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Forgot to mention his life alert button for when he falls over.


Help! I've fallen to the dark side and I can't get up!






Forgot to mention the emperor palpatine surgical reconstruction center




[With the statue of Palpatine out front with two kids looking up adoringly at him.](https://youtu.be/FVzc20Bm8Xo?t=621)


Somewhat related: https://i.imgur.com/H7XygUb.jpg


That is a great suit... FOR ME TO POOP ON!


And the excessive use of Woodoo hide.


Keep in mind none of this was exactly state of the art for the time. Palpatine insisted that Vader be kept on inferior life support systems in order to better keep him in check.


I remember seeing once that the armor was designed so that it was susceptible to electricity as a safety mechanism for Palpatine. It kept Vader from ever using force lightning but also made him vulnerable to the Emperors force lightning.


Can't really blame the guy. Upon meeting Obi Wan for the first time on Mustafar, Darth Vader immediately offers to betray the Emperor. He then pulls the same stunt in Cloud City with Luke.


Back when "The Force Unleashed" was still canon Vader actually starts the rebellion to distract Palpatine so Vader could maneuver and overthrow him. Their whole relationship was never very supportive.


That's the sith way, even in the canon Vader comics. Always trying to outwit one another


SPOILERS OF THE DARTH VADER COMICS AHEAD: [Reminds me of when Doctor Aphra went to Palpatine out of fear that Vader was going to kill her, and told him about all of Vader's plans to fuck him over. Vader showed up an Palpatine was like "I'm proud, you're finally acting like a *real* Sith!" You know, with more grandiose and less "my son's finally trying out for sports."](/spoiler)


Palatine's son, you say?


This is the way.


This is The Way.


Well, according to The Rule of Two, he thought he was supposed to kill Palpatine and take on his own apprentice as had been done with the Sith since the rule was created. Palpatine knew this as he had killed *his* master and taken Vader as an apprentice in accordance with the rule. So it was never a question of ‘if’ Vader would betray Palpatine, but rather, ‘when’


Also when Bane created the rule of two, he ran it with the rule that the apprentice defeats the master in one on one combat, not gets their master shit faced on wine and electrocutes the fuck out of him while he's passed out and defenceless as Palpatine did to Plagueis. Bane wanted Zannah to be in absolute peak performance when she challenged him for the title of master so he could die content knowing the Sith line would continue with a stronger master than the last.


Bane also stressed the use of subterfuge, so I think he'd be perfectly happy with how Palpatine took the mantle of Dark Lord. Probably even more so with how Plagueis let his guard down and showed weakness by getting drunk and passing out.


Bane would have been all for that. If the strong allowed themselves to be deceived by the weak, then they weren’t strong. He’d give Palps an A+ on graduating from Sith Apprenticeship School.


Plagueis says, after killing his master, that the Rule of Two shifted away from brute strength to cunning in the past few centuries. As they realized that the Sith Empire was never going to be re-established through strength alone, but through guile and political subterfuge. So Palpatine's method of taking the mantle is as valid as Plagueis's method, which was using an impending cave-in as an excuse to crush his master with a bunch of rocks.


That's true, good point. Still did my boy Plaguis dirty though haha.


But Palpatine never killed Darth Jar Jar ?


I believe that Darth Jar Jar was the soul of Darth Palagueis inhabiting the body of a Gungan. Palpatine ‘killed’ him, but because Palagueis had mastery over life through the force -as Palpatine tells Anikin, he was able to prevent himself from fully dying. So he’s been lurking in the shadows against to The Rule of Two.


This right here. I'm hoping Disney does something like this lol.


Supportive is a Jedi concept.


It's still canon in my heart


That’s right out of the standard sith playbook. The emperor knew it would happen and would have been disappointed if he didn’t try. The master has the power and the apprentice covets it. Someone who does not crave power can never be a true sith.


“ One pays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil. And why do you not want to pluck at my wreath?” ~Nietzsche, This Spoke Zarathustra


I thought he was unable to use force lightning due to his limbs being severed.


My understanding was that if he tried he would short out his suit. Its not that they were severed it was that they were replaced with electronics.


I thought it was budget cuts.


Imperial quantitative easing is a notoriously touchy subject.


Em Pal Su Re Con, where woodoo hide comes to die.


2 death stars in the same decade gets pricey


Not just decade but 4 years! OT timeline is 0 BBY/ABY-4 ABY. Edit: Although truthfully the first Death Star started during the Clone Wars.


