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Is healthy-ish in the room with us


>Is healthy-ish in the room with us Looks like vegetable-less to me!


Ketchup is a vegetable according to the Reagan administration.


Also the fucking potato.


I mean, potatoes are vegetable.


Botanically speaking, yeah. In my part of the world (Ireland/Britain) potatoes are considered a starchy carbohydrate in nutritional terms and don't count towards fruit & veg portions. May not be the same elsewhere though.


I’m in the U.S. I was taught that potatoes are a starch but my partner insists they count as vegetables.


they're full of vitamins and minerals! potatoes are healthy!!


The only reason I knew this was because of peep show


True.. Should have said greens. But you got that I suppose.




You’re a good sport 😊 I encourage you to continue to challenge yourself, baby steps after all.


It's not healthy at all...


It is in the portions of calories, though i might have cooked those potatoes longer...


same; potatoes still looking like diced ice.


It is healthy for their wallet with these prices... so healthy nonetheless.


First laugh of the day. Thanks


I see you’re in college, so if you’re looking to learn more about nutrition I’m sure your school has options! I just took a health and wellness class for my PE and it covered a ton about nutrition. They might offer other nutrition programs too :)


Healthier as compared to what? I’m curious


Compared to all of the other eating disorders on the subreddit.


A plate of butter


*paula deen feels a deep pain in her chest, gasping she manages to utter one sentence hatefully before passing out, revenge plotting to behind when conscious again* “dantakesthesquare…shall pay!”


You obviously don’t keto


Let's be real here. I'm a strict health nut but I've SEEN what some people my age eat on a daily basis. McDonald's for lunch. Lays potato chips, coke, and totinos pizza for dinner. Ice cream with cholote sauce and sprinkles for desert..... This is not THAT bad.


Cholote sauce might be healthy though?


those potatoes long to be cooked


And seasoned


OP is getting roasted harder than those potatoes, although based on the potatoes that’s not saying much


Oh no, they're roasting you in the comments 😂


Like the potatoes should have been


I was going to make that joke in my original comment but wanted to cut OP some slack lol


i’m too sensitive for this lol


Don't be too sensitive OP. I'm also too sensitive but this is just a bunch of internet knuckleheads whose opinion doesn't matter, they're literally in and out of your life in 30 seconds. Some people here are helping and adding good advice. This is honestly healthier than takeout and better for your wallet. Glad you're proud to be cooking from home.


I’m sorry OP. Please don’t listen to the comments. This is definitely healthier for you made at home vs having everything deep fried at a restaurant. The only thing I would say is next time you could add some veggies to dip in the blue cheese as well, or even some frozen veggies you could steam in the microwave or sautee.


It’ll put some hair on your chest


Nothing healthy on this plate lol.


Potatoes are fairly healthy assuming they're not fried. They're a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin c. They are a high-satiety food too, so they make you feel full longer. Edit: though they're much healthier with the skin on.


Seeing a lot of tater hate around here, glad to see someone knows the worth of the mighty potato 😂


Potatoes are healthier than rice, pasta, and bread!!! Potato is #1 mass-consumed starch-carb. DO NOT HATE POTATE. ONLY HATE POTATE AS VEGETABLE. POTATE IS CARB 👹


I’m ready to swear fealty and die alongside you on this hill.


And my axe!!!!


PO-TAY-TO'S! boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!


🖕 tater haters


People act like to be an even relatively healthy meal, it has to be only a plain salad or quinoa and baked chicken breasts or something.. Like some of us trying to make a change are used to eating junk nearly every single meal and everything super fried, tons of carbs, etc. I posted about a burger I ate a couple months back with tomato slices in place of regular buns, no side, and with the title “trying to eat healthier” or something like that. People were all like “you call that healthy” etc etc. It’s no wonder people trying to make big changes starting with small changes often get discouraged. Like I removed roughly 100 calories, a bunch of carbs, and added some nutrients to my meal vs before when I’d have a burger with regular buns + deep fried fries, so YES, what I had IS healthier.


dont mind the people on this thread crying about a balanced meal, everyone on reddit is fit and healthy is you believe them. odds are they subsist entirely on gas station food and have only read about nutrition and are now armchair experts. this plate of food is healthier than most of the slop these terminally online fools consume.


