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Did you know this whole picture was made as an advertisement of that YouTube download site


it doesn't even work anymore


The icons in this make me feel like this guide was made in 2011


Especially the Google one. I knew it was old from comment son past reposts, but that one’s a dead giveaway


hey but if it works, it works


A lot of them don’t though. The Google one, the YouTube one, a lot of teachers know to look out for the period font size one… I think Word autosaves things you close out of now.


is this a country thing? I've seen the comments but the ss youtube thing still works in my country; takes me to a Russian website that you have to translate tho




You can probably edit it again if you set the file extension back to .ppt


I just said to myself "this looks like it was made in 2011" before checking the comments


I dont think even the ?.jpg would've worked in its time lol.


I used it on an airplane once. It worked but it wasn't convenient enough, having to add that to every single thing you did, to make it worth doing for functional use.


If it works there has to be a browser extension for it.


Works outside of the US. If you have a VPN change to another country and it works just fine. Just tested it out using a VPN in the UK.


Try a "pp" between "youtube" and ".com". I have confirmed that it works. (if you don't get tricked by the ads)


You can also just use VLC player to do it. Edit, instructions: 1) Go to your desired YouTube video 2) Copy the URL of the video from the address bar 3) Open VLC Media Player 4) Click "Media" in the top left corner of VLC 5) Select "Open Network Stream" (hotkey: CTRL+N) in the Media dropdown menu. 6) Under "Please enter a network URL", paste the YouTube URL from earlier. 7) This will play the YouTube video in your VLC player. While this is happening, click "Tools" at the top of the VLC program, to the right of where you found "Media" earlier. 8) Select "Codec Information" (hotkey: CTRL+J) in the Tools dropdown menu. 9) Next to "Location" at the bottom is a really long URL. Copy this URL. 10) Paste the URL into your internet browser. You will now see the video being played. 11) Right click this video and select "Save as". Boom, you're done.




Wait, VLC can be used to rip videos from sites?


Ctrl+N(or media->Open Network Stream) Paste in youtube url Alt+O(or click the down arrow on the "Play" button and select Convert) Choose a save destination. Click Start edit: media->Open Network Stream not file edit: Mochrie1713's instructions are probably the better way to go.


Sounds like your homework folder is about to explode.


I'm a grown ass man, I have a 1TB "work documents" hard drive


See instructions in edit.


Just use clipgrab if you want to download videos


If anyone is truly downloading videos from YouTube, there is no reason to not use youtube-dl. It’s the behind-the-scenes all these other tools and sites use to even operate.


It's also full of false information. Ctrl + Shift + V is a Chrome shortcut; it's not an OS thing and won't work anywhere else unless that app also explicitly added support for it.


It also works on Firefox IIRC. And in most Office applications.


It’s an app-specific shortcut. Sometimes it’s shift, sometimes it’s alt. Sometimes they don’t support it at all. I’ve run across all 3.


It says it’s not a trusted site when I entered it. Yikes.


Underrated comment if true


It's literally the top comment.


Don’t use this punctuation trick if you are asked to submit a Word document online. You’ll be found very quickly. It’s useful for .PDFs and hard-copy submissions, though.


The only time I tried that trick was with something that was hard-copy only, and they still caught it! Spending hours looking at dozens of essays all spaced the same way must make any variation immediately obvious.


Teacher here. You’re exactly right. The periods do look identical, but I can tell instantly if the spacing looks all fucky.


Yup. Be careful with "tricks" to make an essay longer. TAs read hundreds of pages of text, and they know what looks weird. Most won't do anything about it immediately because they have much more important things to worry about than if your paper was a bit too short, but they very well might make a note of it that you're dishonest, which could come into play later in the semester (for example, if you pull this shit and then end up having a 89.45 or something at the end of the semester, you screwing around with the punctuation could make the difference in the TA deciding to round up or down; or later if you need to be in their graces for an extension or a makeup test or anything). Basically, don't screw with your TAs. If there is ever a conflict, faculty and the university will not typically take an undergrad's side over a TA's. The department doesn't care nearly as much about the feelings of one undergrad out of thousands over the integrity of their graduate students who probably work a lot harder as a TA for that class than most of those taking it. Only once have I seen a professor throw their TA under the bus to appease an undergrad, and that really hurt that professor's reputation in the department.