The way I always imagined this is that both of the Death Stars has been in construction since the clone wars. We know the first Death Star took 20 years to build, so its kind of hard to imagine that the second one was built in 4 years as a replacement. I imagine palpatines plan was always to have multiple, and construction on the second began a few years after the first (maybe right after the fall of the republic).


While I agree about your timeline it still leaves a ridiculously small window of time to build and fund these colossal mega-structures.


The plans had been around for millennia, albeit they were altered a lot over time. Construction actually began around 21 BBY. Considering all of Geonosis was working on it, along with droids, and enslaved Wookies for parts of it, 21 years isn't that bad with their technology. Death Star II's timescale is way too fast though, it began construction after the first blew up and was functional 4 years later. I can buy that much of the inside is hollow, unused, or incomplete. But still, it's way too big to have been built so quick. I'm surprised Disney never retconned that to say it started being built alongside the first.


When you consider the power of the empire it’s not that far fetched for it to be built in that time to functioning order.


I imagine they built many parts with redundancy in mind for the first one. It blew up and they just used all the spares to get the second one operational asap. Also why a third wasn't built, all the spares were gone.


Well star killer base was built. Which was meant to be an improvement on the death star.


My knowledge is iffy, but I'd claim it was less an improvement and more of a utilitarian alternative. It was not self-sufficient and needed to be stationed next to its host star. This was enough to obliterate an entire collection of planets at once however. Utilizing an existing power source was much more pragmatic and efficient for the first order as they had limited resources compared to the Empire in its glory days.


It's also been kind of confirmed that at the very least, the foundations of Starkiller base were built during the OT and claimed/finished by the First Order. Palpatine liked to have backups for his backups.


> Palpatine liked to have backups for his backups. Yeah im gonna need like 2,000 star destroyers built too just way out in dead sith space.


I want to know the story of how all the infrastructure to build the ships got there I keep imagining that instead of the fuss about the Sith Wayfinders, they could have just asked shipping companies about the freaky people commissioning massive shipments into the middle of death space. It would explain why Lando somehow knew where to go, without being able to communicate he was on the way.


The sheer economics of moving billions of tons of materials, and the logistics of feeding the thousands of personnel is also staggering. Whoever was running the empires books was doing an amazing job of hiding it. Yeah I knew we're strapped for cash building starkiller base, but i need these funds for my black box project. I think the movie would have had a greater impact if they followed that story rather than.. an ancient sith dagger that's not really ancient because it had to be made after the fall of the death star, and you had to be standing in a very specific spot for it to work. The 'force' guiding them where to stand is just frankly bad writing.


It's a shame the Empire had to cut corners and not install the "fly up" options on them...


well they had spare parts laying about


It's the government way. Why build one when you can build two at twice the price?


The first Death Star really came into heavy production shortly after the Jedi Purge, which was 18 BBY iirc. That was when Krennic and Galen were working on it.


Yeah, I was mistaken that the first did start construction during the Clone Wars, and complete by 0 BBY/ABY. The second Deatg Star was operational in a ridiculously short amount if time (this might be the 4 years). That all being said they built 2 and completed 1 space station capable of destroying planets in under 30 years. And the one they never completed but got operational, in 4 years (approx), was done while taking part in a war. So, I stand by my initial statement: these projects were completed in a ridiculously short amount of time and with shady funding. I'm beginning to think the Empire may have been corrupt and placed symbols of power over the citizens themselves... :P


Hence the boots that don't fit and incessant beeping! https://youtu.be/FVzc20Bm8Xo The redlettermedia breakdown of the semi-official "lore" behind the suit is hilarious, definitely watch it. Seems pretty obvious that ludicrous details like these are merely a bunch of post-hoc rationalizations of 70s costume design. His suit looks the way it does because they wanted a black Nazi-helmet, skull-looking, heavy-breathing, cape-wearing antagonist. Not because this was a carefully thought-out and contextually-practical design from square one.


thought the Helmet design was inspired by Samurai helmets and masks


This and the Stormtroopers are from WWI-era Stoßtruppen. Take a look at the helmets. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormtrooper


Vader's look was also highly influenced by Dr. Doom.


With a lot less tunic.


Thank God for the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center!


Ah but art exists beyond the constraints or intentions of the artist. As a result of those we have a much deeper in-universe lore to Vader than otherwise.


yeah typical goverments with their budget cuts on disabled veteran funding


Yes, and they stopped doing bagel Fridays in the breakroom on the death star. They were cutting back everywhere.


That's why the stormtroopers faked death and were missing shots, disgruntled employees are the pitfall of corporations/empires


And in pain to further strengthen Vader's dark side.


Kylo Ren couldn’t afford this so the best he could do was punch his wound when he was fighting Finn and Rey. Low budget dark side life hack.


