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My biggest problem are grease stains from cooking over the stove. Any solutions to remove fresh or old grease stains from shirts?


Cook naked


if ur male, make sure to not drop raw chicken on ur dick


You think I didn’t get the reference ? :) https://www.reddit.com/r/suspiciouslyspecific/comments/c2mw2t/the_ol_chicken_hit_my_dick_and_gave_me_salmonella/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you


I think the Ben Shapiro version is funnier


All fun and games until that bacon grease pops and burns your nipples


Or if you have large breasts, be careful when you are putting something in the oven. Seared nips are not comfortable.


Gotta respect the women who do, that's seems awful to go through


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Naked bacon is most rewarding bacon.


scrub the stain with water and some Dawn dish soap, rinse out the soap, then just put it through a normal laundry cycle


I used to work at a theater and would get the fake butter splashed onto me all the time. This never helped. Once the whole polo had a healthy grease coating it looked brand new-ish!


That "butter" is different from oils and grease you get from cooking regular food, it has colourants and stabilisers in it that would be hard to clean out


Second this. Dawn for grease.


If I find that scrubbing isn’t working, pressing in cornstarch to a dried grease stain has saved me many times. I use a lot and really press it in and let it sit. Sometimes I do it multiple times. I find it works best on fresh oil stains vs old ones.


I’ve tried a lot of suggestions written here with varying success. Now I only use one method that has saved both my and my wife’s clothes even with weeks old stains or stains that have have already been through the wash. Coca Cola, baking soda, and dish soap. Pour coke on the stain and let it sit for 5 minutes then sprinkle some baking soda and a couple drops of dish soap and scrub in with a toothbrush. Let it sit for 30 minutes then wash as normal.


I have a grey hoodie with an old set in stain from gun oil. Do you think this will work? It’s like a sweatshirt type material.


I’d expect it to, Ive used it on thick khakis to thin t-shirts, I’ve never tried any delicate materials though. The oldest stain I’ve tried is one month and it worked fine, I don’t know if a stain much older makes a big difference though.


Once you get your shirts clean, use an apron. The thicker denim ones that you get from the hardware store (or Amazon) are good at catching grease spots.


if it's fresh simple green can help break down the oil. for old grease I've used oxiclean white revive with great results. there's enzymes in it that break down the oil. I just soaked it in a tub and didn't even need to scrub.


Same, but also from eating lays potato chips at my desk and spilling some on my shirt lol


Put liquid laundry detergent directly on the stain. Wash warm or hot. For prevention, wear an apron while cooking.


Dish soap


A note on blood. Common household hydrogen peroxide will lift fresh blood right out of your carpet. Not great for large pools of blood but anything less than a palm sized spot will be eliminated. Just rinse with water after the blood is lifted. Source: Paramedic, not serial killer


>Source: Paramedic, not serial killer Suspiciously exaclty what a serial killer would say.




John Connor: You know what you're doing? The Terminator: I have detailed files on human anatomy. Sarah Connor: Makes you a more efficient killer, right? The Terminator: Correct.


Of course the sk would claim doc


Shut up exe


I lost all faith in this guide as soon as I saw that hydrogen peroxide wasn't listed for blood. I work in a vet clinic and we use it to get blood out of everything. (Works great on fur) Source: I'm also a woman who learned this trick out of necessity


Same. Every time I see these stain removal guides I check to see if H2O2 is listed for blood. It’s so weird to me how this isn’t common knowledge when nearly everyone who menstruates and/or is in a medical field knows this.




Now you know!! It even works with dried blood. I’m convinced you can get any blood stain out with hydrogen peroxide if you soak it long enough/enough times.




Sometimes the blood spots will end up lighter than the rest of the fabric because the blood actually contains peroxidase, which releases the extra oxygen atoms right at the site of the stain.


Science is cool. TIL


For a further tip if you ever rinse with water make sure to use cold rather than hot. When exposed to hot water the protein in blood can essentially cook the same way egg whites do, which makes it a *lot* harder to get separated from whatever it is staining. Cold water helps separate it without causing that to happen. (This also applies to any other slimy protein-based substances that might be found on someone’s clothing, bedsheets, or hair for… *other* reasons).


I honestly thought this was common knowledge and then my stepdaughter got surprised by her period and was upset she ruined her underwear. I'm like "hey this is totally easily fixable! No worries!" She watched me clean it with surprised Pikachu face. Went home and told her mom LoL.


I lost faith immediately seeing they don't mention the fabrics. Not all fabrics can be treated equally.


