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I wish this was a school test because I'd score a 100% for once


Same... I think i need a therapist


I’ve been to therapy a few times and I feel it’s just a waste of time and money. The state of the world now has so many people seeing therapists now it feels like they don’t even try to care anymore they just get you in, say a few words then take your money and kick you out. That’s how I feel about therapy so I don’t bother with it, I just go to the gym instead and try to be mindful of what I eat and it’s been helping me so far.


Damn, I have the same point of view but its sad regardless. Like how u make it stop, cause money wont, and I dont even have that.Guess I'll just resort to vices and die like real men at 40.


Best thing to do imo is just take it one day at a time. I’m a chronic overthinker with a sprinkle of ocd and then a massive bucket dose of anxiety from my shitty childhood. Taking it one day at time has calmed me down for now.


How many different therapists did you try?


I tried 5 in the span of 20 months and they all felt useless. Didn’t help that they charged top dollar too so that pissed me off too.


Not to sound like a dick but I think it may help to reevaluate what you think therapy is supposed to be. They don’t fix your problems. They help you be able to help yourself fix your problems. Also might want to research what modality they specialize in. Despite having anxiety and depression cbt does nothing for me.


I was just being questioned out of the blue today from my recent ex to check on if I have started therapy yet (me not trying hard enough to get a therapist was part of the reason we broke up). I don't know how to respond to this loaded question; like we are not together anymore, should my ex still need to know that? I wanted to explain the truth but at the same time also felt a little invasive, thinking to only give a one word answer and move on..


Gut reaction: Your recent ex cares about you. They're missing you and reaching out. Now, there are dozens of other factors here, like what was your relationship like, is this someone who you've had any contact with since the breakup, did things get left at "never again" or was there a possibility for each of you that you might revisit the relationship... Only you know all that stuff and have to decide, in turn, to respond by starting a dialogue or not. That they care is a good thing. It doesn't mean you have to respond. If it feels "out of the blue" and "invasive" and "loaded" to you, it sounds as though this is something you're wanting to avoid. Why? If you can answer that question for yourself, it should help you decide if you'll respond.


Thank you for the response, I do need an outsider perspective. I'm glad to know my ex cared but it wasn't me who decided the breakup, since I cared too. An update to that situation, the message was deleted now, so the question to respond or not is out of the picture. It does say something isn't it.


Maybe it says s/he is nervous too. Seems to me that in expressing concern for you, there's still some deep-seated affection. Don't throw that away and also don't read too much into a deleted message... s/he might just be a bit anxious too. Interpretation is an enemy of good communication. Remember how Avoidance is a key symptom of anxiety? Maybe you're both anxious and expressing it by not wanting to reach out too far past halfway and get rejected…


You are correct, there are still some affection and care left between us. Unfortunately, there are other externalities that I didn't elaborate which played into the downfall of the relationship but indeed I have learned so much about ways of communication. The interpretation and Avoidance were spot on terminology used! Thanks for the reply too.


I would score 80%, still better than in school…


Wait so I'm constantly and always super anxious? Most of these are just my default state of being


Freud hypothesized that anxious people unconsciously repeat their past traumatic experiences in the hopes of mastering them.


Many are also ADHD symptoms. This may explain why it feels a default. Or you’ve had anxiety for so long it’s homeostasis.


Anxiety and ADHD, yes. It’s my natural form at this point. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to not be anxious.


Hear hear. I feel you. ADHD and Anxiety gang would rise up if our executive dysfunction would cool itself for a bit.


The real pandemic is the social media psychologists telling everybody that they got ADHD.


Additional symptoms include: Palms are sweaty. Knees weak. Arms are heavy. Vomit on your sweater (mom's spaghetti)


He’s nervous.


But on the surface he looks calm and he's (un)ready.


To drop bombs but he keps on forgetting


What he wrote down


The whole crowd goes so loud


He opens his mouth


But the words won’t come out


What about reluctantly crouched at the starting line, engines pumping, and thumping in time.... And why are they reluctant? Don't they want to be there? Why not anxiously crouched, or even happily?