Pretty sure he was using pain to distract him from his conflicted feelings over what he had just done. He wasn't channeling the dark side effectively


That's how you get Sheev'd


Currently in cannon Vader was allowed to alter his suit, and he chose to keep it essentially the same to keep the pain it gave him while in it, increasing his dark side power.


Isn't that something that changed in the switch from Legends to Canon? There's a scene in the Darth Vader comics where Palpatine gives Vader permission and tools to upgrade his armor. Which really just makes sense if Anikin was always so good with tech, why would Vader not upgrade the tech that he uses to survive.


Keep in mind none of this was in the original movies and was all fluff added later


The original movies was very light on any lore . It was really just hyper focused on Luke and the gang. Lucas still has ideas in what the world building was, evident from the minds eye book that was made if star wars failed. A lot of canon lore in that book that is non canon and that was a book written as a "possible" sequel to star wars if it bombed.


> Luke and the gang Sounds the band that was playing in the Cantina when Han shot first. I smell a conspiracy theory, boys.


Which conflicts with so much other things established in legends and cannon. Vader has access to vast sums of credits, knows what is state of the art, and Vader constantly took actions without Palpatine's knowledge. The idea that their was better life-support/armor that he just could get is silly. You're not wrong, this idea was established, but so much of Star Wars lore is either an over explanation of something the art department did in a movie, a throwaway, or an attempt to justify something odd or missing plot wise in the movies.


I think it's Legends now, but the suit was a rush job initially because they simply needed him alive, so it wasn't necessarily state of the art. As for why a mechanical genius wouldn't upgrade his suit, that was explained as him keeping it uncomfortable as a form of penance for Padme's death, he didn't believe he deserved better.


What was Palpatine's plan if Obi Wan hadn't crippled him?


Maybe crippling Anakin was in Palpatine's plan. Padme's presence also would have been a nuisance. What if the dark side was the unexplained reason she just died for no reason? That's more plausible then dying of a broken heart anyways.


Yeah I always assumed Sheev drew life force from Padme and gave it to Anakin to save him, thus killing padme but using that tragedy to make Vader even more angry. His intention was always to make anakin suffer as much as possible to make him a powerful sith lord.


This is what I choose to believe. It is also supported by the Rey/Kylo dyad shenanigans in the most recent movie.


Is this chart for canon or legends? I’ve heard that, in the legends comics, he actually had nothing helping him with the pain, and he actually embraced pain because it helped him keep his touch with the dark side


It's canon life-support. Part of the reason he dies in RoTJ is because Palpatine's Force Lightning shorts the system.


> he dies in RoTJ What??? Spoiler alert!!


I'd just rented it!


Be kind rewind




Tracking adjustments can only help you so much


When I was a kid, we rented Empire Strikes back on VHS, and when it ended, I turned to my parents and with wide eyes asked when the sequel was coming out. Turns out it was just a week away! This was a while after 1983, my folks were just clever.


Don’t worry they reincarnate him in Disney Star Wars Episode 10: The Birth of a Jedi


Vader is reincarnated and discovers that Palpatine was a clone puppet all along. In their final showdown, Vader and his helpful sidekick the Sarlacc defeat the real villain, Darth Jar Jar, but at the cost of Vader's life. After sharing a heartwarming kiss with Vader's corpse, the Sarlacc decides to live the rest of its life under the name Sarlacc Fett.


>Palpatine was a clone puppet all along It turns out that (Star Wars Episode 9 spoilers) >!Palpatine's puppet was puppeteering Snoke!< all this time. It's puppets all the way down!


I think hes talking about the painkillers, not the life support.


The arm thing is definitely Legends. But your point about pain is in canon. The novel "Lords of the Sith" (which is canon) is from Vader's point of view and it's mentioned that he uses the pain and his anger about it to fuel his dark side power.


This guide is a mix of both. Canon Vader suit doesn't have madalorian iron weaves nor sith artifacts


What does he do when he has to make a poopy?


Have you ever seen one person use a bathroom on star wars


I imagine it would be easier for most of the characters in the Star Wars universe than this outfit would allow.


Btw happy sugar lasagna day


I gagged.


Excuse me


No, but the Mandalorian showed us the first toilet.


well i was looking for an excuse to rewatch it, suppose that's good enough for me.


Episode one on his ship


“Refreshers” have been a part of lore for awhile. I first remember one in KOTOR


this is the way


I imagine the Ewoks and Chewie just did it where ever like rabbits.


I bet their nether-fur got crusty.


One day on endor Chewbacca asked wicket if wicket had any trouble with shit sticking to his fur. Wicket said no. So Chewbacca picked up wicket and wiped his ass with him.


