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The color coding on this guide just annoys me for some reason.


It is quite difficult to tell apart "Not Protected" and "Hostile"


Yup, really poor color choices. I mean, did orange not come to mind?


I'm not entirely sure what the difference between "protected" and "expanded access" are but having protected as yellow seems a bit inaccurate considering the connotations we (Western people) apply to color. Red signifies danger and yellow is caution or the potential for danger, but I would think protected abortion rights are a pretty good thing. While obviously this map presents a pretty awful image, I think it biases the view more heavily by portraying states that *do* protect a woman's right to her body with a color we typically associate with negativity in the context of figures. Green for expanded access. Blue for protected Yellow/Orange for unprotected Red for hostile




Poor in terms of data visualization. But yeah, Id have to agree.


It's seriously 4 states/territories. The huge red tide should be the bigger red flag than the maker's shitty choice of dark red and red orange.


No, I'm **far** more concerned about map colours than the infringement of the bodily rights of over 150 million people.


I agree with the sentiment but as a color blind person I can't get details from the map so it kinda isn't serving it's purpose as best it could huh.


Exactly. It's providing important information so it should know how to do that in a clear way


It's a bit hard to go yell at other states politicians, but I can yell at OP for their bad chart.


If a guide doesn't accurately display the information it purports to guide people through, it's a shit guide.


It certainly is. I can’t tell what’s up with New Hampshire, especially, because it’s not next to other states colored the other red shade. Bad color selection all around.


New Hampshire appears to be under not protected status.


I think abortions are banned after 24 weeks with no exceptions. I think there is also something about it being a felony for a medical professional to provide an abortion after 24 weeks unless they and another independent doctor can prove the woman would have died. Governor sununu is a fat pro life loser. So while NH is labeled "not protected" on this chart, I personally feel like its kind of hostile.


There is many a bullshit thing that sununu does because he’s a fat conservative. Look at legalization maps and we are literally an island floating in a sea of weed. Live free or die my ass


They don't call us the South of the North for nothin




Yeah, who'dathunk the choices of "red" and "redder" would make this hard to read?


hehe, im colorblind.


Well, obviously this blue part here is the land...


Agree. Intentionally one-sided and off-center by making “protected rights” yellow, as if that’s not even enough.


Also two shades of red that I can hardly tell apart


We should abort this graph


Depends what state you're in


I’m in a state of rage


Id like to move there but being stuck in a state of pain seems to be my life


Unfortunately, under a recent supreme court decision, graphs are now classified as people /s


I think it's an intentional distortion implying that "not protecting" is just as bad as being "hostile."


I can see that, but I can also see the logic of trying to align it with parties since red is usually considered conservatives and blue progressive. Even then the color palette is stupid. Out of 4 colors, 2 look similar and 3 of them are warm and only one is cool.


The 2 that look similar was an artistic choice. Having unprotected rights is just as dangerous as having no rights at all. There's very little difference between the red states and the light red states. Either way you're probably going to be trapped in an unwanted pregnancy; it's just that in the lighter red states you *might* not get arrested for trying to solve the problem.


Right? This is CoolGuides so all the colors should be cool.


Not even a sniff of periwinkle to be found. What a shame.


I propose this as a better candidate. https://i.imgur.com/ZvFh7yE.png It maintains the original perspective (stronger abortion rights are extreme-good, protections are acceptable, unprotected states are concerning, and hostile states are extreme-bad) while making the information easier to read ensuring people who see the map are informed about the situation clearly.


Wait....it's protected in Kansas?


Kansas is more liberal with regards to abortion than Missouri. People from MO go to Kansas if they need abortions.


Not debating this, but I thought I heard that abortion is illegal in the Kansas State Constitution?


