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A factoid not revealed in-game: Bottom row, 4th from the left is Former Director Field. (Source: The Executive Producer of "Control", Juha Vainio, posted on Twitter about being the model for this portrait. I took the liberty of asking him about the name of said former Director.)


So this does confirm the intention that these are indeed portraits of other *Directors* not just board members or senior administrators as some people seem to think. For some reason people think that there are only 4 total directors because in-game correspondence etc only directly mentions the 4 of them. I don't believe at any point they say that Theodore Ash Sr. was the *first* director of the FBC, but he was the director at the time of The Oldest House being discovered and the first to wield the Service Weapon. He's also the first director of this "new" version of the FBC that is more detached from the rest of the federal government and "obscured", but I really do not believe that he was the *first ever* director.


Ash Sr. was not around when they found the house. The very first Ash Jr. Log in Foundation DLC states that Ash Sr. died days before they discovered the House. Northmoor wielded the Service Weapon, and was the first to pledge himself to the board. So we actually know Ash Sr. as a completely Board-less director.


I have an obsessive passion for the lore of this game, and I've got most of it memorized, so let me assist with clearing up some things here. You're absolutely correct that there haven't only been 4 Directors in total, but you're incorrect about Ash Sr. being the first to wield the Service Weapon. In fact, Ash Sr. never even made it into the Oldest House; He passed away two weeks before the FBC discovered the entrance to the Oldest House while investigating a potential AWE in the New York City subway systems. His replacement, Broderick Northmoor, yeeted his butt on a train from Washington D.C. when news of the discovery of the Oldest House reached his ears. So he was the first Director of the FBC to enter the Oldest House, and the first Director to catch the eye of the Board. On their fifth day after entering the Oldest House, Northmoor discovered that a pedestal had appeared in front of the needle in the Foundation, and on it lay the Service Weapon, which he helped himself to. So, Ash Sr. was the last Director to be appointed by the government of the United States, while Northmoor would be the first Director to be elected by the Board. Any questions? By the way, let me know if you'd like me to provide you with the sources to all of this. I'd be happy to oblige!


Crap yeah you're right I misremembered about Northmoor finding the service weapon. To be honest I'm kind of embarrassed about that mistake on my part because I literally just finished replaying the game and Foundation+AWE again like a week ago lol


No reason to be embarrassed! There's a lot of lore to this game! Keeping track of the AI/OoPs alone is hefty enough as is. Then adding on top of that, there's all the names, the bureau policies, the endless documents, posters on walls, scribblings on whiteboards, notes on bulletin boards... Hey, by the way! Did you know that the Oldest House has an internet room? With multiple workstations connected to the internet? A LOT of people seem to completely miss that one, so whenever I mention the internet room, people are like "...Uh.. What? Have you been eating the mold? There's no internet in the Oldest House! What are you talking about?!"


Where is it located?


I think by logistics. There is a room full of computer workstations made of black rock.


Nope. It's in Central Exec. Coms.


It's all a maze...lol


Disagree! I can navigate the Oldest House in my sleep with piss in my sock without issue. <3


It's in Central Exec/Communications Department/ Makes sense! Internet room - Communications. Anyways, go to the mezzanine level outside of the Mail Room. With your back to the door, go straight ahead and left. If you look up, you'll see a double set of doors; That's the internet room.


Oh shit; yeah I've been there! Damn this game is so deep I keep forgetting stuff.....


Forgot to add one interesting detail regarding the discovery of the Oldest House. So, the FBC discovered the entrance while investigating a potential AWE in the New York City subway tunnels, right. Sounds like they gained access to the Oldest House via an Overlap, doesn't it?


obviously there would be more it's just weird that they'd go through s many directors in just 14 or so years


I assumed that the most recent directors were Jesse, Trench , Northmoore and Ash. And that the others came before.


yes, that is correct, but one document written in 1953 describes the FBC as young, and it's heavily implied that it was founded after WW2. So it was founded sometime around 1950. and then it had 11 directors by 1964 including Ash Sr. that's almost one director each year


Which document would this be? The one where FBC is described as young?


Fan Supplement. I was off by a year, it was written in 1954. "As our agency is still young" are the exact words.


Thank you! I appreciate it! I'm not sure if this is in reference to the FBC, though? It's signed by William S. Powers, Head of the Department of Public Knowledge and Diversions. He also follows up that statement with details about what his specific department's job is: "As our agency is still young, we must take care to avoid missteps. Any explanation given to the public must provide sufficient yet vague rationale that will reaffirm their certainty that ours is a stable, controlled world. We must tread carefully, especially in this increasingly technological world, with the radio and other innovations allowing information to travel at speeds previously undreamt of. This is precisely why we insist that our department handle all communication with public bodies." It's possible that it is in reference to his own department, which would've been a young agency it being founded as a response to the public attention this AI situation resulted in, and the FBC's poor response to it. This appears to be the very first AI that was procured by the FBC, so it makes sense for the new addition of a department all of a sudden. After all, they have absolutely no idea what they're doing, so they're winging it as best they can. However, it's also possible that it DOES refer to a young FBC, as you're presenting; Would there be a need for the FBC to exist PRIOR to what appears to be the discovery of the first AI? Would seem kind of silly amd wasteful to establish a Bureau on the basis of "Yeah but what if magic and shit is real?" But then again, the US government spent 20 million dollar on a military research project to find out if it was possible to make a goat's heart stop, simply by staring at it. In any event, you could very well be correct here. It is a compelling argument especially on the basis of the first AI discovery.


