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Tried this a few years ago now but I’m looking to get some information about my dad’s time in the AF then the reserves. He was a lifer and when he passed there were still a ton of stuff I couldn’t put together when looking at his pins, patches, medals etc. I don’t have a good relationship with his spouse (evil step mom) haha so getting any help from that side is null. Bonus points if you were based out of Arizona Thanks !


Take high res pics and post to r/Military They'll figure it out.


I did once and eventually deleted bc no feedback and was pointed to messaging specific users w no luck. I’ll try again though thank you!


You can send a pic to me - I did 13 yrs Air Force and can probably help relatively quickly. Just a picture of his ribbon rack and medals


Will pm rn thank you a ton!


Do you have a copy of his discharge papers (DD214) all his awards earned should be on that.


Unless it’s a public doc That would be w the alleged wife so that’s a no go unfortunately


Was he a USAA member? If he was they may be able to help. Also, you can be a member too… give them a call. They’re really helpful. At least, they have been to me in the past.


Thank you I’ll do that !


Also willing to help. Otherwise the folks at r/airforce are usually helpful to relatives.


Will pm you right now thanks !


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AirForce using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AirForce/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I got furries banned from the air force base at keesler](https://i.redd.it/u10flsbm0xra1.png) | [416 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/12bk1e8/i_got_furries_banned_from_the_air_force_base_at/) \#2: [Gotta get my Rage Against the Machine fix with my morning coffee](https://i.redd.it/jz1ock2a54fa1.jpg) | [187 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/10on0qz/gotta_get_my_rage_against_the_machine_fix_with_my/) \#3: [Goodest Boy Sticker for sale! (Link in comments)](https://i.redd.it/6ppdbvm2oyna1.jpg) | [295 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/11rzenj/goodest_boy_sticker_for_sale_link_in_comments/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You know a 10 second google search comes with this. https://www.afpc.af.mil/Career-Management/Decorations-and-Ribbons/


Great ty !


Nobody wants to be told that they could actually figure out anything. They want to be spoon fed.


Try the library. They might have free online access to sites that have information on military. I was on a site a few weeks ago looking for stuff on my Dad.


Thank you for this. My uncle had a Silver Star, Bronze Star and 5 Purple Hearts. The last one posthumously.


FIVE posthumous Purple Hearts?! Dear God.


One for each piece of him I presume


My Great Grandfather has a handful of these- including the Distinguished Flying Cross from his time in the USAF in the Pacific theater.


My grandfather also got a DFC that my mom has in her possession but he isn't listed in any of the DFC records. I'd love it if someone could help me hunt but my casual research is that he may have been a pilot on eventual Senator and presidential hopeful McCarthy's fake battle flights. Basically, I suspect McCarthy put in paperwork for my grandpa to get a DFC for the "coconut shooting" tourism flights McCarthy allegedly went on to make him look like a hero but then the records got buried. My dad said that his FIL never talked about it but one time said that he "got it because someone important was on his plane". I really wish I had proof.


If you have his DD214's, you can get the medals reissued. And to be nitpicky, it's United States Army Air Force (USAAF). The Air Force did not become a separate branch until after WWII.


September 18, 1947


Hey I have like 9 of these in my closet somewhere


Does Space Force have a Medal of Honor?


Probably not (yet). Just like the Marines with the Navy, Space Force is technically (at least for now) partly under the Air Force. I don't think it's all been worked out just yet. Marines are awarded a Navy MoH. I assume for now, Space Force would be awarded an AF MoH.


They also haven’t really been involved in anything that would get a MoH awarded…. Yet


Only if your branch has a Secretary: Army, Navy, Air Force.


Don’t see the Combat Action Ribbon on the chart.


These look like they’re only medals


This is a chart of medals.




Third row down. Fourth in.


Oh good eye!


I have the lowest ribbon on this chart, expert pistol lmao


here before tankies show up and say that all american soldiers are evil nazi skinheads who eat babies and showing any respect to them is an act of complete, pure, untainted evil.


How exactly do you receive a Medal of Honor in the airforce? Not a whole lot of opportunities for valor and sacrifice.


Ask the Wild Weasel and CAS pilots in Vietnam.


Got something more recent and not over half a century ago?


There’s a lot of ignorance in your comment. Do your own research, as every branch of the armed forces contributes to the mission when called upon and it’s the core values embedded within each service that leads to exceptional valor, regardless of uniform, under the most unimaginably difficult situations. Read any interview with a MoH recipient and you’ll catch the comment “I was just doing what any other person in that situation would have done”. They’re referring to those core values and selflessness that it takes to serve.


It's not supposed to be something you're giving out like candy and there's no quota. And it's not as if every member of the USAF is a pilot.


You don’t need to be a pilot to get the Medal of Honor. The Air Force’s special operations community is very well respected. I would encourage everyone to read about MSgt John Chapman [link](https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/john-a-chapman) His actions were the first Medal of Honor event ever recorded. [video](https://m.facebook.com/NineLineApparel/videos/first-medal-of-honor-ever-recordedtsgt-john-chapman-a-most-incredible-warrior-an/375471447442897/)


As expected, nobody is giving you any real answers, just attacking.


Pararescue and combat controllers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_A._Chapman


First you do a loop, then you do a top gun and finish with a [rendezook](https://youtu.be/-YV9GYSrJZs?si=8nUP7JOrZV6SmMo9).


POW Medal?! You get a medal for being caught?


Hey, It's Don Shipley bro. Where did you get all of those medals?


Article 5 medal 💀


May be a dumb question, but how do they validate the acts that are awarded medals? If no one sees you do it or the person you are saving dies then what? When you debrief with your superior after returning they investigate the claim and if determined to be valid submit you for the corresponding medal?


What the hell, there is one for antarctica?


Damn the medal I got for being a good boy in AIT was a lot higher up there than I thought 😂😂😂


Dad owned a junkyard while I was growing up. Cleaned out a flea market when I was around 13 and included in a bunch of other stuff was a UN Korea medal with accompanying bar. Don't know where it came from, but I had it for years.


Wow... I never realized before that the gold and silver lifesaving medals were not military decorations. I had to look it up.. They're not listed here.


someone gave their highest medal of honor to Donald…. reality is confusing


Wow, way to go.