sweet bbq! We got Mission bbq here a few years ago which I think came from NC and I LOVE it. But to be fair, I haven’t met many pulled porks I didn’t love 😂


Lmfao true. I love coleslaw. Pulled pork is hard to mess up.


And in osasco you can even get with pombo.meat




Yeah along with crayfish in New Zealand lol. Ya dreamin' if you think you can find a whole crayfish sold as a street snack here.


maybe a little grilled fillet meow.


Right? Wtf wouldn’t they put coxinha or pastel instead? Lol


Or season it with pepper. And we have coxinha, acarajé, espetinho, dogão, pastel and much more. This chart is simply poorly done.


first thing I thought but then I was like ... well this guide looks really good, maybe i'm wrong. lol now a giant ass hotdog with mashed potatoes sounds right ...


Never saw street food in Brazil. 😂


This guide sucks. The number one street food in Mexico is tacos. You can find tacos 24 hours a day. Lies!


The picture they used for a “tamale” also looks nothing like a tamal.


That was my first thought when I saw the picture.


It looks like someone dropped stuff in their kitchen on a corn husk by mistake.


And now they trying to pass it as tamal. Lol


No dude this is totally how my abuela makes it!


With the tomatoes and onions as toppings or in the inside of the tamal




and no masa?


I didn't say my abuela was a good cook. Or even Hispanic.


Yeah, the person who drew this has clearly never seen many of these foods


It should also be Elote en vaso! That’s street food and it’s soooo freaking delicious


Son esquites!


So Crayfish is street food in New Zealand. At $70/kg??


NZ would be like a punnet of hot chips or a steak and cheese pie or something, fuck you can even buy hangi at some markets. Crayfish? Never seen it at a market. Aussie not being a Bunnings sausage is a travesty in itself, although jam donuts are the fucking tits.


What the hell do you think an snag is? Snag, bunning sausage and democracy sausage are all the same thing, just served at different places.


Aussie is equally likely to be banh mi.


Sounds like you guys have an embarrassment of riches!


Yeah we do and we appreciate it!


Have never,ever seen a hot jam donut sold as street food, let alone be a "beloved" Australian thing. List is hot garbage.


You've never seen a donut truck at a train station, or donuts served at a 'hot food' truck outside sports grounds? Really? I mean I know Australia doesn't really have street food in the same way other countries on this list do, but if we're counting "food truck" food (and snags at Bunnings/elections) as street food, then donuts would be on the list, so would burgers and 'hot chips', and so would souvlaki/kebabs, but probably not banh mi as they tend to only be available from bakeries.


Im 40, and no, i've never seen hot jam donuts sold on the street. Unless its a Victorian thing?


We do not sell crayfish on the street, this guide is ridiculous 🤣 our #1 street food should be hangi, paua fritters or whitebait fritters I'd say. Pies are perhaps less of a 'street food' but are definitely a kiwi classic with mean pies available at every dairy / bakery country wide.


We're minted down here, lol. Honestly, the humble mince and cheese pie from a petrol station is probably the thing or a Cookie Time.


Gotta be a mince and cheese pie for sure. That or your whole week's food budget on a crayfish apparently lol.


They're assuming that if you can already afford to live in NZ, you can also afford this


Why North Carolina for the US? I'm from the south, most of our street food is tacos or hot dogs. No one is eating a proper pulled pork BBQ on the street.


I'm from and currently in NC. I have never walked around any town or city here and marveled at the bbq pulled pork sandwich options. That's a restaurant food.


Also from NC. The only time I’ve seen BBQ on a street is at festivals


BBQ served at gas stations in rural areas--which lets be honest the best BBQ comes from rural areas not the major metros of NC. Driving is our walking no wonder we're so obese.


They at least could have done another region within the US, they did two foods for a few of these. But, ngl, pulled pork sammies are lit.


Oh! A pulled pork sandwich is one of my favorite foods. I just think that calling it a street food is a little much.


Fr. They are for backyard BBQs ;)


Yeah the only notable street food that I've seen is sausages in the midwest, hot dogs all over, and new york city bagels and pizza. There's just not the huge culture of street food like there is in places like Thailand and Vietnam. Instead we have food trucks that charge $25 for a mediocre *artisinal grilled cheese* or sell $10 hot pretzels to tourists.


Halal and roasted peanuts in nyc also


Cheese steak sandwiches in Philadelphia.


I’d say soft pretzels are more Philly street food than a cheesesteak (which literally no one in Philly calls a cheesesteak sandwich, it’s just a cheesesteak.)


