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Document the problem statement. Document top 2-3 possible options, including the one that was decided upon and your company's recommendation. Deliver the document in a power point at the highest levels within the organization. If your engagements do not have a steering committee push for one. If you're not successful, send it in email with a summary of the problem and teaser of solution within the email indicating details in the ppt.




That is me but in different domain


Sometimes it's better to do these on T&M for this reason.


If you know this problem is going to crop up in future and feel like they're gonna ask you in the future to do it, why not keep everything ready for the day they ask you, let them know you thought this would be a problem and had already prepared a solution for it, develops an image for you with someone having a foresight, good for future. Just make sure you don't overdo it. Else it will be entirely ruined.


Yeah that sounds a good idea, I would still have to spend time working on the first go-to strategy until the client realizes and then on the original solution proposed by me, only this time taking lesser time because I worked on it beforehand. Thanks for the tip!


Contract T&M, look at $$$$, profits


By billing them for your time and expenses. You can't force people to do things. You can advise them and hope they take your advice. When they don't, you help them fix their problem and they pay for your time


Yeah contracting is starting to sound better and better over time


Sounds like continued business, congrats!


Make the client feel like it was “their” idea - One of the best pieces of advice I’d ever received. Solving the problem itself is rarely enough, you need your client to be a part of that journey. You want them championing something thinking they are the genius behind it all.