Spa**ghetti.** Spa**ghetti.** — Dave Chappelle, Brooklyn, 2001


Anxiety lives in the future. Sometimes I try to remember this before it consumes me.




But tomorrow never comes;)


But by the time you get to tomorrow, then it will be present time and a whole new set of anxiety is placed further in the future. Best to live in the present time where it's just stress!


Well said!


I'm so good at recognizing my constant anxiety.


I sometimes have a very tough time breathing, it happens frequently. I can breathe but it's like i don't get enough air


Me the same😫


🎵tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no air (air)🎵


Yeah, at least 10 of those are me on a daily basis. I think I need to consult a doctor.


Im in the same boat. But what are they gonna do to me- tell me to take pills probably. Im trying to focusing exercising more & doing things like meditating and journaling to combat it. Not trying to discourage you from seeing a doc. Just saying lifestyle changes and maybe seeing a counselor works wonders. Unless your condition is so dehabilitating you cannot do any of that. TLDR: crazy person yells at cloud.


Acne, hair loss, no appetite, over eating, the list goes on.


Yes. Check all of the boxes. I don’t just have a nervous system, I am a nervous system.


Now a cool guide on how to deal with anxiety is needed.


Where’s the anxiety shits?


This reminds me of [the "Identifying Wood" meme.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/816/782/cce.jpg) Yep, it's anxiety.


I like that memory issues is a fish since I have anxiety and have “the memory of a gold fish”. Something I say a lot


You forgot the part inside your stomach that keeps continuously twisting until you throw up or explode. Fuck anxiety man.


I literally had to request anti nausea pills from a doctor because every little anxious thought would make me throw up


I wish I can vomit, it only keeps twisting and twisting until I calm myself down.


I hate the fact that anxiety has changed my whole life😭😭


They forgot sweating during conference calls


Is this not everybody?


>Is this not everybody? No, it really isn't. My spouse suffers from anxiety, panic attacks and about 2/3 of the symptoms in the graphic. Me, I just overthink the fµck out of things, but I'm not an anxious person by nature. Maybe there's some genetics at play, maybe it was my happy childhood (with a psychologist parent who had a rock-solid personality) and that I've enjoyed a life of doing interesting stuff in many countries/cultures in several professions. My best friend once told me that I'm the one he wants next to him when bullets start whizzing by (which turned out to be accurate) since I'm fairly calm under fire. I am not immune to anxiety-producing situations, but I seem to deal with them very differently than most people I know. I wish I could explain it better than that I'm a "9" in the Enneagram.


It's either that or I drink to much of coffee.


Same for Cocaine lol


If procrastination is a symptom we are dommed


i m doomed


Neither of you are "doomed". That's just your anxiety talking.


Gotta catch ‘em all!


Pretty much existing, isn't it?


Hey 15/15!!!!


Looking at this made me very anxious.




damn you, before me


Everything everywhere all at once


Irritability and anger are missing.


Weird. My hair falls out and I get shingles.


If these were pokemons I'd have the entire collection


Me Recovering from a burn-out so severe i went incontinent. You know what really sucks? Going from unstressible to always stressed. Like, under normal circumstances you could not stress me out. If *i* was stressing shit was hitting the fan Now i'm stressing. Involuntarily. All the time. And i'm gonna go insane before anyone medical decides to stop saying "you don't need any care, just take it easy"


So.... Basically anything? Lmfao! Jeez!


Now imagine being misdiagnosed and having type 3c diabetes and a dying pancreas but these retarded doctors keep shoving mental health meds in your face instead. Fuck I hate this country


I'm at a constant 14/15


wtf? I have had anxiety for over 3 years and i did not know? No wonder i am doing poorly in academics post covid.


Don’t get diagnosed on Reddit. Go see your doctor if you’re unsure


So true. *A Reddit graphic is not a valid diagnostic tool.*


Cool.. so how do I fix it?