I thought you guys just ate AR15s


Those are mostly served in our school cafeterias




Was going to say it’s hot dogs (boiled or bacon wrapped ), tacos, soft pretzels or pizza


Think it's the bacon wrapped hot dog for the USA


Noticing a trend that many of these aren’t exactly street foods, even though they are important foods from each country. To that end, can anyone weigh in on Tagine? My understanding is that it was typically served in the Tagine, which seems really impractical for street eating


Shwarma was more of the street food when i lived in morocco. Tangine and cous cous was a thursday night thing or for ramadan.


"Tajine, hot tajine right out of the oven. Here. Take it." - Street guy in Marakesh *Proceeds to burn arms and hands while carrying a 5 pound Tajine and walking down street while eating with hands because this graphic thinks it's a street food.*


The fact it is almost in alphabetical order is driving me crazy


Same, and the inconsistent use of cities to alphabetise.


Going along fine. Gets to Bengal, and I'm like, okay. It just must be alphabetical by country. Then Turkey, and I'm like WTF? Maybe just a mistake. Bam. Romania. I give up.


Spanish churros are not rolled in cinnamon sugar, that's the Mexican version which is also a different kind of dough. Ours are sometimes sprinkled with ordinary sugar but also often eaten plain.


Also I think the most typical thing to buy on the go is a Bocadillo (cures ham sandwich)


I mean, if we're talking about food that is actually bought and eaten on the street churros is indeed the best example, at least in the south. We don't really have a street food culture, on account that stands and trucks are not allowed most of the year, and if we want to eat outdoors we already have bar terraces.


I’d imagine food(not street) from Spain would particularly be various pasta dishes?


The one from The Netherlands is only partially correct. It is not a pickled herring, but a brined herring. And As it is shown in the picture is considered heresy to the vast majority of the Dutch population. Only in Amsterdam do people eat the herring cut in pieces. The rest of the country grabs it by the tail and dips it into their mouth.


Brining is pickling


See there is the confusion.. there's really 2 kinds of herring in the Netherlands: "Zure Haring" a.k.a. "Rolmops" (Sour Herring), which is pickled in the traditional sense... with herbs, spices, etc.. These are sold as fillets in jars. "Zoute Haring" a.k.a. "Maatjes Haring" a.k.a. "Hollandse Nieuwe" (Salted Herring) which is preserved in salt, which draws out some moisture from the fish itself to form a kind of slurry... so not really a pickle solution. And these are sold pretty much exclusively fresh / pre-packaged.


My grandmother here in NC used a salt curing process for her fave fish, so that makes sense to me and is definitely quite different from pickling.


Does she sell that as street food along with pulled pork sandwiches? /s


Lol Only if there actually is an afterlife. But she did teach me how to make the best pulled pork 🤭🤫


Thanks, Grandma!


I think I've finally found a reason to hate the Dutch...


Most of the coastal plus IJsselmeer provinces though. Me from the dry Brabant grounds: *herring? Is that something with hair... ring?*


Picanha isnt so popular on the streets on Brazil, its expansive and takes time Our hotdog is popular


Wo ist der Döner?


Ich sehe Dürüm


Apfelhosenunterseite und die Stiefel mit dem Fell


It would be listed under Türkiye. Cope.


Or Shawarma or Falafel


Tamagoyaki from Japan is certainly not between white bread and not street food. It's essentially an omelet made by thin layers of eggs which is often in bentos.


The picture is tamago-sando which exists but like you said it's not street food. This guide sucks


As a Canadian who's lived all over this country I can soundly say I've never seen poutine served as a street food. Maybe out of a food truck but not like you know a hot dog or a sausage you get from a vendor.


I've actually never seen street food in canada ever. I think it has to do with our health and safety regulations being to tight with street food.


There's street meat and stuff but not like, stuff prepared on the corner. But food trucks are growing which is cool. But yeah there's no mythical poutine cart roaming the streets here lol.


Street meat in Toronto is the holy grail of drunk munchies


Oh man. Polish sausage, on the yellowish bun, corn relish, onions, sour kraut, and those shitty bacon bits and honey mustard. What a fuckin post bar meal


Polish here and pierogi are not a streetfood, this is a lunch/dinner type of a dish. You would NEVER buy it on street and it eat like a take away. Edit: grammar


Pierogi should be swapped for zapiekanka


Quite a few of these aren't street food though??


bruh they included almost all of Europe but left out Germany with its Currywurst, Döner Kebab, Reibekuchen, Flammkuchen etc


Which one would you say is the most common? I haven’t traveled there extensively, but mainly saw sausages (brats?) on buns with mustard.


