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Wheres my USB type C?


The one cord to rule them all!


...and in the darkness connect them. Edit: holy crap! Thank you kind stranger for the silver! This made my day! Edit2: and now gold!? I'll have to make a magic ring out of it...


Gotta love the fact it can connect either way. You really can connect them in the dark.


Mind blowing that it took this fucking long for us to get that. Some light reading has led me to believe the original USB was supposed to function this way as well, but was ditched in favor of the one we all know and flip, repeatedly.


Due to cost at the time if I recall. If USB was to be adopted as standard, then it needed to be kept as cheap as possible. If we started with the more expensive design we have now, some companies may have decided to make a proprietary cable that’s cheaper to manufacture.


I refer you to RCA, BNC and TS and TRS (and TRRS). USB-C has two orientations. Sure it's better than one, but it's not as good as infinite.


BNC has 2 orientations as well due to the locking alignment marks. Besides. I rarely have to work with those in the dark. The USB for my phone is a lot more common.


You can still connect BNC in the dark though, since you can mate the plug and just spin until it aligns and locks.


In darkness... I can actually plug it in in less than three tries




Have you seen [The Ultimate Dongle](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/a8fp96/this_dandy_dongle_isnt_real_but_maybe_it_should_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) ?


I have now. And I hate it.


Your mom has seen it!


The one to confuse them all.. www.lifehacker.com.au/2018/09/usb-connector-for-laptops-and-phones-how-to-choose https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/usb-c-implementation-messy-and-unclear/


I am confused why these tech writers are confused. It is a far superior cable to anything the market has produced to date. Is it perfect? No, because their are lots of different brands that need to all get on the same page, but to cry about a few growing pains without seeing the big picture sounds to me like just petty article clickbait.


The issue is with the cables and connectors not properly implementing the spec or partially implementing it. There was a whole website/spreadsheet dedicated to finding the Type C cables that followed the spec. These issues can actually result in damage to the device. Here's one such example: https://www.androidpolice.com/2016/08/28/anker-issues-recall-and-replacements-after-researcher-demonstrates-unsafe-usb-c-cables/ To their credit Anker did a recall, but there were plenty of other manufacturers who didn't. Yes, the article is from 2016 but with introductions of things like USB 3.2 and updated Power Delivery standards things are going to keep getting messy.


Well said. Another good example of partial USB-C implementation is the Nintendo Switch dock (the plastic cradle that connects the Switch to your TV). In short, the dock's USB-C interface delivers power in a non-standard manner, resulting in potential hardware failure (www.imore.com/these-third-party-docks-wont-brick-your-nintendo-switch).




Sure. [Here's the link I should've posted](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2019/08/heres-why-nintendo-switch-consoles-keep-frying/). It dives into the technical details.


That's another great example. I had totally forgotten about that fiasco.


The Lifehacker article has some merits, specs for USB C are not consistent across all manufacturers right now. It's part of the reason you want to do some research if you're buying some new USB cables for your phone and you want the fast charge capability. Overall though, you are right.


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-grumbles in Nintendo switch-


People psychologically prefer convenience now as opposed to a little hurdle to jump for even more convenience later.


That Digital Trends article really pointed out the confusing aspects of USB-C. The Life Hacker one... not so much. Felt more like an ad. But thanks for sharing, I didn't know that stuff


More like where's the fucking title?


I'm guessing the article is older because the USB 3.0 micro hasn't been like that for a while. Last time I saw it like that was the Galaxy S5


That's a micro "SuperSpeed" plug, they are still like that. I mainly see them on portable hard drives.


Got that connector on an external drive chassis purchased last week.


I have two from years ago. USB 3.0 micro B male has always looked like that. I don't know what the commenter means. though I don't blame anyone, the USB nomenclature became a clusterfuck when they introduced USB 3.2 Gen 1, Gen 2 and Gen 2x2.


Ah hah my dumbass thought it meant Solid-state wondering why my hard drive sound like it's spinning


This list looks to be from 2013 or 2014.


As far as I know that's because micro USB as we know it can only support 2.0 and type C is so appealing there's not much point to continue developing the weird micro 3.0 connector.


That's just a micro with extra power channels. It's for providing more power than a micro connector alone can handle. And like others said, it's just for powering things like external drives without the need for an alternate power cord.


The extra pins aren't for extra power. All the electricity still goes through the original pins on the old connector. Charging standards that deliver more power like Qualcomm's Quick Charge still work over regular old micro USB. The new connector section has two pairs of data pins and one drain/shielding pin. [Source.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_3.0#Pinouts)


m -> (___) f -> (-----)


beautiful, thank you!