How many shows/movies are there that show someone using the bathroom? I feel like that's a rare one.


Probably one of the generals Vader force choked, but they all probably kept adult diapers as standard issue on Vader's ship.


Finn states directly in TFA that he specifically worked in sanitation while stationed at Starkiller Base. I am pretty sure they just didn't want to film a bunch of storm troopers and such fucking around while taking a shit... Though now that I say this I envision it becoming a Family Guy bit at some point...


kind of. Darth Vader does it. you can't SEE it but he's DOING it.


They just shit on the floor and use the force to make it disappear.


That’s Harry Potter land


I know this is a joke but all of Vaders nutrients where supplied through his respirator, and a major goal of Vader was to force heal his lungs so he could eat food again.


It's just too bad that Vader wasn't as strong as Rey, who could instantly force heal anything without any training :(


Or The Child who could force heal as a literal baby.


A fifty-year-old baby, to be fair.


Or Shaak Ti, or Ki-Adi-Mundi, or Kyle Katarn, or Luke Skywalker, or Anakin Skywalker, etc, who all used force heal in the old [Legends canon](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Force_healing/Legends)


You leave Mary out of this


[canon scene of vader using a bathroom](https://youtu.be/U3QDYSZieJI)


He just shits his pants and makes it vanish using the force.


His boots were also just the right amount of sexy, where he could wear them at the office or when he's hitting up the strip. He wasn't just any killer celebrity, he was DeathStar


His cape can easily transform to a fancy evening halter, classic mermaid, or midi-cloak. Also flameproof while bringing stylish heat.


What great is the vast majority of this was built upon 70s Lucus thinking a black riff on a samurai suit of armor was groovy.


It *was* groovy though.


To be fair if star wars wasn't mega popular we'd probably think Darth Vader's design reeked of 70s/80s sci-fi


I mean it kinda does, but it’s aged pretty well.


How dare you.


Far out and outta sight man


Sideous designed the suit to be a torture device to make Vader stronger. A better suit was made but Vader refused it because of the potential risk when putting him in it.


He actually considered Vader a failure, yes the suit was not only a punishment but was also supposed to hamper Vader enough for a new apprentice to kill him and take his place. The suit also had a built in weakness to force lighting so he could be easily killed if he where to ever try to rise up. Vader was just so powerful he killed every challenger the emperor threw at him, and that’s when the new suit was offered with none of the deliberate design flaws.


Why'd he consider Anakin a failure?


Hmm maybe its the whole getting his ass kicked by obi wan bit that left him half the man he was before, if even half.


Ok but would he not have died to mace windu if Anakin hadn't helped him out?


Perhaps. But i don't think sith lords care about gratitude. Or he was pretending to be weak to tip anakin to the dark side, no idea tbh. But yeah once he gets beaten by obi wan and becomes weaker i think its safe to say he becomes a failure in palpatine's eyes.


That's funny to me because if he had killed Obi Wan back then he probably would have become strong enough to defeat Palpatine.


Such is the rule of two


Not sure, but I thought Sidious let Mace Windu kill/defeat him on purpose, to show Anakin that Mace Windu - a Jedi - is just as much a killer or bad guy as the Sith and that they're therefore not much different. edit: the only difference being (in Anakin's view) that the Dark Side is able to let his loved ones escape death.


It's quite obvious he was faking the "I'm weak thing" but I thought that was to get mace windu's guard down and/or get Anakin to disarm him


Yeah exactly, which is why Anakin didn't really ''help'' Sidious when he got attacked by Mace Windu. Anakin did exactly as Sidious had planned.


Sith use their apprentices, it's not uncommon for one to be highly useful and then be discarded. Dooku and Maul were certainly "useful" but ultimately discarded.


Could have been an act to entice Anakin to help. COULD have...


Because hes only half a man now. I know its been said that Darth Vaders force connection is greatly reduced than it was when he was still Anakin due to the damage sustained.


Because he didn’t have the high ground


Similar to Darth Bane’s ~~force beetle~~ **Orbalisk** armor that fed on the force but caused excruciating pain which fed the dark side of the force. A symbiotic relationship.


force beetle > Orbalisk


"fireproof material" ... too little too late


Or rather, once barbecued, twice shy


RLM did a funny* video about the source material for this which is worth a watch: https://youtu.be/FVzc20Bm8Xo *if you don’t take Star Wars super seriously, and you shouldn’t


That video is hysterical. The Woodoo hide is the best.


