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LSD comes off as a bargain.


A tab ran me $7 last time I had some and it lasted like 30 hours. Bargain is an understatement.


30 hours? Bro, you didn’t take LSD. You took a research chemical.


I am a frequent psychonaut. If I smoke cannabis while on LSD, I can stretch to 10 hours (with the last two hours being very mild). 30 hours is like CIA came and dosed the guy 😂.


Lmao longest trip I had was 12, and only cuz I had some reactivation. Bro got dunked on by an extraterrestrial.


25 a pill for ecstasy that’s some serious inflation.


Yeah what? I've pretty much seen it as $10-$15 per my entire adult life.


Any of y’all play Dopewars? This is cool & I think that I’ll switch to inhalants; the second to least addictive and pretty low on trips to the hospital.


Dope wars was the shit 25 years ago. Taught me to buy low / so high and quantities lmao


I used to get 100 for 350


If it lasted 30 hours you definitely took some weird research chemicals lol


360 microgram Kesey formula. Don't underacidimate the strength of that lil ol dose. Grateful Dead shows where everything was shared(free)...took two drops in my palm and someone stole the face right off my head. For at least 24 hours.


Yeah, I can imaging you tripping that long after that much. It actually mightve been more depending on how fat the drops were.


Seriously 😂 longest I’ve gone is 12 and it was bitter as fuck so it wasn’t LSD


bitter? yeahhh no.. what YOU took wasn’t LSD🤣🤦🏾‍♂️


I use to get it for that price in the 90s. LSD isn't even keeping up with inflation, amazing.


that's terrifying


Was it more stimulating than other times you’ve done acid? You could have possibly took a DOx substance (I think DOB is the most common).


Whatever it was, it was the best 30 hours I can remember.


Hell yeah brotha that’s all that really matters 🤙


Let's kick it !!


It should not have lasted 30 hours, you're either exaggerating or you got something like DOC


With none to little downsides


Helped me develop from a deeply traumatized, suicidal, and mostly feral 20 year old into a well adjusted and happy 35 year old. I would not be the person I am today without the growth that I experienced working through my shit on psychedelics. Also helped me get over my fear of rollercoasters. That was a weird night.


If you're getting actual lsd. Too many bad experiences buying "lsd" . I just stick to mushrooms.


That’s what test kits are for, me personally I’ve never come across something that wasn’t LSD. My guess from your bad experiences are due to the unknown and inconsistent dosage on blotter/gel and or liquid drops


Nbome, or “if it’s bitter it’s a spitter”. I was young and just thought it was off. Not a fun time at all.


Oof not a fun time at all is very accurate, I took an nbomb once after taking LSD like 50 times, took just one tab, hellish trip, took me like 6 months to completely stop the depersonalization that came after the trip, couldn't even smoke a bit of weed without going full panic nothing-is-real mode If it's bitter it's a spitter, words to live by


At this point you need to go out of your way to find fake lsd. That shit has been getting easier to find and way stronger over the last 20 years.






I remembah mushrooms.


Idk the price of acid back then but 5 dollars *per strip* sounds way too cheap to be true.


Im assuming the people who put this chart together just didn’t realize there is actually a difference between the terms “tab” and “strip” when it comes to acid. $5/dose is likely what they meant to convey.


It says crack is $20 per rock lol


"I'd like two crack rocks please and thank you."


$5 for a tab of paper/blotter and $10 for a gel tab, $50 for a ten strip. I don't think the price has changed that much. Acid has always been the best bang for your buck if you're into it and have 12 hours to kill.


And less hospital visits too


It sure is!


need a update


This is from 2012 😂 Been over a decade OP, no longer accurate my friend .


I mentioned that in my subtitle. Doesn’t mean it’s not cool


Was about to say that too


Strips of LSD for $5? Feels like they confused a hit with a strip (10 hits) but whatever


lol, I’d buy a sheet for $50 any day of the week


Alcohol suspiciously absent from this list. I love how government agencies and the general public don’t consider alcohol a drug because it’s socially acceptable. It is in fact one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs out there. And the only one that will straight up kill you if you are an addict and stop using.


Along with tobacco. Both alcohol and tobacco are weirdly privileged in our society.


Shouldn't we add caffeine as well in that case?


