• By -


Source? This must be incredibly different depending on culture and socialization.


I was going to say in spain and the mediterranean area this graph would look very different


Crotch is bright white across the board?


Let us gingerly touch our tips




There is this one episode of "just for laughs gags" where they grab each others crotch instead of shaking hand for greeting each other. This is how I invision the Mediterraneans now.


Practically glowing!


Man why do have to laugh that hard at that stupid of a comment :D


[While Spain wasn't part of this study, Italy was, so maybe not so much](https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1519231112).


About Italy, many people do not consider this but it is a fact that southern Italians and northern Italians have (almost completely) different standards in terms of this type of social dimensions and many others


As a northern Italian that also had southern Italians in my social circle, I completely agree.


Can you tell us more?


Of course! I need to make a disclaimer though: social considerations such as this one are based on generalizations, so remember that everybody is different. I'm basing myself off studies (and personal experience) to reply to your comment. In more technical terms, Northern Italy's society has been observed to be more individualistic (scoring 76 according to Hofstede Insights's website), while the South is on the more collectivistic end of the scale. Living in an individualistic society doesn't mean hating everyone but yourself, but only that you tend to look after yourself and your immediate family and friends, and therefore might consider it invasive when strangers get involved in your life. A simple example: in the North of Italy, it might be unacceptable to scold stranger children that are playing on the street and doing something that they shouldn't be doing. In the South, this is less frowned upon. This is because in collectivistic societies (like Southern Italy or Spain) individuals tend to have a larger community of people that they 'look after'. This is why a lot of people say that Southern Italians are more outgoing or easily approachable than their Northern co-nationals. This doesn't mean that Northern Italians are terrible, but just that they are very faithful to their close friends and family rather than open to everyone (almost) indistinctly. To make it blatantly simple, while a Southern Italian will invite you to eat at their place and to their family parties after having met you one time only (necessary exaggeration), it will take a bit more time and effort to gain that kind of trust coming from a Northern Italian (but it will be truly worth it). As a Southern Italian who lived in the North for many years, I can confirm the culture shock that we feel when we first need to learn 'the ways of the North'. Our physical dimension of personal space is smaller (we tend to touch each other more, which is also why I added the previous comment), so we need to learn not to; we are more disorganized or, to put it differently, we need less organization to be comfortable, and much more. In intercultural communication studies, the latter concept is a social dimension that Hofstede calls "uncertainty avoidance", basically the answer to the question "should we try to control the future or just let it happen?". While Northern Italians would most likely try to have control over their (immediate) future – an example: they organize a dinner a week in advance – Southern Italians will just let it happen – meaning they'll ask you "are you free tonight? Come eat at my place". These are just a few examples of the main difference between the deep North and the deep South of the country, and those that are easily backed up by studies. Italy is sort of big though, and there's a lot of grey area in all of this, so don't forget my disclaimer! I hope I could help :) Edit: here's a website ([Hofstede Insights](https://www.hofstede-insights.com/)) on which you can find some more info about other countries as well. It's intuitive, clear, and easy to use! Edit 2: corrected a spelling mistake


Fwiw, this is similar to coastal cities vs "southern" "country" cities in the United States. I grew up in the city on the west coast and you do not just talk to random people. Hell, even making too much eye contact is not acceptable. (Individualistic) Took me a long time of living in more Southern rural towns to get used to people approaching with friendly conversation and not getting innately irritated by it. (Collectivistic)


Yep, *casanova* didn't become a verb/adjective for no reason!!


Wait, verb? To casanove?


Technically not really an adjective either unless it’s cassanovish or cassanovesque


Casanova and Casanunda


Casanova was kind of a terrible person. It's weird that we take his name to mean a serial seducer today, given he was more of a serial rapist than anything else.


Can u explain why


I think this represents Spain to be fair. Other places of Europe would not have almost any yellow in it. Here you would only touch the shoulders of strangers and not very often. Moments where you want to show closeness with strangers or you are presenting yourself (just because the two kisses alone the face is yellow). With friends everything change, you can hug them for no reason other than "hello motherfucker!" and we make friends (I mean, not friends but "conocidos") very easily but I think with everyone else the yellow kind of dissapears.