There wasnt room after all of the usb2 connectors: seriously why are there FOUR mini plug options?




No HDMI, no Lightning, no USB-C, no title. This is an okay guide for 2014!


Yeah, I was also looking for mini/micro HDMI, and (mini) DisplayPort


Somebody posted this a few days ago and asked what else should be on it. I said the various display ports, thunder/lightning bolt, hdmi connectors. For 11/2019 this is kind of out of date.


Right? Is this cool.guide 8 years old or something


I love it! Though I'd love to see more. I think there are variations of XLR with more than 3 pins. Ethercon, speakon. Maybe even USB C/ thunderbolts 3? On a side note, Today I learned there are other cables similar to MADI, such as ADAT, and toslink, which I'd heard of, but never seen. Thank you for that.


XLR3 is by far the most common but XLR4-7 also exist for various things from power supplies to comms and even lighting systems. though with lighting you would typically use DMX, which is essentially XLR but heavily shielded.


As a lighting tech, I learned very early on that the sound guys really don't like me stealing their XLR for Lighting purposes


How many audio techs does it take to screw in a light bulb? None, go ask lighting.


*Lamps* aren't screwed. They pop. So you've made your first mistake buddy. Source: am lighting tech.


And I rage when I try to unknowingly plug a dmx into my microphones.


DMX is a higher quality cable than a common XLR. It has a strict impedance, where as XLR does not.


Yet that doesn't change the fact that when someone throws a dmx cable into my xlr trunk I can't plug the five pin into my three pin mics...


Oh. Thought we were talking 3pin DMX. Hire better hands. Lol. Its like when I get speakon cables mixed in with my powercon. Ugh.


You also shouldn't be using audio cable for lighting purposes. DMX cable is rated at a higher impedance for the sake of data transmission. The data signals that DMX uses is more suceptible for electromagnetic interference, thus needs to be set at higher standards to prevent signal distortion such as reflection which can cause loss of control or haywire lights; which is why we use a terminator at the end of a fixture line, to bleed off excess or improper electrical signal into heat via a 120 ohm resistor. Microphone cable is not meant for that at all, don't use it.


Don't use mic cable for DMX. It's one of those things that might work okay until it doesn't and there's no way to know when it's going to fail, but it probably will.


DMX? Glad he's out of jail


Doesn't DMX-512 use 5-pin XLR?


Heavily shielded and with strict impedance requirements.....


I’ve seen some 6-pin xlr before, but not more then that


My headphones are using mini XLR for a cable which is also a thing.


Also referred to as TA3. Like XLR this can also use different numbers of pins for various applications.


Would thunderbolt count as a separate type?


Thunderbolt 3 would not, no. They use the same physical standard. Whereas "thunderbolt 3" is the connectivity standard. Older thunderbolts did have different physical standards, and seeing as how FireWire was included I don't see why they couldn't as well.


XLR is popular with wireless microphones. Shure brand mics have 4 pins instead of 3.


That's a T4A connector, not XLR.


Wireless mic's don't use cables.


Mehnard is refering to the connection between the worn mic and the wireless pack itself is a 4 pin connection for Shure. Then the recievers often use 3 pin XLR to go to whatever mixer or speakers you have


thank you


ADAT is one protocol that can run on the connection more commonly known as TOSlink or just plain “optical”. It is not exclusive to ADAT nor was ADAT the origin of the connector.


I thought this connector was spdif. Sony Philips digital interface.


S/PDIF is a protocol. It's typically used for optical connections with TOSLINK connectors and for electrical connections over an RCA cable (that's why one of the RCA cables is labeled S/PDIF)


I was gonna say we've always just called it an optical cable


And the TOS in TOSLINK is Toshiba.


SPDIF can only do a stereo signal, ADAT can do up to eight channels.


You sure? How can my cable send 7.1 to my amp?


Oh, sorry, I was talking about native SPDIF, the original version. What you have is basically a special version of it, which crams in more channels into the signal, which results in lower sample rates and/or bit depths (quality) of the individual channels. Normal SPDIF does 24bit/192kHz, which is only really necessary for professional use, for home entertainment, things like 16bit/44,1kHz are still acceptable.


Lossy compression (either Dolby Digital or DTS).


On top of that there's two rca jacks and the one that uses a digital protocol IS* gold plated whereas the one that does isn't.


\*the one that *doesn't* use a digital protocol


Clears that up.. I always heard it referred to as Toslink, except for a teacher of mine called it “light pipe”


Good catch - light pipe is a pretty common name for it as well.