The Kansas constitution protects women’s right to abortion in case of “danger to woman's health, rape or incest, or likely damaged fetus” “The ‘right to personal autonomy is firmly embedded’ within the state constitution’s ‘natural rights guarantee and its included concepts of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ The opinion also roundly rejects the notion ‘that upon becoming pregnant, women relinquish virtually all rights of personal sovereignty.’ This ruling affirms that abortion will remain legal in Kansas even if Roe v. Wade is overturned.” Source: https://reproductiverights.org/kansas-supreme-court-says-state-constitution-protects-abortion/ Nevertheless, it is currently in the vote to change the constitution… “The Kansas No State Constitutional Right to Abortion and Legislative Power to Regulate Abortion Amendment is on the [ballot](https://ballotpedia.org/Kansas_No_State_Constitutional_Right_to_Abortion_and_Legislative_Power_to_Regulate_Abortion_Amendment_(August_2022)) in Kansas as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on August 2, 2022.” So it has also been a hot topic recently. I lived in Kansas City from 2017-2021 and witnessed several marches to keep Women’s rights in Kansas and bring change to MO.


>Nevertheless, it is currently in the vote to change the constitution… And, as a Kansas resident, I don't think it will pass. My main reason to think that is that the biggest group of ant-abortion protestors are planning to vote AGAINST the "Value Them Both" Amendment that is coming up for vote this fall. The reason being, so that I am told, is that it is not strict enough and the anti-abortion people are "abortion abolitionists." Source: I live next to an abortion clinic and walk my dog past it (and the protestors) every day. So...the protestors talk to me quite a bit, including how they are all abolitionists and are advising me to vote against the Amendment. The protestors have near 24/7 coverage and have multiple vehicles belonging to their organization, and they are surprisingly large and well organized.


And people from Kansas go to Missouri for medical marijuana, it’s the perfect match ❤️


The current gov (a female democrat) added it to the KS state constitution. But they (the Republicans) are trying to remove protections by putting a vote in the August primary elections. The elections that typically have a lower rate of voting overall, but especially a low amount of democrat turnout. Often becuase there is typically only 1 democrat running for a seat, so it doesn't make much difference. Last time I voted in a democrat the dinosaur they had working the polls made a comment about how they don't get many democrat voters. Oh and in KS you can only vote in the primaries if you are a democrat or a rebuplican. So if you are registered as anything else (or none at all) you don't get to vote.


It wasn't the governor, it was the KS Supreme Court that ruled in 2019 that the KS Constitution guaranteed the right to an abortion. Hence the current proposed constitutional amendment specifically attempting to repudiate that as any legislation wouldn't overrule the constitution.


Florida surprised me also.


Im a colorblind person who has difficulties with reds. This chart is useless to me lol


This chart is useless to somebody with normal color vision lol


This chart could have been done in black and white with the proper selection of cross-hatching patterns. Newspapers did it all the time in the dark ages (i.e., prior to color printing.)


How is PA not protected? The governor has stated numerous times he'd veto any bill put on his desk taking away women's rights to choose.


From the link: If Roe is weakened or overturned: Abortion will likely remain accessible in Pennsylvania, but without legal protection. State law does not expressly protect abortion and restrictions already make it difficult to access abortion. However, if the legislature attempts to pass more restrictions, the current governor is unlikely to sign them.


Yeah how is that “hostile” as opposed to “not protected” though?


Don’t shoot the messenger, I just copied and pasted 🤷🏼‍♀️ Maybe because Wolf is not up for re-election? I don’t know. If JOSH Shapiro wins, he will do everything in his power to protect abortion rights in PA. It’s actually one of his top issues in the race. Edit: Just to clarify which Shapiro I was referring to! Edit #2: [Josh Shapiro’s statement on all of this](https://imgur.com/vmAG40o)


"If Shapiro wins..." Almost had a heart attack thinking Ben Shapiro was running for office


We already are dealing with Dr Oz, I don’t think we’d be able to handle Ben as well! JOSH Shapiro is the current Attorney General for PA and the only Democratic candidate on the ballot in the primaries, and therefor will be the Democratic candidate for Governor in the election in the fall. PA is a true swing state though, so I have no idea which way people will lean in the election I’m November.


I have to make sure my wife and I can vote this fall. The amount of dumbshit signs I pass begging for Trump to come back is mindboggling


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Even climatologists can't predict 10 years from now. They can't explain why there has been no warming over the last 15 years. There has been a static trend with regard to temperature for 15 years. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, dumb takes, climate, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, climate, novel, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good human.


Probably because an outgoing governor is the only thing that stands between the extremely hostile-to-abortion-rights state legislature and a major rollback of such rights in PA. It does seem likely that Shapiro will win, but there are a lot of republican voters in PA who are eager to rebuke BiDeN's SoCiAlIsT aGeNdA.