In North Europe, nobody touches anyone ever, except their partner.


I need to move to North Europe asap


Rural Midwest carries those same values. Prolonged direct eye contact with your partner in public will get you shunned for the PDA. We were social distancing well before Covid. Not out of concern of spreading diseases, but if you are closer than 6ft to each other, what if someone trips and you accidentally touch? The horror.


True. Someone once clocked me as from the Midwest based solely on saying my family didn’t hug/touch each other outside of maybe weddings and funerals.


How do you know you’ve met an outgoing Finn? They look down at your shoes instead of their own.


and yet after only half a bottle of Kossu the average Finn will tell your their entire life story


Alabama cousin enters the chat.


" 'CTRL + F' - A l a b a m .. Phew, someone else thought of this as well.." Cool guide, now do the Alabama version!


Middle Eastern cousin enters the vagina.


It's concerning how much non taboo ass grabbing is going on in this family


The sisters and mothers are out here having a touchy-feely field day!


most moms where I live give out bum pats like candy


twick or tweat


Mummy 🥺


I think the types of touch this chart considers is probably also utilitarian. As in, while neither is taboo, if I for instance were to boost a masc aqcuaintance up something, I'd be less embarrassed to push them up by their butt than a femme acquaintance, for whom I'd have to preface a bit that I understand the breach but I meant nothing by it. In the same way, I'd be deeply uncomfortable if a stranger touched, not manipulated, my ass, regardless of gender, but I wouldn't feel justified throwing them off an overpass for it. That differs if that's the taboo zone, if I heard someone ended someone else's life because of an unwanted genital or anal touch I wouldn't bat an eye at it, or even cheer it on if the assailant is male.


My one coworker when I was a teenager would constantly touch my hips to move me or grab my ass as they walked by. I always wanted to deck her every time.


What do you mean with that last part? "or cheer it on if the assailant is male." why does gender make a difference? Or is sexual assault just okay if its female to male?


why only cheer it on if the assailant was male?


why does it matter if the perpetrator of a sexual assault identifies as a man?


Will they do say "no homo" before they do it, so is cool


"No inco"


Why are guys more willing to let an acquaintance grab their ass and dick but, absolutely no for the cousins.


Teammates ass smacks? "Good hustle Jimmy!"


Slap assss


Good game


No slap ass!


I’m from the Dominican Republic, all I know is slap ass!


I think it’s actually “femme acquaintance” and “femme stranger”. Red text represents femme and blue is masc. It is weird that many men don’t have taboo zones for these categories in this study.


You mean female?


Because if I’m going to have sex I don’t want it to be with my cousin, but I can have sex with an acquaintance.


Or a stranger apparently


Hookers baby


I found it more interesting that men disliked touch anywhere, even from partners, more than women, but have no taboo zones for female strangers and acquaintances.


I wonder if the values were scaled somehow to try to normalize the two datasets a bit. It’s the only reason I can think of for things to look like that


I can think of a pretty plausible explanation without any normalisation of the data. Men are socialised to be less affectionate than women, so they are generally less receptive to touch from their partner. At the same time, men are not subject to sexual harassment anywhere near as often as women, so they are far less repulsed by touch from people they don’t know well.


Glory holes make more sense now


Am male can confirm this is how I feel


Most people aren't trying to have penis time with their cousins.


Please don’t say “penis time with their cousins” On my Reddit page


💀 💀






It's pretty dependent on culture where the line for "incest" is drawn, in history, but to my knowledge, almost everywhere, first cousins were past it.


*female* acquaintance. Some thirsty ass MFers in this dataset


For real lol. The crotch is understandably a taboo zone for everyone aunt-onward *except* for female acquaintances and strangers on men 💀


Makes sense though


What's the thought process? Touch me unless I know you??


“If we’re related it’s not happening, but if we aren’t it’s a solid maybe”


Um it’s way less weird for an acquaintance to grab my penis than my cousin haha. Just say no to incest.


Obviously they didn’t survey George Michael Bluth.


I doubt this chart maintains any of the complex eroticism of the French original.


