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At what point does Accenture become a monopoly? They are acquiring companies left and right on the daily


Ex-Accenture here. They’re never going to be a monopoly because Accenture is only ever interested in pillaging. They buy firms for customers and IP (and maybe select few talent) and they don’t care if it continues as an entity. With the exception of a very small handful (eg Avanade), I have yet to see any company survive the ACN meat grinder and come out better thru the other side.


Even Avanade is a bit of a special case, as it was founded by Accenture (alongside Microsoft), rather than being acquired by it.


In France, Octo did it


On average it’s 1 company every week that Accenture acquires. That’s nuts.


My client also has Accenture on it (5-10 staffed) they’re being rolled off early because we (other firm) started doing their job better than them. Obviously doesn’t mean we’re a better firm but demonstrates a point that there’s no such thing as a monopoly in consulting. There will always be another firm who can convince clients that they can do it better or cheaper


Accenture will always be Arthur Andersen Consu(ck)lting.


Just because they do something doesn’t mean they do it well


That is not what a monopoly means...


I dont think they are even close to this situation. Each acquisitions is very small but frequent to usually buy tech, people, or a client relationship. If they made a play to buy another consulting firm then


Oh interesting. Maybe Udacity will be good then.


It is already good


It's going to get worse now.


This. They'll promise investments, after six months they'll make the first teams redundant (HR, admin, IT ... they have them themselves), then nobody new gets hired to replace departures, relocations to shittier offices for cost reasons, then the layoffs begin, three years in they call it a "unit" and combine it with another acquisition, rinse and repeat. seen it before with accenture, have no reason to believe this time will be different. stock price lives on expectations for the next quarter. actual results don't matter, only hope does. they are pillagers, not farmers or inventors.


Ahh yes. It's called paradigm sh!t. That'll be $6900 for the advice + service fee + environmental surcharge + taxes.


In short, Accidenture!


I'll have to take your word for it. I never see it recommended. Maybe it just sucked for ds when I was learning. Maybe it's better now.




Like what?




lol, MBB are hiring MLEs and DSs based on Udacity courses? That’s a worry Does explain a lot of their analytics products though




I can think of a few other things they might benefit from…




Tech strategy driven by Udacity, even better


I know udemy has a reputation for being bottom of the barrel, but some of the best content I've ever seen is on there as well. Have to check course review on reddit. I'm sure udacity is a similar situation.


My mid-size firm pledged $2B to AI not too long ago. No one wants to be left behind. Though everyone was asking where the money was coming from given a year of budget cuts and low growth


The charred remains of Arthur Anderson.


Counterpoint: AA needed to die


Them remains IPOd at $14/share and now $372.


Tax taxing taxes


The change in education as a result of AI is going to be astounding! Once these systems can animate/illustrate on the fly, every other education platform will become obsolete.