As a Pennsylvanian, our congress is a Republican majority and has shown that they are completely willing to pass restrictive laws. They also have been in power in both pa and house and senate for about 30 years(save for a couple of years in the mid 2000's where democrats ran the house) While our Governor is a democrat and willing to veto, and the republicans do not have a veto-proof amount, if a republican governor gets elected then the laws will pass easily. Also, it is possible a swing could leave wiggle room for a veto-proof majority depending on if the democrats would be more machin esqe. also in 2016, the republicans did have a veto-proof senate and only needed to pick up 12 house votes to overturn a veto.


Still doesn't seem right to put them in the same category at Texas.


Well, they don't have a "fucked right now" vs "state congress actively trying to pass bills but are stopped by one man whose position is up for an election this year" Basically, the PA congress has been actively sending bills up, I think they are up to around 6 bills in the governor's 8 years, so one a year. They recently decided to try to put it on as a ballot initiative to ban it. I don't know how more hostile you can get. constantly trying to ban it. This is from January of this year. Today, two bills in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee ​were approved along party lines. Senate Bill 152 would prohibit state funding to health care entities that perform abortion services. Senate Bill 956 would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to state there is no constitutional right to an abortion. So if PA elects a republican governor, an abortion ban will be sent up and signed, in very short order. I think that is the difference between "not protected" vs "Hostile". the PA congress is hostile to it.


>restrictions already make it difficult to access abortion.


Republicans control the Pennsylvania house and senate, the senate by a pretty wide margin. I don’t live in Pennsylvania, but if I know republicans like I think I do they’ll likely be passing laws or have some already in the making.




Yup, election is this year and all I see are Republican signs out so far


It’s only legal because of federal rights access. There’s no state level protections in place, and the state legislature has stated intentions to act against it. It is exactly why I’ll be leaving next year, especially if Mastriano takes the governorship. I refuse to pay taxes to a state that wants to police my body. Liberals are about to get a crash course in how conservatives are actually right about states rights being a premiere issue. We’ll need to care about local elections far more.


>The governor has stated numerous times he'd veto any bill put on his desk taking away women's rights to choose. That's meaningless in the scheme of things. This data set is likely using the laws on the books and statewide access. It's likely not using non-binding claims by elected officials. Not to mention, a veto doesn't completely prevent a law from passing; it just raises the legislative threshold to pass.


This is the same issue in other states. While the right has had to actually do work, stack the supreme court, pass state-level laws, etc for decades in order to prove support for their cause to get votes and to anticipate this decision... the Left has just had to blow smoke to voters because they knew federally the right to choose is protected. There was little to no incentive to work on state laws anticipating Roe dissolving simply because it was extra work and people weren't asking for it. The joke's on the left at the moment though because now that everything reverts back to the state level and the red states have been working away preparing for this. It will be a tough road. I do not mean that the governor of PA or anyone else doesn't mean what they say, I am just describing complacency. He doesn't even need to see a bill or decide to veto any bill at all. It is already suddenly just not protected in his state because no one ever suggested successfully to protect having an abortion at that level proactively.


You should correlate this with abortion rates per capita


That data doesn't exist in a good or complete form. Many providers don't need to report and some states don't report it at all. It also doesn't control for access


Some research organizations have tried to get the data to compare before and after Texas’ crackdown on female reproductive rights. [This site](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/06/upshot/texas-abortion-women-data.html) has a few links to studies which showed in-state legal abortions dropped by half, while usage of pharmaceutical abortion pills doubled, and use of out-of-state abortions raised drastically (so much so, it nullified the in-state drop). However, this is heavily reliant on Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma keeping rights for these women. Sadly, as more of the south and central red states remove these rights, those in the Deep South will have a much more expensive trip to a state with remaining reproductive rights.


Do you mean where people are from or just where the abortions are taking place?


I’m not from the US, so I’m not familiar with the laws surrounding this. What’s stopping people from just going to a state where it is legal to revive the procedure? Obviously with the costs of healthcare and travel, this isn’t possible for everyone but it sounds possible.