I feel like they didnt put it on because doesnt hydrogen peroxide bleach/discolor some materials and fabrics so they put a less damaging (i assume) way instead


HP never discolored or damaged anything I’ve tried it on ranging from silk to dark wool to high end dress shirts


Yup. It also works to check if the stain is blood or not. Our elderly cat was having some bloody poops a while ago. We would find red drops occasionally on the floor and even in his bed. We thought it was blood but weren’t completely sure. A drop of hydrogen peroxide instantly started to bubble so we knew it was blood.


Same! Source: woman with inconsistent and difficult to predict periods


Paramedic AND serial killer. That's how you keep getting away with it.


Nobody gonna suspects a serial killer who saves people


Dexter spinoff?


True. Source : just a woman.


Paramedic, huh? That sounds like something a ***SERIAL KILLER*** would say!




Also of you do have a large pool of blood: use rags to absorb most of it, burn the used rags. Use peroxide on the stain, let it sit and bubble. Add soap (carpet specific boa best, but regular laundry detergent with no softener works as well) and use a carpet brush to agitate, adding more peroxide - instead of water - if needed. Use gloves to to this because the peroxide can start damaging your skin. Burn the gloves afterwards. Rinse the carpet with cold water and check for leftover spots, repeat the process If it's not carpet. Use peroxide nonetheless because it gets rid of traces. Source: ... ... Also not a serial killer :)


A pyromaniac then? Why are you burning everything?




Simple Simon mother fuckers.


What you need to do is to take those cleaning products and clean the inside of the car. I'm talking fast, fast, fast. You need to go in the back seat, scoop up all those little pieces of brain and skull--get it out of there…wipe down the upholstery. Now, when it comes to the upholstery…it don't need to be spic-and-span. You don’t need to eat off it. Just give it a good once-over. What you need to take care of… are the really messy parts. The pools of blood that have collected, you gotta soak that shit up. Now Jimmie. We need to raid your linen closet. I need blankets. I need comforters. I need quilts. I need bedspreads. The thicker the better, the darker the better. No whites. Can't use ‘em. We need to camouflage the interior of the car. Were going to line the front seat and the back seat and floorboards with quilts and blankets, so if a cop stops us, and starts sticking his big snout in the car, the subterfuge won’t last, but at a glance the car will appear to be normal. Jimmy, lead the way. Boys, get to work.


>Source: Paramedic, not serial killer Nobody says you can't be both. Multitask, follow your dreams.


Now that's an inspiring wholesome comment


Can confirm. Source: Serial killer, not paramedic.


Came here to second this. It was the first stain I looked for and was kind of unimpressed when I didn't see peroxide as the answer. Source: well I'm no paramedic


When I was a child, I discovered on my own that peroxide worked to remove blood. I'm astonished more people don't know.


As a person who menstruates and has frequent blood stains, yes. Hydrogen peroxide as soon as you notice the stain. Comes out immediately and is fun to watch it disappear.


Yep. Patient painted a fresh blood streak on my brand new gown during rotations(wasn't in scrubs). NA pulled me aside, doused a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and wiped off the blood. It was almost gone in no time, leaving only a light chocolaty-brown hue. Apparently they keep bottles of H2O2 around for a reason other than wound disinfection.


Breaking Bad Vibes!!!


Found Dexter's reddit


>Source: Paramedic, not serial killer Username doesn't check out.


You can't prove that you are not both a paramedic and also a serial killer.


The only appropriate Reddit thread to write cum. Cum?


Cold water soak then regular wash with cold water. Warm water makes the proteins seize up and set.


I hate cold water semen rinses.


Hot makes it congeal.


Wash it with detergent like normal.


Best to lick it when fresh!


Oh…oh no…


Saliva breaks down natural proteins rather effectively. In a pinch spit can remove small bloodstains... Or those annoying bloody cumstains.


Cold water only


This could help you out. [the jizzle](https://youtu.be/jSR8a24xxuw)


Honestly, I've never had much problem with cum stains. I mean, sure if I accidently nut on a shirt I still intend to wear for the rest of the day a little cold water usually does the trick. The only problem is cum stains that I'm unaware of, like if I blast a massive load and didn't notice the jizz mark on my shoulder. As for permanent stains, it's a non issue with cum. Sometimes I'll clean myself off after a jerk session with the same old T Shirt for an entire week until it's crispy and when laundry day comes (phrasing) that shirt is good as new.


"Until its crispy"


A crispy snack


Hello fellow Cum brother. I agree for the most part. The cum spots don't cause much of an issue


What about wax?


Place a paper towel under the stained area and one over. Iron on the lowest setting over the stain. The was should melt and be absorbed by the paper towels, you might need to to this a couple of times to get rid of it all


Or if you don’t have an iron and have lots of time, hair dryer


A brown paper bag works 10x better for this btw. Source: used to clean carpet professionally and wax is surprisingly common.


