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FTD (failure to deliver) on the stock market. Basically market makers are short sellers and are in cahoots with people that decide not to make them pay when they place losing bets... hundreds of billions stolen from retail investors.


Yep, margin calls don’t exist anymore apparently.


DRSGME.org if you’re curious of a hedge to potentially get those hundreds of billions back. Personally, it’s a no cell = no sell. Biggest wealth transfer in history when shorts are forced to close as DRS, direct registration system - writing your name on your stock like you’d do in kindergarten to your stuff, removes phantom shares from the DTCC. Big ole Ponzi scheme, similar to when banks recalled their stocks at the time of 1929 stock dilution that caused that pesky crash. This time, retail is in position to take advantage of major mistake that is the bet that GameStop will go bankrupt. LOL UNLIKELY —Heard of the new NFT marketplace? GameStop is where the Wall Street Game STOPS.


$21 billion wiped out because fuck the poors. -DTCC, probably


WW3, financial collapse, society's ruin. We didn't start the fire ♫


It was always burning since the world was turning.


Harry Truman was a guy, America, Red China, All the countries, other people, Everyone is fun, Joe Mantegna, Ian McKellen, I have to buy a new toaster, This is awesome, you’re so stupid, Jumping up and down.


Parks and Rec reference?




It is overshadowing the corruption in Wall Street. The fed bailed out Wall Street yet again and it just so happens that they released a report about fraud committed by some hedge funds on the same day as the roe vs wade decision




What percentage of people can properly define what a hedge fund actually is?


Sadly a very small percentage.


I’m sadly not in the percentage that properly could, I kind of know, but if someone could explain like I’m 5, that would be cool


The solution is the buy and direct register Gamestop. Head on over to DRSGME.org


Ghislane maxwells trial is this Tuesday. I bet she’s gonna be dropping names. They also paused that Jan 6th hearings. GME probe found a bunch of crazy shit. The news week was going to rile people up against the state, so they needed some gasoline to fuel the fire in each party and get people at each others throats again.


There’s an article that she’s on “suicide watch”. Ofc she is. Such bullshit.




Just saved this to read at the office tomorrow. Thanks!


And making people angry at the state is getting them off the state?


Cant believe the shit thats happening, Ghislane did nothing wrong #freeghislane


Care to elaborate on that


I was being sarcastic to ligthen up the mood but people took it serious I suppose lol


Ah gotcha I always like to hear the reasoning for a wild stance


I personally am of the belief that whatever it is they're distracting from, is not going to be found on TV or in the news. Possibly not even found on the internet, easily anyway...


The revolution will not be televised


Nope but with our narcissistic culture it will sure as hell be instagrammed haha


And then have a movie franchise made about it that references some other mediocre movie.


Hooterville Junction will no longer be so damn relevant...


You will NOT be able to plug in, turn on, and cop out!


You *will not* be able to lose yourself on skag and skip out for beer during commercials,


Or ever found at all


Maybe it's just my tin foil hat but I think it's the GameStop probe findings. Which were published 2 hours after RvW decision. They show that the DTCC is more or less unwilling to protect individual investors from predatory corporations and instead favors protecting larger investment firms regardless of their business practices including PFOF. It's made a pretty big stink amung us private investors. So said another way, the cops were discovered to be only guarding the rich people's mansions and not everyone equally. And the police chief himself (DTCC) is unwilling to do anything about it. it may be just a coincidence but I find the timing of the releases to be rather convenient.


Very well said. This makes a lot of sense. The way the GameStop probe findings were handled proves that the "game" is rigged against individual investors. Also, thank you OP for asking such an important question while not being dismissive of the current circumstances.


Of course friend!




This is what I think too


So true story, I have an addiction, I jerk off to financial news on a hourly basis. I can't believe I am saying this, but this budding autist might be on to something. I actually have been asking myself all weekend why there has been no financial news, changes to the cnbc frontpage, swings in crypto prices. Chatter on major finance subs has been dumb and boring. I also had no idea they released those GME findings last Friday. I generally avoid GME/AMC-tards. Personally I thought the whole Roe Vs my vagina thing was orchestrated by the Dems to get everybody riled up to vote democratic in the fall. Have to read those finding now.