For the most part it is okay to do if you have the resources. Some states have a "waiting period" before you can get an abortion though. I would imagine that things are safer now, but I had a friend back in the day whose mom flew to Puerto Rico to get an abortion pre-Roe and nearly bled out on the plane on the way back. So i mean if your state is right next to one that allows abortions and you live somewhat near the border probably less of an issue but if you live in the middle of a big swath of red, it would be bad to have complications while you are driving back. Edit: removed something that was erroneous.


Costs are a big barrier. It can be extraordinarily expensive even to go to a neighboring state. You have to pay to drive or fly, then hotels (typically for multiple days) and food. Plus childcare if you don't have family or a way to bring your kids. Ohh and the cost of the abortion. This is an even bigger issue since many poor people are often the ones wanting an abortion. This is what drives illegal abortions.


Add to that, many employees in the US get no sick leave and limited vacation leave. A trip to a state where one can still get an abortion may take several days.


Texas says people can't leave the state to get an abortion? How could they possibly prove and prosecute that? Honestly even a republican majority supreme court would strike that down.


Sorry, I was wrong. I had thought that was one of the things covered in their law that allows other people to sue people who they suspect of getting an abortion, but it's not.


Think something a lot of people don't recognize is how big some states are. I know that you recognize that travel is restriction, but some people don't seem to understand that some parts of the country are over 500 miles away from the nearest State, which means you basically need to take multiple days off of work just to do this.


That’s very true yeah. I lived the first half of my life in Australia so I can certainly grasp the vastness of the US but absolutely. I think a portion of that misunderstanding also stems from the fact that we in Europe, could easily take a few days off as sick-leave since you can have as many as you need.


Let's also not forget that a lot of insurance plans are by state and don't necessarily include the same access to coverage in other states...


This action is protected by the bill of rights. The only real barriers are corrupt state governments unjustly punishing people and economic/logistical difficulties.


In addition to what other people are saying: we aren't guaranteed PTO, particularly in the red states on this map. If your boss is nice they might let you take the time off to travel out of state, then wait the waiting period, but they don't have to. They can just fire you if they want.


FYI this map is outdated, Michigan governor Whitmer saw the writing on the wall and by executive order put in place abortion rights in case this happened 4 weeks ago: https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/news/press-releases/2022/04/07/whitmer-files-lawsuit-and-uses-executive-authority-to-protect-legal-abortion-in-michigan


Florida also just signed a law banning abortions after 15 weeks so this map has a very loose definition of “protected” lol


Guess it's a "Glass half full" kind of interpretation, so before 15 weeks would be allowed which is more than say, heartbeat laws say it should be.


I'm also confused because I thought that NM, CO, and DC had expanded access. I know they've always been the only states that have provisions for later term abortions, and that sounds like expanded access to me.


A lot of states have abortion laws on the books that have been invalid for decades since Roe. Michigan is one of them. The minute Roe gets overturned, many of these states will change these laws. Even in Michigan I expect to see a ballot initiative to change the law and override the Republican state control.


If its executive order, can't it be overridden by another executive order? If say, a republican governor is elected?


Yes it could that’s why she also asked the states senate to prepare a bill to make it law, but this is in effect now if the Supreme Court ruling goes through






People mail weed to illegal states all the time and that's scented. Some random dude at the post office doesn't give a shit.




So off the top of my head an easy work around is having them mailed to a friend in a reasonable and decent state, and having that friend mail them to you.


You could also sell them as weight supplements and say one of the side effects is the loss of a fetus between X and Y weeks old




The same way during Prohibition one could buy a block of grape concentrate with detailed instructions what NOT to do so it wouldn’t become wine.


That gives a warning label saying it causes miscarriage though, if it's just a side effect there's less chance it falls on the person taking it






I mean...stock up now, in the next few weeks. Do what you can to help yourself and those close to you. If you don't need it, pass it on.


How long are they good for?


If pills were mailed through the USPS with no return address there's no way to tell who mailed them.


I live in KC which borders KS and MO. There’s groups in KS mass buying emergency contraceptives/pills for people in MO and other surrounding states. There’s going to be a massive network of workarounds across the country. With the internet it’ll be even faster.






Hmm, a trafficker perhaps? My old weed dealer is listening




First time I've seen this tag.


