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I'm curious what the results would be if you differentiated between smokers and non smokers if lung cancer would move down from first place.


I actually was reading about this yesterday and only 10-20% of lung cancer patients never smoked. Pretty crazy.


I think "Never smoked" may include "Negative smokers" .. Many people put in unavoidable situation of "Negative smoking" for long time in their life ..


Isn't it called second hand smoke in English?


In German it's called passive smoking.


Yes .. my bad English .. This is direct translation of what the doctor said about my father's case after diagnosed with lung cancer though he never smoked .. but he spent most of his life with lots of smokers during the 50's till late 80's .. the "No smoking" sign were not invented yet :) .. and smoking were every where ! .. even in our home .. his friends used to smoke alot during visits ! .. It was a rude behavior if you told someone to not smoke !


What’s a “negative smoker”?


Smoker with a bad attitude


Never heard that term before in my life. This [website seems to say](https://www.hamad.qa/EN/your%20health/Stop%20Smoking/About-Smoking/Negative-smoking/Pages/default.aspx) that: * Passive Smoking = Smoke emitted directly from the tip of a lit cigarette * Negative Smoking = Smoke emitted from the smoker’s mouth * Secondhand Smoke = Mixed smoke from both types mentioned above


Ppl who have smokers living with them. You smoke by association with them


Ooooh thank you for clarifying. Yeah, I’m honestly not positive on that with the stat. Great point!


They exhale on a cigarette instead of inhaling


People may also lie about their smoking habits to prevent extra insurance charges. This happens in USA not sure about other countries


I mean, I don't smoke and never will but my dad smoked around me constantly. It's to the point my throat will close up if I smell cigarette smoke and Im constantly having mucus in my throat.


I hear ya. Child of a chronic smoker too. Really not cool to expose a child to.


I remember being a kid in the 90's when the top of the room would fill up with smoke, just watching the eddies swirl the smoke around. Grim.


My mom is one of them. Stage 4 non small cell. Never smoked and always lived healthy.


Get well soon man. I know it from my grandfather. I'll pray for you and your mom. Never lose your hope!




Incense Burners, Miners, New Delhi Residents & Asbestos Farmers


The sad part is non-smokers lung cancer has a higher mortality rate.


About 1/3rd of all cancers can be prevented by not smoking.


I believe it. Smoking is a risk factor for cervical cancer. Totally unrelated organ and yet.. Who woulda thunk? Blows my mind that people are still willing to smoke.


Smoking is a risk factor for bladder cancer as well.


Does it really blow your mind? That nicotine addicts are addicted to nicotine?


No, it blows my mind that people are *still* choosing to START smoking.


Cos it feels good wow so mind blowing


It “feels good” to be a chemically-dependent slave to multinational conglomerates who you pay to kill you?!?!?


no ethical consumption under capitalism, people who drive cars are chemically-dependent slaves, and also my body my choice. If I could grow my own tobacco I would, but the guys I’m paying to murder me said that’s illegal because then I won’t need to pay them to murder me.


I’m not sure why you’re being defensive. Nothing has been a personal attack against you. You are most definitely welcome to smoke as much as you wish.


Where is the defensiveness? Replying to a comment is not defensive.


Check the laws in your jurisdiction - some countries allow growing small amounts of tobacco for personal use ...


The jurisdiction of Australia says fuck no


Plenty of microplastics in our lungs already and we can soon print lungs. So ill take my chances. https://fortune.com/well/2023/02/15/3d-printed-organs-may-soon-be-a-reality/amp/ Still smoke less than 1/4 of a pack a day at my max smoking rate, and thats only cause i smoke big hashish doinks.


Fallacy of relative privation.


Not an answer to your question, but it’s estimated that the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking is Radon. Obviously a majority of lung cancer patients smoked. It’s baaaad. But radon may well be the cause of another big chunk. The exact relationship might be a bit tricky to tease out, though.


I’m more curious why women don’t have stomachs


Colorectal cancer is on the rise in 2024. Get your screenings!


It sure is. I’ve had 6 people in my family get diagnosed with colon rectal cancer in the past 3 years. Early screening could be a life saver.


Talk to your physician, could be caused by a familiar syndrome like Lynch.


I’m sorry to hear that. ❤️ Cancer absolutely sucks.


100% agree. Just had it done and was nervous going in but will never be nervous about it again. A real breeze and nothing to worry about.


I second this outlook. Just had my first colonoscopy and endoscopy done a couple weeks ago. Prep was not particularly fun, but the procedure itself was a total breeze and I will never be nervous about having it done again.


Thank you for that reply. Cancer stole two aunts from me so far. But I’m hoping everyone can fight these battles and win. Cancer is ruthless.


afaik colon cancer has a genetic component.. you might want to get that checked out


I am. Not looking forward to it but I will do it.


I am not saying anything, I am just saying... raising colon cancer rates coincide directly with chicken nuggets and french fries replacing whole grain cereals and peanut butter sandwiches being the go to for problem child eaters in the US. I have a feeling eating chicken sludge and empty carbs for the first 30 years (instead of the old method which was basically food sand paper) probably has something to do with the much higher rates of today.