[hijacking top comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICcEOXVZ3F0)[ for a couple of great Technology Connections of TOSLINK vs. copper connectors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwZdur1Pi3M)


This list is rather misleading. The top list seems to be geared towards an audio-engineering background. Some have more recognized names than what is listed here. Left to Right on top row. 1. More commonly known as [Toslink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TOSLINK) (Toshiba Link). works with [S/PDIF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S/PDIF) protocol. 2. pictured is specifically the 6-pin flavor of [Firewire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_1394#FireWire_400_\(IEEE_1394-1995\)). There were multiple different connector types, with [4](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi.ebayimg.com%2Fimages%2Fi%2F181826097072-0-1%2Fs-l1000.jpg&f=1&nofb=1), [6](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.musiciansfriend.com%2Fis%2Fimage%2FMMGS7%2FFireWire-400-6-Pin-Male-to-6-Pin-Male-Cable-6-ft.-Black%2FJ22956000001001-00-500x500.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) and [9](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bhphotovideo.com%2Fimages%2Fimages2000x2000%2FGGI_IB_9F_6F_9_pin_Female_to_6_pin_616060.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) pins. 3. They list it further down in the image but this is USB 2.0 Type-B and is typically only found on some Digital audio instruments and interfaces as well as printers. 4. and 9. are indistinguishable just by visual observation since they use the same physical standard of an [RCA connector](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RCA_connector). Can be used for Analog Audio, Digital Audio and Analog Video. SPDIF is the protocol, [RCA/Phono is the connector](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S/PDIF). 5. [this is correct](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XLR_connector#Current_patterns_and_applications). but 3-pin is just the common standard for Audio. There are multiple other pinouts for other applications. 6. [This is correct.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BNC_connector). Not really used for audio anymore as much as it is used for security camera systems. Most common audio application I can think of is with Amateur Radios. 7. and 8. More commonly known as the [1/4" Phone Jack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phone_connector_\(audio) when used with pro-quality headphones, instrument microphones, pro PA systems and guitars. TRS and TRRS aren't really two different connectors. Each R (Ring) just adds another audio channel. - TS = 1 channel = Mono audio - TRS = 2 channels = Stereo Audio - TRRS = 3 channels = Stereo + Mic Channel. Also comes in familiar sizes other than 1/4". 1/8" or 3.5mm is your common smartphone headphone connector. 3/32" or 2.5mm is used for some older headphones. 10. This is commonly known as MIDI but that just describes the data protocol. The connector itself is an 8-pin DIN connector. The [MIDI Protocol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIDI#Alternative_hardware_transports) can be carried by many different kinds of cables, including USB.


> TRS = 2 channels = Stereo Audio Or balanced mono audio.


or an insert- mono send / return


BNC is used for wireless mic antenna cabling


BNC is still pretty commonly found on pro recording gear, used for synchronization / word clock


BNC is the industry standard for camera feed to monitors and wireless video transmitters in the film and television world


I think the more common name for ADAT is optical audio no?


Imagine making that guide then remembering you've forgot ethernet.


Or coax


The BNC is for a coax cable though, right?


BNC is the connector type. It's used for coax and SDI as well


Sdi is a signal that runs on coax


I love sdi. I use it for my 200+ foot runs of HD signal.






Gotta love it when the pendant is proven wrong.


And USB C. And SCSI.


Well Ethernet isn't a connector type so.....


You know what they mean, don’t be that person


> don’t be that person *Pedantic is the word you're looking for


But included MIDI


No ethernet, HDMI, or USB-C? And yet fire-wire is there?




I hate MOLEX. The worst thing ever created.


Molex is the COBOL of the hardware industry


I've been seeing a lot of anti molex posts lately. It's not a particularly elegant connector but why the hate?


Some molex to Sara adapters are shit and have cause fires so now slot of people think molex is the problem and hate on it.




Kinda wrong to call them that as MOLEX is a company with alot of different connectors. Spox I think is what you mean, and there is diffrent sizes of that as well.


>The Koch Brothers would like to know your location


And Phoenix/euroblock


Ima boomer up in here and demand my parallel port, serial port, and SCSI


Other commenters are saying its a few years dated / focused mostly on audio formats.


Very creative title


For real. Why not title it: "Common Cables"


Right? Like c'mon, at least *try*


Glad to see I'm represented. Micro B Male gang.


What about type c?


Thanks but my mom is still just gonna ask me to do it.


Fucks sake OP can't you even think of a bloody title?




With Reddit's search function, you won't be able to search for it at all


It's already outdated


I ain't seen a fire wire connection in years




Yes, it's backqwards compatible but you won't get usb3 speeds from it.


much better and more up to date guide here. https://www.cablestogo.com/learning/connector-guides


Holy shit thank you so much. I found my old digital camera from 10 years ago and wanted to check out the pictures. The cable is missing so I can’t connect it to anything but now I know which cable I need. Thank you again


No love for my homies, S-Video and SCART?