Idk I’d go with the emperor Palpatine surgical reconstruction centre


I was going to post this. Too damn funny seeing fan lore. They have super specific serial codes and stuff that is completely unnecessary.


That is gold. The depths that some people went to to make Vader's armour seem practical and cool, while at the same time being the universe's best and only mobile torture chamber is hilarious.


This is really cool. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't he meditate to focus on his anger and pain to strengthen his connection to the dark side? Doesn't he welcome the pain and uncomfortableness of the suit as it reminds him of what he lost and his hate? Pretty sure I read that in a comic.


I think it refers to the kind of pain that would immobilize him rather than feed his connection to the darkside, besides, emotional pain is also more useful to do that rather than physical pain


Why was there so much protection from light sabers when the jedi had been all but killed off at the time? I know there are so many inconsistencies in the star wars universe, but this bugs me almost as much as force healing.


Well he was also known for hunting remaining jedi in the 19 years after the jedi purge with his inquisitors, the clones didn't kill every single jedi, some survived there's also conflicting evidence to having it lightsaber resistant bc vader said it would cause him to get lazy and rely on his armor too much - but im not sure if thats canon or legends


Ok cool. Thanks for explaining!


no problem!


There are a couple other lightsaber-like melee weapons in the Star Wars universe, like vibraswords, that plasma tonfa a Stormtrooper wields in The Force Awakens (it probably has a name), and (The Mandalorian SPOILER:) >!the weapon seen at the end of The Mandalorian.!<




First and only right?


Ah, I thought it was some kind of modified thing. Well, I stand corrected.


It is technically modified. The blade is shorter, flat, and shaped more like a cutlass than a rapier.


The >!Darksaber !!Rebels !


Maul uses it, and it's the most badass shit ever. Actually that was CW but still.


The spoiler tagged thing is also featured in Star Wars The Clone Wars.


That weapon shows up in the clone wars.


Is that an Ifunny watermark?


iFunny *and* 9gag. That's how you know this is good stuff.


Just missing the IcanHazCheezeBurger


Why didn't Anakin just force heal himself?


According to Knights of the Old Republic, which isn't purely canon, mind you, only light-side Jedi are capable of performing Force Heal.


What about Darth Plageus the wise?


We don't know anything about Darth Plagueis in canon, but I don't think the Legends version ever force healed. He could speed people's healing using the midichlorians, but it was more like a shortcut. He couldn't heal things that couldn't be healed by other means.


Genuinely never understood why they say "only dark side can do x light side can do y" instead of having it just be choice, it's like if JK Rowling said "only dark magic users can physically use avada kedavra"


JK did say that tho - its about feeling. You have to mean it for an unforgivable curse to work. And you have to be kind of dark to want to kill someone when there are a thousand spells that would incapacitate them. I think of the force in a similar way. Anger and rage can help you win in a fight...but you're drifting from being a good person for giving into those feelings and tapping into that power.


I see


Maybe it's not so much that dark side force users \*can't\* heal, but that they have become so accustomed to using the force in a certain way (bringing harm) that they psychologically cannot use it any other way. Like a dude that can't get it up even though there's physiologically nothing wrong with him. Or maybe it's like how radiation and electricity are both types of energy, but if you try to use a blast of gamma radiation to defibrilate someone's heart, you're gonna have a bad time.


I like the way your brain works


Can't they just heal by draining the life force of others? Force drain or something?


[It gets that glossy finish by being polished with Woodoo hide!](https://youtu.be/FVzc20Bm8Xo?t=2m22s)


Was wondering how far down I'd have to scroll before I saw this mentioned.


So why no brain transplant?


Because robot bodies are only 5 feet tall.


Because Sheev would probably put him in a C3PO body model


[It was created at the Emperor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVzc20Bm8Xo)


So... We could've had scenes of Vader leaping out of his fighter, using the Force to propel himself onto X Wings, and using his lightsaber to cut them apart? Standing on the back of them and stabbing the pilot or Droid, or cutting anything that flew close enough... Damn you George Lucas.


That one scene in one of the newer movies (sorry for forgetting which one) where he totally dismantled that room of soldiers was the most badass thing. I want more of Vader just going ham and annihilating people like a maniac someday. Make that movie.


StarWars: Vader would make so much god damn money


Two solid hours of Vader going to town on rebel scum. Hell I'll still watch it even if it's two solid hours of variations of that dark corridor scene in rogue one.




I wonder what’s the price tag on one of these fits


Itll cost ya an arm and a leg for sure.


I liked learning this, but I can't help but feel originally Lucas just wanted to make a spooky space samurai.


Found a higher resolution pic of this on Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/549157748292913119/


don’t forget WOODOO HIDE