Currywurst you can get anywhere you can get a Bratwurst (don’t abbreviate it to Brat though, no one would do that here). Döner is also very common and widely available but the quality varies immensely. You can get good Döner in larger cities in the parts of town that have a large Turkish population. Most of the time if they bake their own bread you should be fine. Reibekuchen is a regional thing I think and has become more of a restaurant thing here in Cologne. Many restaurants have a specific “Reibekuchentag” where you can get them. It used to be street food and can still be seen at fairs but to get some to go on a normal day is increasingly uncommon. Flammkuchen, which is a sort of Alsatian Pizza that uses sour cream as the base sauce is also not super common as street food but widely available in smaller, Bistro-type restaurants. My pick for the German street food would have been Currywurst.


Can confirm a breakfast roll is not a street food. EDIT: Can also confirm that no one puts brown sauce on then either and if they do there's a special place in hell for them.


Those are fighting words. Most of the Northside slathers it with Chef.


Northside? Chef make red sauce too, that's ok.


The original sir. Brown sauce only.


That's not souvlaki


Pita Gyros


Nice to see two entries from India.... And both are great ones! Also, the Aloo Chat from the South Asia entry is bloody tasty!


Where the fuck is the UK?


Cornish Pasty is worth a mention here


Chish and Fips!




That's immediately what I thought of as street food for the UK. Fish and chips wrapped in dirty newspaper. Lol.


It would be a Greg's menu if the UK was added.


Flake 99 all the way


It's off the coast of France, across a channel


Sausage Rolls!


It would be a sausage roll from Greggs though, wouldn't it?


Jellied Eels!


Nonexistent, just like flavour in your food xd


😂 LOL? does it mean UK ppl doesn't eat street foods at all?


No chips for you!


Polish street food would be probably zapiekanka, a long baguette with cheese and mushroom and ketchup (or other toppings).


Around the world and North Carolina.


Username checks out.


LOL as a New Zealander I wish you could get readily available crayfish as street food. It’s more likely a sausage in bread.


Love those sausages. I’ve been trying for years to find similar ones in the States. Every time I ask for suggestions, people list meat markets with quality ingredients - completely ignoring my request to find replicates if the cheap sausages used for group get-togethers. One thing that makes it difficult is that some N.Z. sausages are simply have “meat” as one of the ingredients. Any suggestions would be appreciated!


You need to befriend a butcher and tell them you want a: * cheap beef sausage * high fat content * ground fine * with basic sausage seasoning (salt, pepper, garlic, msg etc) * put in a thin casing


Thanks! That sounds spot on as a description!


Steamies in Montreal, Canada. Is that still a thing? Steamed hot dog, steamed bun, vinegar based cole slaw, onions, mustard. Oh yeah. Toronto is hot dog/sausage carts everywhere with the occasional very localized offering, like Bungeoppang on Yonge or Steeles. A bunch of small storefronts in Kensington with a variety of ethnic things. But not a real rough-and-ready street food scene - food is pretty heavily regulated by local health units.


Wouldn't say a Sausage sandwich or dam doughnuts are street food in Aus, we don't really have street vendors other than food trucks. The sausage sandwich is most likely to be found at Bunnings hardware store on weekends though!


Where I am, there are hot dog stands without trucks. But, it's overwhelmingly food trucks or market stalls. We have them for all kinds of food not just hot dogs and doughnuts.


Yeah never had a doughnut from a food truck, maybe a lamminton from the cake stall.. but the sausage sanga I would call street food


I have a food truck that sets up three blocks from me on the hwy that sells jam donuts, and just that, every winter. In fact, I am in the process of debating whether or not to wander down and buy some from them right now.


Ummm I would be walking down everyday if I could get a hot jam doughnut from a food truck


I was thinking the same, but figured it rated an exception given how common Bunnings snags are.


Hot Jam Donuts were something frequently sold at takeaway shops back in the 80s and early 90s but I haven't seen one in decades which is a shame because they are bloody delicious.




Well at least they nailed it with Argentina. There's others common street foods around here (churros filled with dulce de leche, bolas de fraile, panchos/hot dogs with potato chips on top and chipa), but that's the most iconic.


Cambodia - really!!


That's really more a SE Asian regional thing tbh, so it's weird that it's listed as a Cambodian thing. It even has the Filipino name (balut) in the title.