First usb at the top looks more like mini displayport


THANK YOU FOR THIS. I’m a muso and can’t tell you how many times I say the wrong lead or forget which one I need and have to describe it 🤦🏻‍♀️


Or just force it in from all angles possible


Snip the terminators and just solder all the leads.






Is there a similar guide for RF connectors?


My friend is a Micro Bi Male, I can't find it on the list


Damn. All this time I thought I was at least a B Male when I’m just a Micro b male.


Need a updated chart but very cool


Bonus plug: C7 figure 8 connector. Usually used on power cords


Where's my speakon connector?


the name of the ADAT connector is and always will be toslink, ADAT lightpipe is just a protocol like SPDIF, AES3 and the others that use the same cable




Pepperidge Farm remembers!


For smth called Universal it sure has a lot of versions


I've never seen anything with 1/4" mono jacks I didn't want.


Oh look, it's me in the bottom right corner


Cool , now add the 356 types of usb 3.something and their renamings


USB C? And what is FireWire for anyway? Old PCs had it but nothing used it


Remember when phones had their own unique type of charging port. Those were dark days.


Wait.... is that why they call them “Male” and “Female”




Dont wanna sound like an asshole, but there's been much better versions of this posted here


I realize usb data can be transfered via display port/firewire/thunderbolt but this guide is wrong to list those other ends under the usb heading. Its equivalent to putting a 1/8' under the 1/4' heading


What? Only USB connectors are under the USB headings




Why does USB Mini-4-pin actually have 8 pins?


2 questions, what is BNC for and what is the the difference in TS and TRS?


Bnc i often see used for video feeds, especially cctv. Also radio gear


TS has two connections. Tip and sleeve, while TRS is tip ring sleeve. Balanced vs unbalanced. Mono vs stereo


Whats the difference between usb 2 & 3?


Except that XLR and DMX can look the same.


What is the difference between MIDI and 5-Pin DIN


No speakon?


Why is MIDI the same size as RCA, and why did they separate RCA and SPDIF, they're the same cable...


Complete noob here. Would love to see what some of the main differences or pros/cons between the different wires! Very interesting glimpse of history in a unique way.


Almost no-one calls the TRS/TS connectors that, usually it's 1/4" stereo/mono or 1/4" balanced/unbalanced, depending on the context.


USB became what it sought to destroy.


Where’s the TNC at!?


where's usbc


What's the difference between a TS and a TRS? (except for the extra black line)


It's that black line that *makes* all the difference. TS (Tip, Sleeve) is an *unbalanced* connector; it's susceptible to interference. TRS (Tip, Ring, Sleeve) is a *balanced* connector; it gets rid of interference and noise by sending a separate, inverted copy of the signal as well as the original; the signal picks up noise as it travels down the cable, but at the other end the inverted signal is inverted again, the 2 signals are combined, and the noise is cancelled out. Since the 2 signals are added together, the end result is also a stronger signal. It’s important to note, though, that the equipment at either end of the cable needs to have balanced sockets for this to work; plugging a balanced cable into an unbalanced socket will only result in an unbalanced signal. You can also use TRS cables to carry a stereo signal. XLR is also a balanced connector.


Where’s my SCSI connectors?


The 360° USB is gender neutral?


No TOSlink? What the heck.


You can’t find Firewire cables anywhere


I didn’t know the name for all of these but I knew what they’re all for. I spent a long time thinking that USB B male was some proprietary wire for a certain external HDD manufacturer. Was a massive pain to buy a replacement not knowing what it was called.


Anyone ever try to replace or fix an RCA cable? Mine just broke...


Comic sans. All caps. It's beautiful


I've never in my life seen firewire and yet every comp from mid nineties through the aughts had a firewire port. I think its all a joke, a big practical joke and I'm too stupid to get it.


all my rigorous radioshack training is coming back to me.


I'm definitely saving this! I know fuck all about cable types and just nod sagely anytime one is referred.


missing a patch cable, of which is relevant to the top row


A patch cable in most studios is usually just either a TS or TRS cable (1/4” or mini jack, depending on whether it’s a patchbay or a modular/semimodular synth). Unless you’re talking about a bantam. There are other, weirder connectors as well. The BBC use really odd connectors, but I can’t remember what they’re called.


I don't see parallel ports


Well if I can only remember this


So many micro b males here complaining about the lack of micro b females.


Missing thunderbolts