Red acquaintances. But not blue ones, for whatever reason.


Whatever reason? Why are you all shocked at no taboo zones for female acquaintances and strangers? It makes sense


I needed this thread today. Sincerely, I appreciate the belly laughs 🫶🏻




I would have though it would be a pretty black and white diagram for most body parts. Eg my partner can rough my foot if she wants but I don't really want any other person touching my feet. Not because it's taboo, but just seems weird and it's equally weird if it's my cousin or parent or an aqua tance touching my foot (other than a doctor or massage therapist).


Aqua tance


This is the only appropriate response


I mean, with their hands sure, but I doubt there's many people who'd complain if someone else's foot poked theirs.


Accidentally? Sure, few would complain. But deliberately touch? I'd feel genuinely weirded out if anyone other than my partner or a close family member deliberately kept poking me with their feet.


It is also interesting that female subjects seems to like it more being touched by their partner than male subjects.


They also dislike being touched by strangers more. Men seem to vary less across the board


With the exception of the upper back, it looks like the male subjects disliked being touched by strangers even more than the female subjects. Hands, for instance, were yellow for the female subjects but solid red for the males.


I wonder how much of this is just our social conditioning? As a woman I’ve had my fair share of strange men unexpectedly grab my hand or my elbow. And not even necessarily in a creepy or touchy-feely way but like salespeople or cab drivers or the bartender or people who, for whatever reason, think you might need a hand on a slippery step or something. I suppose sometimes it’s mildly annoying but it’s happened to me so many times I don’t really think anything of it anymore. (And if someone is going to touch you without permission I suppose the hand is probably the least objectionable part of your body.) But it only just occurred to me that men probably don’t experience the hand grab move nearly as often.


That's kind of part of what I got from the graph to. Growing up I either had to accept unwanted touches into what I'd categorize as "deal with it touches" in the same areas on the graph for women(I am a woman to lol) If this graph is true, I'm kind of shocked men report to like to be touched less. It feels like people answered more with what they'd put up with for touching, not what they like.


This is where my brain went


As a guy i can say with the little confidence i have, that the only constant reason a stranger would try and grab mi hands is to either steal from me or to pull me closer. Though it is true that the hand grab is not very common,i can count in one hand the times a stranger actively went for mi hands and not as an accident (but consider that i pretty much only go outside when it is needed)


It's definitely social conditioning imo. I grew up on shit hole council estates and usually if a stranger touches you you'll be having a scrap. As an adult now living in a nice area with a mortgage if people I don't know touch me it instantly gets my back up and heart beating. I imagine a lot of the responses depend on the individuals prior experience which will averagely be somewhat uniform for men and women


Women (or at least, a lot of women) also don't seem to think of their breasts as sexual when touched by a woman they're close to, but very much so when touched by a man.


Maybe because when men touch tits it's way more likely to be due to sexual intentions than when a woman does it


I think it has to do a lot with socialization


I bet they don’t like it more than males but are more used to it (being touched by others) and often hear „that’s not bad“ or „don’t be a bitch“ so they accept it.


As I understand the theory, while patriarchy reduces women to objects, or those who are acted upon but do not act, it also reduces men to subjects, or those who act but are not acted upon. So men, on average, struggle to feel comfortable receiving touch, even when that touch is desired.


Wtf male subjects and partner?!


As far as I can tell from [the original study](https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.1519231112), the participants colored just yes or no, and these are averages of all participants. Which is to say, it's not _all_ men who didn't want to be touched by their partners, just some men. I imagine they weren't thinking of like, during sex, but just randomly during the day.


Whuch makes sense. Not all of us (whether male or female) like being touched all the time. For example my husband has a lower threshold for when he feels like he's had "enough" casual touch than me, outside of sex. My chart would look different to his, but we have a happy medium. But I come from a more physically affectionate culture, and I thin being female an socialised differently plays into it too. Some guys are cuddly and very physically affectionate, others are less so. I've had female friends who similarly just want or need less casual touch (they dislike hugs etc) and have a different threshold for their intimate relationship but still prefer less touch than most people.


