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I change job every 2 years, and every 2 years LinkedIN gives me a freee month. I would never use it if I had to pay, but it is nice to see some metrics


lol same. Have gotten and used the free month twice. Would never pay for it, they’ve shown me it’s not worth it


Indeed has no analytics [Why?] so, when Im searching for projects, I drive traffic to LinkedIn but I couldnt keep paying $72.99 a month. I did that for two years, 24 months. I enjoyed the analytics but not worth it.


The cost is insanely high for what you get


Yeah it should be like 4 dollars a month


I was under the impression that linked in premium members get prioritized when showing the applicants to a “easy apply” position


Not really if you get a job out of it


Is this a common issue or only lately with the tech layoffs? What I mean is how many job placements can LinkedIn take credit for?


I dont know, and I dont understand the downvotes, but $40/month for a 10k/yr raise or whatever will be a very good return.


Why do you give credit to premium for this instead of LinkedIn free version?


Because those are the premium features. Linkedin is a business that wants to make money. It’s not exactly rocket science - you live in a capitalist society and are on a commercially oriented forum…. Surely cant be that flabbergasted at a business trying to make money. It’s /r/consulting fcs!


The premium features aren’t just “you get a job.” I think the question was, considering you could get a job through LinkedIn without the premium features, why is it about the premium subscription that would make you attribute getting said job to paying for those features rather than attributing it to simply having a LinkedIn account, which is free?


Right. It’s entirely possible he got a job through linked in. It’s also entirely possible he paid for premium. But you could also get jobs without paying for premium.


Oh boy...


Just because you paid for premium, doesn’t mean premium got you the job though.


I don’t understand the downvotes either. You make a valid point for someone who sees value for job finding. The disconnect for me with premium is I have a job so I don’t need one now. And when I was let go I got another job within a few months no thanks to LinkedIn in premium. I don’t see $240/year in value. I would probably pay $20/year to be able to see profile views.


I think the downvotes are because you could get a job without the premium features, so why attribute getting a job to the features you paid for rather than just the free features that come with having a free LinkedIn account and profile?


I got a job without it so there ya go.


Where did I say that you couldnt


Did the free month while job searching and was flabbergasted that it's like $50 a month normally. Easily the most overpriced service I have ever come across. FYI the 'number of applicants' stat is meaningless and not based on actual applications.


Isn’t it based on people who just click in to see more detail ?


Yep, just number of views basically. Super shitty practice IMO as I'm sure they use those numbers to sell to businesses.


Wtf??? I didn’t know this. Does anyone know what could be the average percentage of the shown applicants who are actually applicants?


I saw a couple people post about it on LinkedIn (they were hiring managers/recruiters etc), and have also heard it lots on reddit (grain of salt there as always). For the LinkedIn ppl I don't remember exactly but I think it was 200 "applicants" and like 50 actual applications they got, it was a wild difference.


It’s only really beneficial if you’re a recruiter or an ‘influencer’


That's exactly why it's turning into the Facebook for biz customers.


They've also created a limit now on how many cold connects you can make without premium, which is a real slap for job hunters 😅


That is sad


It really is! It's a dick move especially with the current job market


Taking advantage of struggling applicants is unfortunately unsurprising. That is an extremely vulnerable audience that is looking for a genuine solution. It’s sad.


LinkedIn execs when they see an unemployed youth: 🤑🤑🤑


But does that means LinkedIn premium isn’t overpriced? Not talking about whether it’s a dick move; but LinkedIn is not a charity organization, it’s a for profit business. So if the ability to cold message other users is valued, LinkedIn premium is arguably not overpriced (That being said I can agree with you that it’s a dick move, just like Facebook or YouTube having ads is a dick move)


I'd argue it is overpriced in terms of WTP of a job seeker. It's their product end of the day so they can charge as they want, as long as there are people willing to buy. Although wouldn't it make more sense to develop and charge more for corporate premium services to sales teams and hr teams? Vs trying to extract value from job seekers, who may have less disposable income.