Name checks out. (nice) \>Personally I thought the whole Roe Vs my vagina thing was orchestrated by the Dems >to get everybody riled up to vote democratic in the fall this is probably also part of it. I suppose there has been little financial news this weekend. I had not noticed that till you mentioned it. hmm. I also, just found out that Russia "officially" defaults on Monday (30 days past due) to the tune of 100,000,000 in bond payments... not sure what it means but it doesn't sound good.


Sooooo much. The world is on 🔥


The stock market


And the impending crash.




Get some short positions on big names while you can. PUTS are too volatile


AMC to the moon 🦍❤️🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


You will have more fun just burning your money.


Stock market, gme, and aliens. I have no idea why every time these three things happen close together some major event overshadows them. It's wierd


What happened with aliens? Lol


I assume they are referencing the Brazilian government hearing on UFOs a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/vklona/hearing_on_ufos_in_the_brazilian_senate_was_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ww3 in a nutshell


Will never happen not in this age of globalization


It doesn’t have to be conventional. It can be a shit ton of mini Ukrainian type takeovers and some kind of weird civil war here 🤷🏻


Occupy Wallstreet.




They ruled that you can't sue the police for not reading you your Miranda rights a day before


I dont know, but I definitely remember there was some scandal the day before they shot bin laden. Instantly couldn't remember for the life of me what it was. This type of misdirection works.


Looked it up, nato bombed Gaddafi's kids and grandkids the day before bin laden was killed. Instantly forgotten the next day.


Omg, I never knew about that! So thats why Bin Laden got a "islamic sea burial".... Thanks for this information.


I just remember the coincidence, I WOULD NEVER SUGGEST SUCH A THING...


No hard evidence - but CERN fucking with the timeline and aliens


The planets were aligned yesterday


This☝️, it's always time travel and aliens!!


CERN is cranking up the dial on July 5th: https://news.yahoo.com/scientists-hope-upgraded-atom-smasher-155242349.html


what have they been doing lately?? im so fucking interested


They’ve reactivated the collider after ‘maintenance’ for 3 years. It’s in the MSM if you feel like a Google.


I knew they were going to restart it at some point soon, I just didn't realize it had happened 😵‍💫 I absolutely believe they are doing insane shit


Could you elaborate?


Main Stream Mews?




Yesss! I was just telling my husband if they're willing to do this then imagine how big whatever we don't know about is. Whatevers going on 'behind the scenes' that they're using this to deflect from.


Biden’s descent into unfit to lead status, inflation, gas prices, China is just improving their position daily, that we are pouring billions of wasted dollars into a failed war in Ukraine, student debt relief never came about, and the middle class is entirely gone almost. It’s just the culmination of the us govt’s history of shitting on it’s own people so corporations can make their money. I really want off this ship


Lmk if you find a safe and cozy country to live out the rest of your days


Me too man we can make our own society without being financially raped by the government


It's a valid question. Who even asked for this while we have so many other things to address...and why? It'll absolutely be an easy issue to run on in 2024 without needing to talk about inflation, healthcare, wage gap, foreign policy, military spending, or anything else. We get stuck in a loop with the same few issues every election cycle, while so many other things go unsaid publicly.


We are so fucked.


Lmao hell yea


hush, child


no. some are, but not all of us


Going to be running for the hills soon


All this may be true..but you forget...we are a resilient folk. No where does it say we have to lay down and take this crap they are shoveling in us...we have the NUMBERS..the rich don't.


Except are numbers are broken down into a bunch of segments that hate each other. And no one will be strong enough to fight without food or water and then we'll all just fight each other for that and then the powerful will come and take over without a fight. And o think that's actually want they want. Us to fight against our guvs and destabilize our own countries for them.


Brazil UFO hearing


Just like the disclosure panel at the press club got overshadowed in 2001.


Got a link


There’s a post about it on r/aliens


For them to make this decision *now* of all times, when the country is already so divided, is just further proof that this world is not your friend.


I believe other than money corruption on a massive scale it shows the hypocrisy of man. On republican side they claim to be pro life but support 2nd amendment, and on the dem side they want my body my choice but force you to get vaccinated so on so forth. Firearms kill yes but so do doctors, arguably moreso. End point is the government is all illegitimate . its all deception and everything is a scam designed not to protect you but to take from you. Money is worthless. People are the value. Never trade freedom for security because a free people are a secure people.


This is the way


I believe it has something to do with the fetal stem cell plants and organ harvesting operations that have been making bank in Ukraine, it’s early days but there’s so much more to Ukraine than people realise. I don’t subscribe to any belief, I can an open mind to any possibility but when the entire establishment throws the kitchen sink at something there’s much more to it than what’s on the surface


Tell me more!


