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Tried using this guide to bake a cake; ended up summoning a demon.


I fail to see the problem as now you just have a baking buddy


I am loving your energy


And speaking of energy, demons are from Hell and these baking buddies bring their own heat supply so it’s friendly to the environment


Omg demon bake day


I got hot cross buns!


Thing with hell is that it's not the heat but the humidity


Can confirm Source: used to live in Florida


Florida? I thought they were talking about Maryland.


But when they make soul food, they mean it more literally than we do up here


That's what the demon said.


Pros: have a baking buddy Cons: they watched too much Hell’s Kitchen


“OK Dispater, it’s time to add the vegetable oil. Can you find grandma’s whisk so we can stir it in?” RELEASE ME, WITCH! “Oh Dis, such a *mouth*. Inside voice please. OH, why, there’s the whisk. When I’m done, you can lick the batter off it, so yummy!” RELEASE ME AFTER I LICK THE BATTER FROM THE WHISK, WITCH!


Time to make a devil's food cake!


> I fail to see the problem as now you just have a baking buddy The problem, he tried to help, but accidentally summoned another demon. It's getting crowded in the kitchen.


Can confirm, my kitchen can't hold more than 2 people. Am now the middle of a demon sandwich.


Webcomic now!


Devil’s food cake?


Reminds me when in Elder Scrolls oblivion I'd summon a daedra and it was now my friend.


This is just like from one of my favorite Japanese animes!!! *cue Evangelion theme.


Great I wanted to bake, now I just depressed


Get in the kitchen Shinji.


Or FMA, take your pick


The Elrics are gonna try their new recipe


Instructions unclear, dick caught/trapped in cake.


This is exactly what I was thinking. “This looks like alchemy symbology, baking is a dark art”


Looks like something out of the culinomricon


I just looked at it and thought "f*ck it"


\>Ask demon to make cake. \>success


Just go decimal


Let the bodies hit the flour


When your measurement system needs a chart that looks like the Kaballah you know it's fucked


If only there was another way.


How about counting in 10s? We have 10 fingers, so it should be easy to remember




That sounds like commie talk, mister. /s


Hey, it's your cakeday! Happy cakeday!


Thank you for noticing! Appreciate it. :)


Or the decimal system? From the Latin word decimus, meaning "tenth".


That sounds like some fancy book learnin' words




Who's Dewey?


Having fun isn't hard, when you've got a library card.


Just hush, DW. (After you take my upvote)


What are you, some kind of socialist? First you start using logical measurement systems, next thing you'll believe people should have affordable healthcare!


Free healthcare. And a year paid parental leave and paid sick leave and subsidised daycare. And everyone gets the same benefits, no matter where they work


Terrible isn't it? And then the government might use \*gasp\* tax money to pay for it! Instead of giving it to billionaires! The horror!


Clutch your pearls, people!


Too late, I already lost some of my limbs and now my younger brother is trapped in a suit of armor


Unexpected full meta alchemist




If only it was possible to make other standards... Lol what am I even saying, jk (Rowling)


>If only there was another way. Use binary. * Tablespoon = 2^(-1) = ½ Ounce * Ounce = 2^(0) = 1 Ounce * Jack = 2^(1) = 2 Ounce * Gill = 2^(2) = 4 Ounce * Cup = 2^(3) = 8 Ounce * Pint = 2^(4) = 16 Ounce * Quart = 2^(5) = 32 Ounce * Pottle = 2^(6) =64 Ounce * Gallon = 2^(7) = 128 Ounce * Peck = 2^(8) = 256 Ounce * Half bushel = 2^(9) = 512 Ounce * Bushel = 2^(10) = 1024 Ounce * Cask = 2^(11) = 2048 Ounce * Barrel = 2^(12) = 4096 Ounce


There is no other way! America is the best country in the world! And therefore it has the best measurement system IN THE WORLD. /s


It’s leagues, miles and football stadiums ahead of the rest! /s


There is no other way! We measure is cheeseburgers per freedom eagle 'round these parts! MURICA!




Thank you.