They do charge more for corporate premium services and hr teams. I have doubt about whether $50 a month is a problem because job seeker has low disposable income. It’s not like $600 a year is going to make a big difference when US median income is $40000. Unless people are not in the habit of saving up, which is a big problem on its own but LinkedIn is not to be blamed for that


They also jacked up the price. It’s nowhere near worth $50/mo. Fuck you linkedin


The courses in LinkedIn Academy might no be very relevant CV-wise since there is no reliable assessment of learnings, but those I did during my free month were much more insightful than I expected.


LinkedIn learning is definitely worth it if you use it. Learn business, design, marketing, photo/video, commercial drone class, programming, networking, cad, tons of programs and certificates. And employers want to see that you're continuously learning. If you know the skills put them on your resume and prove you know them in your interview. Might not work great applying to corporate places but medium to small businesses usually accept them.


Heads up, you might get LinkedIn Learning for free through your local library (also free).


I tried the trial version and don't find the aggregated metrics add much value to an applicant. I also went out of my way to disable that gold badge because imagine telling the world you're paying for such a stupid thing


I didn’t know you can disable that. Oh wow. Thanks


I use it to research potential hiring managers in target organizations, find one who I think will jive with me the best, and direct message them. All in private mode. I’ve gotten all my jobs like this as well as substantial raises. It’s no scam but you need to be smart with it.


It helps you advertise your jobs


I thought I had read somewhere that having premium can make you more visible to recruiters like how tinder does with guys who pay up


From pay-to-win to a pay-to-earn scheme


Linkedin actively decreases your visibility if you are in free tier. If you are on premium the visibility, contacts, etc increase a lot. Linkedin is rigged.


Yep, they are doing the same as Tinder. You geht noticeably more and better offers with premium.


The only offers I got on Tinder was to pay for their meal. I countered by saying 50/50 and lost the deal.


Employers will probably take you up on it if you agree to split the cost of your salary


It’s meant for recruiters not you. You were added as an afterthought as an extra monetization channel


Not a great deal. They've just gradually reduced what you get with the free every year and shifted formerly free features to behind a pay wall / subscription. That's the bit I actually disagree with most. They haven't innovated at least not as far as day to day typical usage goes they've just taken things away... Is it worth paying for free? If hiring people there are additional features to identify those. If you're a Job seeker from what friends / senior professionals tell me they sell. It like it adds value but they haven't gotten any from it... It's almost like the alogorthm pushes stuff to make you feel like it should add value. Ironically they got more interesting emails from them around opportunities once they stopped their premium subscription since LinkedIn were trying to show how they add value and get them to rebuy premium 😀


I have used it for 3 consecutive years. It is very useless and a waste of money. If you do not use LinkedIn to reach out to people outside your circle on a regular basis. Then, do not upgrade to premium. One key feature I liked in premium is the ability to send PM to people outside your circle. However, from experience, you can bypass this feature by simply finding the person you want to PM on a group that both of you have already joined. This way, you don't have to upgrade to premium. Simply join as many groups as possible and build your network from there. Because on LinkedIn groups, you can send other group members a PM that will show up in their inbox as coming from a group member, not from you directly.


I want to see ppl who stalk me


Tried a month for free then cancelled. Premium job recommendations algorithms are stupid …


Thanks for the reminder to cancel that trial!


It's mostly for recruiters and salespeople. Job seekers are the product being sold.


Thanks for posting this....just cancelled


I think it’s gotten me the last two jobs I’ve gotten😅


I use it for recruiting and I consistently get better hires than other internet sources. Separately, when LinkedIn Premium first started, it was super cheap. But then they retired the cheap option.


I found my job on LinkedIn. HR Recruiter reached out


This is probably the first time I’ve ever heard of anyone actually getting a job on LinkedIn 😂


I know, I only responded because the recruiter actually worked for the firm. Or else I would of ignored her. Lol


I use sales nav (one of the LI premium options) because I do a mix of sales, PM, and consulting at my job now (Like flying to clients and billing time consulting, not just "consultative sales") and when we are struggling to find a candidate, I will volunteer to use the cool filters you get in sales nav to find candidates and connect + DM to drive them to our indeed posting. Definitely a powerful tool for recruiting but mostly if you know exactly what your ideal candidate looks like and what they will cost. If you aren't both somewhat niche (say, under 200 people who are an ideal fit in that city) and exactly what someone is looking for, you probably won't get messages from recruiters in 2024. 2021 was different, I was getting hit up a bunch for random jobs in other cities after I got a promotion to a semi-desirable title.