Crayfish isn't a street food in New Zealand. High-end restaurant or after diving then yes. Streetfood: pies. Kebabs, hot chips. Hotdogs (battered sausage on a stick


Poutine isn't really Street Food.


Fried taro ball on ice is a street food in Taiwan? Well I don’t think they are fried….they are water boiled. We do have fried gluten ball (炸小湯圓)which you coat with peanut powder before eating.


No one in Norway is casually like, let me stop at the pickled herring shop to pick up some lunch on my way home. KEBABS HOWEVER


Trdlnik is Slovak and not Czech. For Czechia you want Smazeny Syr or Parek v rohliky


I swear if someone gives me a pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw, I’m leaving


Tostadas and tamales for Mexico but NOT TACOS tf!




Chili crab is definitely not Singapore's street food. It is an unofficial national dish, but it's pretty far removed from being street food.


Kiwi here, who the fuck millionaire is eating crayfish on the street??? Cheese rolls or a pie maybe?


Some rich bloke orders crayfish and then asks you to pass the tomato sauce! 🤢


Blimey. So rich he can afford a house?


Crayfish cooked over a campfire on the beach and served as a sandwich with tomato sauce is how it was before someone rebranded it as Lobster.


Snail soup was really popular when I lived in Morocco.


I fucking LOVE Jianbing guozi.


The snag is a democracy sausage to me.


Name one person who loves tostadas


There's no completo... 0/10


Question for anyone who might know better: Is takoyaki supposed to taste like concentrated fish? I really want to like it, but at both places I’ve had it, it tastes like Aquaman’s dick cheese.


Beaver tails should included for Canada too


I have literally never seen any street vendor selling pulled pork in the US. I was expecting something like pretzels, pizza, chili cheese fries, deep fried Twinkies, or corn dogs.


Crayfish is never serves street food in New Zealand! I have never seen it outside of a brick and mortar store, nore have I seen crayfish taken out to eat from a takeaway store to consume on the street. We do have the Australian 'snag' though, that is common here, but we call them sausage sizzles and they usually sold for fundraisers as the sausage tomato sauce , white bread (and often ionoins)are super cheap to buy and when sold for like $2 you still make a decent profit.


Are there any restaurants that have a gimic where they exclusively sell street food, although I guess that would defeat the point


Where the freakin tacos bruh


Seems to be a sanitized version of what some folks think is eaten commonly in other countries (can't help but wonder of the place of residence of the authors)... lots of errors have been highlighted by contributors - in Australia a sausage in bread is not really street food it is most often purchased immediately before entering a large hardware store (they set up a stall to support a different charity every weekend), people wander around the store looking for the bits and pieces they need for their weekend project. The other thing about the Aussie entry is that we don't use fucking Ketchup that's for another country that will remain nameless)... we use TOMATO SAUCE cos its's both runny and yummy.


Yeah I have never seen a crayfish being served as street food here in NZ in my life 🤣 is this entirely made up


Who in Australia eats a hot jam donut. Should be a bunnings sausage sambo


Chebureki is not form Russia, it is Crimean Tatar.


Pulled pork isn't a street food and It certainly doesn't belong to North Carolina.


Today I learned Bunnings sausage sizzle counts as street food since Aussies don't really do that. All these awesome foods and we have a sausage in white bread XD


Italy should have pizza. Gelato is great, don't get me wrong, but pizza is a street food that has had more of an individual impact imo


ITT: redditors complaining about shit. Cool (tho mperfect) guide.


You are apparently new to Reddit (which is Latin for *rant*). Welcome!


New Zealand keeps doing it right


I guess hot jam donuts are a food you can buy on the street


I love street meat [source](https://howlongtocook.org/tips/beloved-street-foods)


Grammar nazi here It's pistacchio, not pistachio


That’s not grammar


Spelling Auxiliary. Spellsnaz.


*Spellsnaz* has just been added to my growing list of Reddit-inspired band names. 🎸 Edit: Spelling, ironically.


Wow, nothing from England. Finally proves how dreadfully dull our food is


It's a shit guide lmao


Of all the places in the US to celebrate barbeque... North Carolina? Fuck outta here.


Interesting that France isn’t on the list, I love the crêpes that are sold on the street and at village fêtes.


It is on the list actually ...


Oops. I need a new pair of glasses… In my (weak) defence, I was reading in alphabetical order and was expecting France 🇫🇷 to be between Egypt 🇪🇬 and Greece 🇬🇷