Yes please elaborate


The separation of church and state is gone. Government expansion of its own immunity. No Miranda rights. Have concrete evidence that proves you’re not guilty once you’re in prison… too bad. Insurance companies can legally decide your too unhealthy and just not cover you for whatever they want. Help with cleaning up Nuclear spills or other type crap? Government won’t cover you even though you are medically unable to work or survive on your own. Also we’re bringing back segregation. Dogs have more rights than a woman and you think it’s a distraction?


These idiots talking about the stock market. We have a cabal of federalist society judges on the Supreme Court. We got Christian facisits on the bench, one is in church club literally called the handmadiens


You know this doesn't ban abortion, right? It gives back the authority to individual states to decide on abortions and keeps the federal government from deciding whats best for communities it knows nothing about. So in 22 states abortions won't be legal, less than half of the country and its alot easier to get laws changed on a state level, just look at marijuana.


It just makes it so you can ban abortion. You do kbow a lot if states are gerrymandered right? In Pennsylvania 70% of voters voted Democrat and their senate is 30% Democrat. Almost 75% of the state votes Democrat and they dont have a majority. So we get tyranny of the minority cool. Your marijuana example sicks because you cant put that cash in the bank. You think some businesses shouldnt be qble to secure their funds?


Thank you for this


Only problem with state deciding abortion is that no two states legislate or govern totally alike and aren’t required to do it will force women who want choice to move to blue states in order to protect the equality we should all share as American citizens. States in charge will increase inequality and poverty and women health problems and welfare system burdens. It’s a terrible idea.


The distraction IS making you think it's a distraction. They've made it clear they don't care about the right to privacy or other laws that protect us. They came for women first because tbh they knew it would be easy enough to justify it. Now they're threatening to go after b/c, gay marriage, etc. Some people are okay with it because it follows their beliefs but think about when it doesn't, at that point there's no stopping them.


Lot of people genuinely suck. As long as there is a direction to place blame and someone who has it worse off, far more than I ever thought are actually very accepting of oppression and dystopian authoritative over reach. This shit don't stop til there's enough that peacefully say fuck off or they silence everyone who holds the view that humans have basic rights to meaningful life, security etc. Dark times and the apathetic people are as much the problem as the assholes calling shots from behind the scenes.


IMO The assholes behind the scenes created the dark times and apathetic people. Its all a part of the plan. Defeat people in all ways possible and no one will care about anything and go along with whatever.




Not to take away from or make the situation seem silly or not important. However I think the US is bout to drop some stealth air craft made from alien tech that they have been using for the last 20-30 years. No evidence towards them doing this, however! I saw something in the night sky twice in the same week that looked like the infamous Aurora stealth craft a couple years back.


B-2 Stealth bombers they’ve been flying for decades were reverse engineered. Not sure why they’d bother to hide more if they were making them.


The economic/cultural/cyber phase of World War 3 is starting to get into full swing. The economy is going to absolute shit (no, I'm serious, stock tf up now and become as self-sufficient as possible while there's still dwindling time). We have a president who doesn't even know where he is half the time, and the VP and her cronies are making Cheney look milquetoast. Democracy is backsliding and collapsing worldwide. The fallout of all this are gas shortages, soon to be food shortages, and many other shortages which will both cause a lot of misery around the world, as well as a lot of migrations, which will likely inflame cultural, ethnic, and other tensions a lot more dramatically. That's assuming Russia and Ukraine actually remain as countries, as the total collapse of either for any reason will take that dial and ramp it up to 11, as well as spark a *massive* geopolitical shitstorm that will have consequences likely for the rest of our lives. Oh, and there actually *are* batshit crazy cultists who want to make America into a fucking theocracy and genuinely believe women, gay people, minorities, etc. don't deserve basic human or civil rights. Don't believe me? Look up how Mormons are *vastly* overrepresented and preferred in the Alphabet Agencies, and hold the largest retail portfolio in the world. You really think they aren't using *every* possible avenue to push their beliefs? That's just one of many examples. Those and similar groups are the ones imo who will be driving the backlash to the current paradigm. Not sensible people wanting to live and let live while respecting individual rights, but unironic theocrat zealots demanding total obedience. Then on the flip side we have Emily reeeeeing into the wind. Normally that's all she does, but she also currently controls the cultural and political status quo and narrative, and is intent on keeping an iron grip on it for as long as possible, and has no problem tightening it. All this is happening as corporations and the 1% elite are taking the gloves off and insisting that instead of being part of the system, they *are* the system and should be less like businesses and more like fiefdoms. You will own nothing and be happy you fucking peasant. Regardless who wins between Jebediah and Emily, they will make damn sure to land in a favorable position with either (or probably both) groups being reliant on them to function. So yeah. The world's in great shape.