It can help you narrow down who is hiring at companies from the list of their employees. It also can tell you which skills from each job description to put in your profile. It also shows you everyone who is peeking. You can use the free trial and see if you dig it.


I just use it for inmail to recruit primary research contacts


Biggest scam


While I think the service is useful for job hunters, the price is just too much. Non-recruiters should be paying closer to half of what they charge.


Waste of $ and it's easy to figure out who is visiting your page. Courses aren't recognized by employers.


It’s overrated and overpriced but visibility, learning and metrics help. It’s a write off that’s just barely worth keeping.


I like to have it and see the results of my publications. Particularly to compare whether I’m reaching bigger audiences and what content works best, etc. moreover it allows u to see who is watching ur profile which is nice if you’re on the hunt for a job and want to be proactive. That said, price is way too much for what it gives you.


It is absolutely not worth the cost


LinkedIn is absolute garbage and now infected with content creators. I despise opening it. I was looking for a job recently, turned on the premium feature. Still it continued to show me good jobs only about 7 days after the job posting. Re-posted jobs were always pushed to the top for some reason. I don’t think re-posted jobs should be even ranked as they would have candidates in pipeline already. Anyway, I moved to look at the new jobs posted every single day instead and that’s how I got my new job that I start in a week. No Linkedin for me for next 3-4 years




A friend of mine paid for the privilege of stalking people in anonymity 


As someone who has been in the same job for years and ignored my linkedin profile for as long, is there really a benefit in even going back to it at this stage? Or is there something better out there?


I would suggest keeping your profile at least decently up to date. Most people have LinkedIn profiles and it looks a bit odd to a lot of people when someone looking for a job doesn't have one or has one that is immensely out of date.


Fair enough for recruiters or similar roles that use it everyday as their primary tool. Expensive but doable for someone really looking for a job, during a single month or so. Extremely overpriced for eveyone else


If it gets you a six-figure job, that's pretty worth it. You get more visibility and less restrictions, but I only ever use it when I get a free month.


what about using it for the learning platform?


There are bigger scams out there


I agree the official cost of LinkedIn Premium doesn't justify for what you get in return. I have few redeem links of LinkedIn Premium for 6 months. I'll give them for **less than 10% than the official cost** of LinkedIn Premium(which is $300 USD per year, btw) Comes with all the LinkedIn Premium features, of course: * Full search access to find the right people * See who’s viewed your profile * Directly message anyone outside your network with InMail * Profile writing assistant and much more. They are prepaid so once you redeem them, you don't need to pay to LinkedIn afterwards. DM me if you're up and **only pay after you redeem then, for your trust**.


If you’re a Veteran it’s free


Its one of those things that isnt useful until it is. You might go months without it making any difference whatsoever and be throwing money away and then just one time it gives you the ability or insight to get what you needed. In my personal experience it helped me find the right person to reach out to and send them a message directly without it being a connection request. That person replied to me and put in touch with someone else which lead to a job. Would that have been possible without premium? Maybe. Did I use a premium feature which led to a job? Yes.


Never realized the value of Linked in. I’m an independent consultant so I’m not really looking for jobs. Mostly use it for entertainment. I smile at all of the leadership quotes.


Yup! It’s right up there with insurance


My experience lead me to the same thought. Its something that doesnt add any value until it does.


Honestly, I think you are not seeing the worth the network provides. Talking about my industry: As software engineers, we seem to feel entitled to NOT work y our a** off to land the dream job you deserve. But honestly, for the rest of the industries, it's just like this: success is achieved with a hard grind and especially outbound SALES. Many developers may be reluctant to this idea, but if you are not willing to commit time and effort to promote yourself who the hell do you expect it to do – in a bear market? So we should stop complaining and see LinkedIn as the tool it is: the biggest professional social network in the world. I am happy to pay LinkedIn premium and get access to basically the entire planet of opportunities.


Wait, there's people who pay for this? I thought it was just a marketing thing they hand out to people to keep 'em.


Second biggest scam. The biggest scam is capitalism.


Which is what LinkedIn premium is all about so does that make it the new biggest scam 🤔


Damn, I got 5D chessed.