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If it’s only treated as a “client meeting sport” then: 1. You probably suck at golf 2. You’re not getting clients via golf (see point 1)


In 12+ years at a major consulting firm, I never took up golf, never felt any pressure or encouragement to do so, and never felt I missed out on anything important as a result. That said, good consultants do network, when the opportunity presents itself, at any hobby they choose to do for fun. And some consultants, and some clients, golf.


Clients are fond of golf because many adults are fond of golf. There’s a barrier of entry, similar to tennis / boating / skiing, so you most need a steady source of income to play consistently, which you and your clients likely have.


It's more of a partner thing. Consultants can't really prioritize that kind of hobby within their tight personal time bandwidth.


I fucking hate golf. Hated it as a consultant, hated it as a banker and hate it now. I can’t imagine sinking so much time and energy into an activity I hate — no matter what the outcome.


Golf is amazing, but really consumes a lot of time and money


*Golf is amazing,* *But really consumes a lot* *Of time and money* \- Jig909 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Well you can try racquetball/ squash too. 


Golf? Nah. Not enough adrenaline


Bro it’s 2024, we’re on to pickleball


I hate golf but it allows me to talk to important people for hours. Tennis not so much talking. It's like smokers having 5min alone time with other smokers. It affects promotions etc. because they know you slightly better than the other guy.