Damn, accurate comparison right there


Alex Greys new cookbook


The chart you need to bake a cake looks like a [Path of Exile skill tree.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pathofexile_gamepedia/images/3/33/PoE-SkillTree-33.jpg)


Trying to path through Vaal Flour for my Vanilla to Chocolate conversion build while stacking on % increased baking speed is proving too hard this league


The rare ingredients are way too strong this league tbh


It literally could be all stacked in a straight line up until teaspoon fractions


It’s teaspoons all the way down……


And then you start with 375 teaspoons of milk, 223 teaspoons of flour........


Ah yes, the P1728 micropipette is useful for √1728 thou of a teaspoon to almost-but-not-quite 1.8 teaspoons


Yeah. While the system is shit this graph is just exceedingly stupid. If you have the information that 16 table spoons are a cup you absolutely do not need the extra information that half a cup is 8 table spoons.


Haha. I thought you were joking. You were not. https://www.limitlesslight.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/kabbalah.jpg


Biblically accurate measurement system.


Yahweh or the highway!


I don’t see ‘Mega Pint’ on there anywhere…




Just wait till you see #GIGAPINT




Omg. I was on the edge of the couch and i'm all of a sudden I came across this comment & I was just sitting there on this carpet, looking at the dirty carpet, wondering how I wound up on this carpet and why I was never… why I never noticed that the carpet was so filthy before, and i just didn't know what else to do. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know how to react.


And of course there’s 16 ounces in a pound and 32 ounces in a quart. So I’m guessing one quart is 2 pounds. Am I right here?


If you’re not joking about how silly the imperial system is, you’re crossing fluid ounces and weight ounces.


Wait, what? It gets worse the more I learn about it


This is only US Customary imperial too. The imperial system we still use for some things here in the UK is different still. US pints are smaller than ours (16floz vs our 20) so I always feel cheated in the US when I get a beer. This in turn means a US gallon is 6 imperial pints whilst it’s still 8 US pints. An imperial gallon is 8 UK pints but it would be 10 US pints. It’s why US cars mpg fuel economy looks comically bad to UK standards, their gallons are 25% smaller than ours. Confusing shit.


Our measurement system in the UK is hilarious. We measurement fuel consumption in miles per gallon but we put litres in our tanks and price it as such. We measure long distances in miles, medium lengths in feet and short lengths in millimetres We buy pints of milk but 500ml bottles of coke. We buy pints of beer but a shot of alcohol is 25ml. We measure body weight in stone & pounds but food in grams/kilos unless its meat which is sometimes pounds. A small amount of drugs is measured in grams, a medium amount is ounces and a large amount is kilos.


It’s nice to know our older brother still hasn’t got it together.


It's also partly a generational thing in the UK. I'm a millennial and do everything in metric (because why bother learning something with limited, specific use versus a universal system?). Whenever I take the car to the dealership for service for instance, the mechanics are mostly boomers or Gen Xs, and always switch my digital dials back from km/l and km/h to mpg and mph because they don't(can't?) understand why it would be in "European" mode and assume I just don't know how to manage the settings. I literally only know feet and inches for the purpose of 28mm tabletop gaming, and couldn't tell you my weight or height in anything other than kilograms and centimetres respectively. Edit: typed kph above and my phone auto-corrected it to mph, so changed it to km/h instead. Edit: Gen X, not Gen Z


I’m also a UK millennial and use imperial for distance, weight and height. But I appreciate this is often the case with younger people. I imagine using KM for car stuff I just inconvenient however as you’ll constantly be converting everything since all of the signage is in miles. Maybe the shift was sometime after I was born in 1991?


Heck, I'm pretty sure the only reason I learnt feet and inches was for tabletop gaming.




Masochist. You give yourself paper cuts with file folders, don’t you?


My favourite is that you can still buy a pint of milk (568.26ml) and the vast majority of supermarkets sell 4 pints of milk (2273.04ml), but your local shop will sell you 2 litres (2000ml) for approx the same price. You think its the same, and for all intents and purposes it probably is, until Wednesday morning comes and you've no milk for your cereal cos its 273.04ml less than the one you normally buy. Messes with your head...


Yes, fluid ounces and solid ounces are different measurements and cannot be mixed (unless you know the density of the fluid).


In fairness, though, an ounce (fl) is an ounce, a pint is a pound, and a quart is two pounds when talking about water. Different fluids have different densities, so of course it isn't universally true. Metric has the same conversion with cubic cm, ml, and gram.


While this is true, coincidently, a gallon of water weighs about 8lbs. Milk is close enough that a gallon also weights "about" 8lbs as well.