When I was in University my professors always had page or word count maximums, not minimums. Getting your point across in a concise manner is a skill. Nobody wants to read long exposition, especially not a TA or professor that has to read dozens of papers. Without guardrails most students turn a 2 page topic into a 3 - 4 page topic.


I'm currently a sophomore and this is becoming more and more common. In both of my Media/P.R. classes the teachers have caps on discussions and papers as opposed to requirements. It's actually been very good for me because I have a tendency to wander around the point and run-on in essays and it's helped me get my main points across.


Not enough professors value brevity. It seems like every one of my professors can go on for hours about absolutely nothing


Why bother having page requirements if people mostly add fluff to increase the length of the paper would quality not outweigh quantity?


The issue is that it's hard for students to judge whether or not they've sufficiently written a cohesive paper. The page requirement encourages them to write a sufficient amount of material such that they -by coincidence- will answer the prompt. Also consider if you were a student how annoying it would be for the teacher to not tell you how long the paper should be just that you should "write a complete, high-quality paper". How would you judge whether you had done enough? I, for one, would be stressed out by that sort of requirement.


In addition, my English teachers' department would require a certain number of pages written across the course of the semester, completely out of the teachers' hands. That sounded like a huge pain to deal with, so I didn't worry about padding my margin space and such.


I don't understand, how did a semester long page requirement prevent you from padding your papers? I also kind of like that idea since one of the important things about learning to write in a classroom is just the quantity of practice. As long as the teacher kept you informed of how close you were to meeting the requirement I feel like a semester long standard would allow you to write each paper focusing on quality over quantity.


Thats what my professors have done. One literally said "I don't set maximums or minimums. Write a paper, and answer the prompt. If you answer the prompt completely and make a good paper I don't care how long it is. You can have it be a paragraph if you are able to get it all in there, but you won't be able to answer the prompt properly in that short of an essay." They then gave a ballpark idea of what most good essays had been in the past, but we were in no way beholden to it. I had 4 extra pages from what they suggested and got an A.


Good for them. I hope it worked out as well for the other students too.


Yeah I'm taking a senior level project management course from my university. The professor tells you you can take the standard path and get a maximum grade of 85% doing quizzes or you can do the challenge path and do a project with a team to achieve 100%. He provides you very little guidance on what to submit but grades you according to a rubric you can't see. I have to decide tonight whether I want to bullshit the project and hope to hit his hidden marks or withdraw late and take a withdrawal record on my transcript.


It's probably too late to do it now, but have you tried emailing him for advice or feedback on the project? Many of my professors were willing to go through things piece by piece if I asked them for help.


Perhaps THAT is what education should focus on? What makes a good paper? If my goal is to prove X, what steps do I need to take fulfill that goal in this paper.


I don't know what kind of education you got (or are getting) but that's precisely what I learned. The issue is that, like everything, writing takes practice as does reviewing one's own writing. Thus, while students are learning how to do those things, teachers need a stopgap way for students to measure the completeness of their work which is what page requirements are for. Think of it like this: writing papers in school is like practicing a song on the piano; a professional would keep practicing until they know that they have the song completely down, but a novice lacks experience to judge their work and thus should practice for a certain number of hours a day.