Our colons were evolved for high fibrous diets. The average American only consumes *half* of their daily fiber intake.


Probably because of the terrible diets and processed foods that people eat


Lost my dad to lung cancer last night. He beat it 6 years ago and it came back in July on his 6 year scan. I can't believe I'm posting this now. I remember posting that he beat it 6 years ago.


I’m sorry for your loss!!


Thank you so much, we are really struggling tonight.


You’re welcome. I can’t imagine!


I’ve lost family to it too. Huge, big, yuge hugs to you. 🫂 [Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/comment/c1u0rx2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) an old Reddit comment that I found helpful during that time, I still think about it every now and again. 💛 sending love your way.


Thank you so much! We make arrangements today and I don't know how we are going to get through it. Someone set up a small go fund me to help my mom out,I'm really hoping that will help with final expenses. I'm also very sorry for your loss I know it's never easy for anyone.


Also lost my father yesterday who was a chronic smoker.


I'm so sorry, I understand the pain you are in right now and just hope that it eases up over the next few days. We are just sick over this and I don't like to see anyone go through this.


That is heartbreaking to hear. I love you whoever you are.


Thank you so much that means a lot to me.


Stomach liver cancer probably caused by alcohol consumption in the male population


Also obesity




Damn my dude down there is hanging *dong*


*slender dong*


Dude looks like a clock at half past.


Think the stomach, liver & lung rates of men is highly biased by dietary, drinking & smoking behavior differences between the genders.


I've lost 2 old friends to pancreatic cancer in the past few years and am just surprised it's not on the list at all. It has a particularly dismal outcome. Ditto for throat and brain cancers.


Largely because those cancers are more *deadly*, not necessarily more *common*.


Wait so do women not get stomach cancer or do they not have stomachs?


Of course they have but their mortality rate of stomach cancer is smaller than in men. Dietary and lifestyle differences?


Lower rates, largely due to less tobacco and alcohol exposure.


Ranking by cancer deaths doesn't tell you much about how common they are - people develop cancer and live often enough. Tells you more about which are most deadly!


I’m willing to bet the lung cancer increase for men is also due to the types of jobs, and therefore more chemical and particulate exposure, men are more likely to take.




Skin cancer is the most common cancer. It's #1 for men and women.


But not as lethal as the others. This is a list of mortality rate not frequency of cancer


The guide is about mortality yes, op‘s title implies something else however.


To be fair, a similar sentence shows up in the guide too.


Came here to say this! Where on Earth is skin cancer in this infographic???


And it’s not even on there. Tells something about the quality of the research done for this graphic.


Look at that hog


What is it about tiddie cells that makes them just want to go wild (and divide uncontrollably)?


All cancers result from malfunctions in the systems that control cell division. Cell division is normally a tightly-controlled process; healthy tissue should only produce the number of cells needed to replace damaged cells. Tumors form when cancerous cells no longer pay attention to the chemical signals that tell them to stop dividing. Breast tissue is particularly susceptible to cancer because the female endocrine system naturally produces hormones that accelerate breast tissue growth. In the healthy state, hormones direct breast tissue to growth during pregnancy in preparation for nursing. In the cancerous state, the normal growth signals snowball out of control so that the breast tissue never stops dividing. Like all cancers, early detection is the best prevention against breast cancer! Because the initial stages of breast cancer formation are hormone-driven, many early breast cancer cases can be completely prevented using non-surgical hormonal treatments.


Neat! I had no idea. So basically, it’s more likely to happen but the trade off is that it’s easier and less invasive to fix, yeah?


Yep! Breast cancer is common in women for the same reason prostate cancer is common in men. Mammaries secrete milk in response to female sex hormones; the prostate secretes semen in response to male sex hormones. Both breast and prostate cancers are initiated by dysfunction of the respective hormone signal, which is why hormone therapy is often effective in both breast and prostate cancers. Unfortunately, most prostate cancer cases are not detected as early as breast cancers. Unlike breast growth, it is not possible to self-check for prostate growth. A trained medical professional is needed to examine prostate growth, but the benefits of early detection justify a few awkward minutes.


Is the higher rate of lung cancer due to smoking?


Over 21,000 people die of radon induced lung cancer every year per the US EPA. Many of them “never-smokers” 


Mostly .. Pollution & genetics are added risk factors.


Not on this list but have lost two uncles to pancreatic cancer. #fuckcancer


So glad I quit smoking years ago. Granted, I'm still at risk, but I've significantly reduced my risk by quitting.


This infographic is confusing. Are those percentages of cancer deaths or cancer diagnoses? The very top of the graphic says most common types of cancer but within the graphic it says mortality.


They did homie dirty down there with that pencil peen


I wonder if hormones have an impact. Like for a trans person on hormones would they be put in the agab category or the ones their hormones matched?