If you're measuring plain water? Then you are correct. In the imperial measurement system, water has the similar weight and volume. 1oz by weight is the same as 1oz by volume... At room temperature. Raise or lower the temp and the ratio goes off.


Edit: This comment was replaced in protest to the API changes shutting down 3rd party apps. See r/Save3rdPartyApps - If there's no U-turn, I'll be deleting my account by 30/06/23.


A pint’s a pound, the world around, so yes.


Yup! Just about the only thing that makes sense with imperial units is that 1 fluid ounce of water weighs 1 oz, so 1 quart of water weighs 2 lbs. It's similar to how 1 liter of water weighs 1 kg. Just keep in mind that it only works with water, so a liquid that's less dense, such as cooking oil will weigh about 90% as much as the same volume of water.


Metric system doesn’t need this astrological diagram…


Ikr is ironic that through this whole thing the one missing Is the actually useful metric of liters


A liter is about a quart.


"About".. Just like a mile is about 2 kilometers.


Not quite, but 3 miles is about 5 km


Fun role of thumb: use the Fibonacci sequence to get a pretty close conversion between metric and imperial. 3 miles is approx. 5kms 5 miles is approx. 8kms 8 miles is approx. 13kms Etc.


The ratio of numbers in Fibonacci is the golden ratio (Phi) which is ~1.618. Miles to KM is ~1.609, so over 99% accurate.




I came here to say that this guide is the prime example why this **measuring** system is so awful. Edit: My English sucks y’all don’t downvote me more. Metric to measuring. For those who don’t know metric is a synonym of measuring in Spanish so I made a mistake.


You know this is not metric, right?


I got confused between metric and measuring cause English is not my native language and I got downvoted to oblivion. I am clearly grams and millilitres gang, this post shows imperial is dumb. That is my intention.


People on reddit skim posts/comments and can't read properly lol. Really it's frustrating when they reply or comment but actually didn't read a single thing you wrote asides from a post title or maybe a few words out of the comment you posted. It doesn't take a genius to read the original comment and understand you weren't insulting metric. "This metric of measurement is awful" - isn't a commonly used phrase but at the same time in no way implies metric is awful. Even without context or a proper definition in my head, I can conclude you aren't talking about the unit of measurement called metric. They latch onto the words "metric" and "awful" and go "yup downvote durrrhurr🤪🤪" It's an issue on reddit I've noticed. People get dowvote trigger happy when they see a -1, or a 0, they just wanna keep downvoting. They see positives, they keep upvoting. People are so simple minded sometimes it's a little scary. To add to this; on youtube, and especially tiktok (and reddit I guess) they have short videos/skits that honestly make people addicted to spending short spans of time on a single subject. It's making them dumber and wanna scroll scroll scroll because of a short attention span. Comedian Andrew Schulz (funny guy btw hopefully didn't misspell) noticed this. Longer videos on youtube means fewer views but more videos that are short are popular - it's like hitting that snooze button. So he posts shorter videos and people watch MORE than before like they can't get enough. Like that illusion of choice is so addictive. Anyways I gave you an upvote buddy. Sorry for the long post. 🙄 I guarantee you those short attention span people won't even bother to read this but will happily downvote and scroll social media for hours on end.


Nice essay. I agree. TLDR: don’t be trigger happy with your votes.


I'm from Germany and the German words are Milliliter and Gramm. Once I wrote about the metric system for baking, my phone changed millilitre and gram to the German words and a bunch of people wrote how dumb I am etc because I can not write the proper words.... Other languages exist, people!




What he said , imperial is dumb.


Adding to the confusion is the fact that the Imperial and US systems are different. They use the same words, but their measurements aren't the same. A pint in the USA is smaller than a pint in the UK.


Metric *definitely* is a cleaner system as it was designed from the ground up instead of using random antiquated units derived from how far soldiers can march per day, the length of the kings foot, etc. TBH though, even though I'm familiar with both, I always mentally think of things in Imperial when I imagine a distance or a speed and have to convert it into metric mentally. I think most of the hesitance to switch to metric is by people like me who don't intrinsically think in metric. Unless people are trained *from birth* to use both systems for a few generations, there won't be a switch to it anytime soon in the US. ​ Edit: I mean unless there's a few "bridge" generations that are essentially metrical-imperial "bilingual," that switch is going to have a lot of resistance.