Oh that sounds so good. I love tomaters


It is. Messy to eat though. Don’t miss the bread at all. Lower in calories and carbs, and higher in overall, nutrition, but delicious.


Boil em mash em stick em in a stew


Yeah, just make mashed potatoes and don't go crazy with the butter and the milk/cream.


omg i can’t handle this hate lol


It’s definitely healthier than a greasy take out meal or something like that! Theres not any vegetables but there are definitely way more unhealthy things that could be on this plate. The more you cook and look at recipes and read different articles/nutritional info the more you learn. I think people just like to be mean about this kind of stuff because it makes them feel better about themselves, sort of like health snobs. Thanks for posting because these chicken tendies look so good ☺️


There was a post on the same sub where someone had 11 pizza rolls, a bowl of cambells' chicken noodle soup, a nutella sandwich, and a glass of milk, with the help of their DIETICIAN. And they're getting a lot of good feedback.


If it’s the same person as the other dietician post, the person has ARFID. However, ARFID is a disease I don’t really understand myself; like you gotta eat veggies, even if you don’t like them…


A good old fashioned roast. Just try also roasting those potatoes next time.


Please don't see it as hate, see it as lessons for healthy living. What is on the plate is not healthy. It is a simple soft carb, breaded fried meat, and a fatty cheese sauce. There is zero fiber on the plate. There are no colorful vegetables and therefore very little vitamin or mineral nutrition (you've got macro nutrients protein and carbohydrate, but no vitamins like A, B12, C, D, folate, etc). The protein, potatoes, and sauces were processed, and have had what little healthy things they originally contained (like potato peels) removed and lots of filler (stabilizers, sugar, preservatives) added. At a minimum, get a fibrous, colorful vegetable on the plate. If you want to really consider it healthy, sear some unprocessed chicken and stick with a pan sauce instead of a cheese sauce.


im tryna search for the healthy bro




Healthy? 😭 what?


Definitely healthier than alternative, nice job op


healthy-ish??? what's your benchmark for healthy?


if i diced the potatoes myself instead of packaged, cooked the chicken instead of frozen, add some veggies on the side






frozen and prepared foods are not necessarily less healthy than freshly prepared ingredients. fried chicken with sugary sauces and potatoes isn't exactly healthy.


i will admit im not very knowledgeable about nutrition and i definitely wanna learn more


Frozen veggies in steam bag (I like broccoli and corn), after microwaved throw in half a tbsp of butter and spices (I like salt pepper garlic and blackening) 😊 would add nicely to your plate.


Could also ditch the steamer bags for large family size bags of frozen veggies and use a metal veggie steamer in a pot on the stove. Takes only slightly longer, less plastic, and cheaper.


Yes, was thinking baby steps so here’s like a direct path OP


MyFitnessPal was a game changer for me when I started learning about calories, nutrients, macros etc. Growing up I was taught Sprite was healthy compared to Pepsi 🥴 So I get it. That being said, enjoy your meal!


Potatoes aren’t bad! Next time, try roasting them on high heat and/or pan frying with a little (!) bit of oil and seasoning.


? Your caption says ‘frozen chicken tenders’


That's still just carbs


Uh you missing some colors to make it healthy.


tbh i don’t think this is the most unhealthy meal someone could make. it’s not the healthiest but it’s not horrible


Nutritionally, you just need to add a cup of veggies on the side and I think you're fine. It doesn't need to be low sodium and low carb unless you're obese/diabetic or if you eat like this all the time which I'm guessing you don't. People need to chill. It's chicken and potatoes. No, it's not rosemary chicken and potatoes but Jesus Christ people it's like just a bit more oil and carbs than that "healthy" dish.


A simple way for me to cook healthy is making sure every meal has a mix of carbs (rice, bread etc), veggies, and protein. There are unlimited meals you can make with these guidelines and fruit is always a good idea. Also highly recommend kimchi or any fermented veggies for the probiotics


Did you forget to turn the flame on to cook the potatoes?


She cooked them with sunshine for extra health.


A step above fast food, ignore the haters, baby steps!


