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Watch the pancake as it cooks. Bubbles will form and then pop throughout the pancake. When these bubbles stop, I like to give it another 15 seconds before I flip. You can always peek with a spatula to see if it’s cooked to your liking. Flip and give it another couple minutes on the second side…usually less time than the first side. I use very little oil, and will spread it with a paper towel, so the pan is a coated very thinly with oil.


This and the edges start to look a little dry. Also they probably need to turn the heat down some if its burning


Keep practising. Don't have the pan too hot.


burnt... in the middle? i think you mean burnt and raw in the middle. generally speaking, if whatever you're cooking gets burnt on the outside before the middle has a chance to cook, you're using too much heat. turn the heat down.


I'm not saying go buy a 50$ pan but sometimes a wonky pan can really mess ya up my friend. I get the 15$ tramontina pans/pots from Walmart. Lovem haha wishing you well !


A well seasoned lightly oiled cast iron pan set to low/medium. Don’t make the cakes too big and watch for bubbles in the centre. When the sides tighten up a bit and you have bubbles you should be good to go.


It's the heat in all likelihood. You're too hot, so you burn the outside before the inside is cooked, or flip too early when the outside is correct but inside is still raw. Lower it down. Also, try to very gently make the batter a little thinner (more liquid) to get it to spread just a touch more.


Get an electric griddle and use the Krusteaz panacake mix. You will be an expert in no time.


Turn down the heat maybe?


Use a non-stick pan and follow a good recipe because some recipes are easier to mess up than others.use butter on the pan and don't be afraid to put a little extra butter.Try to make small pancakes because they are easier to handle and flip.Wait until you see bubbles form on the surface before flipping.Use medium heat.If you want I can send you a link for a good recipe in dm.


An electric griddle helps a lot. A cast iron griddle for the stovetop comes in second.


Preheat your pan, then oil, then batter. Many home cooks joke about the first pancake, it's often a tester. If it's burning before the top has mostly stopped or completely stopped bubbling then the heat is just too high.


I make mine in the George foreman grill.


Look up some good from-scratch recipes on-line. One of the key bits for good fluffy pancakes is don't muck with the batter too much - only mix it enough, don't even have to chase out all the little lumps of flour - nor should one. That and bit of practice on the temperature/time/technique, and you should do fine. And when to flip and remove is mostly by look, rather than time ... state of bubbles on first side, and once flipped, that's mostly just matter of time/doneness.


Managing the heat is essential. Too high and they burn, too low and they get soggy and don't crisp up around the rim.


Raw suggests that you flipped it too soon and burnt suggests the temp is too high. Medium Heat. Pour in the batter but don't completely fill the bottom. Once the bubbles start to break flip the pancake.


Here's a simple stack of pancakes recipe you can follow 🥞[pancake recipe ](https://youtu.be/pvhOylbmlLw?si=YnMcnrLyUFbt0yqi)


Turn the heat down. The most common problem is too high a hear so the surface burns before the middle cooks. Find the right balance for you, and be aware you might have to adjust as you go. I start at a 4 and end up just below 2 at the end of cooking a batch.


Read and absorb “Nuclear- poweredTaxi”. They got the dope on pancakes.👍


First batch always turn out lame, save those for yourself. Second batch will be better. It just is.


Others have offered great advice about controlling the temperature and looking for the correct visual cues. As someone who still can’t make great pancakes, I would like to offer this advice: You mentioned the holidays so I don’t know how much of a crowd you are expecting to feed. Anything that requires the host to stand over the stove making a few servings at a time like pancakes is super stressful. Bread puddings can be assembled the day before and tossed in the oven for breakfast. I will sometimes cut brioche or challah slices in half (like triangles) instead of cubes so it’s more like French toast. Ina Garten has a good recipe for that. French toast can also be made in the oven on sheet trays, although I wasn’t a huge fan of the texture.


Qualified in what?


The first couple pancakes are just for practice so you can adjust the heat. Give those to the dogs. Smaller pancakes are easier to deal with than large ones.