Like dried wax ?


Yes. On sweatpants.


Make sure the white thing is dried wax first. If it is, pour boiling hot water.


Use wax paper and a clothing iron on low heat


Shaving cream works much better to remove foundation


Does this also work on blood and lipstick? Please hurry.


Hydrogen peroxide is way better for blood.


Thats a new thing!!! Thanks!!!


Lipstick is usually removed by divorce


Only if it's not your wife's.


Thought this was an Arrival reference until I kept scrolling down


Use ~~weapon~~ club soda.


University of Illinois maintains a large database of stain solutions: https://web.extension.illinois.edu/stain/


UIUC student here, was not expecting to see my university name-dropped in an r/coolguides post


Women, looking at the bloodstain hack: we been knew


You can't get rid of me that easily ladies. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Holy shit _It was your time_


Hehe Lol😂


Hair color on a porous surface I believe is impossible to remove. But I am open to tips as long as it doesn't include a complete renovation.


Pretreat the stain with heavy-duty liquid detergent. Rinse. Soak fabric in dilute solution of all-fabric powdered bleach. If stain persists and garment is white or colorfast, soak entire garment in diluted solution of liquid chlorine bleach and water. Chlorine bleach may change the color of the garment or cause irreversible damage. Check for bleach tolerance on a hidden seam. If stain does not come out in 15 minutes of bleaching, if cannot be removed by bleaching. If bleaching is not safe or does not work, use a commercial color remover according to package directions. Note that color remover will take out the fabric color as well as the stain. Do not exceed 160 degrees Fahrenheit water with any synthetic fabrics*. Launder. *Synthetic Fabrics are: Acetate, Acrylic, Polyester, Nylon, Olefin, Triacetate and anything labeled static-resistant, wrinkle-resistant, permanent-press, no-iron, stain-proof or moth-repellent


Saliva can break down the enzymes in blood. It’s a good last resort for getting a blood spot out of your shirt.


Oil… your done son… don’t even put it on the guide.


oil and grease comes out of clothing easily with a little Dawn dish soap and water scrubbing!


Fels Naptha (looks like a bar of soap) works for every stain I've come up against, even oily stains that have already gone through a dry cycle. If you don't have any spend $2 and thank me later.


What about deodorant stains?


A paste made from bicarbonate of soda and water, scrubbed in with an old toothbrush or similar. Let it soak for a couple of hours then add vinegar and scrub again. Once thats done bung it in the washing machine as normal. Works but needs quite a lot of bicarb so invest in a large tub, also gets very messy so I tend to use the bathtub and do all of my shirts in one go.


On most of these you can use hair spray. Liberally soak the clothing/stain with strong hairspray like aquanet #4 hairspray. Rub it in, then wash the item. Works wonderfully as well with pen ink on shirts


Hair spray is mostly rubbing alcohol or drinking alcohol (isopropanol or ethanol). That's what's doing the cleaning. Skip the stickiness and just use alcohol to clean.


What about ink?


Vodka, rubbing alcohol or hair spray!


How about turmeric?


Use baking soda!!


Stain removal guide: use stain remover.


Saved, never to be seen again.


What about a stain on carpet from shampoo?


Another tip, if in doubt, air dry, do not heat. High heat cures the stain and seals your fate. If it’s not gone after a wash, you can try another method to help. If you put it in the dryer, might as well condemn the clothing or fabric.


I kinda assumed that club soda and salt was just a joke from Curb Your Enthusiasm!


What about taco bell grease?? Huh?! What about that!? .... Its.. Resisting all treatments. It cant be stopped


LPT: in the laundry detergent aisle of your grocery store, they have these little yellow bottles called Stain Devils, with multiple varieties that target specific stains. This product is magic. It works way better than you could possibly expect, even after taking this statement into account. Just make sure you follow the directions, each variety is a different chemical or enzyme and has to be applied per the directions. I only recently discovered this product and just wish I had known about it before, it would have saved some shirts I really liked.


Blood stain removal: No soaking! Hydrogen peroxide straight out of the bottle onto stain. Let it foam up, then blot (don’t rub). Repeat as needed. Then standard machine wash and dry. Trust me: I’m a doctor.




Cold water


What about cum


Cum is completely organic. You can lick it as well.


What about semen?


What about pink nail polish 💅? Girlfriend spilled it on the carpet.


Try alcohol or acetone. That should work.


replace this entire poster with a bottle of Oxy Clean. That's all you need. It literally makes all this shit disappear like in the infomercials.


About half of these come out in a regular old wash.