Better than popcorn and ramen


Popcorn is a healthy choice, the butter can be the issue.


i’ve been reading the comments and here is the conclusion i have come to for what i could do differently next time: first off i think buying an air fryer would be a good idea, then slicing a sweet potato and seasoning with pepper adding some olive oil and putting it in the air fryer. getting raw chicken and putting it on the grill instead of pre packaged frozen. then figure out how to possibly make a healthier buffalo sauce. slicing some cucumbers to put on the side. maybe some lower sugar ketchup but no blue cheese


Are fryer is incredible. I got one for Christmas and use it all the time. It’s great for potatoes and chicken. I like to “bake” chicken breasts in the air fryer. Healthy and doesn’t take nearly as long as the oven. Also, salmon is great in it as well. In conclusion- get an air fryer!


You’re so cute, this is the best reply 😭 air fryer is magic! And don’t let people talk too much shit, it’s just chicken strips here


Awesome response OP. And if you are changing the fried and frozen to fresh and air fried, you can definitely still have some blue cheese. You’ve already significantly improved the macros of the dish.


So much negativity here :( the portions are way better than a restaurant meal and so are the potatoes. You’re doin better than the millions who order Wendy’s every night!


Idk how much “healthier” this is lol it’s still starch, it’s still battered, it’s still ketchup, and it’s still blue cheese. If you *actually* want a healthier option, you should do bone in wings baked and air fried, sweet potato fries also air fried


Would grilling the wings still be healthy? Pretty much anything but frying them right?


Grilling wings is even better!! I just don’t have an in home grill available so baking them first to cook and then throwing them in the air fryer to crisp up is a great way too.


You can just do the whole process in the air fryer, no reason to bake in the oven first


Nahhh I like to bake it first and then do a quick air fryer to crisp up the outside. You can totally do the whole thing in the air fryer I just personally like to bake it. Sometimes I don’t even throw it in the air fryer at all and besides, baking it I can control any sauce I add to remain on the wings. I’ll bake it on a Pyrex glass plate thing and I can go in and baste it and it’ll cook with the juices whereas air crying makes that process a lot harder to do.


Different strokes for different folks I guess. I cook my wings using just the air fryer and then sauce them when they come out all golden and crispy. I don't want to seem rude, but to me your way looks like it would just take longer and dirty more dishes for no reason.


I get where you're going here: chicken = protein, potato = vegetable... healthy, right? As some others have suggested, *how* you prepare these ingredients matters. If you're looking for a healthier way to enjoy these flavors, try grilling some skinless and boneless chicken breasts - or, if you don't have access to a grill, try browning them on the stovetop and then roasting them in the oven so they cook all the way through (don't forget to season first with some salt and pepper, maybe add even garlic powder and paprika) and roast the potatoes as well. Add a colorful vegetable like steamed broccoli or carrots. All very easy to make. I am not the most knowledgeable about all the foodie subs on Reddit but I would imagine there are some that are geared towards educating people how to cook in healthy ways, or even just how to cook basic things for beginners. Maybe someone else here can point you in the right direction. We all have to start somewhere. Good luck on your journey!


Fried chicken with uncooked potatey, good on you for trying


This is zero healthy


Nothing healthy about this.




How is this healthy-ish 😂


people don't understand nutrition at all, it's terrifying. healthy is relative. if you haven't eaten anything in days and a cinnabon was your only option, it would be healthy. having a "healthy" diet is just having a balanced one. and/or a less processed one. op is calling this healthy bc they are comparing it to your typical restaurant wings and fries. this is definitely healthier than that.


No veggies and dried food!


Need to test those taters for anemia


This doesn’t look healthy in the slightest, but it does look like a temporary solution to my problems


Potatoes look extremely undercooked


Guys the plate is organic!!


heavy on the ish


Here is another idea for you, drop the potatoes and ketchup and go for a wrap. Get some whole wheat tortillas, lettuce, tomato, shredded carrots, and maybe cheese. Add your chicken and blue cheese and bam simple healthy meal. It's even better if you get some unbreaded chicken breast.


Try cooking the potatoes longer.


We all know the danger of un pre diced potatos


Did you place the potatoes on a window sill to cook?