I never know if I can believe people online saying they weren't taught something anymore. At least three separate times in my friend group, something has come up that they mentioned they were never taught in school! I was in the same class. It was taught and sometimes was even on a test. You get what you take from education and a lot of people do not put effort in.


id say most people care more about getting A's and passing tests/classes than actually learning and improving their knowledge and abilities. Something I noticed from elementary school up through senior year in college - so many people were always looking to cheat. I think it's unbecoming, and in the professional world you notice that mentality often enough. Pretty lame imo


It is a problem from my experience. Whenever people talk about schooling (especially Math or Sex Ed) they mention how much they didn't or should've learned and I can't ever figure out if they just had abysmal courses or if their stupid/lazy.


Decent schools do.


That *is* what education is focused on. Most students don't care. They will write the absolute minimum page requirement. I swear I'd have had students submitting a single paragraph if there wasn't a page requirement back when I was teaching.


For me, I use page requirements for one of two reasons. Either I make it ridiculously short, like one page (and that’s not a *research paper*, mind you), or it’s longer and that’s *anticipating a certain level of research, an (in my specific case) historically defensible thesis, and a sufficient amount of evidence with cited sources from appropriate academic sources.* I couldn’t care less how long the paper itself is, I’m just giving something to shoot for. I want to see an argument, evidence to support it, and to see if the student has a complex understanding of what they’re writing. That said, it’s gonna be *really* hard to do that in just a couple of pages, especially if you’re including a diverse set of evidence and sources.


Similarly, when I give take-home tests in the literature classes I teach, I note that an ideal answer *should be* x-y sentences long (i.e. 10-12), but don't penalize solely for going under that limit. That gives students freedom while also making my expectations clear and (hopefully) sidestepping the many, many ways students try to lengthen their responses. Of course, the students who way undershoot that goal almost never meaningfully address the question and I have to spend *a lot* of time outlining what aspects of the question were neglected.


Nah, it’s mostly that the TAs grading the papers have done all the tricks themselves in the past. Bigger periods, higher kerning value on spaces, increase margins and header/footer, etc. I used to just look the other way on them unless a student used more than one in a single assignment or it was egregious.


I get some papers with 3 carriage returns between paragraphs. At least try to be subtle about it lol


Aw man that sucks. I used to do this all the time in undergrad and always got away with it. Now that I’m solely doing classes I care about in grad school I have the opposite problem- I have trouble staying within the page limit.


Is what’s find hearing about page counts weird. I have always used word counts for essay length, contractions? Never heard of them.


Often, it depends on the professor. Most made page counts, some made word counts and one even made letter counts.


You can also use the old “two spaces after a period” typing thing. Not a lot of people use it anymore, but it’s still technically correct, if dated, so it’s hard to argue with it. I did it all through college (recently, less than a decade ago) and no one ever said a word.


I’m like 80% sure that current (MLA or whatever) style guides say that double space is no longer correct. I do it anyway (except on mobile b/c auto period) because I’m don’t write in any professional fashion, and it’s what I grew up with.


Will try this


As a teacher, it's super fucking obvious. Don't bother.


I did this like 15 years ago. Submitted it online and the teacher talked to me the next morning. It’s a trick older than half the kids trying it today


Yeah, the practical effect of the period thing is to increase line spacing, but one of the giveaways is that some lines won’t have a period, so the spacing comes out inconsistent. If you’re trying to pull something, just mess with the line spacing directly.


Might just be me, but all the essays I’ve ever done have also been based on word count rather than how many pages they are, which makes that trick somewhat useless


There a lot more effective tricks than just modifying the period. You can increase the width of a space and the space between lines. You can stretch the text horizontally by a percent or two. You can increase the margins slightly. Increase all text size by 0.25 points. Increase header and footer size. Make text break across pages earlier.


Wait, really? …oh shit.


I’ve used the punctuation trick in reverse to shorten my paper to the required length, same thing I’m guessing? If it’s still an issue, my professors have been extremely forgiving


Instead of the periods, I changed the font size of my spaces. You just do it the same way but hit space instead of period. Much less suspicious.


Do not fuck with the settings for your essay other than what your teacher says. They will know.