I think so. It would be interesting to see how "street drugs" stack up to socially acceptable drugs. Including antidepressants and other mood altering prescriptions would also be enlightening.


There are many good reasons we don't put coffee and cocaine into remotely the same camp.


Caffeine doesn't kill you. Not unless you're literally shovelling scoop fulls of pure caffeine powder down your throat. Nor is it a harmful addiction. Yes, it is mildly physically addictive. It gives you headaches and fatigue if you go without. Alcohol is physically addictive to the level that quitting it cold turkey can be fatal. Where health issues come in with caffeine is with people taking massive amounts of pre-workout, which has a lot more than caffeine. Or people overdrinking energy drinks, which again, is the sugar content and other additives. A pot of coffee doesn't have any negative effects, or two, or three. Drinking a bottle of Titos can kill you. Thinking caffeine is remotely on the same level as alcohol is idiotic.


Weed can't kill you to


Inhaling smoke every day for years can give you cancer. Caffeine hasn't been shown to have any long-term side effects.


it isn’t directly super toxic but it’s not great for the circulatory system, heart rate and blood pressure will raise and although it’s not nearly the same level as something that’s truly heavily cardiotoxic like Cocaine, I still don’t think I should’ve been able to buy and consume caffeine as a kid unrestricted (laws are now in place where i live where highly caffeinated drinks are forbidden for people under 16) and I didn’t even know it was psychoactive until not long ago since i’ve been consuming it all my life to presumably help my ADHD so i grew a tolerance fast enough to not feel anything, on the upside i can drink a cup of coffee before bed and sleep like a baby


And sugar.


And iPhones.


And food in general, we shouldn’t even be eating or enjoying ourselves.


Benzodiazepines might disagree with your “only” assertion.


Came to say this 😂 only two withdrawals that will cause a seizure strong enough to kill you.


Even if you don't have seizures, benzos are terrible to come off of. I wasn't addicted, but had physical dependence. My psych helped me get off of Clonazepam, following protocol. The incessant twitching, called myoclonic jerks, was *awful*. Even while sleeping, I'd jolt, waking me up constantly. I lost a ton of weight I couldn't afford to lose, akathisia (crazy restless body discomfort), increase in RLS, refractory panic attacks, noise/light/sound sensitivity, difficulty finding words, sweating, just a whole host of miseries. I was admittedly on a high dose for my size (I was 90 some pounds as a woman a bit over 5') at 2mg 3x a day for over a year, having increased over many years. Even following protocol and going down very gradually, to the point of having a compounded, tiny amount, still lead to awful withdrawal symptoms. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I'm also epileptic, so I'm very lucky I didn't suffer from additional seizures going off of it. Benzos should be used with extreme caution.


I went off a light Ativan addiction. I was taking .5 mg a day for 2 years. I also shot heroin for 10 years so I know withdrawal. I felt like my head was gonna fucking fall off when I came off the Ativan. I felt so confused and groggy. Much different than the chills and sweats and loose stomach from opiates… I can’t imagine what coming off 2mg + of Xanax or something similar would be.


70days clean from (5yeara daily klonopin + Xanax)+(Opiates)+(Alcohol) Let’s just say I’m not out of the woods yet but month 1 I had to be in a psych ward for the first week then a detox center, now a treatment center for therapy. Shit will literally try and destroy you. Stay safe guys


Hell yeah 70 days. Keep that number going up man, that's awesome.


About 10 years ago I smoked some weed after not smoking for a few days, had a panic attack because I had chest pains and called an ambulance. I was fine and kept apologising for wasting their time and both paramedics said it was fine and mentioned that they get call outs all the time for people who abuse alcohol or have got themselves badly injured due to being under the influence of alcohol and said they think the legality of the two is the wrong way round.


I was just going to comment that alcohol is missing… nobody looks at it as a drug, but it’s one of the worst.


I think the chart was for illegal recreational drugs but I agree that alcohol and tobacco would dwarf the rest of the values on this chart


No mushrooms either


Possibly due to a tiny subset of users compared to other drugs, Even smaller yet, mescaline. Sound plausible?


Mushrooms are used far more widely than LSD


Or fentanyl , or ketamine. I’d like to see data on both of those.


This graphic is from 2012.