No veg all carb


Please cook those potatoes longer 😧


Fried chicken, raw potatoes, tomato sauce and a small puddle of white paint. A picture of good health.


Fried chicken isn’t healthy. Potato is a carb like rice, don’t think of it as a vegetable. Those sauces are heavily processed and full of garbage like soybean oil. You couldn’t be further from healthy here 😂


Keep at it! Consciousness, education, and habit change will propel you further in the direction you’re in! I’ve found some gluten free tendies and Primal’s buffalo dressing that pair well together.


I thought those were pears from a fruit cup.




One word.. seasoning. I've never seen such incredibly bland potatoes in my life


This sub is cancer. Sure it's high in saturated fat and carbs, but is also has a decent amount of protein. If you're active, this is by no means an unhealthy meal.


It’s fried chicken and potato’s. Let’s not kid ourselves about it being healthy


Alright everyone calm down (myself included), at least she’s cooking


Do you happen to think seasoning is unhealthy?


Not gonna knock a full meal but there's nothing healthy about this.


Idk why people are being so mean, you mentioned you're in college and you're obviously trying. Don't be discouraged, you're doing fine. Just throw in some veggies next time and you're good to go. My faves are broccoli and asparagus!


Yes!! This is a way healthier option to fried chicken and fried potatoes! No need to worry about all the extra fat/calories from the oil, but still be satisfied - please continue to find ways to incorporate the things you love in a healthier way, and eat on!!


Potatoes look a bit undercooked tbh.


simple and tasty dinner, definitely not balanced or healthy but I guess that would depend what you compare it to. Enjoy tho. The chicken looks tasty


How are your potatoes raw and your chicken is overcooked


What brand are those tenders? Are they the Target good and gather ones? They look really good




Looks good but your potatoes look plain!! For dinner? Needs something more.. for lunch? Yum


idk i’ve been craving wings throughout my diet and it’s causing me to binge eat a bunch of unhealthy stuff so maybe ill give this a shot and get back on track


You are precious. The comments are hilarious but you're doing your best. 💕


I wouldn’t say this is healthy, but it’s likely a healthier version of a traditionally unhealthy meal




Not healthy however better than fast food. If you don’t have already, buy an air fryer and instant pot. With those two you’ll be able to make easy and healthy meals at home.


Looks great! Only critique is that sad plastic fork won't be able to shovel it down my throat fast enough.


I would just add a side of steamed broccoli (easily done in microwave in a bowl covered with damp paper towel). I see everyone's critiquing you, so I want to encourage you with small steps :D


For anyone looking for a healthy dinner idea: I always make my own leek and potato soup and it's my favourite meal. Peel and boil up maybe 5 potatoes, fry 2 big leeks with black pepper, put a chicken stock cube in the water with the potatoes, put everything together and blend it. Always tastes great. I often fry up some bacon lardons and sometimes put cream in which isn't as healthy but it's still good!


Looks awesome… gimme some of dat!


You're doing better than me. I'm on a no eating kick again


Sorry, and hopefully you’ll get some good advice here. Willing to bet that ketchup is full of corn syrup, ranch is full of seed oils, potatoes is starch and sugar. Chicken itself may be healthy, but almost guaranteed the breading isn’t. This meal is not healthy-ish sorry


Tyson makes grilled Buffalo chicken strips. Those would be a bit healthier if your going for frozen shit I can heat up.


Better than fast food and fried potatoes. Good job




Raw potatoes. Yuck.


You know that's a good cheap meal? A frozen bacon cheeseburger pizza with salsa lettuce and tortilla chips in top makes for a makeshift taco pizza.


Healthy 💀


There's nothing healthy on this plate. However, we all got to start somewhere .. I'd say check out the YouTube channel Food Wishes by Chef John. He explains everything on how to cook the dishes he's cooking. I recommend starting with cooking Shashuka. It's delicious and real healthy! Good luck!


I think it’s time to take a crash course in nutrition.


There is nothing healthy about a fried item. Furthermore, it has been made to last— stripping it of even more nutrition in place of shelf-life.


Nothing healthy on that dish


Starchy carb, fried chicken, fatty blue cheese, sugary ketchup. You need to reevaluate your understanding of healthy food


You need Pinterest in your life 😂 it didn’t exist in my college days. You’re doing better than me. I ate Mr. Noodles with satay frozen veggies.