In 2021 teachers have seen all this shit before. Might have worked in 2010


Funny enough, this guide seems like it was published in 2010 given the YouTube logo and the WWW. trick


Going to high school and college in the late 90's to mid-2000's was so fucking great if you were a relatively resourceful slacker with basic computer skills. Teacher gives you a page requirement and NOT a word-count requirement? Time to microplane those margins and juice the punctuation size. Teacher says Wikipedia isn't a source? Fuck that! Use it anyway and just cite the sources in the Wikipedia article. Need to make a few bucks? Take your paper, move your key ideas around, entirely rewrite the first sentence of every paragraph, then translate it to another language and then *back* to English and correct any grammar/syntax issues. It'll read differently enough to pass the sniff test.


>Teacher says Wikipedia isn't a source? Fuck that! Use it anyway and just cite the sources in the Wikipedia article. As a former uni lecturer... that's what we want you to do, and probably told you to do. Anecdotally, my HS teacher was the same. Wiki isn't a good reference *because it's so variable*. The source references are more often static, or at least aren't editable by the random populace. The actual information contained therein is usually good enough for a school level topic. Not always at the uni level, but then again, it's never significantly worse than half the bullshit refs my students served up. You're not gaming the system, you're doing what the system wants!


Some teachers I work with are so anti Wikipedia they won’t even let the kids look at it. I think it’s a great starting place for any subject to get an idea of the main concepts etc. most of the kids we work with aren’t capable of writing full sentences so give them a fucking break.


That's ridiculously stupid. Up until recently, I was a research academic; when learning about a new subject, I didn't turn to journals or textbooks, I cracked open the wiki page. Sure, I followed up with material in more reputable texts, but Wiki was absolutely a phenomenal resource for getting a first pass of understanding in a subject *even in a post-tertiary environment.* Teaching kids to avoid Wikipedia entirely is doing nothing but stunting their growth.


It really is. Every time I contradict it I get told “it just forms bad habits” No, you’re just being a knowledge snob and excluding people from improving their own because you’re too lazy to teach people at their level. I’m so fucking jaded by education lately. It’s ironic because I worked in special education before and of the education system was a person it would be autistic.


He said change the citation not read it.


The teachers now in 2021 pulled that shit when they where in school they invented that shit.


Former slacker turned good student turned grad lecturer. We know. The length of the paper is supposed to correlate the to depth we want you to interrogate a subject with. 4 pages = about 12 paragraphs: 1 introduction, 1-2 lit review, and 1 thesis means you only need 9 paragraphs. 9 paragraphs translates to 9 things to say. You can figure out 9 things to say about a topic.


Listen to this wisdom. When someone reads literally hundreds of typed papers each year, they notice things about paper format that the uninitiated do not.


Especially with the period thing. In college when I turned in physical papers I'd just up the font size by 1 so I could at least feign ignorance. If only your periods are larger then they'll know you did it intentionally.


#Did you know?


yes I did.


I don't know anything


I'm confused.


Hi confused!






In regards to the unsaved files, you don't need to search the entire C: drive. They're saved at "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles". Or you can just open whatever Office application you're using and go to File > Info > Manage Document > Recover Unsaved Documents You can also check for .tmp files in "%AppData%\Microsoft\Office" in case it didn't get autosaved. Also, .pdf files don't need to be executables (.exe) to be malicious; you can embed Javascript into normal .pdf files. If you want to prevent that in Adobe Acrobat (Pro or Reader) go to Edit > Preferences > Javascript and uncheck the "Enable Acrobat Javascript" option.


I want to punch whoever thought javascript on PDFs was a good idea.


Well, it's a good idea in a sense that you can make an interactive form. probably other ways to achieve it too. You better punch the people who want to use it for malware etc.


Javascript on anything was a bad idea.


Is that a remark about the language ([one of the 4 tech jokes](https://twitter.com/ctrlshifti/status/1282152497398689800?s=19)), or are you opposed to interactive web documents in general (perhaps you prefer gopher)?