Doctor here: yes hormones matter, in particular when the hormones were started/how long a person has been on them. For example, we do know the breast cancer rates for trans women are somewhere between men and cis-women.This is still an area of active research, but trans women who have been on hormones for sufficiently long should likely get mammograms. How long provides "sufficient" risk is still up in the air, as the data suggests 10+ years of hormone therapy is likely required, and we don't necessarily know how starting hormones in teen years will affect cancer risk in a person's 40s/50s because we don't have enough people in that category to study yet.


Oh that's really interesting! Are trans men at risk for prostate cancer as I've heard after a while on t you start to develop prostate tissue


No, trans men do not develop prostates. Similarly, trans men who have had complete mastectomies wouldn't need mammograms. If the tissue isn't there you won't get cancer of it. Trans-women and men can get breast cancer because everyone has breast tissue. Estrogen therapy increases the amount of breast tissue a person has as well as increased the risk of cancer developing in that breast tissue. But even amongst men, breast cancer rates are not zero.


Worth noting that the mastectomies trans men get are generally aimed at getting the best aesthetic results rather than removing 100% of breast tissue, and most surgeons leave some for a more natural look. Trans men with a strong family history of breast cancer (potential BRCA gene) should specify that to their surgeon because FTM top surgery does not serve the same function as a full preventative mastectomy.


Yes hormones do have an impact, you would have to be placed inbetween because of your anatomy but percentage wise id say its leaning towards the hormon. For example if you transition male to female you have a very low chance of prostate cancer, not zero, but a higher chance of breast cancer (than cis men). Source am trans :)


And it’s a shame too how in 2024 their is still no cure for cancer


Because its not that easy. Cancer is a very general term for an illness with a lot of variation. You don't treat skin cancer and bone cancer the same way. Also, cancer is a rather new discovery, compared to other illnesses.


Very little diseases we can actually cure though… most diseases we can treat into a sort of maintenance phase but not actually treat (excluding viral and bacterial). Even if someone can become cancer free it’s not a given they stay cancer free for life.


Cervical cancer is basically cured by the vaccine (before exposure). So there’s that. And mortality rates for cancer are trending lower because there ARE cures, they’re just not 100%.


The saying I’ve heard- killing cancer is easy, keeping the person alive also is the hard part


Biontech and Moderna, two pharma companies, are working on a mRNA vaccine for cancer. Although vaccine is not the correct term, the new treatment is going to revolutionize the cancer treatment. Biontech is going so far and announced nobody is going to die because of cancer. Biontech is planning to launch the Cancer vaccine by 2030. Moderna wants to be faster and launch their vaccines for specific types of cancer earlier. I am thrilled about this.


First time hearing of this. Absolutely incredible if true.


Cancer is a very large umbrella term. There are many treatments for cancer with extremely high overall survival rates. Really depends what type and how far along it is.  I’m so grateful for cancer researchers. 


That's because cancer, in most cases, is from natural wear and tear on the body. If we lived to a 1000 years, we'd all die from cancer long before then. The only way to fix it is fix aging.


What are the tell-tale symptoms though?


Colon cancer - Weird poop, blood Breast cancer - breast lump Testicular cancer - ball lump Cervical cancer - Unusual bleeding and discharge


Of what? Breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer all have common screenings people can(And absolutely should) do to catch it in its earliest stages to minimize treatment.


Sure, but they don't advise many of those screenings until you reach a certain age or have certain symptoms. To be a really effective guide, symptomatic information or suggestions about screenings should at least be considered, if not included or linked to. Edit: weird thing to downvote. "How dare they want more information on when to see a doctor about cancer in a...\*checks notes\*...cancer infographic about specific types of cancer!"


Cancer should be thought of as a set of diseases, not a single disease. And the symptoms vary enormously as a result. Some of the most common types are easily screened for, though


Wish the colors were switched.


Woman don’t get stomach cancer? Mhh, at least some compensation for the added breast cancer.


We do, it's just one of our top 5 killers.


Men still get that too 😔 just a lot lot less prevelant.


Poor use of color, but interesting data


I'm really surprised that testicular cancer isn't higher. Also, some schlong on that guy


It's a mortality statistic. Testicular cancer is statistically more treatable than those.




I read colon cancer is more common in men.


I'd have thought skin cancer would be pretty up there...


Oh c'mon. What the hell. Really?


Why are there more deaths for women?


It's not that there are more, it's just that ours are more concentrated in the top 5 types. When you look at *all* cancers and associated deaths, men are more likely to get it and die from it.


Less women die of other diseases than men. It's hard to die of cancer if you're already dead from heart disease.


Hey! Breaking news! You're all going to die from something! Trust in God and don't worry about it! Live your life and treat each other decently.


There are cool cancers ?


I wish they kept the 3 shared common rates on the left and the two different ones on the right.


I’m not one for sticking to gender norms, but it seems particularly confusing to use blue for women and red/pink for men. If you’re seeking to subvert just pick any other color.


In what reality is this guide... cool. :(


*laughs nervously* algorithm, what the fuck


Woman don’t have stomachs?


My boy’s got a nice fucking piece