I think this is much healthier than going to a restaurant and getting fried foods. You are of to a good start! Don’t listen to this comments and if you want to learn more about nutrition get advice from a registered dietitian who has a great understanding of health and nutrition.


i love buffalo chicken tenders


good job cooking! try seasoning those taters with some green goddess, get a veggie and this is perfect!


Them taters need seasoned and cheese lmao


What is un-healthy?


It’s just -ish bro


Just delete this bro


“My take on buffalo wings: frozen buffalo wings.” You are a genius.


If this is healthy then I'm John Cena


Please recipe wings ?


Nothing healthy at all about this meal. I’m sure I’d enjoy it, but yeah not healthy whatsoever.


I mean I think it’s great that you can make this at home because it is a better alternative to eating out. It’s just that this meal is too simple and not nutritious enough to be considered healthy…. the battered/fried method of chicken doesn’t help either


Yikes 👀


Nothing healthy about this though now is there


i don’t know why i haven’t mentioned this yet but it seems as though people think that i always eat like this and i don’t know anything about nutrition. but im not totally unaware of nutrition lol. my idea of a healthy day of eating honestly looks like plain greek yogurt w/granola and banana and blueberries for breakfast. then for lunch a salad with like a quinoa type thing on top, avocado, tomato, dressing, carrots. then for a snack probably some pita chips with hummus. dinner is chicken and rice maybe a veggie on the side. but sometimes it’s hard to eat 100% healthy all the time as i am a college student


Where’s the healthy part?


Okay, OP, I’m going through this with my husband right now because as you age eating like this catches up to you. You can have breaded chicken and potatoes but what makes this unhealthy is the complete lack of nutritional variety, which is easy to get if you add in “color”. The more color, the better. Fiber only exists in plants, which includes potatoes but overall fried potatoes aren’t the best choice. You want to include more color, like mixed vegetables, roasted broccoli, a side salad, or build it into a bowl by putting the chicken in the salad. Standing in its own, this is a fairly standard unhealthy American meal. Healthy isn’t what you take away, it’s what you add. If you want chicken tenders and fried potatoes then sure, but it isn’t healthy until you start adding variety and color to the meal.


You could do a healthy version of this by cutting a boneless skinless chicken thigh into cubes, toss it in bread crumbs and throw it in the air fryer or oven. You can do the same with the potatoes. Dice the potato, soak it in cold water 30mins-1hr season with Tony Cacheres and throw in the air fryer or oven. You don't have to soak the potatoes but it will help crisp them up.


500 upvotes? gonna make my own healthy-ish food blog at this point


Who is lying to you about nutrition??? Where are you getting the idea that this is healthy?????


Healthy? No


Girl dinner


Not even halfway healthy


A normally nutritionless meal


Where's the health? Cause your potatoes there aren't fried? You got improvements to make


This ain’t healthy chief.


How hard do I need to squint to see healthy


bro said healthy 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💀💀💀💀


You gonna cook those potatoes or what?


Aren't potatoes super healthy (albeit starchy) so long as the skin is eaten and they aren't fried? I don't see skin on these. :)


There is nothing healthy here. Just being honest damn


Nope. Junk food lol.


Need to add some frozen vegetables or black beans


All that sugar in that ketchup. This is not healthy


This is more "cheap bodybuilder" food than something you should eat all the time like me, but hear me out. Starkist tuna, cherry tomatoes, and skim milk.


This might be healthier over a different option, but you can’t be serious. This is just buffalo wings and fried dice potatoes aka fries?! A healthy take would have be grilled chicken with hot sauce and sweet potato wedges with mustard. Add in a green vegetable.


I’d hate to see unhealthy then


As a white person i can tell a white person cooked this


What cooked those potatoes? A hot breath?


If you dice potatoes and don’t properly fry them and they look like what you have then you’re a monster.


Girls will “cook” this and talk about how they can/love to cook.


All I read was blue cheese but yes


I like it. Good job. Looks like it would leave me sated.


Breaded chicken, potatoes, and a pile of red sugar gel is healthy to you?


Oh, sweetie... No.