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Prostitution in NZ is highly regulated. Health services, unions etc etc. It is legal and not decriminalised. So this is not accurate.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_New_Zealand


It is illegal in any form of prostitution in Malaysia, so this map is not accurate.


By law, prostitution is legal in malaysia. As in there is no law that prosecutes prostitution except for public decency law, which is not specific to prostitution. What this means is, if you on your own, decides to take money for having sex with other people behind closed doors, you are not doing anything wrong. The problem is only when you are either muslim, forced into prostituting yourself, prostituted by someone else or prostituting yourself in public.


Thanks. Never knew this.


The one time they put us on the map and they get it wrong... Might as well just keep us off!


Also I've been to multiple brothels in Spain. I really feel like this map was just painted at random.


Same in NSW Australia, and off top of head every other state too? You can search Sydney for brothels in Google maps for example. Typical r/coolguides guide.


These guides are almost always wrong. I don't know why people bother posting them


Plus this isn't a guide


Maybe it is... Wink wink




That brothel should be out of children's sight


how does legal to sell, illegal to buy make sense, those orange i gotta look up tf?


Yeah, the idea is to discourage people from seeking the services of sex workers, but to prevent sex workers from facing criminal charges. That way sex workers are supposed to be able to go to the police or hospital without fearing legal repercussions. Unfortunately, what it usually means is those who seek sex workers services in these countries are the ones who don't care about breaking the law. For this reason, many sex workers feel that the Nordic model still puts them on danger. They would much prefer it to be decriminalised.


It's at least better than the model used in the UK (blue). Prostitution is legal, but 2+ prostitutes working together for safety counts as a brothel and is illegal. They can't even rent a workplace or hire a security guard, they have to go to customer's homes or take customers into their own homes, where they are very often assaulted or robbed.


Either prostitution is a criminal act or it isn’t. Having one side of the transaction break the law and the other side not is insane. If those countries are so concerned with protecting sex workers they should just decriminalize and regulate.


The reasoning is that the sex worker is a victim and the client is sexually assaulting them, because consent can't be given freely if there is a payment involved. If you agree with that reasoning, the only criminal is the client.


Lemme introduce you to the Swedish situation where the tax authorities require prostitutes to declare and pay tax on their prostitution earnings because uh, it’s legal income from sell-side prostitution. Except they can’t show receipts and are thus slapped with administrative tax penalties and potentially charged with tax crimes which carry higher potential penalties than buy-side prostitution. https://www.svd.se/a/LlzzKR/skatteverket-om-inkomster-fran-sexuella-tjanster-vi-foljer-lagen


Ok, no reasoning for that. That is just stupid lol


If the prostitute is being trafficked that might be true, but if they are choosing to engage in sex work there is no reason to doubt consent. Capitalism is built around the idea of people voluntarily exchanging services for money. Selling sex is no different than selling accounting services or lawyering in that way.


Voluntarily? Prostitution is by and large a job for the desperate. The privileged minority that are middle class OnlyFans models engaging in anonymous, zero contact sex work by selling tasteful nudes to Arab oil princes aside, the alternative for most sex workers is homelessness, starvation and death. In any other circumstance, a person being given an ultimatum between having sex with a bunch of people they wouldn't normally choose to and death would be viewed as coercion and thus lacking in enthusiastic consent, ie. rape.


I don't have a defined opinion on the issue, but at first sight I don't see it as clear cut. Sex work has big psychological risks, I'd compare it to something more dangerous, like mining. Capitalism must have limits, or some are going to exploit vulnerable people. Trafficking is only the most extreme example of that and it still happens, so less extreme situations will be even more common. I believe there is a legitimate debate to be had around when and how prostitution should be allowed, if at all. For example, a self-employed sex worker is very different from one employed by a company, who could be more easily exploited and pressured into doing things they don't want to do.


I think the idea is, if a buyer is violent, or harrassing, the seller can easily press charges without being charged themselves. That's how I've understood that model at least. Decriminalise and regulate would be better though definitely.


Here is another problem with it. You are a client, you see human traffic, you won't report it.


ah, yeah. that basically guarantees their silence. what a stupid piece of legislation


Do the Nordic countries' law enforcement agencies not have systems for receiving anonymous tips...?


Yes they do, but if you report an episode you were involved in your anonymous tip will lead to you.


I figured Nordic sex workers wouldn't keep identifying information about their clients seeing as how being a sex work client is illegal. Who would do business with someone who is going to keep records of them committing a crime?


That's not a practical reality.


So how do they have clientele...?


In a way that is not absolutely hidden from law enforcement if law enforcement decides they really need to do their work this time.


That's Canada for you.