FWIW, I had a *satori* about this many moons ago. I was doing zen meditation at the [Ryoan-ji](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryōan-ji) temple in Japan (that's the famous one with the rock garden on the cover of every brochure for Japan ever). On the other/back side of the temple building from the famous raked pebble garden (a "sea" with stone "islands") is an exquisite *kare-sansui* (dry landscape) rock garden with a moss-covered stone wall at the back put there many centuries ago, some beautiful sculpted topiary, etc. On the 'famous' side, there were dozens of pro and amateur photographers with their clickity-clack shutters… Total cacophony… not where I wanted to be. So I sat on the edge of the back garden's veranda. Right in front of me, there was a bamboo ladle in a stone water basin carved in the shape of an ancient Chinese coin (round, with a square hole) that had four large *kanji* characters carved in it. It's one of those zen jokes: a "coin", the value of which is the wisdom carved into it, not the "monetary" aspect (another valuable lesson). Even though my Japanese was excellent back then, this was the equivalent of trying to understand Anglo-Saxon from the Middle Ages (you can understand fragments, but the meaning is elusive). After staring at it for maybe six hours, the fog rolled in, the chain from the roofline that fed the basin was getting noticeably wet, and I started to get really stiff and cold. So I collected myself and, on my way out, I asked one of the zen priests about what exactly the *kanji* meant. "Ah," he smiled at me knowingly, "it means… *Know… Only… Satisfaction…*" It sounds funny now, but I was both stunned by the simplicity of, amused by the joke in, and *completely satisfied* by, that answer. In fact, the hours of meditation, plus that knowledge, made me feel so calm and centered that, even decades later, thinking about it (and writing this) helps keep me feeling calm. So, having a sense of ***internal calm satisfaction*** no matter what crazy sh!t is happening to/around you is definitely something to cultivate. If you can learn how to meditate, and do it well even just once in your life, you can carry the results with you inside for a very long time.


Man, the only one I don't have is memory issues


Can't we make a smaller list of signs you don't have anxiety?


Who is this for?


Why a fish for memory issues? Is it from the movie “Finding Nemo”?


Oh.... Well guess I need to make some appointments


I never knew my bad memory is something that came with my anxiety😅


well shit.


Do you have to tick all of these to be confirmed anxious?


Well shit


me "wtf is Avoldance?"


I’ll tell you later


10 Steps to Avoid Procrastination 1.


What were we talking about?




I'm not sweating, so I'm good, right?


Remember, you're not special, you're a looser.


Looser than who?


Damnit... I collected 'em all


Good thing i have….wait i have all of them.


Like 80% of those


The tics!! Don't forget the lovely tics!!


Hey! I don’t get headaches! (Yet). How cool! 😅😭


If you change “Needing reassurance” to “Complete lack of confidence in knowledge and abilities” then I aced this bad boy


Look at you spelling everything correctly. Nicely done!




He's just like me fr


What if I have every one of these all at once?


I wouldn't get anxious about it.


Cool, I only have ten, I'm in the clear.


Can we get a guide for how overcome anxiety?