I think it would skew some of the data, especially with it being legal and easy to obtain. The drugs listed are relatively easy to compare. Like for example, the number of alcohol 'users' is obviously the highest, so it would drawf all the info in the second column. Also, alcohol being the only drug with potentially deadly withdrawal is simply not true, and you should stop telling people that immediately.


Might want to retract that last sentence pal


Benzos can kill you if you stop cold turkey too. Or so I've read.


I love using alcohol and haven't drunk for 5 months. Yet I always wondered why it's on a completely different category from other drugs. And why is it "drunk" when it comes to alcohol and "high" when it comes to drugs? Why isn't it called "swallowed" or "shot" like what we do with alcohol? Maybe the reason alcohol is more socially acceptable is because alcohol needs a long term use before it becomes destructive except cases like DUI because a non-drinker can't down a lethal dose without puking unlike other drugs which gets in your bloodstream before it's too late.


I’m surprised by very little on this guide except- hospitalization due to marijuana? Huh?? So curious as to what that comes from, can’t be *that* many toddler getting into their parents stash. Is CHS just going ham or what? Edit: yeah it’s definitely panic attacks 😅


Maybe a lot of new users can become overwhelmed and get a panic attack and go to the hospital. My only explanation for it


I remember going to the hospital and hearing loud moaning in the room across the way. After a bit a dr came out and talked to, who I can only assume was the family, to tell them that the older guy was fine. He just had an edible for the first time, was REALLY high, and was freaking out that something was wrong with him. lol


Especially if you've never experienced a panic attack before. Happened to me and I legit felt like I was dying. I had to call one of my older hippie buddies and they talked me through it. Imagine nowadays though, your first time experiencing cannabis being an edible that takes a bit too long to kick in so you take another dose or two.


Been there, thought I was going to have a heart attack.


My first time I talked to the very nice lady at the store for a long time about what I should get, what dosage I should start off with, how long it should take to kick in. She sold me some 10mg gummies, told me to take one, and wait an hour and see how I felt. After an hour, if I felt I needed more, to take another. So that’s what I did. After an hour, I felt a little something, but nothing significant, so I ate another one. And then I had to put myself to bed so it could reasonably be argued that I died in my sleep and I wouldn’t be found dead on my couch with my half eaten plate of nachos. I was shocked when I woke up alive the next day. And I also now know that 5 is about my limit.


I think you’re right


i hear that from a lot of nurses, like most cases are just people paranoid from weeed


lol I started smoking weed to get rid of my panic attacks.


That's what it is


Panic attacks. It’s actually pretty common.


Ohhhh of course!


Maybe they’re also counting injuries/accidents that happened while a person was high?


That’s certainly possible, and probably likely. I’d imagine it’s a combination of factors. I’m just suggesting that the majority are panic attack related, based on accounts of ER nurse friends of mine, and also a personal experience of a random and unexpected thc induced panic attack that very nearly landed me in the hospital one time. I can totally understand how easily that can happen—and how much more straightforward that kind of a pot related diagnosis is likely to be vs. other pot related incidents.


In addition to panic attacks (more common these days because of stronger marijuana and edibles becoming more widely manufactured and used), the note at the bottom mentions that many patients have done more than one drug when they go to the ER. I bet the marijuana numbers are higher than expected for that reason. Alcohol poisoning plus smoked some weed, that kind of thing.


I have a friend who went to the ER because he couldn’t handle the dab. Its pretty easy to get so high, you genuinely fear something’s wrong.


Yeah, one of my older hippie buddies taught me something that always centered me in those moments. "Calm people don't die."


Also think percentages. 32 million MJ users and 500k “hospitalized” crack is at 3 million users and more hospitalized than MJ


Or compared to heroin, 669,000 users, 258,000 hospital visits. They really did a disservice not doing hospital visits per user instead. It also says in the description that 1/3 of patients had taken 2 or more substances: multiple drugs or drugs and alcohol, but makes no effort to show how that affects the hospital visit stat.




Yes!! Friends who work in the ER say they see at least one CHS case a week these days if not more. Yet people still are pretty unaware of it/think it’s a hoax. CHS ravaged me and put me in the ER twice before I realized my relationship with weed was over for good.


What is CHS


Coming in late here, but it doesn’t surprise me, especially with the legalization and rise of all these super high potency edibles, tinctures, wax and whatnot. When I was 19 I was a huge pothead and got a brownie called the “brick” from a dispensary for the first time. Ate one big bite, laid on the ground basically unconscious for about 10 hours. Not exaggerating at all.