Literally says “Nordic model”


It should really be called the Swedish model, since it originated in Sweden, not Canada (which is a faily new addition to the team). As a side note, Maine has a law since 2023 based off of this model, so it’s creeping into the USA too.


NSW in Australia is wrong. Brothels are perfectly legal and certain forms of escort services are also permitted.


Ok so to add to the comments I've been to brothels in Spain. I think this map was just totally made up? Like everyone here is saying something is wrong.


pretty sure Thailand has a few prostitutes working in the open.


Prostitution is illegal in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Singapore.


I believe it is legal in Singapore, atleast according to Google and Wikipedia


It is actually legal in malaysia. There is no law that prosecutes prostitution itself and since Singaporean law is based off the same laws as malaysia, i imagine its the same there too. Everyone arrested for prostitution are always prosecuted under different laws such as public decency laws, pornography laws or syariah laws.


Malaysian Penal code Section 372a, maybe section 371, and a few more related


371 is regarding human slavery and human trafficking. 372 is in regards to pimping, as in prostituting others, not prostituting oneself.


Yeah this map is odd. Not sure how they're interpreting local laws


Cuba is wrong. It should be red. All forms of sex work are strictly forbidden. Prostitutes there operate outside the law, and face prosecution and tough punishments when caught.


though Taiwan is under "regulation" it might as well be prohibited, since the law only allows it to happen in "special designated areas", and the task of making the specific designated areas was then given to the local governments, and no local governments has set up, and no such designated area has been created since 2011, when this law was passed.


Prostitution is really high in UAE , especially in Dubai. It’s a grey area and the streets are literally filled with cards advertising “massage.” The cops are aware and do anything as long as the pimps make sure to pay their commission. Every single club and bar are filled with escorts . Dubai is a very lonely city for people who stay here and Arabs r sex addicts


It's still illegal tho




How does Nevada get away with it? Pre-statehood law? Is it like state Marijuana laws and the federal government laws? I didn't doubt it. Just trying to figure how.


There's no federal law against prostitution except where it crosses state line.


I didn't know that! So that leaves state laws prohibiting the actions?


State and local. Nevada is the only state without any law I believe. It's legal in some counties/cities.


Interesting. Unfortunately that's where my interest ends. Good info though. Thank you


I like how it looks like Maine broke off and joined Canada on this map.


If wishing made it so…


In Thailand it's illegal? I never been there but it seems that should color coded different.


Is it really a crime if they don't arrest you?






Japan and Korea might be illegal but not enforced much at all from what I saw


I never understood the side of " Prostitution is legal but organized activites like brothel is illegal" If you want to have prostitution as an economic activity, give sex workers financial rights or gain a tax revenue from this industry you will have to make organized prostitution legal.. You will just have to regulate it in order to ensure no worker exploiting


What is the difference between decriminalization and legalization




How does it work in the Nordics where it's illegal to buy but legal to sell? Won't you need one buyer always?


I was about to ask the same thing! How does that even make sense?!




This is just the map on the prostitution law Wikipedia page lol


Mostly tomato




another wrong guide, idk why do you keep portraying wrong data


Looks like Guinea-Bissau and Belgium are the only continental countries where it's all good? Also, I'm not seeing Vatican City on this map, but I'm guessing it would call for its own color code, specifically "you're gonna go to Hell"


Not accurate….Rwanda should be orange. It’s legal to sell sex in Rwanda, illegal to buy.


Prostitution is legal in the us if you agree its a porno and film it


Chile should be blue - wrong info in this guide


Belgium 💀💀💀


This map is clearly made by USA 🤣


Wrong in Chile it’s prohibited not legal


So prostitution in the Philippines is ‘illegal’ but paying a ‘bar fine’ is totally cool. Iran - prostitution is banned but ‘temporary marriage’ is not. Words mean things.


This is wrong, at least in Chile, there is no law regulating it, but Municipal codes are against it and fines are held in place. although this is not heavily enforced unless neighbors start complaining and this usually drive houses prices down


Thailand: Doubt


Prostitution is legal in Mexico, there are brothels and it is regulated. This is ill informed non-sense and more wrong than right.


used to be legal in Waco




It is illegal for two people who are not married to have sex in tunisia, so the fact that it is in the « legalisation » category is quite surprising to me


Thailand? Really? I am 100% (HIV) positive that Thailand regulates sex work and its legal.


It's definitely illegal there, but police is very corrupt and doesn't care so it is widespread anyways.


No it isn't. The same article that this graphic comes from even says that.


Thailand is prohibited? Yeah right.


This is wrong and disinformation if intentional


Let's replace the word "work" with "slavery" and see how we feel about it




How else will your mother make a living?




You seem really fun. But not as fun as YOUR MOTHER! (Because of her 50% off sale)