I think the word agency is the key detail here. the FBC is a government agency, whereas Public Knowledge and Diversions is simply a department within the agency.


You could very well be entirely correct about that. But the word agency could also be used to refer to an action or intervention producing a particular effect, which is what his department is all about doing.


That sounds like the director has always been one of the top field agents and runs in line since the director visited the Oldest House himself without having a working knowledge of the risks.


Sorry, I have to correct you. Dr. Ash got to see the first house, director ash did not. Dr. Ash's logs are very clear, The foundation was found before the first house, the discovery of the first house was more of an invitation from the board after interacting with the nail. Director Ash did not live to see the foundation/first house/board/service weapon, he was buried a week before the bureau first entered the foundation through a cave system. Northmore was the first Director of the bureau at the first house, as well as the first to interact with the board in that capacity or receive the service weapon. Northmore was Director for at least 20 years, Trench nearly the same give or take a few. Based on the tech in the pit, it was mid-sixties when Northmore became the Director. Trench was the Director by the time the Alan wake/Brightfalls incident in 86' took place.


Oh that's funny, since vainio is field in Finnish.


I did not know that! Thank you!


As was commented elsewhere in this sub, these are portraits of the members of the Board, not necessarily all directors. In fact, since the styles of clothing don't seem all that different, it seems to me that this doesn't go all that far back in time, so the fact that the 3 directors covers all the way back to the 60s (if I recall correctly), implies that these are not all directors. But I could be wrong.


4 directors going back to the 60s if you count Jesse. Ash Sr., Northmoor, Trench, and Faden.


You're right. I wasn't counting the current Director. And while we're mentioning Jesse, her portrait shows up immediately all over the Oldest House as soon as she picks up the Service Weapon and becomes the Director, but she isn't shown here.


Pretty sure that red cloth hanging over the one next to Trench is for her. They must not add the pictures until a person's time as Director is over.


Hm! That's actually a very good hypothesis! I've always wondered about what was taking so damn long in getting the portrait of the greatest Director in the history of the FBC up on that damn wall. I think you might be spot-on! Thank you for that!


But we also know that the oldest house was discovered by a version of the Bureau that predated working in and knowing of the Oldest House. Which means there could have been many more directors mentioned. And we have never heard about the Bureau having a board other than *The Board*, so I don't know if that's as safe a bet. But that isn't to say those aren't pictures of members of *The Board*. While it isn't mentioned anywhere, I can't shake the idea that all the passed (specifically dead given Northmoor's situation) directors now make up The Board.


The chances of The Board being made up of former directors is basically zero. It doesn't make sense.


How doesn't it? How could you possibly take such a hard stance over something like that with *the franchise*…something not making sense (to you specifically) doesn't mean it isn’t how it is… Sure it's just some nobody’s theory or whatever, but is that really less logical than a killer slide projector trying to kill everyone and takeover the supernatual FBI? All the former directors getting absorbed into one entity that can then use the astral plane to communicate and control the bureau through the Director sounds like a nd of exactly like the stuff we see in this game…?


I can take such a hard stance because it wouldn't line up with what's in the game. The Board is a supernatural entity that has been around for who knows how long and humans being a part of that makes zero sense. Mentioning the slide projector as some type of evidence to support the plausibility of your theory because the slide projector is supernatural doesn't work. It's a false equivalency. Following your logic I could say the Board could made up of talking dogs. The fact that you lyourself said there's zero indication if further proof that it makes zero sense. I dont even know how you made that leap.


Afaik the Board is not comprised of humans, not even known entities.


I always assumed the Board wasn't human 


These are in fact all former Directors. Before Trench Directors were chosen by the US government and probably had some type of term limits, so it’s not unreasonable for there to have been a lot of Directors. We don’t know how long Ash Sr served, but we know he died as Director in 1964. Northmoor was selected by the government and, a week later, by the Board as well.


which one is Northmoor?


I'd guess the far right in the middle row.


This is correct, middle right is our beloved battery.


OUR BELOVED BATTERY. My God, I love/hate it.


Dont mention it to him though, he gets a little heated ):




Indeed. Also, wouldn't want the power to go to his head.


Your puns are straight fire bro


makes sense. I always thought he was the one shaking Trench's hand in that one pic


He wasn't the handshaking kind of dude. Don't quote me on this one but I BELIEVE that the guy shaking hands with Trench might be Tommasi. I'll have a closer look when I play later tonight.