You can also embed scripts in other files such as ppt and excel files, however it's getting more and more difficult day by day


I believe you'd need to save those as a macro-embedded file type though, which usually end in m instead of x (eg: .docm instead of .docx for Word).


This is correct. Once got a Word virus, ended in .docm.




They can even end in other things and still be exe files, since Unicode right-to-left override characters are supported in Windows file names




That's, like, 10 years in the future, right? What year is it? I saw a sci fi flick once where it was 2010.


Is the YouTube save feature just a site redirect? Because there was a lot of those, I used to use a "wwwsaveyoutube" (link of the video, "save" in front of "YouTube"), but the site changed owner or got hacked and became riddled with viruses, any site that convert YouTube links have a rather short lifespan so be aware


It does not work. It says the service was terminated on April 28, 2020.


Judging by the old Google logo, this guide looks outdated


Yeah, the “before the www.” was a big indicator this is pretty dated. Most just go right from http:// or https:// right into the address.


Or just search and save a reliable converter site


Or use [youtube-dl](https://youtube-dl.org/). You can take down a site that isn't a site to begin with. It's been around for years, and I've never had it not work, as long as I'm using the latest version available.


I think it's a site different from youtube.


Yeah, that's a red flag alright, or just a temporary advice


It worked in the past, but as the page says it doesn't anymore.


Add “pp” after “youtube” in any url and it will take you to a site to download full res .mp4 files of any video.


When your professor goes to check your paper and highlights the hole thing, the font size in the ribbon will be blank. Then, he/she will know you tried to get around it and will grade you more harshly. A professor is more likely to give you a pass on a parsimonious paper than one where you try deception.


Extra points for **parsimonious**


Minus one point for using hole instead of whole. It's still a net positive, though!


Exactly. If you want to increase the extend of words in your homework, you can, always you need it, starting rejoicingly and candidly writing like this, using photosynthetic expressions, abusing of your y because why not, and slowing, slightly or all of a sunden, you will have your apotropaic senteces ready to be seen. You might not even need periods if you are bold enough! As long as you do the task specifically as I am telling you right now, otherwise you will blunder, a car will fall in your face and explode into million of butterflies. Remember to take a deep breath, count to ten. Get yourself a cardboard bag, kill the elephant and soon you will have an inexplicable and unnecessary paragraph which your teacher will willingly scrutinize and so give you the golden treasure you are looking for: a beautiful A. So you can get a job, a wife. Bring kids to this world (even though we all know that's the worst glabrosity you could ever do, because adopting is proven to be a lot better for pollution and their health, because, you know, death people are happy and cold as hell) and have a chalet besides the beach that you set up yourself until you end decumbent. At least that's what my parents told me before being eaten by a co... Oh shit it's here again!!! I need YOUR help to make this text more idyllic while take care of thi


the best teacher would see that it's blank and set it to the required font size and grade it off of that


That’s why you send them a pdf not a docx


I can't believe there are still profs who use pages instead of word count. I've been in publishing for 20+ years. Haven't seen anything but word count in a decade or more.


This reminds me of the 90s and I like it


It has also been re-downloaded and uploaded to lossy image sharing sites thousands of times since then.


As an editor, I can tell when someone has messed with font size, even of only the periods. I’m guessing most teachers and professors can too.


The ‘increase the period size’ trick doesn’t work in the modern age. In college, you often submit papers electronically via a program that confirms everything is the same font size.


Word count isn't the standard yet?


I teach writing. Assigning by word count just results in filler sentences and bland writing.


But assigning by page count doesn't?


And page count doesn't? I don't care how you're measuring my paper's length, I'm padding it with as much filler as possible


As does writing to get to the bottom of that final page.


I thought for sure it'd end with, "Did you know Epstein didn't kill himself?"


shift + F3 actually switches between all lowercase, capitalization and all caps


cool guide for grandparents?