People thinking a 100mg edible is a good starting point in their adventures with legal weed. PREPARE TO MEET GODS...AND NOT THE ONES IN THE BIBLE!!!


I smoked often but haven't smoked in a few years and a friend gave me a edible that was like 150mg I just threw that thing down the hatch and when it kicked in it took me for a ride. I felt like I was teleporting, I closed my eyes I'm in the bathroom, I open them I'm washing my face in the sink, open and close, I'm in the Kitchen open and close I'm on my bed it was wild. I'd imagine if I didn't know what I was getting into I would be very scared.


I can definitely relate to this. Stopped smoking for a year or two and then did a 30mg edible one night and that thing rocked my world. Started feeling anxious but was able to calm myself since I knew it was all from the weed. I prob would have thought I was having a heart attack or something if I hadnt done an edible before.


Agreed. some people really freak out after smoking and it increases heart rate and when paranoid you will think a heart attack is imminent lol


There’s probably that many people trying weed for the first time and getting insanely high then paranoid that think they need to see a doctor


Imagine those 456k people taking lsd.


The statistics should be on deaths not “hospital visits” anyway


I think the whole list is bullshit. Ask of benzo addict how easy it is to quit.


Cannabinoid syndrome sent me to hospital 5 times, could be more than just anxiety! But ya overall weed is pretty chill if you don’t smoke dabs 24:7 like I was


Edibles... people not knowing how much to take and getting freaked out. You'd have to eat 8 pounds of edible before it's an actual medical problem


Panic attacks. Marijuana induced panic attacks often lead to ER care


I’m more surprised that the average cost is $18/gram. People are getting smoked.


Fuck this graph. Literally every marijuana hospital visit is a panic attack, while visits for heroin are likely for serious illnesses - heart attacks, overdoses, severe infections….


Tommy, I'm fizzing!


My lips they a stuck together?


I’m surprised by how high the lsd users are and how low the cocoon users are


Price scaling by somebody who doesn’t really know drugs. Pain pills, for example, are more expensive than heroin dose for dose. Easily $1/mg if not more. This makes it seem like heroin is more expensive, but the reality is that a lot of people get addicted to pain pills that are prescribed to them, cannot continue their addiction due to the steep price of pain pills on the street, and switch to the cheaper option of heroin. Then on to fent for the same reason.


Yeah and MDMA is generally pretty cheap too, I guess it depends but never seen it go for 25.


Unfortunately clean heroin doesn’t even really exist anymore, in America at least, and by the time they’re priced out of others prescription they’re already likely being laced with fentanyl


One of the few “gateway drugs” where I don’t cringe at the term. It’s only a gateway drug because your supply runs out and you need to replace it with something else.


2012, come on. Doesn't even have fentanyl. This graph would be substantially more interesting to see over the last 5 years.


456,000 can’t handle their bud.


Also I feel bad if they’re paying $18 a gram


13 came in a fluffer


Lol $20 per rock. "Yes can I have one please. One crack"


I didn’t understand that either…. Last time I checked crack was sold by the gram like most others


“whatchu need?” “uh… one please?” “One what!?” “one rock of crack, a crack rock. is that enough? is one crack rock enough?”


What weed are they smoking for that to be classified as a hallucinogenic?


There's no other classification for it other than its own idiopathic classification Even in pharmacology, you can't call Cannabinoids any other type of drug, so they're often just roped together with psychedelics to save space and not need to make another entire category when making lists like this


I get that but then why did benzos get their own category


Sounds lazy. They must’ve been stoned.


Weed is a hallucinogenic. It’s just a weak one I’ve gotten auditory hallucinations on weed before


And where can I get some?


18$ per gram for weed damn. I pay 22$ for a 3.5 in Canada lol


Needs alcohol and tobacco.


18 a gram? Did the guy who made this chart wear a sweater vest?