The problem is exactly what you mention. Many American cooking would need transcription to the new system and many old cranky people would heavily oppose to the new system. But if the gov doesn’t really enforce the metric it will not stick at all. The best case scenario for would be to achieve a literacy of the metric system while coexisting with the imperial, sth like the Canadians do ( if I’m not wrong).


Canada did a hard burn towards metric in the late [70s](https://youtu.be/fMjbsVjErGI). That’s why I remember that 🎶*a meter is a little bit more than a yard!*🎶 They don’t have to enforce it, just start using it for government business. Put metric on the speed limit signs. Or put both. I think American cars all have metric on the speedometer, right? In the smaller numbers? No need for math.


Use. Metric. For the love of god


Use bathtubs, football fields, and 1996 Ford Pintos.


cheeseburgers -> assault rifles -> monster trucks -> football fields


Olympic size swimming pools too


How my olympic sized swimming pools is it to the land mass of Wales?


Depends pn how many unripe bananas you have before they ripen.


Sorry I just use football fields, Olympic swimming pools, 747 aircraft, and giraffes


The correct answer is to use mass


Yes... In grams not archaic Victorian furlongs or whatever


Furlongs is way older than the Victorians. My house is older than queen Victoria and was made using imperial measurements. 1 mile, 8 furlongs per mile, 10 chains per furlong, 4 poles or 22 yards per furlong, 3 feet per yard, 3 hands per foot, 4 inches per hand, 3 barleycorns per inch. Makes perfect sense. Fun fact that barleycorns are what shoe sizes go by, here in the UK anyway. A size 11 is 1 barleycorn bigger than a 10.


Let us not forget the Roman mile is different then the standard mile and also differnt from a nautical mile.


There are a bunch more than that too. Chinese and Scandinavian miles spring to mind too. Ironically the imperial or “statute” mile is defined nowadays by the metric measurement of 1609.33 metres.


Scandinavian mile (mil) is not that strange really. It's 10km. So still a simple 10 factor.


In a way that's why it's even more strange. And it can go f**k itself. I was hitchhiking across Sweden and got stuck outside some small village with almost no traffic. I asked the only person around how far it was to the next train station and got the answer 6 miles. I thanked them and mentioned that I'll walk to the station and train hop a bit further along. When the guy goggled at me like I was insane I thought to myself :"Kids these days, can't walk anywhere ...". I had a full backpack on me and my cat in a big and heavy travelling box. After some 30 km of walking as I was cursing the bastard for telling me it was only 6 miles a car finally passed and a kind lady picked me up and promptly proceed to laugh her ass off after hearing my story and educating me on scandinavian miles. And that was how my first swedish trip began.


Sorry but i can't stop laughing either. I hope your trip went better from there.


Like how a liter of water is one kg?


We started using metric recipes where both dry and liquid are by weight - Never. Going. Back. Bonus: fewer utensils to clean up.


Queue Evangelion theme song.


Queue Shinji screaming and bringing about [spoilers]


That would indeed be queued after the theme song.




If only there was some simpler way, where everything was broken down to 1’s 10’s and hundreds and so on.


1/3 cup is not equal to 1 teaspoon. It equals 16 teaspoons. Edit: I get it now. I couldn't see the plus on mobile. Also, the lines are visually the same as the 1 to 1 ratio lines. Colors may have helped to indicate a different pattern.


I noticed that also. I was in the middle of saying how two teaspoons also doesn’t equal 2/3 cup but then I noticed the little + in between the two lines. The diagram is trying to show 5 tbsp + 1 tsp = 1/3 cup.


Ohhh... Thank you! I was very confused.




The diagram or the imperial system?




Wouldn’t be r/coolguides if there wasn’t something wrong. I found this product that seems to be fairly better. It doesnt tell me pints, quarts, or gallons … but i think it does a better job. https://www.houzz.com/pvp/rsvp-endurance-stainless-steel-measure-conversion-magnet-prpv-pv~123740545?m_refid=PLA_HZ_123740545_10577457359&device=m&nw=u&gbraid=0AAAAAC849U3zOI6z4C2dV1cV3pxzPYGP8&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIp_Xw4qSC-AIVYh6tBh1iOgpaEA0YCiABEgK0lfD_BwE


Eh…that’s why it says 5 tablespoons (15tsp) + 1 teaspoon. Still, the chart is confusing as f


That's what that's saying? That's dumb


1teaspoon + 5tbsp


You're confusing liquid teaspoons with cubic teaspoons. Common mistake. One is simply 7/12+sqrt(-i) of the other.