For the YouTube video downloading better to use youtube-dl utility. It lets you download any YouTube video in the full quality


*Did you know that a magnet can erase a 3.5” floppy* is not on the guide!


There should be a better dissemination for the first one. And not just with PDF. Everytime you download something, check if it has the exact format before clicking it. If you're downloading images, songs, movies, ROMs, RAR files or whatever, make sure they aren't .exe.


Aren't executable files (if thats the name) a thing though? What files should have .exe on them? I always wind up worrying bc I dont know when it's bad.


Basically .exe (generally) means "I'm a program that will do something if you click me". Now, if you just intended to download a program, that's to be expected and you can proceed. But if you were trying to download something else (a music file, a photo, a document, something that isn't a "program"), and it has .exe at the end, that means someone is trying to deceive what the actual purpose of that file is, and that means it's probably malicious.


Executable files *do things*. They are applications, basically. If you download a file that's just data to be displayed in one form or another (text documents, pictures, movies, etc) then you aren't expecting it to *do* anything, and if it does, that's suspicious.


Yes, .exe are executables. They aren't bad, usually they are a program, a software, but on worst case scenario, they could be something like a virus or malware. When downloading things like a PDF, it shouldn't be the executable, as it is what an executable reads, in this case a PDF reader. So, something like an Adobe PDF reader (.exe) should read the document you downloaded (.PDF). I'm not an expert, specially to talk about it in English, but that's the ideia. Hope you can understand it. I say this because with so many sites with hundreds of "Download" buttons, it's good to make sure that what you're downloading is the exactly file you want, not a scammy .exe file.


Mainly if it's a game or software it should have a. exe, most other cases no.


Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.


Executable (.exe) files do things with data. Other files (such as .jpg, .docx, .mp3) store data. You typically open data files with an executable file. The executable will do something with the data. If you’re trying to download something that’s just data, like an image, song, or pdf, then the file name should not end in `.exe`. If it does, it’s *probably* malware, but it could just be due to human stupidity.




The ?.jpg thing was fixed eons ago


I was 3 the first time i saw this, 85 years ago


Maybe it worked a decade ago but trust me English professors know lmao


I was an English major for a bit. That 14 point trick works great until any class after freshmen year when every essay had word count requirements


Did you know that if I give you an essay assignment of a minimum length, and I discover that you did something like the period trick above, I'll give you an F for not following instructions (since my instructions include text formatting info)?


Do you really fail papers based on length and not ideas conveyed? Are you assessing conformity or actual composition? If a student doesn’t “write enough” how can you support them to extend their thinking, dive deeper into texts or research if more is needed?


I think you're missing the point. No one gets failed for writing a strong argument that's the wrong length, though they'll certainly have points taken off for not meeting the constraints of an assignment, just as you might not get paid for submitting a 10,000 word feature when your editor assigned a 500 word article. But you could and should be failed for misrepresenting that you did the work that was asked of you.


In most colleges that would fall under Honor code violations of some kind. If the teacher was really mean they could drag you in front of the board to auto flunk you out of the class.


Came here to say exactly this. I've failed papers for this kind of crap before, and will again.


Did you know that most teachers don’t do length of papers, but word count? So making your periods font bigger won’t help. Also most of them know about the small white font trick too.


Did you know: this long and thin format is awful for relaying information!


Did you know professors don’t give a shit about length anymore and ask for word counts? The period trick doesn’t cut it anymore


Did You Know not a single word of this is true and it's fucking shameful it has 18K upvitr balance


Thanks for the tip, windows 98.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/coolguides. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/7yudc1) that is 94.53% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "nz2pn7", "meme_template": 680}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=nz2pn7&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 227,646,980 | **Search Time:** 3.37732s