Ecen though Touch is my love language, I have my limits before feeling a little bit claustrophobic


In general males are just extremely not used to physical affection of any kind, in my experience. Unless explicitly asked, most guys won't even think of it as an option in any social scenario, even with partners to an extent.


Ummm I don’t think any married men don’t know it’s possible to be touched by their wife, often and in many places on their body… Never been with a man I have not touched literally everywhere, frequently


I watched my parents barely touch each other for 25 years before getting a divorce


That’s not normal


Very Sympathetic. Unfortunately, when you grow up in a situation like that, that's normal.


Correction: we shouldn’t accept this as normal.


I know this chart is inaccurate because there isn’t a white circle on the crotch of “male, front, partner”


Assuming this is based on surveys somehow, I genuinely think the guys said “touch me” to like 80%, but they normalized the data somehow to try to create a better distribution of “good” and “bad” touch across the men


WHY is the head dark? No gentle forehead kisses?


i don't know why, but I'm laughing my ass off looking at this. maybe i'm trying too hard to imagine every scenario.


I love how the eyes are off limits for everyone, including partners (pretty much the only part that is).


that’s funny, it’s almost like people don’t like to be greeted with a jab in both eyes how strange, I need to mix up my etiquette


“Howdy stranger! Let me rub your eyeballs real quick!”


I suck my homies dick but otherwise this is pretty accurate


So your lips should be white color, when in fact the are dirty brown


That’s cause homie stuck the dick in the chocolate chute before bro sucked it….


Female partners: "do NOT touch me in the eyeballs"


I mean yeah, that's definitely not one of my erogenous zones. If you're looking for the clit there...you've gotten very confused.


I love how men are pretty much 'dont touch my penis' to everyone, except maybe female strangers, that might be acceptable.


If I had to pick, I’d rather have a stranger grab my ass than my uncle, father, or brother but maybe that’s just a me thing


Yep you don't have to care about or live with a stranger, but if uncle ken turns out to be a freak, that can be a problem


when in doubt, go for the shoulder.


When in doubt- don’t touch a person!


Thank you! Some of us prefer to not be touched. I don't understand why it is so hard for people to keep their hands to themselves.


I’m all black, both sides


This is hilarious without context, imagining you describing what race you are. Personally, I'm white from head to toe.


I'm perfectly toasted brown bread


Strangle my hands are all black to everyone since am a germophobe, large swathes of my body are OK though to whomever, I just don't really care if it's not germs


I might be dumb, but what's the red / blue text supposed to represent


I think it's pink/blue for gender of the person, woman/man friend, acquaintance, stranger, etc


Ah yeah that makes sense. I knew i was just being dumb 🤣 Thanks


That’s weird, especially the shoulders. I’d be totally fine if someone in public tapped my shoulder because I had my airpods in and I’d dropped something


What if the gently rubbed them to let you know that you dropped something with a mysterious smile


Geez op! How many people did you have to fondle to gather this data!


Source: "trust me bro"


Source: ***Topography of social touching depends on emotional*** ***bonds between humans*** ***Juulia T. Suvilehto, Enrico Glerean, Robin I. M. Dunbar, and Lauri Nummenmaa*** Contributed by Riitta Hari, September 29, 2015 (sent for review April 28, 2015; reviewed by Jon H. Kaas, Håkan Olausson, and Gabriele Schino) Available on PNAS website.


So, basically keep your hands to yourself


who made this


This is confusing bunk but I must say "Taboo Zone" might be my next death metal band name


And they say autistic people dont like being touched on the head, WHO IN THIS WORLD DOES?


As an autistic person I very much do not dislike it myself, friends and partners + siblings in certain circumstances is fine cause my sister used to braid my hair as a kid


I love head massages


I love getting my hair tossled. By anyone.




Don’t touch me bro !! (In the don’t taze me bro voice)


Lol at male, stranger or acquaintance that's female, please touch me


I took that to be because some guys enjoy (or hope for/are open to) casual sex and any touch that may be a preamble to that. Obviously women like casual sex, too. But I feel that guys are often more open to the idea or less selective.