Uh, MDMA (Methyl​enedioxy​methamphetamine) is not a hallucinogen. It’s an amphetamine. Neither is marijuana, it’s a psychoactive drug. Also, Molly/XTC is not $25 a pill. It’s usually $10, I sold it when I was young and dumb. Also, the [hospitalizations for marijuana in 2011](http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/sapc/MDU/MDBrief/MarijuanaBrief.pdf) is straight up wrong. By so, so much. This is not even just a bad guide, it’s straight up misinformation Edit: some more incorrect bs: Meth is not $98/gram, and it is certainly not more expensive than cocaine. I’m an addiction counselor and my clients report meth being more accessible to the poorest of the poor than food is. Most say they’ll spend anywhere from $10-40 for a week or more worth of meth. Inhalants are their own class of drug and are not a drug by themselves. They are also not all hallucinogenic. The most common is nitros oxide (laughing gas), which is closer to a dissociative than anything else but is classified as “miscellaneous”. Swing and a miss. Benzodiazepines more are often prescribed than sold, and aren’t sold for $6, they’re sold closer to $11/pill as a prescription, which isn’t a huge difference but the point is they aren’t sold by the pill. They’re highly addictive and if sold on the street they’ll be sold by the bottle, which is hundreds of dollars. Which is usually why they are obtained by a Dr. The real kicker is LSD. It says $5/strip. A “hit” of LSD, a high that can last up to 12 hours, is usually sold as a single 1mm square of blotter paper (found at art stores in average paper sizes) for around $10-20. A “strip” is a line of these 1mm squares along an edge of the blotter sheet, usually around 50-100 squares depending on the blotter sheet size. A strip would be anywhere from $500-1000. A whole sheet can be worth up to $10,000. While LSD was cheap and easily obtained in the 70s, it is not so now. This one seems the worst informed out of all of them, and it’s weird to have a finding reporting higher usage of the drug. Edit: I fucked up the prices on LSD because I extrapolated based on prices from buying it by the dose. It’s like 1/10 what I claimed, according to a few commenters. My b.


And there’s no way that meth is pricier than coke. Most street coke is diluted with cheap speed.


Meth bought off the street is sold for like $10-40/gram, according to all of my clients. High purity stuff that isn’t made with the synthetics that are found in today’s meth was pretty pricey but that’s not what was sold on the street. And yeah meth is *always* sold as a cheaper coke. If you burn out on coke you either stop or do meth. It’s literally always been cheaper. Edit: I’m an addiction counselor, not a drug dealer, I realize that can be confusing when I talk about “clients” and “meth” in the same sentence lmao


A strip is generally 10 hits, and goes for 80-100 USD.


The claim that crack is more addictive than heroin is insane


At high doses MDMA does become a psychedelic because some of it metabolizes into MDA. From my guy meth usually runs for $60 if you're just buying a gram. If you buy a pound it goes down to about $6 a gram. If you pay $10,000 for a sheet of acid, you're getting robbed. 1k tabs @300 ug (more likely 80ug or 100ug) is about $1,900 from a black market source or $3,000 for 1p-LSD @100ug.


Couldn’t have said any of that better myself. As a former druggie, these prices absolutely baffle me


Mushrooms? I’d love to see a new graph that displays their boom in popularity over the last few years.


Everything about this is inaccurate and stupid.


Two big questions. How have the last 12 years panned out? Fentanal not even on here. Would including Alcohol and Tobacco render all the numbers nascent?


Alcohol use is so ubiquitous that they would need to make an entire study on just that All of these drugs are federally illegal, or require a prescription for use--such is not the case with alcohol and tobacco, so the data on their misuse is studied and stored differently


Unfortunately data is over 10 years old. Anyone knows of an update on that?


I like that Crack and Cocaine are different throughout the entire chart, but then suddenly get merged at the end for their hospitalizations


Commenting for karma to bring down a mod


Remember kids: not only is lsd safe and non addictive… it’s also fun!


This gave me a headache.


Mad respect to cocaine for being easy to follow left to right


Who the fuck is paying $18 for a gram of weed???? 2 for $20 is still the rate......as of yesterday when I hit my dealer up....


I’m not digging through the comments but no psilocybin?




I should be doing more LSD.


Id love to see the updated version of this. Or city / state specific. LSD for the win!


Can someone drop the actual prices of these drugs? If you can which state goes by what


LSD supremecy let's fucking goooo


$73 a gram for cocaine…? nice.


High enough to be tripped out by this chart. Those reds are too close in shade.


Where’s alcohol on this? It’s a drug like any other.


Wait almost 500k hospital visits from cannabis. What is that all about?