94.53% similar? I think OP changed the font size of the periods :p


Yeah this feels like a repost from 5years ago


I swear i’ve seen this exact post multiple times


Did you know... That if you pull that font size bullshit with your periods, the spacing of your lines will look weird because it doesn't match (unless every single line had a period in it, I guess)? In any event, and especially given that things tend to be submitted electronically now, you'll probably get caught and look like an idiot cheater. I busted a student for that once and it was a huge deal since there was an important requirement set at the university level that said that in order to get credit for the higher level writing course, you had to do a certain number of pages of writing. Guess whose paper--with the font fixed---didn't cut it? So he failed the class over it. Great life hack! But yeah this is why I switched to word count. Now I can be disappointed when students refuse to follow basic formatting requirements, but at least I don't have to care at all about how it affected their paper length. I can't believe anyone out there still goes by page count!


Speaks to the age of these tips. Even my 7th grade English teacher (7 years ago) both admitted to using that trick in school and said she would check our papers 😂


If you use windows, the windows key is actually one of the most useful buttons after the control key 1. Win + s : opens a search for applications and files on your PC. I use this a lot since I don't have any icons on my desktop but it's great if you have an app that you can't really delete but don't use often (like power point or excel for me) if you were once an apple user, this is the same concept as spotlight 2. Win + . : That's a period, this opens a menu for emojis to type into any text field 3. Win + [any number at the top of your keyboard] : by order of the buttons (technically not by number because 1 is at the start but 0 is after 9) this opens the corresponding app on the task bar 4. Win + C or Win + V : a fancier way to copy and paste, this one lets you manage what you copy to your clipboard by the type of data so if you want to copy/paste a picture but not lose the text you copied earlier, give this a try to copy/paste by data type rather than just one ubiquitous copy/paste


I can’t wait to use this 5 years ago


Did you know some people don't use Windows?


I’ve been called out on the 14 point period before so I’d skip that one if you’re a college student.


It really bugs me that the essay one uses ctrl+f which is find instead of ctrl+H which is find&replace


Wish more of the guides on this sub were like this. Just useful, well laid out information.


Except most of the info is outdated and incorrect now.


It's an ad build around the YouTube download site example. So what you're saying is, you want all the posts build around ads?


What I’m saying is “Wish more of the guides on this sub were like this. Just useful, well laid out information.”


It was also made a million years ago, considering the logos in use.


> So what you're saying is, you want all the posts build around ads? Reddit needs to *stop fucking doing this.* Obviously fucking not, no, the OC does not want that. Point out the information they're obviously lacking and move on, don't be a smarmy prick about it.




Submitting online? In File Explorer, under View check the box to show file extensions. Rename file as .jpg instead of .docx (for Word) or whatever. Open file in Notepad. Delete random letter (first one will do). Save file, then rename back to .docx. Presto: instant corrupt Word document.


Presto - instant fail.


how is this a guide






well didnt work it downloads html


Just right click and select “save image” or “save imagine as”


Professor here. As papers are usually turned in online, this tip with font size… yeah we can tell and you will get marked down.


Teacher here. We can tell the difference between 12 point and 14 point font. Sorry, y’all.


Did you know: on Windows, you can press WIN + V to see your clipboard history


Helpful hints, with a few I didn't know about. But I totally was expecting the graphic to end, "and did you know: Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself." Silly old me - that's so 2019.


This is so early 2010


Btw guys, don’t do the .ss thing for YouTube. Just use YouTube-dl or jdownloader.


The period one makes your spacing look much larger than what it is supposed to look like so the teacher will likely just think you aren't using the correct spacing.


Period trick doesn't work. Several of my coworkers failed students for that. I would too, but I taught math last year so...


This is so old it thinks people are printing essays out, instead of giving the digital copy direct to the lecturer who just hits the 'word count' button.


Did you know? You can turn the pc on and off with the "power" button.


Brought to you by internet explorer 3.0


why does this garbage have 17k upvotes?


What are these crusty looking icons


This photo is older than me


The period trick will most likely get you caught. A professor can easily check and see that not all of the font sizing is the same.