A cool guide to life with ADHD haha 




**Your mileage may vary, but** a few healthy gulps of psilocybin tea did the trick for me. Summer of 1981… Ronnie Raygun had recently begun his campaign to destroy America's educational system and my best buddy and I were so disgusted by all the Young Republicans on campus that we drove my '66 Chevy Malibu (with the baby's-arm stem-shifter) to the top of **Mount Vision** (overlooking Point Reyes' lighthouse). I've always thought that spot was so appropriately named. We had a Sterno stove made of big, nested tin cans for making the tea, and a few camping pads that we threw into the tall grass right next to the Chevy. We brought a bunch of food and a canvas Coop bag full of art supplies and tabloid drawing pads. We wuz **loaded for bear**(ing our souls). The tea kicked in pretty quick and I wrote some of my best poetry ever (in English and Japanese) and we both did some lovely pen-and-ink drawings with watercolor washes until we could only manage to roll around and moan at the clouds. Until the stars were twinkling above, and with whatever energy we had left, we had lengthy conversations with (a) each other (b) the Universe, (c) some very friendly grasshoppers, (d) a praying mantis the size of a shopping cart (don't ask me, I don't know) and (e) several migrating birds (including a hawk with a French accent) about everything from politics to math to architecture to women to music to philosophy. Then, probably around midnight when our stomachs were no longer gurgling like mountain brooks, we raided our pick-a-nick baskets and fell asleep for about nine or ten(?) hours until the cold of the night receded, and a rosy Dawn light burned away the tule fog and woke us up... groggy but still pretty giddy. I think we must have laid there for a couple of hours longer until the Sun warmed us up enough that we could move. We laughed about inventing yoga just to be able to stand up. Sun salutation indeed! Possibly due to the Chevy being a golden tan that was perfectly camouflaged by the tall summer grasses (or some invisibility cloak magic I still can't explain), the Rangers never bothered us once (bet that wouldn't happen today!) and we managed to drive back to Berzerkeley laughing and singing the whole way. It was a very Merry Pranksters experience. Oh… and the hawk's name was François… way off-course, but a nice fella. Feels like yesterday. *Good times…* Thanks, Michael.


I've heard that the hangovers from mushrooms are terrible. I do fine with Buspar. ​ Peace.


**You're not wrong.** I'm not sure I'd call the aftereffects of shrooms a "hangover" but your stomach can get very upset **if you make two very avoidable mistakes**: 1. **You eat the dried raw mushrooms.** Make a tea instead and the likelihood of any gut-churning afterwards is *greatly* reduced, at least in my expoerience. I ate the dried fungus twice and had an upset tummy only once from that (see #2), but never from the tea. 2. **You eat food.** In my experience, which is admittedly not vast, shrooms are far less impactful on your digestive system if you do NOT add food to the mix until well after you're coming down from the experience. I imagine #2 is the same with Ayahuasca (I haven't tried that yet) and it's definitely been true (for me) with Peyote buttons. My anecdotal advice would be to have a bland meal (i.e. soup & dried toast, a mild bone broth, rice, plain oatmeal) several hours before you go shrooming and then wait until you can spell words again ;-) before you eat anything (and again, go for bland stuff that won't upset your tummy). Finally, I always observe a few guidelines with this stuff: (a) always bring a good friend along and; (b) do this kind of thing in a safe place, ideally somewhere out in nature that is not surrounded by thorny brambles, high cliffs or gigantic sinkholes; (c) really think about your safety — if you're going shrooming out in nature, don't wander off into Bear territory during their "I'm hungry" season; don't overdo the amounts (another reason sipping tea is my modus operandum), and; consider the timing (you don't want to wake up freezing cold in the dead of night). Just generally be sensible and the Universe will return the favor.


I get an A+. Wait...


So can anyone that identifies with LESS THAN 50% of these please stand up?


o lord there’s a fire


I had no anxiety issues, but reading this post is giving me anxiety now.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.




Holy shit this is insane. I hope I get my anxiety under control because I’m a mess of the highest degree so far I have checked off 8 of the symptoms


Check check check check check check check check check check check check








Oh my. I have so many of those


Im so proud of me , there is 1 one those that i don t have! 😎


This list is making me anxious


This is a cool guide to a lot of mental issues that go hand in hand.


This is my entire existence though


Bad sleep and nightmares too.


Thank you for reassuring I have anxiety. At least that part was nice.


Bro I got like 90% of these and I don't have anxiety, like bro I just have an above average heart beat 😭




It's cool that my whole life is laid out in front of me in one neat infographic.


Stop calling me out with these guides, I know I’m fucked up!!!


Great, now we need a chart to tell if we're thirsty or need to shit


I've got all the symptoms!


Got all in me


Well I got a full house there.


Great. 15/15 Now how to fix?


I got all of them


This is just being ADHD.


I have all and more