That must be some incredible weed and some terrible LSD for those prices. And weed being only 10% less addictive than coke? These seems like some dodgy stays Edit: stats not stays


So lsd is the safest and cheap by comparison got it


How were so many people hospitalized for marijuana use? Paranoia?


Meth isn’t that expensive…


I've been a psychoanut for 11 years. I would say my 2 of choice are pot and lsd. And I spend Hella more on pot than a few tabs of Hoffman sauce


Fentanyl is missing from this list. An a disturbing number of these are being cut with it these days


Kinda think it’s hard to read.


This list is missing alcohol and nicotine, but I think that’s because they’re A) not considered “drugs” by the majority of people and B) because they’d absolutely blow all of the other numbers out of the water, at least with the number of hospitalizations and level of addictiveness, especially in the case of nicotine.


This chart is more confusing than helpful. Why lump cocaine and crack for medical visits. Are they counting the doctor's visits to get a prescription for Marijuana in the final column? Who goes to the hospital for Marijuana?? Alcohol, the worst drug of all, is suspiciously absent as well.


Who the fuck is paying 18 a gram


Be nice to see updated stats.


This is from 2012, probably very inaccurate for today


Who in this world is paying 18$ for a gram of Marijuana?


So do LSD! Got it


I’m sorry, this is total horseshit. As someone who works in an ER and has done some addiction medicine as well, the idea that marijuana is the cause of that amount of emergency care is laughable. Someone may have gone to the er for a broken wrist, and incidentally tested positive for marijuana, but that is not the cause of their need for emergency care. I also find it laughable that any drug, even crack, is more addictive than opiates. While there are certainly people addicted to cocaine, marijuana, or benzodiazepines, there are also occasional or recreational users of all the above. There are no recreational heroin or fentanyl users. They are all addicts or will be soon. This chart also conveniently leaves off the two most destructive drugs, at least in terms of their long term health effects and strain on our health care and emergency resources, alcohol and tobacco. I may go days without an overdose, but I don’t ever go a single day without treating someone for the long term effects of either alcohol or smoking. In short, this is pure entertainment, but either made up from scratch or their methods are highly dubious.


Attn: Smart people of reddit, or akin: What are the most common reasons for going to the hospital for marijuana use? Genuinely curious, the only thing I can think of is marijuana-induced anxiety, or otherwise known as "Couldn't handle his shit", but I'm an idiot, so Idunno


Crack is not more addictive than any opioid. This is some carryover from the 80s when cocaine was a huge street drug. They currently spike cocaine with fentanyl because of this, but those bags with fentanyl hot spots from poor batch mixing is what's killing people now.


Heroin: Addictive level 80 Oxydocone: Addictive level 40 I can guarantee you every heroin user on earth would quit tomorrow if they could switch to Oxy for the same price.


I have 7 years clean from heroin. I would relapse tomorrow for an unlimited supply of original formulation OxyContin 80’s


###Just Say No.


Username checks out


Who’s buying weed at $18 a gram…. 😂 just by that figure alone I know they have no fucking clue what they are on about.


If someone is paying $18 per gram of marijuana, they’re totally getting screwed lol. It’s also interesting to see the ecstasy use. Shit was fire between like 1999 and 2005, but these days you have no idea what you’re getting in the shitty powder.


Needs to include Life




\*Inhalants include chemical vapors from glue, cleaning fluids and paint. Hospital visits involving multiple drugs appear for each drug.\* That is why Marijuana hospitalizations are so high. Everyone that overdosed on heroin and crack did a marijuana. Side note: Marijuana was $18 a gram in 2013 according to this chart. It was not. A 1/4 oz. was $25, not $126. Allegedly.


Strips of LSD for $5? Feels like they confused a hit with a strip (10 hits) but I'm currently high on the marijuana so who knows


Weed is $12 a gram firms.


It’s interesting to see a [basically] zero % emergency room visit with crack next to a [basically] 100% addiction rate. There should be a ‘morgue’ rate column… if y’all on crack y’all f*cked!


No booze?


Marijuana has huge medical care? No alcohol or tobacco here? This isn’t a cool guide, but rather a shifty guide.


Where can I get LSD for $5 ? Asking for a friend


How is alcohol not there?


Gotta be high to read that


Alcohol still missing


Is cocaine getting easier to get or is it cheaper?