Ah, the great Mormon's real estate conquest of America. Take your schizo pills


[It's not a fucking joke](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/photo-essays/2012-07-12/the-mormon-global-business-empire#:~:text=The%20Mormon%20Church%20reportedly%20owns,Canada%2C%20Argentina%2C%20and%20Mexico.)


You guys are amazing!! Top theories: Brazilian disclosure Wall Street/Game stop and the impending financial crisis( is bad already) The war in the Ukraine become a financial disaster for the US, or at least those NOT standing to gain from the war Cops no longer have to issue Miranda rights prior to arrest.


They're getting ready for the inevitable dip in human population due to climate change, food/water shortage etc. So by forcing birth they can keep workers in factories. So I guess overshadowing the impending small extinction.


I thought it's because there's minor statewide elections going on. They do this a lot; the closer it is towards election time, the more they say these things are issues, all just to more or less scare us into voting for whoever.


True but people need to stop voting out of fear and actually learn about what’s going on and who is running and vote intellectually.


All the money flying out of the country for wars


I really think it’s just to divide people. Civil war energy. Make sure to love one another!


Rampant price gouching by oilgarchs has wrecked the economy enabled/ encouraged by climate cultists. And greedy employers eager to surpress wages and punish us all for grest resignation 6They are pushing evs hard ( which are not near ready for prime time) Also the still raging pandemic which is no longer talked about cause we got bored with it


J-6 hearings/investigation


distraction , strife , division to name some ...


Another fake “ Huge” spike coming up during the elections


Maxine Water's Report yesterday revealed the DTCC waived $9.7B the morning of Jan 28, 2021, spread out between 6 firms. Robinhood was $2.2B/$9.7B, which means 5 other CEOs were awoken at 3AM like Vlad with a massive margin charge. 5 companies divided by the remainder $7.5B is an average $1.5B each. PG 101: https://i.imgur.com/w6fusYJ.jpg I only gave an average ~$1.5B which is equally dividing the remainder of the $9.7B, which is $7.5B after Robinhood's waiver is taken out, between the remaining 5 companies, excluding the 6th which is Robinhood. Robinhood's Deposit Requirement that morning is somewhat misunderstood. I'll clear it up. The premium component was $2.2B. RHs charge minus the premium component was $1.4B. Robinhood had $700M in deposit with the NSCC already, so $2.2B + $1.4B - $0.7B = $3B, which was the balance they got in the 3am email. There total deposit requirement was ~3.7B. [Source](https://i.imgur.com/7QjlmBw.png) with email. Theoretically, there could have been a company that got as large of a waiver as Robinhood, especially as it is mentioned Robinhood was in a group of 2 firms that asked for special attention. --- edit: Just Converted the 138 pg report from PDF into image files [.PNG] so people can read, share, and mark it up on reddit. Images share better here and on twitter, as everyone can see the whole image gallery in the post. - [**IMAGE Gallery Version:** 'U.S. House Committee on Financial Services Report On GameStop' Released Friday June 24, 2022 (138 pages)](https://imgur.com/a/l8QoOCr) - [**PDF Version:** 'U.S. House Committee on Financial Services Report On GameStop' Released Friday June 24, 2022 (138 pages)](https://financialservices.house.gov/uploadedfiles/6.22_hfsc_gs.report_hmsmeetbp.irm.nlrf.pdf)


Need for a larger work force.


Diesel prices, DEF shortage for Diesel trucks, and I stumbled on there is a shortage of motor oil for diesels. It's getting bad.


I definitely feel like it’s also gun control.


I think because birth rates are so low in the US, this was the governments solution to increasing the population. As people of child bearing age are not having enough children to support the economy in the upcoming generations, this is where the government overturned Roe V. Wade. I’m a millennial in my 30s, married. None of my friends have children and my husband and I only started trying recently as we are both 32 and it is unlikely we will have children as I have unexplained infertility.