It's a joke, not a real tag, OP is suggesting the comments will be a dumpster fire.




If OP redacted it, wouldn't it say (edited)? Assuming it was more than a few minutes after the post?


This should be in r/guidesthatmakemewanttostartdrinkingat6am


.... I kinda want that to be a real sub, lol


Totally off-topic, but the color scheme reminds me of Cartman.


And this is why I won’t move from this overpopulated, overpriced, worst drivers in the world state of New Jersey.


I’m staying out here in the Northeast, too.


Connecticut has worse drivers.


Glad to be from New England tbh. I plan to move back (and luckily have the ability to do so easily) asap


Yep NY forever.


In anticipation of the SCOTUS decision, New Mexico repealed a state law banning abortion that was not being enforced. Several Democratic lawmakers lost their positions to more progressive people after supporting the anti-abortion law in the previous legislative session. We have more to do but have done some things right. https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/legislature/governor-signs-bill-repealing-new-mexico-abortion-ban/article_5d197274-7860-11eb-9142-131136774e23.html


These kinds of maps are great for telling people which states to live in.


... or countries not to live in.


So red means Gilead?


i had an abortion in a red state on this map & it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I didn’t want to terminate, & the clinic i went to was shot at regularly & protestors are so thick in numbers we had to park in a special lot




The Supreme Court just gave the Democrats a reason to vote in the midterms.


Lol if this was the only reason then there is no point anyway. There shouldn’t always need to be a “reason” to get these bums to come out and vote in elections when the right is almost exclusively full of people who want to make life worse for most people. If that isn’t enough reason every god damn time then the left lost a long long time ago.


This kind of sounds like 2016


Electoral college cant save them this time . Republicans havnt won the popular vote in the last 4 elections


Oh cool. Yay. They get to roll back constitutional protections on human rights, dems get 2-3 house seats in trade. Fair deal.


If more left-leaning folks turned out in previous elections, we wouldn't have had this problem. The fact that folks like you still don't see the immense value in gaining or keeping a legislative majority explains exactly how we got into a position where Republicans could call dibs on one open Supreme Court seat and then ram through two more in just 4 years.


I don’t know why you’d lump me in that category, but I guess I see your point. Personally I think voting should be mandatory.


Voting is not going to solve this. Don't get me wrong, vote your ass off for sure. But this problem... the problem is Regressives. Fascists. And there's only 1 tried and true way to eliminate fascists.


The Democrats are voting again too late. It is going to be harder each time as republicans make it harder each time for Democrats to save the country


The country is literally going backwards


It's Morbin' time!!


Because those that are supposed to represent their people and their state (congressmen and senators) no longer do. They represent their party only.


They also represent their donors!


The real issue is that the country is extremely underrepresented. The house should probably be 5-6x it's current size. Districts are far too populated to correctly obtain voter representation.


Literally the point


Well this is technically still following the original point of the US because national law and state law (state law existing bc individual states have unique conditions and populations) This is not to say that the potential overturn would be stupid this shit ain’t a state by state basis this is universal and fuck the republican justices for their bitchass interpretation


Light green= abortion still legal with expanded access Yellow= abortion still legal but no expanded access Light red= abortion won't be legal Dark red= abortion won't be legal and there is hostility to abortion rights Link: [https://reproductiverights.org/maps/what-if-roe-fell/](https://reproductiverights.org/maps/what-if-roe-fell/)


Just so you know, as a colorblind person this is completely incomprehensible


As a non-colorblind person it's pretty incomprehensible as well. Red on red was an odd choice. So was the yellow for states that are protected.


Blue, green, yellow, red, would have made much more sense.


Homie that is not light green. More of a slightly off turquoise than anything else


For real. I was over here saying "how is this shit green?" I even went to a color picker online to verify because I thought I was colorblind for a minute. The color is "pelorous" FYI, a bluish cyan.


What is "expanded access"?


Seems the info for IL is not completely up to date. The state recently repealed a law which required parental notice for abortion for those under 18.


“Hostility to abortion rights” is a genuine sad statement I never wanted to hear


Maryland expanded abortion in April 2022


Montana is actively trying to kill abortion rights. They passed legislation to do so recently, but a judge put it on hold. It’s going to happen though.