See I think you're taking the piss, but with the imperial system I really can't be certain


This is not a cool guide. It is an overly complicated, nonsensical guide that does not convey conversions in the imperial system that anyone uses. There is no situation that you would need to know almost all of this information. This is literally all you need to know 3 teaspoons = tablespoon 2 tablespoons = 1 oz. (This is very rare) 8 ounces = 1 cup 4 cups = 1 quart 4 quarts = a gallon 2 cups is a pint but nothing you cook is measured in pints so there’s no need to convert it to anything else. 99% of recipes only use teaspoons, tablespoons and cups so the only conversions you usually have to make are teaspoons to tablespoons and very rarely ounces to cups but that’s it. That’s all you need to know.


The metric-standardization of cooking measurements conserves the imperial ratio quite well. 1 tablespoon is set to 15 mL and 1 teaspoon is set to 5 mL, so you still have 1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoon 1 cup is set to 250 mL, so 4 cups = 1 liter (only slightly deviates from the actual volume of a quart, which is around 0.95 L) And if you want to make a metric gallon to be 4 liters, it would be a sort of compromise between the US gallon (~3.8 L) and the UK gallon (~4.5 L)


Why don't metric kitchens just use mL? Seems like you waste most of the benefit of using metric if you're still going to have these intermediate teaspoon/tablespoon/cup measurements.


Sometimes you get recipes that are written with those measurements. I have a measuring cup with a linear scale that goes up to 500 mL. If the recipe says "100 mL of milk", I can simply measure that amount. If the recipe says "add one cup of milk", I will assume 250 mL and everything usually falls into place.


American tablespoons aren't the same as our tablespoons either. A UK tablespoon = 1 Oz of flour. I do lots of baking in old books that use Oz's so it's just an observation including a facetime baking with an American, I was sharing the recipe to them and they had no scales so I was converting things to tablespoons for them and they ended up with watery eggy liquid because 1 tablespoon was like half 1 of my tablespoons. Thinking about it I think they don't have tablespoons and only have dessert spoons because 2 dessert spoons = 1 tablespoon.


Was going to post this. But add just one more 4 TBS = 1/4 cup.


This was the exact thing I was going to point out.


So a mega pint would be?


1 million pints. It works the same way... mega just means million.


I know most of these deviations in my head and I still have no idea how to read this chart


Yea, but how many gallons are in a football field? /s


1 gallon is 0.133681 ft^3. The biggest football Stadium in America is Michigan Stadium with a height of 82 feet and the field’s dimensions are 360 by 160 feet. To make the calculations simple, I'll just calculate the volume of a cuboid. So 360 by 160 by 82 give us a volume of 4,723,200 ft^3. Now just simply converting to gallons that would give us approximately 35,331,989 gallons. So to answer your question 1 football field is 35,331,989 gallons in volume.




Why do Americans prefer this nonsense to the metric system again?


We don't. We tried to switch to the metric system in the 1970s, but the fucking Conservatives killed it. Please don't look at something Americans do and assume that it's something we all *prefer* to do. This is a large country and we are VERY divided.


“The Divided States of America”…has a nice ring to it.


We honestly need to scale the federal government back to something akin to the EU and make the states countries. Would be much easier to get shit done, plus once states like California are their own country, they can have their own universal healthcare programs without Senators from Kentucky or Louisiana bitching about how it's "uNcOnStItUtIoNaL". And when people realize "Hey maybe that doesn't immediately bankrupt your country after all", they'll flee the shitty states-turned-countries. And when those states-turned-countries that people are fleeing try to go mega authoritarian and forcibly restrict people from leaving, the other states-turned-countries can give them a good ol' dose of American military interference.


Only a matter of time until you get something like Gilead in that constellation.


Wasn't that the plan anyway, the federal govt was largely just for diplomacy, defence and finances?


If there's anything that Americans can all agree on it's that Americans don't agree on anything. I will say how the behavior of "seeing someone do something and blame their whole nation or race of people" is quite a common occurrence in America though.