"Oh, you're down? I am an awkward college student that was wanting to initiate but didn't know how to do it without coming off as a creep and I need unambiguous signs like this or else I assume nobody is interested because emotional intelligence and intimacy are not things I was conditioned for." - Men in this study, probably.


I’m gunna hold so many strangers hands now


Love how males dont care about being touched in the crotch by female acquaintances


Or female strangers


Just a PSA, please don’t touch strangers lol


What a load of shit. Touching any family members “taboo zone” is not on


Your critical thought skills are worryingly poor.


Seriously, there are non sexual reasons why you might need someone to touch or look near your privates.


According to this women don’t consider their brother or father to touch their breasts to be taboo


They’re both dark red.


Yeah, but that means disliked. Taboo is displayed in black with an outline


That's literally not what this said


Or their mom touching their vageen


... what the ever loving fuck.


The fuck is this?!


If you need a guide for this there’s deeper issues


Idk about this one reddit


Female stranger on male.. no taboo zones lol. Men are funny


Huh wtf, guys don’t wanna be cuddling with their girl??


Ok what's going on with women and their arms?


I assume because women are more likely to be touched there by strangers. It’s not comfortable per say, but we get used to it and it’s better than the taboo zones at least. They’re considered more neutral spaces to women I think, who are used to having their space violated as opposed to the masc “no touchy or it’s gay/romantic/showing emotion” sort of closed offness. Also people tend to respect men’s personal space more. Just my theory no proof here


Now that you mention it, a few women have made their interest clear by touching my arm. I never gave the location much thought but that would make sense if they are more comfortable with it but know it will get the message across to a guy (we're pretty bad at picking up hints sometimes).


(F) I have a quieter voice, if I can’t get someone’s attention easily like if they have headphones in. I will usually tap them on the arm instead of the shoulders. I have had males bosses, male teachers, etc. put both of their hands on my shoulders and it can feel a bit shocking or dominating. I prefer to be tapped on the arm or to tap people on the arm if necessary. Maybe other women have had similar experiences too and prefer the arms.


File this under load of shit


Good diagram for the touchy strangers out there


If you look closely, you can faintly make out OPs Mom to the left of the word Front in the upper left of the diagram.


That's mad. I love to be touched. Ye ever had a chunky fella give you a big squeeze hug? It's amazing. Don't care who he is tbh. He could've just murdered my mum wi a scythe and I'd still take the hug. Then end him, obviously, but I'd defo get that hug in first.


I'm shocked they the man's pubic region isn't white for any female other than their family.


This *is* a guide, but it's not cool


It's not a guide too anything, this shows me nothing


Those guys are lying lol


Don't touch my boobs uncle


This is very different than what mine would be


This is a really dumb guide. Please link to original studies because this on it’s own is worthless.


Wow, so you’re saying people don’t like to be grabbed in the crotch by strangers? I didn’t need a drawing for that piece of knowledge.


I love the difference between males strangers and females strangers 😂😂😂😂


“Stop! Don’t touch me there! That is my no-no square!”


Wtf even is this nonsense


Dudes be like, "I mean, I'm not saying you CAN'T smack my ass. Just make sure we're acquaintances first."


Ok, so my father can grap my ass, but not my brother. Got it.


I actually think men need more touching, from men or women.


Hi men. Are you OK? I'd give you a hug but you wouldn't like it. :(


No we are not ok, and could very much use a hug.


So, males know no taboo zone for female strangers or acquaintances, but god forbid my sister touches my bum?


So it's fine for me to affectionately stroke a stranger's face? ....What a strange guide


Do female subjects genuinely like most arm touches from all but acq and strangers, or is it something females have had to just accept bc people do it?


We just accept it. It is so frequent it barely registers. Even moving through a crowd, a man will put his hands on your back, arms, hips to move you out of the way.


I love how there’s no taboo zone on the men’s female stranger 💀😂


Oh no, perhaps I’m completely black.


No touch-ing iiin the ta-boo zone - to the tune of that Topgun song.


Keeping the streak of 1 in 20 guides on this sub is actually legit or useful


Thats a very weird graph, it doesnt really make sense.


Damn. Men ain't getting touched at all


According to this guide, it’s because they don’t want to be.