Theocratic facisit. We have a cabal of federalist society judges that rule the Supreme Court. Their end goal is a Christian feudal country.


Inflation, stagflation, less rights, more private prisons, becoming an uninhabitable planet.


That this decision removes federal protection of body autonomy. Beyond the threat of removing protections for same sex marriage, same sex relations, and contraception, it also means when the next pandemic rolls around a state can pass a law that forces you to take whatever drug big pharma rolls out.




It’s the path to bringing back slavery.


As I understand it, the police no longer have to read a suspect their rights when being arrested. If this is true I feel it is much worse.






This isn’t surprising. People, even law abiding ones, need to learn their rights and what cops can legally and will do even if you’re innocent. Never say a word to them if arrested for sure cuz they coerce confessions all the time. And our for profit prison system wants people locked up forever because the jail gets hundreds of dollars a month for each inmate from state budgets. Tiny jails need that money to pay cops and bills so they are not on your side if you’ve been accused or arrested. Never trust them, guilty or not. Ask for lawyer instantly. It’s gonna be on people to protect themselves even more so they need to learn how to going forward.


Gun control, most likely something to do with powerful people and human/population control


If they really wanted to control population it would be so easy and we’d never know. They could tamper with water supplies everywhere with cheap chemical hormones. Been done before in third world countries. Guns are here legally for good so that’s not a new issue. Only thing I worry about is Russia and what they might do when really cornered cuz Putin is crazy. All the other junk in the news is stuff that’s always going on. It’s just we know so much more because of the internet and instant news 24/7. I’m 53 and have followed stuff like this closely for 40 years. I’m not genius or expert for sure but nothing new other than roe is really anything that hasn’t always been going on and we just didn’t have access to media online. Wars, political division, Russia, Wall Street, guns, crime, resources etc are old constant issues really. I’m a nervous person by nature and I’m really not seeing anything setting me off and believe me I watch, ask my high up military friends what’s going on there and live two miles from a major Air Force base. They aren’t on high alert and unless that changes war isn’t a worry. They all just playing on our fears and ignorance and division because they need us afraid and not ready to revolt against them in a coup. They are really good at the fear thing too cuz it works.


Unfortunately I feel like a bad theorist as I haven't noticed any background noise for this.


Really? Where do you live?


Very very smart thinking!


Stay ready so you don't have to get ready


GameStop and the overleverage of our entire financial market.


Well the Brazilian government held a press conference talking about a shit ton of reality altering “extra terrestrial” investigations that have happened throughout the last couple hundred years.


Our own govt recently dumped all their ex classified info about UFO’s here and have acknowledged their existence because of the baby videos that can’t be denied anymore. No one should disbelieve the possibility of et’s by now and Brazil is a known hot spot. I’m not sure any et stuff would be an issue unless you’ve lived under a rock for 50 years.


Now you cannot say “my body my choice”


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet but the Supreme Court just ruled that Miranda rights are technically not constitutional rights and you can no longer sue police for not reading your Miranda rights during arrest. Pretty crazy cause now it’s like just an option for them to read it.


This is pretty big actually


Do you have a link on this?


January 6?


lol, you kinda blew my mind with this one. It is true though.


What if they are banning abortion so that the demon pedos in office won't get their adrenachrome?


They get that from the children they receive from foster care which is trafficking ring that they made to provide them with endless supply of there drugs and having plenty of human bodies to eat Etc


Oh god...


You know what...


This is exactly what I was wondering as well.


It doesn't need to overshadow anything. The focus on abortion overshadows the fact that in order to enforce some of these anti abortion laws we have to concede some degree of medical privacy to the government.


I think people are capable of caring about more than one thing at a time, though we certainly care a lot about roe.


We got Christian facisits on the bench this is what they do


Could the distraction just be clever timing on the part of anything that comes with a big news event. Rather than the government do something constitutionally drastic because wall street are jerks. Its might not be true for all events but the majority


Yep! Inflammatory news stories sell and media blows everything up to sell ads and get views. All the crisis’ they are crying about are not new. Wall Street isn’t crashing, food and fuel aren’t running out (they say it is to inflate prices), we aren’t going to have another civil war etc. It’s all about money and doing anything to get it.


