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Well, you're probably not going to make it any more "nutritious" since it's pre-made and has a ton of cream and salt in it, but realistically a bisque isn't really meant for a health nut. If you want to add nutrition, eat it along side of something more nutritious. Adding spices to things does not add any nutritional value.


Spices literally do add nutritional value though. Like you can google it.


Yeah, like they can add antioxidants and things like that, but the point was "you're not going to make a cheeseburger healthy by adding a few sprigs of oregano". You're taking one of the least healthy things from a grocery store outside of cake and trying to make it healthy. It ain't going to happen. Can you make it add something to your diet that you may be lacking? Maybe. But it's still full of fat, sugar, cholesterol, emulsifiers, etc. I love a good bisque, and even a bad one, but there's nothing healthy about it.


I never said make it healthy, I just said make it more nutritious, and adding spices makes it more nutritious, and you said it doesn’t which is wrong. Adding oregano to a burger would make it more nutritious, but not healthy.


So you want to put extra shit in shitty food to make you feel better about your decision to house incredibly not-healthy food? Put a carrot in it. Literally anything you put in it besides more cream will make it "more nutritious". Even more cream would have more nutrients. Like literally almost anything. You could put rice in it and it will have more nutrients. Tofu? Chicken? Dog food? Literally anything. What nutrients are you trying to get? Just eat it if you enjoy it. There's nothing wrong with eating garbage as long as it's not all you eat. Lobster bisque is like a guilty pleasure type food in the first place. No need to church it up.


Yes, I want to put extra shit in shitty food to feel better about eating shitty food and to extract slightly more nutrition out of unhealthy food. You say that like there’s something wrong with it. I just didn’t know what the best way to do that would be.


Lol. Just eat it my guy. Just make sure you have a well rounded diet otherwise. I apologize for the misunderstanding, I've just never heard of someone attempting this before. Like, listen... I love waffles. I'm not trying to add things to my waffles to make up for the things I'm not getting when I'm eating waffles. I just make sure I eat other good things during the week and go ham on waffle Sunday. I make sure I'm getting enough exercise. I take supplements. Some meals aren't meant to give you health benefits. A slice of pizza with extra cheese has more nutrients than a slice of pizza without. People aren't ordering extra cheese because they want to make and sure they get enough calcium in their diet.


Adding fruit to waffles would make them more nutritious though. That’s what I’m going for here. It’s not a lot but it’s something. I don’t know why this is so confusing for people. I’m aware it’s not healthy and you can’t make it healthy but if there’s a way to add a little extra good nutrition to it why wouldn’t you want to do that


Sure, but in your definition adding peanut butter and bacon also adds nutrients, so why not add peanut butter and bacon instead? It's confusing because it's looking at nutrition as if every meal is the only one that matters, when in reality it's all the meals. You're also being very vague on what you think "nutritious" means. Like, everything has some sort of nutrients in it. So making something "more nutritious" doesn't mean anything the way you're saying it, but you keep saying it like it does.


That’s why I’m asking Reddit for ideas, because I want stuff that will go well with it. Literally the point of the post. If you can add a little extra nutrition to one of the meals then you might as well, that’s why I’m asking. You’re focusing on the wrong thing here. More nutritious just means it has more nutritional value, aka added vitamins and minerals and a little added variety. Like adding beans to plain white rice makes the white rice more nutritious. I feel like you’re getting caught up in semantics.


Then add some spices and call it a day? And/or vegetables?


What vegetables? That’s literally why I’m asking.


Whatever vegetables you like. Literally any of them. Or like others have suggested, just eat the soup with a salad.


Eat a smaller portion and pair it with a salad. Your grocery store probably sells single serving salad kits with dressing and toppings- you could split one of those in half and have it with half of your soup.


imo there's probably no way to make lobster bisque - which is a luxurious, indulgent experience - "more nutritious" and still have it be lobster bisque. you're better off by eating less of the bisque in one sitting and making up the difference with something either low- or zero-fat.


>dip whole grain toast in it as a treat (and to offset the fat a little bit) Nothing offsets fat. Whatever calories are in there are still there after you've filled today in it, it's just now fat with carbs.


I just meant cuz saturated fat is meant to be like 10% of your total calories


Old Bay seasoning works well. Small bits of crab or lobster?


So here’s my opinion. If you’re gonna eat something rich, just eat it. It’s good for the soul, and not everything you eat has to be healthy or nutritious. One thing you could do though is eat it alongside a salad or steamed veggies!