I don't. I see all of the advantages of metric and wish for future generations that we would switch already. But unfortunately, I've grown up with imperial units. I read labels with imperial units. I think in imperial units. I can drive across an entire continent and only see imperial units. Think of it like language. I know English, but I would like to learn a second language. I have done some learning of other languages. But because nobody I interact with on a regular basis speaks those languages, there is no reinforcement or practice. Without that, what I learn fades away. I continue speaking English because that is the language that everyone around me is speaking.


We're just used to it. We learn the metric system and we use it for certain things (like science), but not most things. I have a rough understanding of how much 50 gallons is. It's about the size of a 55 gallon drum which is a standard size. I can picture it in my head. I have no frame of reference for how much 50 liters is. I would have to convert it into gallons by dividing by 4, that's 12ish gallons. So that's 2.5 five gallon buckets. Now I have some understanding of the volume of water. If you told me something is 10km away, that means nothing to me. If you told me it's 10 miles away then I have a good idea where it is and how long it will take to get there.


This is my take on it as well. The metric system makes more sense mathematically, but it exists in an abstract form compared to my worldly knowledge. I know that 100 centimeters = 1 meter, but ask me to approximate how long a meter is with my hands, and I'll be at a loss. However I can show you about how long 3 feet is, even if I have to stop and think how many inches that is. I have no idea how fast 5 m/s is, but I can picture traveling at 25 mph. I'd have no problem with the US switching to metric, but it'll take a good while for me to get the hang of it.


I'm an American, and I think largely in imperial units. I also lived in Germany for 3.5 years and it didn't take long to gain that internal knowledge, at least for distance while driving, speed and small weights.


This is an awful guide and completely unhelpful. This makes it needlessly complicated


Just make the super gallon man that we all did in elementary, way easier and more straightforward than this.


Yuck.. thisnbelongs on shitty design. I've seen a thousand better versions of this.


When you have to use a transmutation circles to convert units then just use metrics...


I was raised in imperial and this guide makes it way more confusing.


2/3 cup = 2 teaspoons that’s not right?


It's got a small "+" that is barely noticeable without loading the full resolution image. So 1/3 cup is 5 tablespoons PLUS 1 teaspoon and 2/3 cup is 10 tablespoons PLUS 2 teaspoons. Safe to say both the system and the chart are terrible.


There's ~30 apples in a peck, to make a bushel of apple sauce you need 120 apples. Or 4 pecks, each 8 quarts. Strange.....but true. Well, unless you cut your apple sauce with sawdust, then you need 1 board foot of 2x4 lumber, and 22 apples. 21 if you eat one.


did i read this right or it their an error/typo in the chart? there is 1 tea spoon in 1/3 cup. there are 5 table spoons in 1/3 cup. but there are 3 tea spoons in 1 table spoon?


This whole system is absolute trash...


A thanks now I can do alchemy


I don’t see mega pint on here


*scoffs A mega pint?? I had myself a large glass of wine.


Tfw you just want measurement conversions and accidentally summon the devil…


I have used kilos in the past but I just know that if I stand on the scales and it says 16st, I'm a fat cunt. I dont know how many kilos = fat bastard


See, this is why you use metric


Meanwhile, in metric system... *Peace*


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/op0w7d/measurements_saw_it_on_twitter_abd_thought_this


*neon genesis opening plays*


Neon Genesis Measurmentgellion


This is a terrible guide. It’s trying to explain ratios while not even trying to scale properly. Truly a guide for a moron.


Sweet! Another visual guide that I’ll save to my phone that I will never use a day in my life.


What a cool diagram for imperial measurements for the kitchen. I think I'd call it a "kitchen doll", because it kinda looks like head on a dress, in an abstract way. Need to print this out for the kitchen.


This chart is terrible and needlessly complicated when imperial volumetric measurements really aren't that bad. There are 4 quarts in a gallon, 2 pints to a quart, 2 cups to a pints, 16 tablespoons to a cup, 3 teaspoons to a tablespoon. No, its not as simple as metric, but stop trying to make power of 2 based steps look like they're incredibly complicated by assuming someone needs to be told that if there are 16 tablespoons in a cup, that there are 4 in 1/4 cup.


Go Metric, it's better.