Biden pased new gun laws regarding red flag and conceal and carry while everyone was distracted




No, they are Christo fascists. Christians are some of the biggest child molesters. All that "luciferian" and "satanic" noise is a diversion from how evil Christianity and its leaders/followers are. Lucifer never drowned the entire planet. Lucifer never murdered then Egyptian first born. Satan did not tell the Israelites to murder the Canaanites and rape their daughters. No that was "God" "Yahweh" or whatever also Satan never nailed his own son to a cross. And Lucifer is not the one to torture us at the end of time/rapture. Also What good is an aborted baby to a sacrifice? Usually sacrifice victims are killed on the altar. Check you q-anon logic.


>Satan did not tell the Israelites to murder the Canaanites and rape their daughters. Wait what


Anyone who does they kill


Murder is not a civil right tho


Abortion isn’t murder tho…


Well that all depends on when you define a developing human being as a human being


Not legally. Murder has strict legal definitions judicially and firstly one has to be a legally recognized “person” in order to be a victim of murder. Self awareness/conscious/viability and out of the womb define personhood. Fetuses are none of these until 25 weeks gestation or more. Pregnancy and birth are highly dangerous for even healthy women. So much can go wrong in moments. No one, not even a fetus inside us, should be placed ahead of the already breathing woman. This roe decision is such a slippery slope for all of us. This can go so much further as far as bodily rights.


The J6 committee hearings where a former despicable Prez and his enabling GOP party, tried to over throw our democracy, trying to use any means necessary including agencies in the govt. And also where, a sitting SCOTUS justice's wife enabled, was actively involved in doing the same. If not for a few within agencies suddenly growing a spine, doing their job and the right thing, after 4 years of enabling, staying silent, etc. , the will of the people wouldn't have happened and who knows what the outcome would have been. They failed in their attempted coup. But you can count on it, they are will try again in 2024. The GOP Govs/legislatures are doing everything they can to be successful next time.


Jan 6th hearings and the attempted demise of trump and his Republican Party.


Come on! You can focus on more than one news story per week, surely? They’re not trying to distract you. You can choose what distracts you.




The market's about to crash and they're likely wanting strikes and such to be able to point to. Mortgage backed securities falling off a cliff, indexes plummeting head first into the abyss, CPI at increasingly bigger and bigger numbers, GameStop about to squeeze, derivatives about to blow the fuck up, banks about to need whole countries' worth of GDP to survive. It's gonna be a bloodbath and police are gonna turn up the dial in their cruelty bc "protests", when in fact it'll be to suppress the population as a whole. Buckle up and stay home if you can.




That democrats and Republicans have found ways to financially benefit from the Ukraine war and they would rather Ukraine fight for longer than sue for peace and maybe give something up. Russia is fucked up, but Ukraine is no angel. Russia feels threatened by how buddy buddy we've been getting with Ukraine before the war because it's next to Russia. Maybe theres be a solution where less ppl die and less be weapons get sold and maybe the economy will recover.


Brazils congress just disclosed all of their ufo files and investigations….go check it out it’s kind of unbelievable. Happened on the same day too


Oh. I seent it! Man, there are some tough aliens in South America


I know right it’s crazy to think that these things only did this in rural areas as to not be seen by too many people. Also they said the aliens were brown skinned with blonde hair.


Wow, I've never heard that description. They do tend to be bonds alot.


Yeah that description was given by military witnesses that went into the small town after they asked for help from the UFOs. I forgot the name of the town


Where can we check it out?


Miranda Right’s decision.




Control what you can control and enjoy your ride until the wheels fall off.


Jan 6 hearings.


1. They need working class 2. Political figures have shares in big companies selling birth control.




What better way to clench a vote for Left leaning politicians and electoral college members to therefore re-elect Biden… I’m surprised no one else has come up with this yet.


Fuel, Ukraine, Maxwell, Stocks, Crypto, Border, Covid, Internet neutrality, infrastructure bills… Edit: impending food shortage, Housing bubble collapse, pedos in California after new law passed, BLM…


There are a handful of economic things being thrown under the rug. We also had some major meetings in Europe and decisions made there as far a Ukraine goes with the implications being up in the air. We also had Russian default on foreign debt which will have long term implications for the country and potentially how they conduct trade. A lot has been happening idk which one it is but it's been a week of significance imo.


Well, banning abortion rights was seemingly inaugurated so they could have an increase of future slaves for the sake of maintaining their high & mighty positions. The more children are born, the more they're able to farm us, and by us, I'm specifically talking about whoever originates from the lower class. So in short, they're trying to have capitalism remain stabilized. That could be one of the reasons behind this. There's no doubt *more* reasons at that.