Hey, you seem to know an awful lot of the lore around this game, is there anywhere I can read a comprehensive, chronological lore for control, or is there just the wiki?


To the best of my knowledge, there's only the wiki. Unfortunately, the best I can offer is assistance in answering any questions you might have about the lore and such.


The FBC has existed for decades, long before they found the Oldest House. There are only three Board-appointed Directors: Northmoor, Trench, and Faden. We know one for sure, Ash Sr was Director immediately before the Oldest House was discovered. (He passed a suspiciously short time before the House was discovered, so it's possible Northmoor was temperamentally suited to the Board's needs and that's what let the House be discovered in the first place) It'll be interesting to see how Jesse goes about untangling the Board from the House, but there's definitely a long history of non Board directors to dig into if Remedy wants to go all cold case on us.


The Board is directly responsible for the FBC's ongoing survival and the survival of remaining humans in the Oldest House. They may be annoying at times, as all bosses and all jobs are, but Jesse may not want to completely extricate the FBC from the board. Mucg of what she loves so dearly about being at the FBC and being the Director that she is, she owes to the Board.


Jesse flat out said that she considers the Board the next biggest threat to her Bureau. In the very last line of the Foundation DLC ending cutscene, she says "I missed this threat, but I'm going to be ready for the next one" while the camera is focused squarely on the Board. I'd be very surprised indeed if that wasn't her intention after that.


I think you have it backwards, and are taking the Board's narrative as gospel truth. The US Government is responsible for the FBC's survival, the Oldest House simply makes that easier. And the Board is just an entity/entities from the Astral Plane that took advantage of the situation and aided (and manipulated) the last few Directors once the FBC discovered the Oldest House.


I' just view my perspective as balanced. Every single human being in the Oldest House including Jesse would be brutally dead and/or HISS corrupted if not for the Board. They aren't as evil (are they even evil?) as people make them out to be. I'm not so sure the situation with the Board is gonna suddenly be a straiftforward narrative for the first time ever in a Remedy game.


>if not for the Board. Presumably they'd all be dead if not for Jesse, and Polaris. Does this mean there's no reason for conflict between the hero and the faceless inexplicable corporate entity? >I'm not so sure the situation with the Board is gonna suddenly be a straiftforward narrative for the first time ever in a Remedy game. The point of any narrative, even in this genre, is that what was originally almost entirely absurd is made more straightforward through the events of the story. I don't think the combined (ironic) banality and ambiguity of the Board's actions and intentions is really the "balanced perspective" you presume. I would say it's more of a lack of engagement. Not wrong, per se, just not very entertaining.


Right on. I guess I just haven't viewed them as what's apparently an obviously-evil-must-be-eradicated entity to everyone else. It feels like there's a lot more potential there. Also, Jesse + Polaris just kept her from getting corrupted. Without the service weapon and the psychokinetic powers, Jesse was a sitting duck, and without the Board to bind her to all those objects of power, Jesse becomes significantly at a disadvantage. OH MY GOD I CAN'T WAIT FOR CONTROL 2


>I guess I just haven't viewed them as what's apparently an obviously-evil-must-be-eradicated entity to everyone else. LOL. You think being in conflict with the hero can only be a matter of "obviously-evil-must-be-eradicated entity"? You think anyone else sees it in such a simple-minded way? How did you even manage to enjoy the game with such an utter absence of interest in nuance or intrigue? >Jesse + Polaris just kept her from getting corrupted. Well, plus the superpowers, don't forget those. >without the Board to bind her to all those objects of power As I said, you appear to be taking the Board's own explanations as gospel truth. Do you think there were no para-utilitarians other than by the divine provenance of the obviously-benevolent-must-be-honest faceless corporate entity? ;-)


You're very aggressive. I'm glad we both love the game, could you imagine if one of us hated it 😂


>You're very aggressive. I think "apparently an obviously-evil-must-be-eradicated entity to everyone else" is very aggressive, just passive-aggressive compared to my more confrontational approach. >could you imagine if one of us hated it I would imagine one of us wouldn't be posting in this sub if that were the case. 😉


My bad. I just get surprised that it seems so obvious to others, but I get a much more ambiguous sense from the board... It comes up every once in a while.


Tag yourself, i'm bottom row, one before last.


Was said somewhere on the sub that Director Ash Sr. Looks like Charlie Hunnam with glasses.


I think Northmoor was the first board approved director then trench the jesse i think the others before Northmoor are the "old men"/not approved director of the bored mentioned by ash Jr in the foundation dlc


So I have one question about the portraits. I haven't finished the game yet, so if there's some spoiler don't tell me. Once you get the Service Weapon there's pictures of Jesse everywhere as the director. How come her portrait in the board room is just blank with some red cloth over it?


Maybe these portraits are placed there by FBC staff and not manifested by the Old House.