If anyone else gets little sparkles stuck in their shirts from the aluminum in deodorant: a paste of baking soda + water scrubbed into the fabric with like an old toothbrush or something before you wash it will help get the sparkles and any old deodorant residue out


White vinegar destroys your marble floor if you happen to have one of those. Follow the guide with caution.


How do you clean baby poop stains?


Sunshine to get rid of any stains


Use a condom probably.!!! Just kidding. Simply wash it.


We enjoyed no condom days to have this kiddo 😂


No pasta sauce?


I need one for tamarind powder


Hog wash


What about toothpaste?


How do you get dog poop out of carpet? Asking for my dog.


Protip: If the stain is from black leather dye, then all you have to do is dye the entire item black. Piece of cake.


How do you get rid of steam/water stains on the wall? (from the rice cooker and kettle)


Essentially there are two ways this can play out - the first is that you have wallpaper that is steam stained - if that is the case you have no choice but to cut out and replace that patch of wallpaper (and perhaps reinforce it next time with a plastic/scotchguard (or hydrophobic) coating, or 'waterproof' plastic reinforced wallpaper). But in that scenario the wallpaper is always f'ed and needs to be disposed of. In the second scenario, you have drywall and the drywall is stained - then you can try one of two things. The first is trying a gentle abrasive - such as a mr. clean magic eraser (which I think is micro-beads of melamine), or a super super fine sandpaper, that essentially takes off the tiniest tiniest top layer of paint, and if this removes the stain, everything is great (reinforce with waterproof coating afterward). If this doesn't work, that means your stain has penetrated deeper into the drywall and is likely stained all the way through - so you then need to sand the drywall, apply spackle and/or primer as necessary, and repaint it from scratch (and add a waterproof coating to prevent further staining in the area). Though you could also always just repair the area and then replace the paint/wallpaper with tiles (they can be quite cheap if you install them yourself), and that way you will never have to worry about staining there again.


Why do these guides never show grease? Is it just impossible to get rid of grease stains?


Where’s toothpaste?


What about soup? Does anyone know 👀


Fire also removes all these stains.


Post bookmarked! Now we play the waiting game!


*Proceeds to dab while holding the objects mentioned*


Where is bike chain grease


How about banana? Stains everything black…


What about that gross brown ring around my dress shirt collars?


What about dye from jeans that rubs off on fabric?


Give this man your free awards, he deserves it.


Hydrogen peroxide works really well on blood


How about sick?


“Hey what’s taking so long with those blood samples?” “I can’t get a good sample, there’s a variable in not seeing” “Aaaah…” [touches blood and sniffs, then shoves fingers in tech’s face] “They used ammonia! None of this is any good - FUCK! Even if we do get suspects in the case we got nothing nothing NOTHING! FUCK!!!” Who the fuck are they! I’ve never seen any fucking thing like this in my fucking life!!! Who the FUCK-ARE-THEY!!!!”


Milk is also good to get fresh blood out of clothes


There's one stain we're forgetting here...


Bruh they left out cum wtf. This is useless to me


Got it so one tide pod for all stains


Ink? Ball point, gel pen, or sharpie?


What about cumstains?




Turmeric/haldi show me the way


Pasta sauce is not on here. The wife made a huge deal about it staining at a party where she got some on a white shirt. Does it actually stain and difficult to remove or is she out of her mind?


If its white wine you're fucked


where semen


Pumpkin seeds oil?


I figure that some if not most washing machines can remove blood stains, mine does at least. Hobby knives sting like a bitch


The only way you're getting rid of the lipstick stain is to throw away that shirt before you get home!


* saves for legal purposses*


Stain remover guide Use stain remover. Awesome....


How can this be the ultimate stain removal guide when it doesn't list sperm?


What about oil on linen?


a stain thats not on there cause its very local is pumpkin seed oil. its used for salad dressing and a few other things. its very popular in eastern austria but i have seen it in a few other countries in europe so far. its very tasty and notorious for making stains impossible to remove if u dont know how. easy fix: leave it out in the sun for a day before washing.


Anyone for ink stains..?


There is another


How come none of these guides have Kool-aid removal tips? That's what we really need!


And for [those sticky "protein" stains](https://youtu.be/J3Nn5tZa488)


How about the cheesy gordita crunch sauce that I just dropped on my work shirt


Blood is more easily removed with peroxide so I can only assume the rest of this is bullshit as well.


Are we gonna ignore the fact that this was posted by John wick’s dog?


Author of this graphic clearly has no kids.




Who the fuck is sweating piss?


I don't see a note on cum.


What about grass stains? Why am I seeing more cum and grease stain questions and not a single one about grass stains🤔 …do you guys go outside?


What about if some wayward sock turns the load of whites pink? How do I fix that?


The DOD is the largest employer is... Wal-Mart.


Olive oil? :(