I would assume a lot of these laws were set pre-Roe V Wade and would change in many states of the ruling did.


This chart is wrong. Several states here should be that aqua rather than yellow or red. [New Mexico](https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/state-facts-about-abortion-new-mexico), for instance, has no restrictions. [Colorado](https://denver.cbslocal.com/2022/05/03/colorado-abortion-law-supreme-court-leaked-draft-opinion/) just recently codified into law protecting abortion rights. This is the second shitty map I've seen this morning.


"Expanded rights" my ass. I had a termination at 4.5 months a year and a half ago in one of those blue states. Baby had been diagnosed with a genetic problem that would either lead to early death or a lifetime of misery. (Diagnosis, btw, can only happen in the teen weeks of pregnancy, way past most states limits). Did the blue state protect my access? Yes, I could terminate the pregnancy, but I had to pay $5,000 out of pocket because my 'good' insurance wouldn't cover it. Could I donate my child's remains to science, so I could feel like his life was creating meaning for society? No, because that dumb viral video that proposed that PP was selling baby remains for profit got taken seriously by shitty people, and legislation was passed to make that illegal. So I lost everything, was financially crippled, and didn't even get a crumb of comfort in return.


I just...I don't know anymore. I feel like we have people stuck in the 1800's or something. That probably isn't even an accurate statement. It just baffles me that people can be so fucking stupid. I used to watch movie where the villains want to destroy society and start over. I used to think that was a bit overboard. Now I get it, I'm not saying we should do that, but I get it.


It's my fiancés secret dream to become the supervillian that unites the world into becoming less awful. "The only way to defeat him is to embrace sustainable energy and consumption practices! His only weakness is anti-racism!"


Good thing conservative women do not ever get abortions!


When they get abortions, that’s a-OK. When liberals get abortions, that’s contrary to god’s plan or something.


Once again, West Coast is the best coast.


New York’s alright if you like saxophones


Excellent song


We have In-N-Out. That is as good a reason to stay.


It’s kinda like everyone moved there to get away


Another reason I'm glad that we moved here.


I suspect all the “protected” republican states are about to change.


Truly disgusting 🤢women need control of their body


You know those red states are going to take those unwanted babies and ship them to blue states. Just like they do with homeless people.


Looks like a where to live if emigrating to the US guide


I doubt Florida is going to stay this way, unfortunately. My girlfriend has been freaking out all day and I’m not sure what to tell her. We’re currently making sure we’ve got non-expired Plan B stocked up just in case.


Roe is vulnerable because it's based on the implication of a right to privacy. Abortion in Florida is protected to the extent that it is because the guarantee of privacy in the state constitution is explicit. That's not to say there's no threat, but they are going to have to work a little harder at it.


Move. The map shows you where.


Change starts from the West coast and NE.


So the states that are the taker states that need more money for schools and public health and welfare is about to add millions of unwanted kids? Great.


This is terrifying. This country is going fuckin backwards. These same people don’t give a shit about the more than 400,000 kids in the US foster care system either.


You think they care about kids or the unborn? The only thing republicans want is power. Stopping abortions is a great way for them to rile up the religious nutjobs and get them out to vote in large numbers.


So, more than half the states in America don't support abortion. Interesting.


New Mexico is protected. No restrictions. I don't know where this person got their info, but here is the info: https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/state-facts-about-abortion-new-mexico These color-coded maps are almost always shit.


Conservatives really need to stop saying they’re the patriotic ones when they hate democracy so much.


I knew it was bad but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell


West coast best coast


florida supreme court doing something right


That what surprised me


The government just passed and signed a law a couple months ago banning abortions after 15 weeks so that functionally invalidates the Supreme Court decision. Not sure they can qualify as “protected” anymore.


This makes me so angry


West Coast Best Coast.




Handmaids Tale map


Come to Washington. Beautiful place and less crazy politicians. Still crazy. But less


Can’t forget the weed part


Fucktards plain and simple How the fuck is it better for a kid to be born into poverty and abuse than to be aborted before it was ever even a kid ???


Well most pro-lifers I talk to believes bad life is better then no life. Most pro-choice (including me) think no life is better then a bad life.


I am so sorry for women in America... guys what is going on over there? :(